latexen Skrevet 28. mars 2003 Del Skrevet 28. mars 2003 Jeg sitter og lager et vbs script for å legge til nye brukere på en server... Jeg kan ikke finne noen komando for å sette ntfs permission på mapper ved hjelp av script. Er det noen som kan noen komandoer for det? Lenke til kommentar
exchange Skrevet 28. mars 2003 Del Skrevet 28. mars 2003 '******************************************************************** '* '* File: FileMan.vbs '* Created: March 1999 '* Version: 1.0 '* '* Main Function: Perform various simple operations on a file. '* '* 1. Fileman.vbs /D <targetfile> | /T <targetfile> '* [/s <server>][/u <username>][/W <password>] '* [/O <outputfile>] '* '* 2. Fileman.vbs /R <targetfile> | /C <targetfile> '* /N <newfile> '* [/s <server>][/u <username>][/W <password>] '* [/O <outputfile>] '* '* Copyright © 1999 Microsoft Corporation '* '******************************************************************** OPTION EXPLICIT 'Define constants CONST CONST_ERROR = 0 CONST CONST_WSCRIPT = 1 CONST CONST_CSCRIPT = 2 CONST CONST_SHOW_USAGE = 3 CONST CONST_PROCEED = 4 CONST CONST_DELETE = 5 CONST CONST_RENAME = 6 CONST CONST_COPY = 7 CONST CONST_TAKEOWNERSHIP = 8 'Declare variables Dim intOpMode, i Dim strServer, strUserName, strPassword, strOutputFile Dim strTaskCommand, strFileName, strNewFileName Dim blnForce 'Make sure the host is csript, if not then abort VerifyHostIsCscript() 'Parse the command line intOpMode = intParseCmdLine(strServer , _ strUserName , _ strPassword , _ strOutputFile , _ strTaskCommand , _ strFileName , _ strNewFileName , _ blnForce ) Select Case intOpMode Case CONST_SHOW_USAGE Call ShowUsage() Case CONST_PROCEED Call FileMan(strServer , _ strUserName , _ strPassword , _ strOutputFile , _ strTaskCommand , _ strFileName , _ strNewFileName , _ blnForce ) Case CONST_ERROR Call Wscript.Echo("Invalid or missing parameters " _ & "Please check the input and try again," & vbCRLF _ & "or invoke with '/?' for help with the syntax.") Wscript.Quit Case Else 'Default -- should never happen Call Wscript.Echo("Error occurred in passing parameters.") End Select '******************************************************************** '* End of Script '******************************************************************** '******************************************************************** '* '* Sub FileMan '* Purpose: Perform various simple operations on a file. '* Input: '* strServer a machine name '* strOutputFile an output file name '* strUserName the current user's name '* strPassword the current user's password '* strTaskCommand the file operation to perform '* strFileName the target file '* strNewFileName the new file '* blnForce overwrite read only files. '* '******************************************************************** Private Sub FileMan(strServer , _ strUserName , _ strPassword , _ strOutputFile , _ strTaskCommand , _ strFileName , _ strNewFileName , _ blnForce ) ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Dim objFileSystem, objOutputFile, objService Dim strQuery 'Open a text file for output if the file is requested If Not IsEmpty(strOutputFile) Then If (NOT blnOpenFile(strOutputFile, objOutputFile)) Then Call Wscript.Echo ("Could not open an output file.") Exit Sub End If End If 'Establish a connection with the server. If blnConnect("rootcimv2" , _ strUserName , _ strPassword , _ strServer , _ objService ) Then Call Wscript.Echo("") Call Wscript.Echo("Please check the server name, " _ & "credentials and WBEM Core.") Exit Sub End If 'Now execute the method. Select Case strTaskCommand Case CONST_DELETE Call DeleteFile(strServer , _ strUserName , _ strPassword , _ objService , _ objOutputFile , _ strFileName , _ blnForce ) Case CONST_RENAME Call RenameFile(strServer , _ strUserName , _ strPassword , _ objService , _ objOutputFile , _ strFileName , _ strNewFileName ) Case CONST_COPY Call CopyFile(strServer , _ strUserName , _ strPassword , _ objService , _ objOutputFile , _ strFileName , _ strNewFileName ) Case CONST_TAKEOWNERSHIP Call TakeOwnOfFile(strServer , _ strUserName , _ strPassword , _ objService , _ objOutputFile , _ strFileName ) Case CONST_ERROR 'Do nothing. Case Else 'Default -- should never happen Call Wscript.Echo("Error occurred in passing parameters.") End Select If NOT IsEmpty(objOutputFile) Then objOutputFile.Close Wscript.Echo "Results are saved in file " & strOutputFile & "." End If End Sub '******************************************************************** '* '* Sub DeleteFile() '* '* Purpose: Delete a file. '* '* Input: strServer a machine name '* strUserName the current user's name '* strPassword the current user's password '* objService The Wbem service '* objOutputFile The Output File Object '* strFileName The file to delete. '* blnForce Overwrite Read-Only files '* '* Output: Results are either printed on screen