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Har en skoleoppgave gående, hvor jeg skal implementere A* i C#. Har brukt denne artikkelen som utgangspunkt for koden:A*. Er litt usikker på om jeg har gjort dette riktig, og vil gjerne at noen ser over den før jeg leverer den.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace AStar2
class AMethod
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the shortest path between two squares in a given grid, if a valid one exists. Otherwise returns null.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="startPos">The starting position from which to search</param>
 /// <param name="endPos">The goal of the search</param>
 /// <param name="grid">The network which contains startPos and endPos</param>
 /// <param name="unwalkables">Rectangle array containing the squares which cannot be used in the path</param>
 /// <param name="rootOfA">Value representing the height/width of each square</param>
 /// <param name="gridFactorX">The number of squares in the grid on the X-axis</param>
 /// <param name="gridFactorY">The number of squares in the grid on the Y-axis</param>
 /// <param name="straightCost">One of two values indicating how to prioritze between straight and diagonal movement</param>
 /// <param name="diagonalCost">One of two values indicating how to prioritze between straight and diagonal movement</param>
 /// <param name="SpecialCostRects">Rectangle array containing all squares that should have a diffrent priority from the norm</param>
 /// <param name="specialCost">Int array indicating how to prioritze the special squares</param>

	public static List<Rectangle> ShortestPath (Rectangle startPos, Rectangle endPos, List<Rectangle> grid, List<Rectangle> unwalkables,int rootOfA, int gridFactorX,int gridFactorY,int straightCost,int diagonalCost,List<Rectangle>SpecialCostRects,int[] specialCost)
		// Declarations
		bool onClosedList = false;

		int[] gScore = new int[1000];
		int[] hScore = new int[1000];
		int[] fScore = new int[1000];
		int currCost = 0;

		Rectangle currSquare = startPos;
		Rectangle adjSquare = new Rectangle();

		List<Rectangle> openList = new List<Rectangle>();
		List<Rectangle> closedList = new List<Rectangle>();
		List<Rectangle> parents = new List<Rectangle>();

		List<Rectangle> pathSquares = new List<Rectangle>();

		// iinitialisèr openList, f,g,og hScore, med startPos sine verdier
		fScore[grid.IndexOf(startPos)] = 0;
		gScore[grid.IndexOf(startPos)] = 0;
		hScore[grid.IndexOf(startPos)] = 0;

		while (openList.Count != 0 && !onClosedList)// While løkke som vil fortsette til den finner en sti, eller til det ikke finnes flere alternativ
			foreach (Rectangle square in openList)
				if (fScore[grid.IndexOf(square)] < fScore[grid.IndexOf(currSquare)])
					currSquare = square;

			// Legg currSquare over i closedList

			for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)// For løkke som ser etter alternativ, og legger dem i openList
				switch (i)
					case 0:
						adjSquare = grid[grid.IndexOf(currSquare) - 1];					//N
						currCost = straightCost;
						if (SpecialCostRects.Contains(adjSquare))
							currCost += specialCost[SpecialCostRects.IndexOf(adjSquare)];
					case 1:
						adjSquare = grid[grid.IndexOf(currSquare) + 1];					//S
						currCost = straightCost;
						if (SpecialCostRects.Contains(adjSquare))
							currCost += specialCost[SpecialCostRects.IndexOf(adjSquare)];
					case 2:
						adjSquare = grid[grid.IndexOf(currSquare) + gridFactorY];		  //E
						currCost = straightCost;
						if (SpecialCostRects.Contains(adjSquare))
							currCost += specialCost[SpecialCostRects.IndexOf(adjSquare)];
					case 3:
						adjSquare = grid[grid.IndexOf(currSquare) - gridFactorY];		  //W
						currCost = straightCost;
						if (SpecialCostRects.Contains(adjSquare))
							currCost += specialCost[SpecialCostRects.IndexOf(adjSquare)];
					case 4:
						adjSquare = grid[grid.IndexOf(currSquare) + gridFactorY + 1];	 //SE
						currCost = diagonalCost;
						if (SpecialCostRects.Contains(adjSquare))
							currCost += specialCost[SpecialCostRects.IndexOf(adjSquare)];
					case 5:
						adjSquare = grid[grid.IndexOf(currSquare) - gridFactorY + 1];	 //SW
						currCost = diagonalCost;
						if (SpecialCostRects.Contains(adjSquare))
							currCost += specialCost[SpecialCostRects.IndexOf(adjSquare)];
					case 6:
						adjSquare = grid[grid.IndexOf(currSquare) + gridFactorY - 1];	 //NE
						currCost = diagonalCost;
						if (SpecialCostRects.Contains(adjSquare))
							currCost += specialCost[SpecialCostRects.IndexOf(adjSquare)];
					case 7:
						adjSquare = grid[grid.IndexOf(currSquare) - gridFactorY - 1];	 //NW
						currCost = diagonalCost;
						if (SpecialCostRects.Contains(adjSquare))
							currCost += specialCost[SpecialCostRects.IndexOf(adjSquare)];

				if (!unwalkables.Contains(adjSquare) && !closedList.Contains(adjSquare))

					if (!openList.Contains(adjSquare))
						parents[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = currSquare;

