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Skriv om den musikken du liker! Et interessant emne (imo) er Metal. Rett og slett fordi Norge og Sverige er ekstremt store innen denne sjangeren. Det burde også være ett lett emne å skrive om fordi det er ekstremt mange myter om denne sjangeren. Aktuelle band? In Flames, Dimmu og mange mange andre.


Ellers så kan du skrive om punk da, sansynlig den eneste sjangeren som *ikke* har en grammy selv om den er enormt mye større enn mange av de mindre og mer sære sjangrene.


btw www.allmusic.com er et glimerende nettsted :)

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Læreren våres driver mye med musikk, han er en kløper på gitaren sin :D

han liker veldig godt acdc, som jeg selv liker litt og ;) men blir det ikke litt vanskeligere å skrive om et band enn en artist?


og hva skal jeg skrive om metal eller rock? blir vell litt vanskelig eller?

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skriv om noe som normalt ikke blir skrevet om.


For eksempel 70-talls progrock. Ikke særlig kjent, men mye bra musikk, i alle fall etter min smak.

Britiske band: Yes, Genesis, Emerson Lake & Palmer, Gentle Giant, King Crimson, Camel, Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull m.fl.

Nederlanske band: Focus, Ekseption.

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Jeg har nok tenkt å skrive om metallica og skrive at den "hardrocken" stammer ifra 70 tallet, da deep purples starta å gi ut noen hit'er, som da alle de andre ville "etterføge" trur kansje det kan bli bra og ;)



Hehe, jeg visste ikke at Garage inc vare tt album....men jeg like rhvertfall Metallica :)

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Rock fantes tidligere enn 70-tallet.


Hva med Rolling Stones. De startet i 1962, og de spilte skikkelig rock.

Black Sabbath "grunnla" hardrocken.


Søk på www.allmusic.com etter alt mulig innen musikk.


Hentet på allmusic:


"Heavy Metal

by John Book



Heavy metal, in simple terms, is rock & roll music played with a little more intensity than normal. The guitar, which is a major factor of the music, may be played with a bit more vengeance and perhaps a little louder than usual. The bass was also put up in the front, which may be partly due to the Who and to John Entwistle's performance on "My Generation" and "Magic Bus." Only in jazz had the bass been used as a lead instrument, but now it became as important as the singing. The drums had to be played harder and sometimes faster than normal pop music, and this made an impact on the listener. And then there's the vocalist — the one who carries the listener through emotions, feelings, and story lines that can range from death to the discovery of sex, drugs, or alcohol and the impact of discovering something new. Many of the topics were new, and those that had been told before in pop music were made more realistic, more believable, maybe even more frightening in heavy metal.

The band that possibly started the ball rolling was England's Black Sabbath. The name was evil; it brought an immediate image of what the music could be like: dark, mysterious, vulgar, rebellious. And without fear of the unknown, maybe the music could be fun. The band's self-titled debut album, released in 1970, featured all of those aspects and led many to call this group outrageous. Regardless of what people thought, Black Sabbath struck a chord with anybody who was willing to listen. Its songs, often dealing with the discovery of the unknown, appealed to many teenagers, who could easily relate with the band's struggle to find who they really were. The music was strong, it was loud, it was heavy, and it was heavy metal. Since then the music has gone through a lot of changes, and for those who could not understand it, it got into a lot of trouble.


When punk rock bloomed in the latter half of the '70s (at a time when disco was all the rage), there were people from both sides of the Atlantic who were fed up with playing in basements while others took the spotlight. In England, there seemed to be an enormous number of bands waiting to be heard, and a few of them got noticed in America. This became known as the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, or NWOBHM. Over in America, young musicians who were brought up on Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Deep Purple, and Yes started forming their own bands, and thus the genre became official. And it wasn't only in the States or England; Australia and Germany also had bands that could easily compete with the best.


The younger kids in England got a bit more uptight with what they heard, and they chose to make things darker and maybe faster. One of the first bands to do this was Motörhead. Then there were the adventurous American kids who sought out imported albums from their favorite NWOBHM bands and, rather than emulate what they heard, played it the way it felt to them. Some of these bands took a cue from punk rock, and what was heard was louder, harder, and faster. This became thrash-metal, a form that started around 1982. A few bands made the rhythm the essential part of their recipe, and a young musician from southern California named Jeff Dahl is considered the first individual to coin the phrase "speed-metal." Thrash-metal and speed-metal are essentially the same thing, with thrash sometimes being slightly slower and emphasizing the guitar.


From there, everything goes crazy. Bands who sang about the end of the world were called death-metal bands. Those who spoke about hell and the devil were labeled black-metal bands. Soon young British bands were doing grindcore, which is superfast music with almost unintelligible lyrics and as heavy as possible. Then there are the heavy metal bands who stuck with their roots and came out as strong and as daring as those who explored the possibilities. Loud, disgusting, meaningful, powerful, gross, fast, faster, destructive, innovative, intelligent, a way of life: that's heavy metal."



Deretter kan du skrive om et band. For Eksempel ACDC eller Black Sabbath med Mr. Osbourne som vokalist.


Men ikke skriv v teksten. Det vil læreren merke.


Hadde jeg fått oppgaven, ville jeg nok ha skrevet om U2, The Beatles eller kanskje Miles Davis. [/b]

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Skal begynne å skrive i kveld ;)

Har funnet mye stoff om Metallica, og historien demmes, men er det noen som kan hjelpe meg med å sette opp alle albumene til Metallica og årstallene for de? De ville vært kjempeflott :)


Forresten, er det noen som hvet noe spesielt om selve sjangeren hard rock ?

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Nå har jeg skrevet ferdig delen om Metallica :)

Men nå er det bare delen med selve sjangeren, hvor kan jeg finne stoff til det? Har tenkt å skrive hva som kjennetegner sjangeren (instrumenter osv.) når den oppsto og hvordan, og hva mer kan jeg skrive om?


Skriv gjerne hva som kjennetegner denne sjangeren og når den oppsto, leita på google men fant ikke noe som var no intressant...


ps. sjangeren er Heavy rock ;)

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Glemte å nevne at hva det står i oppgaven at jeg skal svare på:


Hovedemnet for denne oppgaven er artist og sjanger. Det vil si at du bør skrive like mye om musikken/tekstene/ved sjangeren artisten tilhører, som det du skriver om selve artisten. Vektingen mellom disse to områdene er 50/50


Håper dere kan svare, det haster egentlig litt, skal være ferdig til i morgen ;)

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