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Installere GNOME i Gentoo

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Jeg prøver å installere GNOME på min Gentoo installasjon men får opp denne feilmeldingen når jeg har kommet til gnome-panel.

Jeg har bare brukt kommandoen emerge gnome og fulgt Gentoo Handbook sin GNOME guide

Har også prøvd å lete litt i Bugzilla databasen til Gentoo men finner ikke noe om dette, er det noen som har forslag til hva jeg kan gjøre for å fikse dette?


* Messages for package gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2:

* ERROR: gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2 failed.
* Call stack:
*			   ebuild.sh, line   49:  Called src_compile
*			 environment, line 2744:  Called gnome2_src_compile
*			 environment, line 2117:  Called die
* The specific snippet of code:
*	   emake || die "compile failure"
*  The die message:
*   compile failure
* If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant.
* A complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/temp/build.log'.
* The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/temp/environment'.

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fra siste del av build.log

make[3]: Entering directory `/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/window-list'
xsltproc -o window-list-C.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename window-list --stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang C --stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/share/omf" --stringparam db2omf.help_dir "/usr/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in "/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/window-list/window-list.omf.in"  `/usr/bin/pkg-config --variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` C/window-list.xml || { rm -f "window-list-C.omf"; exit 1; }
xsltproc -o window-list-ca.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename window-list --stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang ca --stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/share/omf" --stringparam db2omf.help_dir "/usr/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in "/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/window-list/window-list.omf.in"  `/usr/bin/pkg-config --variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` ca/window-list.xml || { rm -f "window-list-ca.omf"; exit 1; }
xsltproc -o window-list-da.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename window-list --stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang da --stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/share/omf" --stringparam db2omf.help_dir "/usr/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in "/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/window-list/window-list.omf.in"  `/usr/bin/pkg-config --variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` da/window-list.xml || { rm -f "window-list-da.omf"; exit 1; }
xsltproc -o window-list-de.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename window-list --stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang de --stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/share/omf" --stringparam db2omf.help_dir "/usr/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in "/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/window-list/window-list.omf.in"  `/usr/bin/pkg-config --variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` de/window-list.xml || { rm -f "window-list-de.omf"; exit 1; }
xsltproc -o window-list-el.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename window-list --stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang el --stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/share/omf" --stringparam db2omf.help_dir "/usr/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in "/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/window-list/window-list.omf.in"  `/usr/bin/pkg-config --variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` el/window-list.xml || { rm -f "window-list-el.omf"; exit 1; }
xsltproc -o window-list-es.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename window-list --stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang es --stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/share/omf" --stringparam db2omf.help_dir "/usr/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in "/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/window-list/window-list.omf.in"  `/usr/bin/pkg-config --variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` es/window-list.xml || { rm -f "window-list-es.omf"; exit 1; }
xsltproc -o window-list-fr.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename window-list --stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang fr --stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/share/omf" --stringparam db2omf.help_dir "/usr/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in "/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/window-list/window-list.omf.in"  `/usr/bin/pkg-config --variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` fr/window-list.xml || { rm -f "window-list-fr.omf"; exit 1; }
xsltproc -o window-list-it.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename window-list --stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang it --stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/share/omf" --stringparam db2omf.help_dir "/usr/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in "/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/window-list/window-list.omf.in"  `/usr/bin/pkg-config --variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` it/window-list.xml || { rm -f "window-list-it.omf"; exit 1; }
xsltproc -o window-list-ko.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename window-list --stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang ko --stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/share/omf" --stringparam db2omf.help_dir "/usr/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in "/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/window-list/window-list.omf.in"  `/usr/bin/pkg-config --variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` ko/window-list.xml || { rm -f "window-list-ko.omf"; exit 1; }
xsltproc -o window-list-oc.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename window-list --stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang oc --stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/share/omf" --stringparam db2omf.help_dir "/usr/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in "/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/window-list/window-list.omf.in"  `/usr/bin/pkg-config --variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` oc/window-list.xml || { rm -f "window-list-oc.omf"; exit 1; }