or saved in strOutputFile. '* '******************************************************************** Private Sub DeleteFile(ByVal strServer , _ ByVal strUserName , _ ByVal strPassword , _ ByVal objService , _ ByVal objOutputFile , _ ByVal strFileName , _ ByVal blnForce ) ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Dim strWBEMClass Dim objFileSet, objInst Dim intFileCount strWBEMClass = "CIM_DataFile" strFileName = strDoubleBackSlashes(strFileName) Set objFileSet = objService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM " & strWBEMClass & _ " WHERE Name = """ & strFileName & """",,0) if objFileSet.Count = 0 then Call WriteLine("File not found.", objOutputFile) Exit Sub End If If blnErrorOccurred("Could not obtain " & strWBEMClass & " instance.") Then Exit Sub End If intFileCount = 0 For Each objInst In objFileSet If blnCheckFile(objInst.Name,objService,blnForce) Then Call objInst.Delete() If NOT blnErrorOccurred("Could not delete " & objInst.Name) Then intFileCount = intFileCount + 1 End If Else Call WriteLine("File is either marked as a system file, " _ & "or is read only.", objOutputFile) Call WriteLine("Use the /F switch to override.", objOutputFile) End If Next If blnErrorOccurred("Could not delete " & strFileName & ".") Then Exit Sub Else Call WriteLine("File deleted.", objOutputFile) End If End Sub '******************************************************************** '* '* Sub RenameFile() '* '* Purpose: Rename a file. '* '* Input: strServer A machine name '* strUserName The current user's name '* strPassword The current user's password '* objService The Wbem service '* objOutputFile The Output File Object '* strFileName The file to delete '* strNewFileName The new file name '* '* Output: Results are either printed on screen or saved in strOutputFile. '* '******************************************************************** Private Sub RenameFile(ByVal strServer , _ ByVal strUserName , _ ByVal strPassword , _ ByVal objService , _ ByVal objOutputFile , _ ByVal strFileName , _ ByVal strNewFileName ) ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Dim strWBEMClass Dim objInst, objFileSet strWBEMClass = "CIM_DataFile" strFileName = strDoubleBackSlashes(strFileName) Set objFileSet = objService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM " & strWBEMClass _ & " WHERE Name = """ & strFileName & """",,0) if objFileSet.Count = 0 then Call Writeline ("File not found.", objOutputFile) Exit Sub End If If blnErrorOccurred("Could not obtain " & strWBEMClass & " instance.") Then Exit Sub End If For Each objInst in objFileSet Call objInst.Rename(strNewFileName) If blnErrorOccurred("Could not copy " & strFileName & ".") Then Exit Sub Else Call WriteLine("File renamed.", objOutputFile) End If Next End Sub '******************************************************************** '* '* Sub CopyFile() '* '* Purpose: Copy a file. '* '* Input: strServer a machine name '* strUserName the current user's name '* strPassword the current user's password '* objService The Wbem service '* objOutputFile The Output File Object '* strFileName The file to copy. '* strNewFileName The new file name. '* '* Output: Results are either printed on screen or saved in strOutputFile. '* '******************************************************************** Private Sub CopyFile(ByVal strServer , _ ByVal strUserName , _ ByVal strPassword , _ ByVal objService , _ ByVal objOutputFile , _ ByVal strFileName , _ ByVal strNewFileName ) ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Dim strWBEMClass Dim objInst, objFileSet strWBEMClass = "CIM_DataFile" strFileName = strDoubleBackSlashes(strFileName) Set objFileSet = objService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM " & _ strWBEMClass & " WHERE Name = """ & strFileName & """",,0) if objFileSet.Count = 0 then Call Writeline ("File not found.", objOutputFile) Exit Sub End If If blnErrorOccurred("Could not obtain " & strWBEMClass & " instance.") Then Exit Sub End If For Each objInst in objFileSet Call objInst.Copy(strNewFileName) If blnErrorOccurred("Could not copy " & strFileName & ".") Then Exit Sub Else Call WriteLine("File copied.", objOutputFile) End If Next End Sub '******************************************************************** '* Sub TakeOwnOfFile() '* '* Purpose: Take ownership of a file. '* '* Input: strServer a machine name '* strUserName the current user's name '* strPassword the current user's password '* objService The Wbem service '* objOutputFile The Output File Object '* strFileName the file to sieze '* '* Output: Results are either printed on screen or saved in strOutputFile. '* '******************************************************************** Private Sub TakeOwnOfFile(ByVal strServer , _ ByVal strUserName , _ ByVal strPassword , _ ByVal objService , _ ByVal objOutputFile , _ ByVal