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Irak-krigen og USAs økonomi

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Tror ikke folk forstår hvor sterk USA sin økonomi egentlig er. Staten Califorina er verdens 4. største økonomi. Større en Canada, Tyskland, Frankrike osv. Det er helt ekstremt. Litt har det nok hatt å si, men en overdreven effekt har det ikke hatt.


Grunnen til at USA er i en resisjonsperiode nå er at altfor mange som ikke burde ha fått lån, har fått lån. Dette har fått vanvittig mange konsekvenser, alt fra boligkrakk til børsfall. Det har med for høyt forbruk å gjøre.


Glimti, han skriver at det er subprime-krisen som har ført USA dit de er nå. Ikke at Irak-krigen har hatt ingenting å si.

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Det er riktig som det ble nevnt at subprime-krisen er hovedårsaken til stagnert økonomi i USA men samtidig har USAs økonomi i de siste 7-8 år, uavhengig av subprime-krisen, vært bekymringsfullt for sentrale myndigheter. USAs økonomer har i lengre tid advart mot utviklingen uten at det har resultert i konkrete tiltak. For første gang på lenge har USA mer gjeld enn de får i inntekter. USA har for så vidt alltid hatt gjeld men på bakgrunn av den store BNP har dette aldri vært ansett som problematisk, frem til nå. Det som skjer nå er at USA ikke klarer å betjene den store gjelden og røde tall begynner å slå inn for fullt i USAs økonomi. Både tidligere banksjefer og ledene aktører fra finansdepartementet har gått ut å advart mot utviklingen uten at Bush-administrasjon har foretatt seg noe som helst. Hvis det ikke blir gjort noe vesentlig på dette områder innen 2015 er det store muligheter for at dette kan ha alvorlige konsekvenser for USA som føderal stat.

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US Economy: Rudderless,

Reeling From Direct Hits

A Raid On Private Pensions?

By Paul Craig Roberts



We were promised a "New Economy" of high-tech tradable services to take the place of the offshore manufacturing economy. Wondering what had become of the "New Economy," Duke University's Offshoring Research Network searched for it and located it offshore. Yes, the activities of the "New Economy" are also outsourced offshore.


Call centers, IT operations, back-office operations, and manufacturing have long been moved offshore. Now high-value-added proprietary activities such as research and development, engineering, product development, and analytical services are being sent offshore. All that's left is finance, and it is crumbling before our eyes.


Independent broker-dealers are disappearing: Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers. These venerable institutions were too thinly capitalized for the risks that they took. Merrill Lynch is now part of the Bank of America, and Lehman Brothers is history.


Ill-advised financial deregulation led to financial concentration and not to more efficient markets. Independent local banks, which focused on financing local businesses, and Saving and Loan Associations, which knew the local housing market, have been replaced with large institutions that package unanalyzed risks and sell them worldwide.


Regulation over-reached. The pendulum swung. Deregulation became an ideology and a facilitator of greed.


Deregulating electric power gave us Enron.


Deregulating the airlines destroyed famous American brand names such as Pan Am, shrank the number of companies, and caused a decline in service. When airlines were regulated, they could afford standby equipment, and cancelled flights were rare. Today, the bottom line prohibits standby equipment, and mechanical problems result in cancelled flights. When economists calculated the benefits of deregulation, they left out many of its costs.


There are no longer any blue chip companies, which means that investing for retirement has become a crapshoot. People realize this; thus, the privatization of Social Security has no support.


If we look realistically at the US economy, we see that what is not moved offshore is being bailed out. Last year, the US Department of Energy was authorized to make $25 billion in loans to auto manufacturing firms and suppliers of automotive parts. Last week the Secretary of the Treasury took $5 trillion dollars in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac home mortgages under its wing.


The Congressional Budget Office says this action by the Treasury means "that the operations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should be directly incorporated into the federal budget." ( http://cboblog.cbo.gov/ ). Their revenues would be treated as federal revenues, and their expenditures as federal expenditures. If the former were greater than the latter, there would be no reason for the takeover.


The open question is: what do these new liabilities do to the Treasury's own credit standing?


For now, this question is submerged. The traditional practice of fleeing to the US dollar and US Treasury bonds during periods of financial stress and uncertainty has boosted the dollar and kept interest rates low. But sooner or later the large US budget deficit, worsened by recession and bailouts, and the large trade deficit, which requires constant recycling of dollars held by foreigners into US financial and real assets, will result in renewed effort on the part of foreigners to lighten their dollar holdings.


