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Er det bare meg, eller møter dere andre også mange usynlige vegger hver dag?



Og, den 50km² fritt å bevege seg på er jo litt bullshit.

Siden ca 50%-70% av mappen er fylt inn med fjell man ikke kan gå på.


Blir frustrert når jeg skal snipe noen, at jeg ikke kommer meg dit jeg vil!



Edit: Fixed xD

Endret av Applebeefanmæfitjægrisnæ
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Yes, da var patch 1.01 ute og den inneholder følgende fikser:



- Fixed Dolby 5.1 support for most sound cards.

- Fixed mission objectives marker after a loading a save game.

- Fixed for difficulty level not changing health when updated.

- Fixed Jackal Tapes and Partner Tapes pages.

- Fixed Field Manuals not unlocking after game mode change.

- Fixed glider key remapping.

- Fixed keyboard controls remapping in single mode that didn't carry into multiplayer mode.

- Prevent a buddy from getting stuck when healing him while receiving damages.

- Fixed stats of favorite weapon not properly reset between loaded save games.

- Fixed the mortar moving the player through wall.

- When creating a dedicated server with PunkBuster enabled then close it to create another but this time with PunkBuster disabled, PunkBuster will still be considered ON, on this new server.

- Display server's IP address in lobby, beside the match’s name (for direct IP join to work)

- Fixed a problem where a player could get stuck (and couldn’t get killed) after pressing the interaction key while wounded and getting rescued by a teammate at the same time.

- Fixed vehicles not being respawned if they were never used.

- A ranked match that is already started will not be listed in the match list.

- Fixed users not being able to see a match if the host switched match mode after a rank. Prevent the host from changing the server setting in a Ranked Match through the console.

- Fixed a glitch that could make a player invisible to another.

- Improved match start conditions. Ranked games can now also start if the player max is attained and everybody but the host is ready.

- Fixed if a user has too many user maps and tries to enter the map rotation menu in a Player or Ranked match, he would get disconnected.

- Fixed incorrect check for negative values when adjusting diamond count.

- Fixed a problem where a player would render through objects if healing a wounded playing while being wounded at the same time.

- Fixed players with same name by using identifiers instead of names.

- Always validate the diamond pool after class upgrades, reset or rank up to avoid getting more diamonds than the player is supposed to for his rank.

- Fixed reload not being interrupted on the host when a client picks a weapon while reloading.

- Fixed crash when creating a LAN game without a network cable.

- Fixed a random crash when joining a game.

- Fixed to make sure game is minimized in order to show the website when clicking on ubi.com

- Fixed crash in editor when deleting many objects in very rapid succession.

- Fixed crash in editor during parsing of the map headers.

- Fixed a random crash that could happen when pressing ESC to cancel a Benchmark run.

- Added CPU Intensive benchmark test run.

- Allow launching the Dedicated Server Launcher in command line.


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Nå begynner jeg å bli så sinnsykt inn i helvetes lei av at alle tåler tusen skudd, og når man er omringet så får man jo aldri healet seg fordi hvert jævla skudd hindrer det.. blir nok ikke noe mer FC når Mirrors edge og CoD kommer neste uke :|


<<<<enig i at de tåler litt for mye. I dag skjøt jeg en fyr i magen to ganger med SPAS12. Og plutselig bare reiste han seg opp igjen. Jeg skjøt ham en gang til med Silent Marakov og jaggu så reiser han seg opp enda en gang og jeg skyter ham for FJERDE gang. Da døde han endelig :hmm:

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"- Fixed users not being able to see a match if the host switched match mode after a rank. Prevent the host from changing the server setting in a Ranked Match through the console."


Dette får meg til å tro at det gjelder kosoll og?


Dette er patch 1.01 til PC. Console som det refererer til der er noe annet enn en spillkonsoll vil jeg tro. Sjekke denne linken: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PC_game_console


Parch 1.02 er allerede ute til PS3, men den fikset bare et par problemer i forhold til multiplayer. Håper det kommer en ny patch snart.

Endret av Blodappelsin
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