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Savage 2 - RPG + RTS + FPS - Endelig noe originalt!

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Du kan laste ned Savage 2 fra S2Games hjemmeside.. Selve demoen og hele spillet blir kjørt fra samme klient. Hele spillet koster totalt $20 dollar, og jeg kan garantere med hånd på hjertet at dette spillet vil more deg. Den såkalte "Collectors Edition" koster $5 dollar hvorav du får en strategy guide og en fysisk kopi av spillet, i tillegg får du 5 scratch-off lapper hvor du vil få nye skills. Support indie-gaming og kjøp det spillet, hvis du har moret deg iløpet av 5-timers trialen eller rett og slett er en Savage 1 spiller.




IT'S LIVE! - discount

Savage 2 will be available for $9.99 on August 29-31st at the S2Games website.




Goon List


[Diskusjon.No brukernavn] - [savage 2 kontonavn]


evilleader360 - EvilLeader




About Savage 2


Flashy intro paragraph! /(emot-words.gif)

Savage 2: A Tortured Soul is the sequel to the often-ignored and rarely-noticed action-strategy game Savage: The Battle for Newerth. It takes the best of the FPS, RTS, and RPG genres and blends them seamlessly into an extremely addictive and complex experience. Anyone who's seen either game in action knows that each match is full of possibilities for epic moments and amazing displays of skill and strategy. Savage 2 improves on the original concept by balancing out key game play elements such as melee and ranged combat, making each character class unique, expanding the quantity and viability of the support roles, and overall creating a more cohesive experience.





emot-frogsiren.gif "Those look like bullshots!"


These screenshots are from an upcoming version of the game which has bloom and refraction effects, and has all settings cranked up about as high as they can go. They haven't been altered except to shrink the file size through jpg compression and create thumbnails.




Savage 2 Gameplay Video


Gameplay overview


Savage 2 basically takes class-based team vs. team FPS combat a la Team Fortress 2 and mixes in some heavy RTS elements such as having a commander (one per team), having various structures and research options, etc. There are also RPG elements like purchasable items, lots of different abilities and spells, buffs and debuffs, farmable NPC's (think Warcraft 3-style creeps), etc.


If you've ever played Natural Selection for Half-Life 1 or the Empires mod for Half-Life 2, you'll probably be pretty familiar with this style of play.


The main goal in any Savage 2 match is to destroy the enemy lair/stronghold structure (aka their main command structure and spawn point) before the enemy team can do the same. How to achieve this is up to the team, but generally it comes in the form of attacks from the normal player classes, siege units, and occasionally hellbourne units.


Depending on the players and map, a match in Savage 2 generally lasts between 15 minutes and an hour. If the teams are unusually well-matches, sometimes it can go for a couple of hours, or if the teams are terribly uneven, it can be over in 5-7 minutes (but this is pretty rare lately).



Strategy Wiki




I'm currently hosting a wiki for Savage 2 strategy and other types of information. Check it out for more detailed information than in this OP.


Gameplay Videos


Stack vs MA clan match with commentary by TotalBiscuit and editing by Molte - - This match shows gameplay between really highly skilled players. If you want to see how a really competitive Savage 2 match plays out, check this out.


Savage 2 Trailer - 'Hiddenvillage'



New - Savage 2 Melee Overview




I've uploaded some gameplay videos of Savage 2 to youtube. The more recent ones are in the back of the playlist. I'm going to be getting some new videos up as soon as they fix the "Connection Interrupted" text message that shows up while playing back a replay.







Savage 2 is not an MMORPG. You buy the game once ($20) and there are no other fees. You can buy the collector's edition (an extra $5) which is just a boxed game/manual and 5 free persistent item tickets, but you don't need a boxed copy of the game/manual to play and you can earn persistent items through the in-game achievements system, referring friends, etc.


There are two types of player experience (lifetime and ingame). Lifetime experience does nothing other than to rank you among other players - it's a total of experience you've earned ingame. Ingame experience starts at 0 at the beginning of each match and you can use it to upgrade your character over the course of the match.


The full game and the demo run off the same client. The only difference between having paid for the game and having a demo account is that the demo account's online play is limited to 5 hours of limited play. The rest of the features of the game (practice/tutorial, lan play, replay viewing, etc.) are free and unrestricted. If you have a lot of local buddies or an online group and hamachi, you can play the game without paying a cent.


emot-argh.gifDemo restrictions: (only in effect while playing online)

  • No stats tracking
  • No commanding
  • No leveling/experience
  • No persistent items
  • No hellbourne
  • Slightly longer respawn times

S2 has been occasionally lifting the demo restrictions and allowing for unlimited online play for free. They've done free play (particularly weekends after a major patch) in the past. Currently they're doing a free week event that lasts until July 27th.


"Who's that wank shouting useful tips at me?"

- It's none other than SomethingAwful's very own TotalBiscuit. He's the voice (read: grunts) of Maliken and the voice tips system.


"I have questions that aren't answered by the OP and Wiki!"


Just ask. I'll either add to the wiki/post about the update, or just post a direct response to your query.




Action Players


Most of the players (with the exception of the commander) are considered to be action players. These players pick a class and then run out and battle it out with the enemy - attacking, defending, repairing, using support abilities, healing, etc. Playing as an action player is similar to most FPS games, and the RPG elements such as casting spells and using abilities is similar to MMORPGs. They use a snap-cast system for most single-target spells (not the damage ones, of course - the Revenant being an exception there). Group-target spells either affect an area around the caster or show an area of effect indicator wherever you're aiming (complete with highlighting to show who will be affected). You can hold Y at any time to get an overview of your class's abilities, and hold ALT to see the health of all on-screen units.


Combat for action playes is a mix of melee attacks (high damage, high risk), ranged attacks (long range, low damage, low risk), and the chosen unit's abilities (a mix of direct damage attacks, buffs, debuffs, and support/utility abilities).


Action players are divided up into squads, each with an officer that can give orders and lay down spawn portals. Being near an officer provided an increase to stamina regeneration.



Action Player Resources:



Gold: Used to purchase the non-free classes/siege units and items. