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Bradford, ja.. De to største (i mine øyne) fra London stilte veldig sterkt i år. Til tross for det så røk Arsenal ut, og Chelsea vant kun med ett mål (5-4) over et United-lag som hadde én spiller fra vanlig førsteellever i startsoppstillingen, Chelsea derimot, alle målene deres kom fra spillere som er i deres førsteellever. Poenget mitt? Cup er cup, begge lagene var antatt mye svakere, men begge klarte på tross av det å gjøre en veldig god innsats.

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Zenit St Petersburg fan group warns against buying black or gay players


The largest fan group of Russian champions Zenit St Petersburg has demanded the club refrain from buying black and gay players.


"We're not racists but we see the absence of black players at Zenit as an important tradition," Zenit fan club Landscrona said in a letter, called the "Selection 12 manifesto", posted on its website on Monday.


"It would allow Zenit to maintain the national identity of the club, which is the symbol of St Petersburg."


Zenit have been the only top club in Russia to have never signed an African player while the northern city of St Petersburg is known to have a strong right-wing nationalist influence.


The fans said they want more home-grown or European players in the team. "We only want players from other brotherly Slav nations, such as Ukraine and Belarus as well as from the Baltic states and Scandinavia. We have the same mentality and historical and cultural background as these nations," the letter said.


They also expressed their opposition to having "sexual minorities" in the team. Several prominent black players have turned down lucrative offers from the wealthy club over the past 12 months after receiving death threats from Zenit fans. A Zenit spokesman said on Monday the club would not comment on the fans' letter.

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