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Nintendo announces dual-touchscreen DSi, "DSi Shop" content store




As expected, Nintendo just announced the DSi at its fall presentation -- and it's got dual touchscreens. The company is calling it a "third platform," which means it's complementing the existing DS Lite, not necessarily replacing it. Lookswise there's not much different, but it's some 12 percent thinner, partly because it doesn't have a GBA cartridge slot. The touchscreens are also slightly larger, at 3.25 inches, and there's an external three megapixel camera -- we don't know what that dot in the hinge is, but we're told there's only one camera. There's an SD slot and internal storage -- we're not sure how much at the moment, but photos can be taken directly to the Wii Photo Channel on the card. Nintendo's also launching an online DSi Shop, which will sell content directly over WiFi, including a free browser app and "DS Ware" game -- and you'll be able to get on for free at "Nintendo Zone" hotspots, which'll be in Japanese McDonalds. The store will take the newly-renamed Nintendo Points, 1000 of which will come free with the DSi until March 2010 and content will be priced in 0 / 200 / 500 / 800 point brackets. ¥18,900 ($178), launching in Japan on November 1st in black and white -- the rest of us will have to wait until next year.


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DS har allerede blitt en av favorittmaskinene mine gjennom tidene. Jeg SKAL ha DSi når den kommer ut dersom jeg kan kjøpe gamle gameboy spill gjennom DS shopen.


Konferansen knuste for øvrig E3-presentasjonen til Nintendo:


Monster Hunter 3, Punch-Out 3, Sin & Punishment 2, Nytt Tales of, Another Code Wii, Endless Ocean 2, og rereleases av GC spill.

Dynamic, Supan Smasher, Cosmic Walker, Line Attack Heroes(aner ikke hva disse spillene dreier seg om, men de er utgitt av Nintendo).


Man får mulighet til å laste ned VC/WW spill direkte til SD-kortet, og det skal bli lettere å føre over spill til det interne minnet.


Nintendo skal prøve å få flere folk online ved å inkludere en 3,5 minutters demovideo med hver solgte Wii. De skal også kjøre en kampanje der de oppfordrer folk til å få vennene sine på internett. Både den som rekrutterer og den som blir rekruttert får 500 Wii points.



DSi :love:

Mario & Luigi 3, Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of time og Picross 3D

Dragon Quest IX kommer ut i Japan i mars neste år.

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1 med 0,3MP som peker mot bruker bak skjermen og 1 som er på utsiden med 3MP.


Lurer litt på hva som er greia med det. Hey, look at me play?


Next-gen pictochat. Nå kan man se på hverandre mens man bruker pictochat! :p

Det blir spennende å se hva de skal bruke det kameraet til. Hva med et webcam/chat program?


Jeg har lest noen skumle rykter om batteriet i DSi. Er det noen som vet noe konkret om hvordan batteritiden er i forhold til DSlite?

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Se filmen hos Youtube


Her er den annonsert tilsalgs allerede 3 november. Med en videosnutt fra Youtube

Endret av Cubicle Dude
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Wii kommer ikke i flere farger før etterspørselen går ned, så ikke direkte overraskende. Kanskje må vi vente til "Wii HD".



Kommer vistnok ikke før 2011 ifølge ryktebørsen:




Report: Next-Gen Wii HD Due by 2011

by Chris Faylor Oct 01, 2008 10:26am CST tags: Rumor, Nintendo, Wii HD

Nintendo is beginning to present its next generation hardware, dubbed Wii HD, to game developers and publishers, according to a report from What They Play.


Said to be "far more than a simple refresh of the current hardware," sources tell the site that the Wii HD is being billed as the true successor to the Wii and should launch by 2011. That fits with the predictions of key industry figures, who expect the next generation of consoles, including the PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720, to arrive by 2012.


Along with support for high definition resolutions, the new system is expected to sport backwards compatibility and a focus on digitally distributed content. Sources also indicate that Nintendo is once again placing special emphasis on the controller.


While these may seem like the ramblings of a no-name site attempting to gain traffic, especially as Nintendo is tomorrow throwing a a press event while word of a revised DS circulates, What They Play was co-founded by former EGM editor-in-chief John Davison. A long-time industry veteran, Davison also penned the report.


Davison further notes that something major is in the works at Nintendo, as the company has more than tripled its research and development costs since the Wii launched in 2006, with the company spending $370 million on R&D in 2007.


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