When this time arrives, US interest rates will have to rise in order for the government to be able to continue to rely on foreigners to recycle the dollars acquired in trade to finance the US government's annual budget deficit.


The current financial problems have pushed into the background the larger problems of the US budget and trade deficits. Goods and services for American markets that US corporations outsource offshore return as imports, which widen the US trade deficit. Moving production offshore reduces US GDP and employment and increases foreign GDP and employment. Moving production offshore reduces the export capacity of the US economy while raising the import bill.


Therefore, how is the trade deficit to be closed? One way is through the dollar's loss in exchange value, which would reduce American consumers' real incomes and leave them too poor to purchase the offshore goods and services.


How is the budget deficit to be closed when jobs are disappearing and GDP (tax base) is being relocated offshore?


Not by higher taxes. Higher taxes are problematic for a recessionary economy in which unemployment, properly measured, is already in double digits ( http://www.shadowstats.com/ ).


Some people have speculated that the budget deficit will be closed by dismantling entitlement programs such as Medicare. However, considering the cost of medical insurance, this would be catastrophic for tens of millions of older Americans.


The more likely avenue will be a raid on private pensions. The Clinton administration's appointee, Alicia Munnell, as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy argued that private pensions should face a capital levy to make up for the fact that their accumulation was tax free. I expect that the federal government, faced with its own bankruptcy, will resurrect this argument, as it will be preferable to printing money like a banana republic or Weimar Germany.


In the 21st century, the US economy has been kept going by debt expansion, not by real income growth. Economists have hyped US productivity growth, but there is no sign that increased productivity has raised family incomes, an indication that there is a problem with the productivity statistics. With consumers overloaded with debt and the value of their most important asset--housing--falling, the American consumer will not be leading a recovery.


A country that had intelligent leaders would recognize its dire straits, stop its gratuitous wars, and slash its massive military budget, which exceeds that of the rest of the world combined. But a country whose foreign policy goal is world hegemony will continue on the path to destruction until the rest of the world ceases to finance its existence.


Most Americans, including the presidential candidates and the media, are unaware that the US government today, now at this minute, is unable to finance its day to operations and must rely on foreigners to purchase its bonds. The government pays the interest to foreigners by selling more bonds, and when the bonds come due, the government redeems the bonds by selling new bonds. The day the foreigners do not buy is the day the American people and their government are brought to reality.


This is not the financial position of a superpower.


Will what happened to Lehman Brothers now be America's fate tomorrow?

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Staten Califorina er verdens 4. største økonomi. Større en Canada, Tyskland, Frankrike osv. Det er helt ekstremt.
Tysklands økonomi

Generelt om tysk økonomi

Med 82,5 millioner innbyggere er Tyskland det største av landene i den Europeiske Unionen, målt i folketall. Den er verdens tredje største økonomi (etter USA og Japan) og verdens største eksportør med 9% av verdens eksport. I EU har Tyskland en ledende økonomisk posisjon, og Tyskland er én av de viktigste handelspartnere for de fleste europeiske land, også for Norge. Når det gjelder import til Norge fra Tyskland (unntatt skip og oljeplattformer), utgjør personbiler en femtedel. Ingen andre land har et så dominerende eksportprodukt til Norge.



Jeg har hvertfall alltid hørt at Tyskland er verdens 3. største økonomi, så California ligger nok ikke over Tyskland.

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USAs militærbudsjett er like stort som alle resten av verdens 191 land til sammen. Bare økningen i det amerikanske militærbudsjettet etter 11.september 2001 var like stort som det samlede forsvarsbudsjettet til Frankrike og Storbritannia.

Det siste som er kommet fram er vel at det Amerikanske militærbudsjettet for 2008 allerede er overskredet med 200%.

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Taper USA så mye penger på krig egentlig? går ikke det meste tilbake til dem selv, ettersom de produsere mesteparten av våpnene , betaler sine egne soldater etc etc..


Jeg tror selfølgelig at de mister en del penger på krigen, men virker som det landet dær er avhengig av å krige for å holde økonomien igang, vill nokk se fremover at kriger blir mer å mer for å dra til seg naturressurser...

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USA burde iallfall kutte i militær budsjettet sitt kraftig for å betale gjeld om ikke så vil det ikke eksistere som stat om ikke så alt for lenge er jeg redd. Nå sitter jeg ikke på tallene for amerikansk gjeld, men jeg har hørt noe slikt som hundre tusen milliarder, bare rentene av dette lånet går kraftig ut over amerikansk økonomi.

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