						// Calculate f g og h value
						if (adjSquare.X > endPos.X)// h value calculation start 
							if (adjSquare.Y > endPos.Y)
								hScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = ((adjSquare.Y - endPos.Y) /rootOfA) + ((adjSquare.X - endPos.X) / rootOfA);
								hScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = ((endPos.Y - currSquare.Y) / rootOfA) + ((adjSquare.X - endPos.X) / rootOfA);
							if (currSquare.Y > endPos.Y)
								hScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = ((currSquare.Y - endPos.Y) / rootOfA) + ((-endPos.X - currSquare.X) / rootOfA);
								hScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = ((endPos.Y - currSquare.Y) / rootOfA) + ((endPos.X - currSquare.X) / rootOfA);
						}// h value calculation end

						gScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = gScore[grid.IndexOf(currSquare)] + currCost;// g value calculation
						fScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = gScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] + hScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)];//f value calculation
					else// Hvis kvadratet allerede finnes i openList
						if (gScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] < gScore[grid.IndexOf(currSquare)])// Hvis kvadratet er et bedre alternativ enn currSquare
						{//[b]Er spesiellt usikker på dette, virker rett i forhold til beskrivelsen i artikkelen, men ikke ifølge mitt hode.[/b]
							parents[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = currSquare;
							gScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = gScore[grid.IndexOf(parents[grid.IndexOf(currSquare)])]+currCost;
							fScore[grid.IndexOf(currSquare)] = gScore[grid.IndexOf(currSquare)] + hScore[grid.IndexOf(currSquare)];
			if (closedList.Contains(endPos))
				onClosedList = true;
		if (onClosedList)// Fant et alternativ
		  currSquare = endPos;
		  while(!pathSquares.Contains(startPos))// while løkke som reverserer stien og legger den i pathSquares
			currSquare = parents[grid.IndexOf(currSquare)];
		  }  return pathSquares;
			return null;// Ingen sti funnet, funksjonen returnerer null.

Koden er ment å gi samme resultat som den forfatteren til artikkelen bruker, hvis den ikke gjør dette, vil jeg gjerne vite hva som er galt.Btw, prøvde å utheve en kommentar som jeg synes var vesentlig, men dette gikk ikke. Går det ann å bruke fet skrift i kodebokser? Takk på forhånd =).

Endret av Velena
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Ville bare vite om jeg hadde gjort det riktig. Driver og tester det selv nå, og har støtt på et aldri så lite problem:

List<Rectangle> someArray = new List<Rectangle>();
Rectangle someRect = new Rectangle(80,80,20,20);
someArray[10] = someRect;

Koden over ser ikke ut til å fungere, må jeg legge til en verdi for alle indexene opp til 10 for at jeg skal kunne legge en verdi i den indexen?

Edit: Har prøvd å omgå problemet ved å legge null verdier i alle indexene før jeg setter de riktige verdiene:

// count er antall kvadrater lagret i grid
public static void assign(int[] someInt, int count)
		for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
			someInt[i] = 0;
// Har en slik for List<Rectangle> også

Men koden gir fremdeles et indexOutOfRange unntak, denne gang ved int arrayen.

Endret av Velena
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Javel? Så det som en god nok måte å løse problemet >.>. Mener dere at jeg kunne gjort det enklere?

Edit: Fant noen slurvefeil i koden. Har rettet dem, så nå kjører den ihvertfall.Problemet nå er at det virker som koden er veldig ressurs krevende.

Edit 2: Var vist ikke det at den var ressurs-krevende, men at currSquare ikke oppdateres riktig, noe som resulterer i en evig loop.

Endret av Velena
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Gjerne det manfred:

       public static List<Rectangle> ShortestPath (Rectangle startPos, Rectangle endPos,
List<Rectangle> grid, List<Rectangle> unwalkables,int rootOfA, int gridFactorX,int 
gridFactorY,int straightCost,int diagonalCost,List<Rectangle>SpecialCostRects,
int[] specialCost)

           bool onClosedList = false;

           int[] gScore = new int[1600];
           int[] hScore = new int[1600];
           int[] fScore = new int[1600];
           int currCost = 0;

           Rectangle currSquare = startPos;
           Rectangle adjSquare = new Rectangle();

           List<Rectangle> openList = new List<Rectangle>();
           List<Rectangle> closedList = new List<Rectangle>();
           List<Rectangle> parents = new List<Rectangle>();

           List<Rectangle> pathSquares = new List<Rectangle>();


           assign(parents, grid.Count);
           assign(gScore, grid.Count);
           assign(hScore, grid.Count);
           assign(fScore, grid.Count);

           fScore[grid.IndexOf(startPos)] = 0;
           gScore[grid.IndexOf(startPos)] = 0;
           hScore[grid.IndexOf(startPos)] = 0;

           while (openList.Count != 0 && !onClosedList)
               foreach (Rectangle square in openList)
                   if (fScore[grid.IndexOf(square)] <= fScore[grid.IndexOf(currSquare)])
                       currSquare = square;


