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Jeg har et skoleprosjekt hvor jeg skal lage en database om fotballarenaer. Jeg får følgende feilmelding: Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d' på linje 134.


Jeg har knota mye, men finner ikke helt ut av det. Noen med råd?


Type mismatch: '[string: "Anfield"]'


<% option explicit %>
<!--#include file="dbconn.asp"-->

 dim stage, SQL, info
 stage = request.querystring("stage")
 if stage = "" then stage=1

<title>ASP Ugly</title>
if stage = 1 then
     <p>Please make your choice:</p>
     <div id="box2_r">
       <form action="stadiums.asp" method="get">
         <input type="hidden" name="stage" value="2">
 '----------- STADIUM --------------

 SQL="SELECT StadiumID, StadiumName FROM StadiumTable ORDER BY StadiumName"
 set info=conn.execute(SQL)

 response.write "          <p>Stadium<br> <select name=""stadiumNum"">"&chr(13)
 response.write "            <option value=""-1"" selected>Any</option>"&chr(13)
 do until info.eof
   response.write "            <option value=""" & info(0) & """>" & info(1) & "</option>"&chr(13)
 response.write "          </select></p><br>"&chr(13)

  '----------- TEAM --------------
 SQL="SELECT TeamID, TeamName FROM TeamTable ORDER BY TeamName"
 set info=conn.execute(SQL)

 response.write "          <p>Team<br> <select name=""teamNum"">"&chr(13)
 response.write "            <option value=""-1"" selected>Any</option>"&chr(13)
 do until info.eof
   response.write "            <option value=""" & info(0) & """>" & info(1) & "</option>"&chr(13)
 response.write "          </select></p><br>"&chr(13)

 '----------- CITY --------------
 SQL="SELECT PlaceID, City FROM PlaceTable ORDER BY City"
 set info=conn.execute(SQL)

 response.write "          <p>City<br> <select name=""cityNum"">"&chr(13)
 response.write "            <option value=""-1"" selected>Any</option>"&chr(13)
 do until info.eof
   response.write "            <option value=""" & info(0) & """>" & info(1) & "</option>"&chr(13)
 response.write "          </select></p><br>"&chr(13)

  '----------- COUNTRY --------------
 SQL="SELECT CountryID,  Country FROM CountryTable ORDER BY Country "
 set info=conn.execute(SQL)

 response.write "          <p>Country<br> <select name=""countryNum"">"&chr(13)
 response.write "            <option value=""-1"" selected>Any</option>"&chr(13)
 do until info.eof
   response.write "            <option value=""" & info(0) & """>" & info(1) & "</option>"&chr(13)
 response.write "          </select></p><br>"&chr(13)

 		 <p><input type="submit"></p>


elseif stage = 2 then

     dim fields
     fields = Array("Venue Name", "Venue Location", "Contact Number", "Event Email", "Event Style",_
                    "Event Budget", "Event Capacity")

   dim stadiumIDs(), stadiums(), f, numStyles
SQL = "select count(StadiumID) from StadiumTable"
set info = conn.execute(SQL)
numStyles = info(0)
redim stadiumIDs(numStyles)
redim stadiums(numStyles)
SQL = "select StadiumID, StadiumName from StadiumTable"
set info = conn.execute(SQL)
do while not info.eof
	stadiumIDs(f) = info(0)
	stadiums(f) = info(1)
	f = f + 1

   '--- build the "compulsory" parts of the SQL command
   '               0         1
   SQL="SELECT StadiumID, StadiumName "&_
        " FROM StadiumTable"

   '--- grab the data from the form
   dim stadiumNum, teamNum, cityNum, countryNum, stadiumOK, teamOK, cityOK, countryOK
   stadiumNum = 1*Request.QueryString("stadiumNum")
	teamNum = 2*Request.QueryString("teamNum")
	cityNum = 3*Request.QueryString("cityNum")
	countryNum = 4*Request.QueryString("countryNum")

response.write SQL&"<br>"&chr(13)&chr(13)
   '--- execute the query
   set info=conn.execute(SQL)

   if info.eof then
     response.write "        Sorry, no records matching your query"&chr(13)
	response.write "stadiumNum="&stadiumNum& ""
	do while not info.eof

	   response.write info(1)&" : "&chr(13)
	   stadiumOK = true
		if stadiumNum <> -1 then
			if (info(1) AND stadiumNum) = stadiumNum then 
				stadiumOK = true 
				stadiumOK = false
				response.write "("& info(1)&" AND "&stadiumNum&") = "&(info(1) AND stadiumNum)&" = "&stadiumOK&"<br>"
			end if
		end if
		if stadiumOK then response.write " stadium=OK"

		if (stadiumOK) then
		   response.write "<a href=""stadiumdetails.asp?id="&info(1)&"></a><br>"&chr(13)
		end if
		response.write "<br>"&chr(13)
   end if

 end if  ' stage

 response.write "      <br clear=""left""><br>"&chr(13)
 if stage=2 then 
   response.write chr(13)
   'response.write "      <i>that's all folks!</i><br><br>"&chr(13)
 end if

<% conn.close %>

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