strFileName ) ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Dim objFileSystem, objInst Dim strWBEMClass strWBEMClass = "CIM_DataFile" strFileName = strDoubleBackSlashes(strFileName) Set objInst = objService.Get(strWBEMClass & "=" & """" & strFileName & """") If blnErrorOccurred("Could not obtain " & strWBEMClass & " instance.") Then Exit Sub End If Call objInst.TakeOwnerShip() If blnErrorOccurred("Could not take ownership of " & strFileName & ".") Then Exit Sub Else Call WriteLine("Ownership taken.", objOutputFile) End If End Sub '******************************************************************** '* '* Function intParseCmdLine() '* '* Purpose: Parses the command line. '* Input: '* '* Output: strServer a remote server ("" = local server") '* strUserName the current user's name '* strPassword the current user's password '* strOutputFile an output file name '* strTaskCommand one of /list, /start, /stop /install /remove '* /dependents '* strDriverName name of the DEVICE '* strStartMode start mode of the DEVICE '* strDisplayName Display name for the DEVICE. '* blnDetails Extra information to be displayed on the output '* '******************************************************************** Private Function intParseCmdLine( ByRef strServer , _ ByRef strUserName , _ ByRef strPassword , _ ByRef strOutputFile , _ ByRef strTaskCommand , _ ByRef strFileName , _ ByRef strNewFileName , _ ByRef blnForce ) ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Dim strFlag Dim intState, intArgIter Dim objFileSystem If Wscript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then strFlag = Wscript.arguments.Item(0) End If If IsEmpty(strFlag) Then 'No arguments have been received intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Wscript.Echo("Arguments are required") Exit Function End If 'Check if the user is asking for help or is just confused If (strFlag="help") OR (strFlag="/h") OR (strFlag="h") OR (strFlag="-h") _ OR (strFlag = "?") OR (strFlag = "/?") OR (strFlag = "?") _ OR (strFlag="h") Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_SHOW_USAGE Exit Function End If 'Retrieve the command line and set appropriate variables intArgIter = 0 Do While intArgIter <= Wscript.arguments.Count - 1 Select Case LCase(Wscript.arguments.Item(intArgIter)) Case "/s" If Not blnGetArg("Server", strServer, intArgIter) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function End If intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 Case "/o" If Not blnGetArg("Output File", strOutputFile, intArgIter) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function End If intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 Case "/u" If Not blnGetArg("User Name", strUserName, intArgIter) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function End If intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 Case "/w" If Not blnGetArg("User Password", strPassword, intArgIter) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function End If intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 Case "/d" If Not blnGetArg ("Target File", strFileName, intArgIter) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function End If strTaskCommand = CONST_DELETE intParseCmdLine = CONST_PROCEED intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 Case "/t" If Not blnGetArg ("Target File", strFileName, intArgIter) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function End If strTaskCommand = CONST_TAKEOWNERSHIP intParseCmdLine = CONST_PROCEED intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 Case "/r" If Not blnGetArg ("Target File", strFileName, intArgIter) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function End If strTaskCommand = CONST_RENAME intParseCmdLine = CONST_PROCEED intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 Case "/c" If Not blnGetArg ("Target File", strFileName, intArgIter) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function End If strTaskCommand = CONST_COPY intParseCmdLine = CONST_PROCEED intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 Case "/n" If Not blnGetArg ("New File", strNewFileName, intArgIter) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Exit Function End If intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 Case Else 'We shouldn't get here Call Wscript.Echo("Invalid or misplaced parameter: " _ & Wscript.arguments.Item(intArgIter) & vbCRLF _ & "Please check the input and try again," & vbCRLF _ & "or invoke with '/?' for help with the syntax.") Wscript.Quit End Select Loop '** intArgIter <= Wscript.arguments.Count - 1 If IsEmpty(intParseCmdLine) Then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Wscript.Echo ("Required arguments [/D | /T | /C | /R] are missing.") End If If strTaskCommand = CONST_COPY then if isEmpty(strNewFileName) then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Wscript.Echo ("The /N parameter is required when copying.") End If End If If strTaskCommand = CONST_RENAME then if isEmpty(strNewFileName) then intParseCmdLine = CONST_ERROR Wscript.Echo ("The /N parameter is required when renaming a file.") End If End If End Function '******************************************************************** '* '* Sub ShowUsage() '* '* Purpose: Shows the correct usage to the user. '* '* Input: None '* '* Output: Help messages are displayed on screen. '* '******************************************************************** Private Sub ShowUsage() Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "Perform various simple operations on a file." Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "SYNTAX:" Wscript.Echo "1. Fileman.vbs /D <targetfile> | /T <targetfile>" Wscript.Echo " [/s <server>][/u <username>][/W <password>]" Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "2. Fileman.vbs /R <targetfile> | /C <targetfile>" Wscript.Echo " /N <newfile>" Wscript.Echo " [/s <server>][/u <username>][/W <password>]" Wscript.Echo " [/O <outputfile>]" Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "PARAMETER SPECIFIERS:" Wscript.Echo " /D Delete File" Wscript.Echo " /T Take Ownership of file" Wscript.Echo " /R Rename File" Wscript.Echo " /C Copy File" Wscript.Echo " targetfile The target file." Wscript.Echo " newfile The destination filename." Wscript.Echo " server A machine name." Wscript.Echo " username The current user's name." Wscript.Echo " password Password of the current user." Wscript.Echo " outputfile The output file name." Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "EXAMPLE:" Wscript.Echo "1. cscript Fileman.vbs /d c:test.txt /s MyMachine2" Wscript.Echo " Deletes the file test.txt on the machine MyMachine2." Wscript.Echo "2. cscript Fileman.vbs /r c:test.txt /n c:new.txt" Wscript.Echo " Renames the file test.txt to new.txt on the " _ & "local machine." Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "NOTE:" Wscript.Echo "1. You must include the full path when specifying " _ & "the files." Wscript.Echo "" Wscript.Echo "2. Wildcards (*, ?) will not work." End Sub '******************************************************************** '* General Routines '******************************************************************** '******************************************************************** '* '* Function blnCheckFile() '* '* Purpose: Checks to see if file is read only or marked as a system file. '* '* Input: strFileName The file to check '* objService The WBEM object '* blnForce Whether to force an action on a read only file. '* '* Output: Ture or False '* '******************************************************************** Function blnCheckFile(strFileName,objService,blnForce) ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Dim objFileSet Dim strWBEMClass Dim Inst If blnForce=True Then blnCheckFile=True Exit Function Else blnCheckFile=False End If strFileName = strDoubleBackSlashes(strFileName) strWBEMClass = "CIM_LogicalFile" Set objFileSet = objService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM " & _ strWBEMClass & " WHERE Name = """ & strFileName & """",,0) If blnErrorOccurred("Could not obtain " & strWBEMClass & " instance.") Then Exit Function End If For Each Inst In objFileSet If Inst.System = True then Exit Function ElseIf inst.Writeable = False then Exit Function Else blnCheckFile = True End If Next End Function '******************************************************************** '* Function: strDoubleBackSlashes (strIn) '* '* Purpose: expand path string to use double node-delimiters; '* doubles ALL backslashes. '* '* Input: strIn path to file or directory '* Output: WMI query-food '* '* eg: c:pagefile.sys becomes c:pagefile.sys '* but: servershare becomes servershare '* '******************************************************************** Private Function strDoubleBackSlashes (strIn) Dim i, str, strC str = "" for i = 1 to len (strIn) strC = Mid (strIn, i, 1) str = str & strC if strC = "" then str = str & strC next strDoubleBackSlashes = str End Function '******************************************************************** '* '* Function strPackString() '* '* Purpose: Attaches spaces to a string to increase the length to intWidth. '* '* Input: strString a string '* intWidth the intended length of the string '* blnAfter Should spaces be added after the string? '* blnTruncate specifies whether to truncate the string or not if '* the string length is longer than intWidth '* '* Output: strPackString is returned as the packed string. '* '******************************************************************** Private Function strPackString( ByVal strString, _ ByVal intWidth, _ ByVal blnAfter, _ ByVal blnTruncate) ON ERROR RESUME NEXT intWidth = CInt(intWidth) blnAfter = CBool(blnAfter) blnTruncate = CBool(blnTruncate) If Err.Number Then Call Wscript.Echo ("Argument type is incorrect!") Err.Clear Wscript.Quit End If If IsNull(strString) Then strPackString = "null" & Space(intWidth-4) Exit Function End If strString = CStr(strString) If Err.Number Then Call Wscript.Echo ("Argument type is incorrect!") Err.Clear Wscript.Quit End If If intWidth > Len(strString) Then If blnAfter Then strPackString = strString & Space(intWidth-Len(strString)) Else strPackString = Space(intWidth-Len(strString)) & strString & " " End If Else If blnTruncate Then strPackString = Left(strString, intWidth-1) & " " Else strPackString = strString & " " End If End If End Function '******************************************************************** '* '* Function blnGetArg() '* '* Purpose: Helper to intParseCmdLine() '* '* Usage: '* '* Case "/s" '* blnGetArg ("server name", strServer, intArgIter) '* '******************************************************************** Private Function blnGetArg ( ByVal StrVarName, _ ByRef strVar, _ ByRef intArgIter) blnGetArg = False 'failure, changed to True upon successful completion If Len(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter)) > 2 then If Mid(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter),3,1) = ":" then If Len(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter)) > 3 then strVar = Right(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter), _ Len(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter)) - 3) blnGetArg = True Exit Function Else intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 If intArgIter > (Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1) Then Call Wscript.Echo( "Invalid " & StrVarName & ".") Call Wscript.Echo( "Please check the input and try again.") Exit Function End If strVar = Wscript.Arguments.Item(intArgIter) If Err.Number Then Call Wscript.Echo( "Invalid " & StrVarName & ".") Call Wscript.Echo( "Please check the input and try again.") Exit Function End If If InStr(strVar, "/") Then Call Wscript.Echo( "Invalid " & StrVarName) Call Wscript.Echo( "Please check the input and try again.") Exit Function End If blnGetArg = True 'success End If Else strVar = Right(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter), _ Len(Wscript.Arguments(intArgIter)) - 2) blnGetArg = True 'success Exit Function End If Else intArgIter = intArgIter + 1 If intArgIter > (Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1) Then Call Wscript.Echo( "Invalid " & StrVarName & ".") Call Wscript.Echo( "Please check the input and try again.") Exit Function End If strVar = Wscript.Arguments.Item(intArgIter) If Err.Number Then Call Wscript.Echo( "Invalid " & StrVarName & ".") Call Wscript.Echo( "Please check the input and try again.") Exit Function End If If InStr(strVar, "/") Then Call Wscript.Echo( "Invalid " & StrVarName) Call Wscript.Echo( "Please check the input and try again.") Exit Function End If blnGetArg = True 'success End If End Function '******************************************************************** '* '* Function blnConnect() '* '* Purpose: Connects to machine strServer. '* '* Input: strServer a machine name '* strNameSpace a namespace '* strUserName name of the current user '* strPassword password of the current user '* '* Output: objService is returned as a service object. '* strServer is set to local host if left unspecified '* '******************************************************************** Private Function blnConnect(ByVal strNameSpace, _ ByVal strUserName, _ ByVal strPassword, _ ByRef strServer, _ ByRef objService) ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Dim objLocator, objWshNet blnConnect = False 'There is no error. 'Create Locator object to connect to remote CIM object manager Set objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") If Err.Number then Call Wscript.Echo( "Error 0x" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) & _ " occurred in creating a locator object." ) If Err.Description <> "" Then Call Wscript.Echo( "Error description: " & Err.Description & "." ) End If Err.Clear blnConnect = True 'An error occurred Exit Function End If 'Connect to the namespace which is either local or remote Set objService = objLocator.ConnectServer (strServer, strNameSpace, _ strUserName, strPassword) ObjService.Security_.impersonationlevel = 3 If Err.Number then Call Wscript.Echo( "Error 0x" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) & _ " occurred in connecting to server " _ & strServer & ".") If Err.Description <> "" Then Call Wscript.Echo( "Error description: " & Err.Description & "." ) End If Err.Clear blnConnect = True 'An error occurred End If 'Get the current server's name if left unspecified If IsEmpty(strServer) Then Set objWshNet = CreateObject("Wscript.Network") strServer = objWshNet.ComputerName End