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Ingenting utpeker seg spesielt i oppsettet. Hvis du ikke allerede har prøvd å titte på spenningen på kanalene i strømforsyningen. Hvis det er oppstarten som er problemet, og strømforsyningen er den store synderen, så vil du kanskje merke ustabilitet der. Isåfall kan den være dårlig til å tilpasse seg lasten.


Du hadde problemet før du prøvde overklokking?


Jepp, skal ikke kapre denne tråden. så lar dette bli det siste, har allerede en tråd anngående dette problemet. Men pcen virka faktisk stabil igjen, helt til jeg testa den powersuply testen og fikk bluescreen med en gang.

Jeg trøbla med å finne SLi allerede fra starten av.. jeg installerte bare XP og satte igang OC med en gang jeg, testa ikke noe spess før jeg starta litt OC.. noe jeg angrer litt på nå. Uansett, flott dette programet er blitt!! liker alt i ett prog.

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Brukbart, men jeg vil foretrekke å kjøre Linpack i en egen test, men har det seg sånn at det ikke er mulig å "inkludere"/sette inn TJ-Max og få riktig temperatur, som man f.eks kan gjøre i Everest osv?


Har Everest, og prøvde å velge det som avlesningsprogram på "Options" men da fikk jeg en tilbakemelding som var på et helt annet språk (og uleslig) så jeg satt den tilbake til "Built In". :(


Når GPU-testen ikke funker på Ati-Skjermkort så har den null nyttverdi for meg også. :(



Fint du lagde denne artikkelen siden jeg spørte om det i går :p


Endret av Giallorossi
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Hello guys,


I'm the guy behind OCCT, and i found this website purely by the numbers of referrals to my website.


I asked that betas are not spread for OCCT. There are several reasons for that :

  • I usually tend to release a huge number of betas before releasing (i have, for instance, very limited test hardware... 1 computer, mine, in fact)
  • It hinders OCCT's reputation as you spread "buggy" versions... and 3.0 is indeed buggy
  • I do prefer people to use stable version, as they are finalized, not bug-free but much less crippled, and usually give better results
  • I usually do not get bug reports by email from people encountering problems, and it's easier for me to centralize those problems on a few forum threads rather than on X threads on Y different boards

While i do appreciate your support and interest in OCCT, i'm sad that people here are encountering problems, and i can't understand what they say to fix those problems.


For instance, a version is due in a few days with alot of fixes, and it may fix most problems encountered here (GPU temp not properly recorded, Monitoring, sysinfo and help panel state not properly remembered, Linpack having trouble on 2GB+ systems, temperature and voltage readings disappearing...).


Anyway, thanks for your support, but in the future, please respect the warnings and lines saying "don't spread the version" ^^;

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Adriiiian... ;-p



hehe, ettersom oppfinderen av programet har vist at han kikker innom her, kan det være lurt om alle fra nå av, som har mulighet faktisk skriver de eventuelle problemene de har på engelsk slik at tetedeiench har mulighet til å forstå og eventuelt rette på feilene.

da kan vi jo i det minste være med å utvikle dette fantastiske programet:)

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Adriiiian... ;-p



hehe, ettersom oppfinderen av programet har vist at han kikker innom her, kan det være lurt om alle fra nå av, som har mulighet faktisk skriver de eventuelle problemene de har på engelsk slik at tetedeiench har mulighet til å forstå og eventuelt rette på feilene.

da kan vi jo i det minste være med å utvikle dette fantastiske programet:)


How the hell do you know my first name ? ^^


Ok.. jeg fikk bluescreen med en gang jeg tok powersuply testen:S


Hvor mange watt er den på? Forliten så kan det komme bluescreens under load har selv fått dette da jeg testet FPS med underdimmensjonert PSU.


If i understood correctly the problem, the PSU test is just 2 tests combined, withpout error detection. A BSOD is probably a sign that the PSU is not powerfull enough for your setup.


Just for info, the PSU test (besides having trouble with Vista64 it seems) is more aggressive than Crysis and 3dmark : on my computer, IDLE = 200W, crysis is around 350/360W, OCCT PSU = 400W.


Oh, and you can't get that measure by software, i had to buy hardware to be able to tell ;)

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If i understood correctly the problem, the PSU test is just 2 tests combined, withpout error detection. A BSOD is probably a sign that the PSU is not powerfull enough for your setup.


Just for info, the PSU test (besides having trouble with Vista64 it seems) is more aggressive than Crysis and 3dmark : on my computer, IDLE = 200W, crysis is around 350/360W, OCCT PSU = 400W.


