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Den Offisielle Tatovering/Piercing/Etc.-Tråden (tm)

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Hvilken opprinnelse har motivet?

Var råstilig! :)

Vet faktisk ikke helt hvor bildet er i fra, derfor vi gjorde den litt mer custom. Jenta har ikke på seg kjole i originale bildet, og kroppen er litt annerledes mtp skygger og sånt.

Tok ikke vare på bildet før jeg jobba med det, men denne tok jeg med til JV:




WÆÆH! Adam @ bodymod.org skriver:

Earlier today, Shannon Larratt has resigned from BME and his body modification community. After almost a year of legal battles, he has transferred the business over to Rachel. I don't know the specifics, so please don't ask. What I do know is that Shannon is making the decision with his life, family, and health in mind.


Shannon has been a mentor for me, years before we even exchanged our first emails. I remember stumbling onto bme.freeq.com (for all you old schoolers =) in early '98, and suddenly realizing that there were more people out there just like me! It was like a warm blanket and a kick in the ass at the same time. I immediately found myself eager to do more... and I did =)


Fast forward past college and to the early months of 2003. I had recently purchased the domain BodyMod.org out of boredom, and came down with the flu. To pass time, I decided to make my own body modification community with a twist. I sent Shannon an email letting him know what I wanted to do, and to make sure he knew I wasn't trying to start any type of competition, but rather make an addition to the body mod community as a whole. To my surprise, I got an email back later that day with supporting words, and even advise from his years of learning! That's when I knew Shannon's heart was in body modification, and not about money. I learned a great deal in just that one email.


Over the years, we have chatted over email, and have supported each other through various issues that have popped up over the years (2257 comes to mind ). I have met with him once, and we really got to get into each others heads. Shannon is an amazing person, and firmly deserves all the accolades that he receives. He will always be remembered as the father of the body modification community on the Internet, no matter what he decides to do with this life from here on.


In his parting message on ModBlog, he mentions about passing the torch to the new generation. I would like to take that on as a gift and a challenge to try and keep the community as a whole in the same light as he did for the years to come. It will take more work, and more commitment, but I think we have successfully built a strong foundation in which to continue to build on.


Thank you Shannon, for everything you have done. You will always be my mentor.


.: Adam


Shannon skriver her: http://modblog.bmezine.com/2008/05/14/so-l...#comment-772422

Endret av Penis Trygve
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Hei :) Jeg har en svart tattovering i nakken, fylte nytt blekk i den igår og nå smører jeg for livet.. Spørsmålet er at for å forhindre at t-skjorte kant og merkelapp gnager på tattoveringen i denne groperioden så har jeg teipet plastfolie over kanten, tattoveringen er fri, men jeg er redd det blir litt tett da plastfolien ligger over tattoveringen i ner kant og det virker som den kanskje ikke får puste slik at den får grodd skikkelig. Er dette noe å uroe seg for? hele natten og på ettermiddagstid så er tattoveringen helt fri uten å ha noe over seg ;)

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kan noen finne fine motiv som tar seg bra ut på armen? Skal ikke vere veldig stort, siden jeg kun er 16.(ikke at det er en hindring, men vil ikke ha noe dominerende enda)


Skal ta tatoveringen i sommer. Har allerede bestemt meg for Manchester United logo på ene skulderen. Men jeg vil ha noe lignende som George Clooney har på motsatt arm, for de som har sett hva han har skal jeg ikke ha like stor, men en slags miniatyr av det.


Kan vel egentlig legge ved ett bilde som viser hva han har =)




Bare at det skal vere mindre og litt mere sammenhengende.


Takker for alle tips og svar =D



zaltmann ;)

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