xsltproc -o window-list-pa.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename window-list --stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang pa --stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/share/omf" --stringparam db2omf.help_dir "/usr/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in "/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/window-list/window-list.omf.in"  `/usr/bin/pkg-config --variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` pa/window-list.xml || { rm -f "window-list-pa.omf"; exit 1; }
xsltproc -o window-list-ru.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename window-list --stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang ru --stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/share/omf" --stringparam db2omf.help_dir "/usr/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in "/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/window-list/window-list.omf.in"  `/usr/bin/pkg-config --variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` ru/window-list.xml || { rm -f "window-list-ru.omf"; exit 1; }
xsltproc -o window-list-sv.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename window-list --stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang sv --stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/share/omf" --stringparam db2omf.help_dir "/usr/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in "/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/window-list/window-list.omf.in"  `/usr/bin/pkg-config --variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` sv/window-list.xml || { rm -f "window-list-sv.omf"; exit 1; }
xsltproc -o window-list-uk.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename window-list --stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang uk --stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/share/omf" --stringparam db2omf.help_dir "/usr/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in "/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/window-list/window-list.omf.in"  `/usr/bin/pkg-config --variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` uk/window-list.xml || { rm -f "window-list-uk.omf"; exit 1; }
xsltproc -o window-list-zh_CN.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename window-list --stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang zh_CN --stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/share/omf" --stringparam db2omf.help_dir "/usr/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in "/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/window-list/window-list.omf.in"  `/usr/bin/pkg-config --variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` zh_CN/window-list.xml || { rm -f "window-list-zh_CN.omf"; exit 1; }
make[3]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/window-list'
Making all in workspace-switcher
make[3]: Entering directory `/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/workspace-switcher'
if ! test -d ca/; then mkdir ca/; fi
if ! test -d da/; then mkdir da/; fi
if [ -f "C/workspace-switcher.xml" ]; then d="../"; else d="/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/workspace-switcher/"; fi; \
(cd ca/ && \
  `which xml2po` -e -p \
    "${d}ca/ca.po" \
    "${d}C/workspace-switcher.xml" > workspace-switcher.xml.tmp && \
    cp workspace-switcher.xml.tmp workspace-switcher.xml && rm -f workspace-switcher.xml.tmp)
if [ -f "C/workspace-switcher.xml" ]; then d="../"; else d="/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/workspace-switcher/"; fi; \
(cd da/ && \
  `which xml2po` -e -p \
    "${d}da/da.po" \
    "${d}C/workspace-switcher.xml" > workspace-switcher.xml.tmp && \
    cp workspace-switcher.xml.tmp workspace-switcher.xml && rm -f workspace-switcher.xml.tmp)
if ! test -d de/; then mkdir de/; fi
if [ -f "C/workspace-switcher.xml" ]; then d="../"; else d="/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/workspace-switcher/"; fi; \
(cd de/ && \
  `which xml2po` -e -p \
    "${d}de/de.po" \
    "${d}C/workspace-switcher.xml" > workspace-switcher.xml.tmp && \
    cp workspace-switcher.xml.tmp workspace-switcher.xml && rm -f workspace-switcher.xml.tmp)
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/bin/xml2po", line 35, in <module>
   import libxml2
ImportError: No module named libxml2
make[3]: *** [ca/workspace-switcher.xml] Error 1
make[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/bin/xml2po", line 35, in <module>
   import libxml2
ImportError: No module named libxml2
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/bin/xml2po", line 35, in <module>
   import libxml2
ImportError: No module named libxml2
make[3]: *** [da/workspace-switcher.xml] Error 1
make[3]: *** [de/workspace-switcher.xml] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help/workspace-switcher'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2/help'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/work/gnome-panel-2.22.2'
make: *** [all] Error 2
[31;01m*[0m ERROR: gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2 failed.
[31;01m*[0m Call stack:
[31;01m*[0m               ebuild.sh, line   49:  Called src_compile
[31;01m*[0m             environment, line 2744:  Called gnome2_src_compile
[31;01m*[0m             environment, line 2117:  Called die
[31;01m*[0m The specific snippet of code:
[31;01m*[0m       emake || die "compile failure"
[31;01m*[0m  The die message:
[31;01m*[0m   compile failure
[31;01m*[0m If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant.
[31;01m*[0m A complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/temp/build.log'.
[31;01m*[0m The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.22.2/temp/environment'.

ser ut til at den feiler pga mangel av libxml2, eller som det står i build.log: "No module named libxml2"

noe jeg syns er litt pussig siden Portage skal sørge for at avhengigheter blir installert.

Mulig at du har et USE flagg som sperrer...?

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Du har fjerna støtta for Gnome (og GTK som Gnome bruker) i USE-flagga, så kanskje ikke rart at du fikk problemer...

Hvordan ser du det?

Jeg er ikke helt sikker på hvordan jeg egentlig burde ha USE flaggene mine, har ikke brukt gentoo før


Fjerner jeg støtte for noe når jeg legger til "-" foran?

Endret av Equerm
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Fjerner jeg støtte for noe når jeg legger til "-" foran?



se Using USE-flags - Gentoo doc

To change this default setting, you need to add or remove keywords to the USE variable. This is done globally by defining the USE variable in /etc/make.conf. In this variable you add the extra USE flags you require, or remove the USE flags you don't want. This latter is done by prefixing the keyword with the minus-sign ("-").
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