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The WoW tekst game

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Svarer lycantrophe:


Lvl 18 human male mage:

i cod them? btw wanna came DM last spot!!

SJØRE. DØS ITT DRÅPP EPIX? WHEIT? legendary's?!?!?!!! I IS IN!


18 human male mage:

i inv u accept plz

/invite Lycantrophe

/p hi lets go!

hear is the plan: kill horde, dont over agro, watch pull, let tank pull enemys and if u need heal go away or use first aid!

Endret av Duffo
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18 human male mage:

i inv u accept plz

/invite Lycantrophe

/p hi lets go!

hear is the plan: kill horde, dont over agro, watch pull, let tank pull enemys and if u need heal go away or use first aid!

I haf axept.




I kil hård, aber ich kann nicht watsch agro, pls tnak. i is DPS PALADIN LOL HOLY SHOCK. I haf møtsh mana. int buff pls.

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18 human male mage:

i inv u accept plz

/invite Lycantrophe

/p hi lets go!

hear is the plan: kill horde, dont over agro, watch pull, let tank pull enemys and if u need heal go away or use first aid!

I haf axept.




I kil hård, aber ich kann nicht watsch agro, pls tnak. i is DPS PALADIN LOL HOLY SHOCK. I haf møtsh mana. int buff pls.


Okey, dont need on wat u dont need! thats a nicht nicht! press greed or u wil get kick

when we come to hogger wait 5 sekonds until u go attack so tank get agro

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