Doroshuk Skrevet 6. september 2008 Del Skrevet 6. september 2008 (endret) PAX 08 : Gears of War 2 for Xbox 360 Hands On Impressions The big game that Microsoft was showing off at Penny Arcade Expo this year was Gears of War 2. There is a lot of hype that the game deserves building up to the release on November 7. They showed a level that one of the lead animator from Epic Games presented on the big screen and they had a multiplayer level up and running on some networked Xboxen 350+10s. The one and only Cliff Bleszinski esquire was busy at the office cracking the whip on the programmers and testers trying to finish the game. The overall the intensity and volume level of Gears of War was cranked up even more. Gears of War was already a big budget game but this one feels even bigger and more polished. You can easily tell that they did some major work on the heavily upgraded version of the Unreal Engine 3. Despite being an Unreal Engine game it did not look like a typical FPS made with the stock Unreal engine. They really have made an incredible investment in the technology that they used to make this game and it is really showing off. If you have not seen the GDC Unreal Tech demo on Xbox Live than you really need to check it out and see what I mean. The environments look expanded, destructible and hardcore. The pixel shading techniques, textures, and in-game lighting through ambient occlusion just looks super sweet. It looks a game on a future console. It is a 2008 game running on a gaming console from 2005 but it looks like a game from 2012. Man that was an extremely Gibsonian cyberpunk thing to say. I don't know what Silicone Knights has been complaining about. After I saw Gears of War 2 I headed over to the Sony booth and sat down with Resistance 2 on PS3. It just came across as boring after Gears. It was some of the best multiplayer action anywhere. I had some chainsaw fun and dispensed the "Sawdomy" blows to my fellow PAX attendees on more than one occasions and I am not even remotely good at Gears. The intense chainsaw duals were pretty short but years of mashing buttons gave me a distinct advantage in cutting down the punks. In a multiplayer game you can crawl on the ground after getting shot before completely bleeding out. If you can make it to a team make they can revive you but if an enemy gets to you they can shoot you or curb stomp execute you. I saw the meat shields demoed where you can use an enemy as a hostage bullet catcher. I seriously doubt that this game is going to be rated E for All. However they were not showing off the soft body entities aka "Meat Cube" technology in that demo. I wonder how the designers are going to be using that. I don't know what they are feeding them in Cary North Carolina at the Unreal company picnics but I bet they like their steaks pretty bloody and red. Kanskje ikke så overraskende. Resistance var jo et rimelig tamt standard spill. Endret 6. september 2008 av Doroshuk Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-NIoHlfL Skrevet 6. september 2008 Del Skrevet 6. september 2008 Tråd stenges da den åpenbart er ment for å provosere. Innlegg av denne typen trenger heller ingen egen tråd, og kan postes i denne tråden. Lenke til kommentar
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