               // Switch currSquare from openList to closedList

               for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                   switch (i)
                       case 0:
                           adjSquare = grid[grid.IndexOf(currSquare) - 1];                    
                           currCost = straightCost;
                           if (SpecialCostRects.Contains(adjSquare))
                               currCost += specialCost[specialCostRects.IndexOf(adjSquare)];
                       case 1:
                           adjSquare = grid[grid.IndexOf(currSquare) + 1];                    
                           currCost = straightCost;
                           if (SpecialCostRects.Contains(adjSquare))
                               currCost += specialCost[specialCostRects.IndexOf(adjSquare)];
                       case 2:
                           adjSquare = grid[grid.IndexOf(currSquare) + gridFactorY];          
                           currCost = straightCost;
                           if (SpecialCostRects.Contains(adjSquare))
                               currCost += specialCost[specialCostRects.IndexOf(adjSquare)];
                       case 3:
                           adjSquare = grid[grid.IndexOf(currSquare) - gridFactorY];          
                           currCost = straightCost;
                           if (SpecialCostRects.Contains(adjSquare))
                               currCost += specialCost[specialCostRects.IndexOf(adjSquare)];
                       case 4:
                           adjSquare = grid[grid.IndexOf(currSquare) + gridFactorY + 1];     
                           currCost = diagonalCost;
                           if (SpecialCostRects.Contains(adjSquare))
                               currCost += specialCost[specialCostRects.IndexOf(adjSquare)];
                       case 5:
                           adjSquare = grid[grid.IndexOf(currSquare) - gridFactorY + 1];     
                           currCost = diagonalCost;
                           if (SpecialCostRects.Contains(adjSquare))
                               currCost += specialCost[specialCostRects.IndexOf(adjSquare)];
                       case 6:
                           adjSquare = grid[grid.IndexOf(currSquare) + gridFactorY - 1];     
                           currCost = diagonalCost;
                           if (SpecialCostRects.Contains(adjSquare))
                               currCost += specialCost[specialCostRects.IndexOf(adjSquare)];
                       case 7:
                           adjSquare = grid[grid.IndexOf(currSquare) - gridFactorY - 1];     
                           currCost = diagonalCost;
                           if (SpecialCostRects.Contains(adjSquare))
                               currCost += specialCost[specialCostRects.IndexOf(adjSquare)];

                   if (!unwalkables.Contains(adjSquare) && !closedList.Contains(adjSquare))
                       if (!openList.Contains(adjSquare))

                           parents[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = currSquare;

                           if (adjSquare.X > endPos.X)
                               if (adjSquare.Y > endPos.Y)
                                   hScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = (((adjSquare.Y - endPos.Y) /rootOfA) + ((adjSquare.X - endPos.X) / rootOfA))*straightCost;
                                   hScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = (((endPos.Y - adjSquare.Y) / rootOfA) + ((adjSquare.X - endPos.X) / rootOfA))*straightCost;
                               if (adjSquare.Y > endPos.Y)
                                   hScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = (((adjSquare.Y - endPos.Y) / rootOfA) + ((endPos.X - adjSquare.X) / rootOfA))*straightCost;
                                   hScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = (((endPos.Y - adjSquare.Y) / rootOfA) + ((endPos.X - adjSquare.X) / rootOfA))*straightCost;

                           gScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = gScore[grid.IndexOf(currSquare)] + currCost;
                           fScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = gScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] + hScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)];

                           if (gScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] < gScore[grid.IndexOf(currSquare)])
                               parents[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = parents[grid.IndexOf(currSquare)];
                               gScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = gScore[grid.IndexOf(parents[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)])]+currCost;
                               fScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] = gScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)] + hScore[grid.IndexOf(adjSquare)];

                   if (i == 7)
                       if (openList.Count != 0)
                           currSquare = openList[0];
               if (closedList.Contains(endPos))
                   onClosedList = true;
           if (onClosedList)
             currSquare = endPos;
               currSquare = parents[grid.IndexOf(currSquare)];
             }  return pathSquares;
               return null;
       public static void assign(List<Rectangle> rect, int count)
           for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
               rect.Add(new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0));
       public static void assign(int[] someInt, int count)
           for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
               someInt[i] = 0;

=D. Forslag til forbedring er selvsagt fortsatt velkomne.

Edit: Hvorfor ble kodeboksene så enormt brede? Prøvde å justere dem ved å dele noen av linjene i to, men det ser ikke ut til å ha hjulpet =/.

Endret av Velena
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I stedet for


for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:


Så kan du liksom gjøre




Der vil jeg liksom si at det første eksempelet virkelig er waste.


Edit: typo

Endret av Manfred
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