Gjest KAU Food Researcher Skrevet 25. september 2008 Del Skrevet 25. september 2008 (endret) Hello! I'm looking for Norwegians that want to represent Norway in an Academic Research Project that we are conducting for Karlstad University in Sweden. The project is about Norwegian teenagers' eating habits and is conducted on a foodlog site created on wordpress; there they note down their thoughts on any subjects that comes to mind concerning food or eating (or any of such related things). The things they write does not have to be very long, or advanced, grammatically correct or particularly time consuming (it doesn't have to take more than 5 minutes, or be a great essay) - it's the thoughts of Norwegian teenagers we are looking for, not particular subjects (except food of course!). So are there any kind Norwegians on this forum that would like to help advancing knowledge and development by helping us with our research. If you are a Norwegian teenager that would like to help, please, have a look at our foodlog (diskusjon.no) and if it looks easy enough, reply here with your contact mail. Please, help us! Endret 25. september 2008 av KVTL slettet link Lenke til kommentar
KVTL Skrevet 25. september 2008 Del Skrevet 25. september 2008 Stenges da innlegget strider mot reglene for gjesteposting. Om man ønsker å gjennomføre en undersøkjelse osv. så send en mail til [email protected] for nærmere avklaring. Sklike poster regnes også som spam/ reklame. MVH KVTL Lenke til kommentar
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