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Mahirim har jo en grei racial bonus med "ned å løpe på alle fire" opplegget. Kan nok bli handy et par ganger kan jeg se for meg.


For min del så heller jeg mot Alfar. Grunnen er pga allianse opplegget, det åpnes for flere potensielle fiender. ;)

Endret av o(O)phus
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Det med zoomen er sikkert bare at du har mulighet til en myk overgang mellom 1. person og tett 3. person. Ikke noe store fordeler av 3. person her annet at karakteren dekker en del av synsfeltet forover.


Edit: siden det er snakk om rase og sånn; tror det må bli mahirim på meg!

Endret av SiMoB
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Mahirim har jo en grei racial bonus med "ned å løpe på alle fire" opplegget. Kan nok bli handy et par ganger kan jeg se for meg.


For min del så heller jeg mot Alfar. Grunnen er pga allianse opplegget, det åpnes for flere potensielle fiender. ;)


Den Mahirim skillen har man ikke hørt fra utviklerne på lenge. Ei har noen betaleakers sett noe til den.


Rase-alliansene spiller ingen rolle. Ifølge beta rapporter så ser ingen ut til å bry seg om alignments. Det er deg og dine venner mot resten. Slik antisosial oppførsel er ikke ukjent, da man får anledningen til å kverke hvem som helst helt fra starten av. Og da er da naturlig å ta de man spawner med.

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LordjOX: Ja vet, men vi har heller ikke fått bekreftet om den er borte, så inntil så er kjent så antar man jo at det skal komme før eller siden.


Det å sammenligne oppførsel i en beta-verdenen blir nok litt feil i forhold til det som vil foregå når spillet er live. Betaen blir som sakt dratt ned ofte med char-whipes som følger på, da er det ikke rart at man gir litt blaffen i flagging systemet ettersom det ikke er noe vits i å gjøre det. Man blir kvitt den negative "alignment rate'en" uansett til neste whipe.


La oss vinkle den saken litt annerledes: Hva skal mahirimene ellers ri på?

Alle raser kan ri alles mount.

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Er det slik at alle kan kjøpe alle mounts også?


Hvis jeg har forstått riktig kan du kun kjøpe din egen rases mount, men du kan ri på alle. Altså, der er her ulempen med Mahirim ligger (og fordelen med 4-legged running.


Litt avhgengig av hvordan 4-legged funker kan det blir vanvittig bra. Hvis du bare trenger å sheate våpen før du legger ut på alle 4 kan du bruke det til å ta igjen og rømme fra fiende. For meg virker det veldig "OP" i en del situasjoner.


Noen som har noen "fakta" om hvordan det fungerer?

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Aner ikke selv hvordan det vil foregå, men jeg regner da med at et slikt scenario som du nevner blir tenkt på.


Altså for å forhindre det til å bli for "OP" så kan de jo bare gjøre det slik at man tåler veldi lite når man er i "fire beint" modus.


En annen ting er jo at man har mounted combat, så kanskje det vil være mulig å gjøre litt combat ting når man er på alle fire også?

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La oss vinkle den saken litt annerledes: Hva skal mahirimene ellers ri på?

Mounts, som alle andre. Riding er ikke knyttet til racial mount.

Ja, jeg er klar over det. Det jeg siktet til var som du nevner "racial mounts". Hva skulle være mahirimenes racial mount om de ikke skulle være den selv? I mahirimenes biografi fra utviklerne står det skrevet to punkt som argumenterer for at mahirim ikke har noe racial mounts: nemlig at de ikke fostrer opp noen ridedyr, og som kjent at de kan sprinte fint selv. Selv om det ikke skulle ha vært påvist i beta så ser jeg ingen grunn til at vi skal begynne å se bort ifra det nå.

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Ny leak:


"First thing: as it stands, it looks like I will be buying DF.


Now... the character creator. Its a very polished looking character Creator. Better looking then WoW's for sure, and it has more customization options then WoW. It has two slider options for hair color and skin color, but atm they seem to be disabled. Other options include different faces, nose rig, earrings, lip rings, facial hair and other miscellaneous forehead ornaments. Each has around 5 to 17 different options. But don't expect a SWG-level character creator.


One cool look with Alfars are these rows of piercings that look like short fat nails that either stick out above or below the lips. Having both gives a visual affect of a mouth wide open with jagged teeth sticking out. Looks cool. Dumbest thing I saw is facial hair for Mahirim, but some of the beards look alright.


The world itself is very organic. You feel like you are in a huge world, and not a enclosed play pen. Night and day cycles, weather cycles and realistic moving moons and sun gives the world a grandiose feeling. Sun sets looks ridiculously cool. Night time in some of the Ork starter cities is creepy. Especially with the background music that sounds like it came out of silent hill.

My main gripe with look of the world is that from far away buildings and characters tend to have this cell shaded look to them. Im srue you've noticed it in the screenshots.


The ork areas are mostly empty with players. We really need more ork players. But the Human and Alfar areas are full of people. I haven't tried the other areas yet.


As for Pve, Ive only fought goblins..lots and lots of goblins. They are annoying little fuckers, that won't sit there and let you wail on them. Im sure you've heard all this before. They run away, call for back up, kite you, ect...And yes, if they are wearing it, you can loot it. Goblings usually carry a crappy bow and axe, 3-4 arrows and 5 gold. But some come with shields, some cheapy armor, a better bow or some food. And you can see the weapons and armor on them.



PVP> With full loot, FFA pvp you really can't go wrong. But I have some issues with it. Keep in mind that Im using mostly the basic stuff you come with and all of it at low skill level. I might see a little over critical, but its really not that bad.

I have played Savage 1 and 2, Jedi Academy Age of Chivlary ... pretty much any FPS game with a melee system, and in comparison DF right now is very basic. Biggest problem with it is the current 3 minute sprint and inefficient block. You've probably read what they are saying about sprint, and I agree its currently a little bit broken. But they are looking into it, and there have been many great ideas brought up by some of the testers.

But as it stands, due to the spring lasting so long, people sprint in melee constantly, so it turns into a chaotic random circling jousting match. What I have tried to do is to let them use up all their stamina running around everywhere, and then just finish them up. Melee fights are won and lost in stamina management. But what people do is run right into you full speed and swing then run another direction ( like jousting). This gives them the initiative and ping/lag advantage, which forces you to do the same. I also tried to use block/parry when they are charging with their jousting tactics, but block uses up so much stamina that i end up losing out in the stamina management department. If they just simply switched sprint and block's stamina consumption, it would go along way to improve melee fights, imo.


Archery and spells fell better. Though with the constant sprint, players can get hard to hit sometimes. With archery you can actually get quite good at hitting targets at range...but it takes practice.

A lot of people bitch about spells being way too hard to land a hit. But most players don't know how some of the spells properly. Anyone who has played tribes will know exactly what im about to describe. A Player and I got together and started ganking players in the goblin area....using the basic mana missiles at range, and then finishing them up once they closed in...or they would simply run away (again --->3 min sprint). It has significant splash. You don't try to hit the players but the ground around the players. You try to anticipate where the player is moving and hit the ground there. Again, If you have played tribes you'll be right at home.


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Kan se det for meg nå, 3 min sprint + springe i sirkler + latency = Fæle wow rogue minner...


Better looking then WoW's for sure


Uhh... vet ikke hva jeg skal si.

Noe som tar dem 2 sekunder å fikse. Det handler om å bytte på et par nummer i et par linjer med kode så har man mindre stamina pools, eventuelt at man bruker mer stamina når man sprinter med våpenet ute.

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