Oh, and you can't get that measure by software, i had to buy hardware to be able to tell ;)


It's good to see that your program is doing exactly what it should, stress test inmensely a machine so that problems can be detected.


You are also right about the program having problems with vista 64, running with the startup option to force driver signatures off I have only encountered a minor problem and that is that linpack does not seem to run while stressing the psu, however the Gpu is being stressed in that test (but cpu stresstest just doesnt start up).


A big wish for your next version would be to include som program to test and display any memory errors as well (just like memtest86 v2.01) or even stress test memory as well so people can easier find out if that's whats giving them problems.


I will definitely follow and read about the progress of this great program on the proper forums , cheers.

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Til War:

Jeg har en 1000w crossair strømforskyning. så du kan ta katta på at det skal være nok... men utelukker ikke at jeg har noe feil med den.


To tetedeiench:


Hehe, i did for sure not know youre name tetedeiench. I was just writing to Adrian=WheelMan. Damn nice missunderstanding^^

For the test; I could not get any graphs for the GPU.. duno if it's a problem or just me not understanding.

can't whait until you release the non-beta.

Keep up the good work.


Btw: The BSOD I got when running the powersuply test, is more likely my motherboard having some big sucky problems.

Endret av SLiks
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Ja law watt er ikke eneste grunnen men en av de , som tydelig ikke berørte deg denne gangen.

Microplex selger PSU testere, men den går vel bare på volt og ikke belastning. Hadde et spill trukket like mye som denne testen hadde du fortsatt fått bluescreen så i teorien har du et oppsett som ikke tåler høy belastning. Har du mulighet til å teste en annen PSU så har du kanskje garantigrunnlag. Man kjøper 1000w pga man vil ha 1000 watt.

Med mindre det er hovedkortrelatert.

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If i understood correctly the problem, the PSU test is just 2 tests combined, withpout error detection. A BSOD is probably a sign that the PSU is not powerfull enough for your setup.


Just for info, the PSU test (besides having trouble with Vista64 it seems) is more aggressive than Crysis and 3dmark : on my computer, IDLE = 200W, crysis is around 350/360W, OCCT PSU = 400W.


Oh, and you can't get that measure by software, i had to buy hardware to be able to tell ;)


It's good to see that your program is doing exactly what it should, stress test inmensely a machine so that problems can be detected.


You are also right about the program having problems with vista 64, running with the startup option to force driver signatures off I have only encountered a minor problem and that is that linpack does not seem to run while stressing the psu, however the Gpu is being stressed in that test (but cpu stresstest just doesnt start up).


A big wish for your next version would be to include som program to test and display any memory errors as well (just like memtest86 v2.01) or even stress test memory as well so people can easier find out if that's whats giving them problems.


I will definitely follow and read about the progress of this great program on the proper forums , cheers.


The Vista64 & Linpack problem was fixed in the latest beta, out yesterday (beta07). Check it out !




As for memtest, i don't see any point in a memtest running under windows. I would be obliged to test only the memory that is left free by windows, and will never come as close to the efficiency of memtest to be of real use.


Graphic cards are a different story of course :)

Til War:

Jeg har en 1000w crossair strømforskyning. så du kan ta katta på at det skal være nok... men utelukker ikke at jeg har noe feil med den.


To tetedeiench:


Hehe, i did for sure not know youre name tetedeiench. I was just writing to Adrian=WheelMan. Damn nice missunderstanding^^

For the test; I could not get any graphs for the GPU.. duno if it's a problem or just me not understanding.

can't whait until you release the non-beta.

Keep up the good work.


Btw: The BSOD I got when running the powersuply test, is more likely my motherboard having some big sucky problems.


To get a graph for the GPU, you need to fill a few requirements :

  • Make sure you selected the GPU temps, if they're not detected automatically by OCCT
  • Do a test of at least 10 seconds (and cancel it, or wait for it to finish...)

OCCT will never generate a BSOD due to a bug. it basically means your computer is unstable... but again, beware, OCCT is VERY rough in the PSU test, and it could clearly destroy it. I don't warn about that in the beta, but i definitly will in the stable release... Most computers should be able to handle it though, as long as you've got a good power supply (and not crappy ones (no names, low-cost ones which almost always sports fake Max power values, etc).


My Seasonic handles the test pretty well for instance :) but again, it is more aggressive than crysis (despite not looking as good :D )

Endret av tetedeiench
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