If End Function '******************************************************************** '* '* Sub VerifyHostIsCscript() '* '* Purpose: Determines which program is used to run this script. '* '* Input: None '* '* Output: If host is not cscript, then an error message is printed '* and the script is aborted. '* '******************************************************************** Sub VerifyHostIsCscript() ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Dim strFullName, strCommand, i, j, intStatus strFullName = WScript.FullName If Err.Number then Call Wscript.Echo( "Error 0x" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) & " occurred." ) If Err.Description <> "" Then Call Wscript.Echo( "Error description: " & Err.Description & "." ) End If intStatus = CONST_ERROR End If i = InStr(1, strFullName, ".exe", 1) If i = 0 Then intStatus = CONST_ERROR Else j = InStrRev(strFullName, "", i, 1) If j = 0 Then intStatus = CONST_ERROR Else strCommand = Mid(strFullName, j+1, i-j-1) Select Case LCase(strCommand) Case "cscript" intStatus = CONST_CSCRIPT Case "wscript" intStatus = CONST_WSCRIPT Case Else 'should never happen Call Wscript.Echo( "An unexpected program was used to " _ & "run this script." ) Call Wscript.Echo( "Only CScript.Exe or WScript.Exe can " _ & "be used to run this script." ) intStatus = CONST_ERROR End Select End If End If If intStatus <> CONST_CSCRIPT Then Call WScript.Echo( "Please run this script using CScript." & vbCRLF & _ "This can be achieved by" & vbCRLF & _ "1. Using ""CScript PS.VBS arguments"" for Windows 95/98 or" _ & vbCRLF & "2. Changing the default Windows Scripting Host " _ & "setting to CScript" & vbCRLF & " using ""CScript " _ & "//H:CScript //S"" and running the script using" & vbCRLF & _ " ""PS.VBS arguments"" for Windows NT/2000." ) WScript.Quit End If End Sub '******************************************************************** '* '* Sub WriteLine() '* Purpose: Writes a text line either to a file or on screen. '* Input: strMessage the string to print '* objFile an output file object '* Output: strMessage is either displayed on screen or written to a file. '* '******************************************************************** Sub WriteLine(ByVal strMessage, ByVal objFile) On Error Resume Next If IsObject(objFile) then 'objFile should be a file object objFile.WriteLine strMessage Else Call Wscript.Echo( strMessage ) End If End Sub '******************************************************************** '* '* Function blnErrorOccurred() '* '* Purpose: Reports error with a string saying what the error occurred in. '* '* Input: strIn string saying what the error occurred in. '* '* Output: displayed on screen '* '******************************************************************** Private Function blnErrorOccurred (ByVal strIn) If Err.Number Then Call Wscript.Echo( "Error 0x" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) & ": " & strIn) If Err.Description <> "" Then Call Wscript.Echo( "Error description: " & Err.Description) End If Err.Clear blnErrorOccurred = True Else blnErrorOccurred = False End If End Function '******************************************************************** '* '* Function blnOpenFile '* '* Purpose: Opens a file. '* '* Input: strFileName A string with the name of the file. '* '* Output: Sets objOpenFile to a FileSystemObject and setis it to '* Nothing upon Failure. '* '******************************************************************** Private Function blnOpenFile(ByVal strFileName, ByRef objOpenFile) ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Dim objFileSystem Set objFileSystem = Nothing If IsEmpty(strFileName) OR strFileName = "" Then blnOpenFile = False Set objOpenFile = Nothing Exit Function End If 'Create a file object Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If blnErrorOccurred("Could not create filesystem object.") Then blnOpenFile = False Set objOpenFile = Nothing Exit Function End If 'Open the file for output Set objOpenFile = objFileSystem.OpenTextFile(strFileName, 8, True) If blnErrorOccurred("Could not open") Then blnOpenFile = False Set objOpenFile = Nothing Exit Function End If blnOpenFile = True End Function '******************************************************************** '* * '* End of File * '* * '******************************************************************** Lenke til kommentar
latexen Skrevet 31. mars 2003 Forfatter Del Skrevet 31. mars 2003 Det scriptet over inneholder mulighet for å ta ownership... Det hjelper ikke meg så mye da jeg må ha muligheten til å spessifisere at hjemmekatalogene til brukerne skal ha sikkerhet på denne måten: admin og "User" Noen som kan hjelpe? Lenke til kommentar
exchange Skrevet 31. mars 2003 Del Skrevet 31. mars 2003 se eksemplet nederst på siden. Lenke til kommentar
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