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På tide å prøve LittleBigPlanet!

Gjest Slettet+981234789

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Hvor stabilt er det hos dere online? Fikk "Connection to host is lost" omtrent etter hvert eneste brett jeg spilte online.

Veldig stabilt oss meg, eneste er at det lagger noe sinnsykt 9 av 10 ganger... :\

Vet ikke om det er pga jeg har usa beta'n ...

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Hvor stabilt er det hos dere online? Fikk "Connection to host is lost" omtrent etter hvert eneste brett jeg spilte online.

Veldig stabilt oss meg, eneste er at det lagger noe sinnsykt 9 av 10 ganger... :\

Vet ikke om det er pga jeg har usa beta'n ...


Er lagg her også. Sånn som det lagger hos meg er det nesten umulig å spille sammen med andre til tider. ..

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Har sett på hvordan trophiene kommer til å se ut, og må si et de er veldig stilige i fordhold til andre trophies til andre spill. :grin:




"Play Gold Trophy


Complete all story levels without dying, with the exception of those levels that only end when you die"


Den der kan bli vrien..

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Jeg finner ikke alle gosakene.

Jeg har funnet 60% i banen "Ta tak" og 95% i "Skate til seier"

Hvordan får jeg tak i resten?

Tror jeg har funnet ca. 85 % i de to, 100 % i den første. Har prøvd å finne walkthroughs på youtube osv, men finner ingenting.. Noen som vet hvor de "gjemte" skattene finnes?


Jeg fant løsningen på hvordan man får 100% på alle brettene på et annet forum.




First Level:

No secrets... no sticker unlocks... just run through the level...

be sure to replay it... and sticker the Boot/shoe... right after the first humpty dumpty... the its starts a race... and drops a bird down later in the level... which u need to ace it... JUMP to the bird... in the section where it forces you to commit suicide... this will make you ace the level... thus giving you the really cool PIRATE HOOK and EYE PATCH



Second Level:

This Level is tricky... i will of course leave out... all obvious unlocks... such as the ones you get just by running through the level... also make sure u ace the level... for pirate clothes


• First Spot: Use the R1 Block at the begging of the level... to jump to the buildings in the way back... this gets you some cool building stickers and then after using the star unlock you can get even more


• Second Spot: Use the Sticker unlock with the Teapot and Star to get these unlocks


• Third Spot: (Hard) Sorta drag the Horse to the top of the hill...

pass the first tree while riding down... then on the second tree jump off onto it... takes some time getting the timing right... so be patient... when on top use the star sticker to unlock stuff... then jump off to the right and get the one right below the tree of a face


• Fourth Spot: (HARD) Now on the Part where u learn how to TAP X to drag faster... after u beat that part u jump off into a path of points to a check point...

the tree and bush that the check point is on... is actually only on the 2nd level of play and u can go behind it... so head over to the gap between that bush/tree and go behind it for a unlock


• Fifth Spot: a lot later after u use the see-saws u get to the a platform... where there is a Star sticker unlock and a pile of bean/sack blocks... use them to jump over too the tree... get a few unlocks and use stickers to unlock the clouds (continue over to the clouds from the tree)


• Sixth Spot: (Ultra HARD) this is the one that had me lost for a bit... after getting the score challenge continue on toward the Decorations Tut... the lady who tells u how to do stuff... the one with a bird behind here... or w.e.... all you have to do is go BEHIND her to get the Unlock


• Seventh Spot: While Travailing down on the horse u pass a Star Sticker Unlock location... just after the race... go back and get it... not hard... just back track... make sure u finish before you go back so you can get the mushroom sticker with the help of the Horse



Third Level:

Same as before... i wont tell you the obvious ones...

also MAKE SURE you ace it... for a COOL PIRATE HAT

also to absolutly 100% you need another player

if you have no friends... play online



• First Spot: (HARD) Right When the Level Starts... head Left to a pile of tea cups... use the Sticker unlock and Drops down a couple of Unlock Bubbles yay... easy but lots of people miss it


• Second Spot: After the Falling bricks with the stickers on them... there is a spinning star at the bottom of that part of the level... just stick it and u get that unlock


• Third Spot: After using the bird make sure u go back to collect the two that were above and left of the spinning Water wheel... just use the other bird to swing over to it ...


• Fourth Spot: Make sure u get all the unlocks and sticker unlocks with the jet pack over to the left by the tree...


• Fifth Spot: Now travel past the ghosts and go up the first shoe... and the second one... get the sticker unlock by using the Lion the the Shield at the top of the second shoe... near the Score Challenge key and the ghost (who keeps trying to kill u when u try to use ure sticker LOL)


• Sixth Spot: then continue on... and get the Two person Challenge Stickers... by Each standing on one button for about 1 sec


• Seventh Spot: (hard) Travel up and use the shoe launch to get over to the part where u have to pull the path down... using a block.... there go all the way to the left... and jump forward... of the platform down onto another platform that you should have been able to see when u came up the two rising platforms where the ghost was...

get those two stickers and use the Sticker unlock... in the room to ure left... to get the rest


• Eighth Spot: (HARD) Use the skateboard ramp to travel down... finish the race... then backtrack where u went... there will be a couple of unlocks u missed... including two in a tree... keep going left... till u get to the giant Skate board ramp then go under it... keep going a long way till you get the the end... there is one unlock


That should 100% you


Endret av praystation
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Jeg skjønner ikke når vi skal få stjernestickeren? Level 2?


Du får den om du klarer nok på et av brettene.

Husker ikke helt hvor, men tok en stund før man fikk den;)


I slutten av tredje brett, tror jeg.


Man kan vel ikke vinne noe i det siste "brettet"? Der man bare skal hoppe og prøve å få poeng?

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Jeg får også sånn error (403) når jeg skal gå på om meg...


Slik jeg har forstått det har det med belasting av serverene å gjøre eller noe i duren.

Får mistenkelig ofte den feilen på sene kvelder og netter når de over fjorden våkner til liv.


Noen som vet om det blir slik i fullversionen at alt går via nettet, og har du ikke internett fungerer ikke byggingen?

Slik er det jo i betaen, og rimelig frustrerende å få loade feil på hvert verktøy man skal velge, eller om man sitter uten nettlinje.

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Er det noen som har en betakey til meg?

Hadde satt utrolig pris på det!


Grunnen til at jeg ikke har fått brukt fileplanet sitt tilbud

er at jeg får melding om at jeg _ikke_ er i europa noe jeg er da isp'n min slutter med .no


På forhånd takk. :)

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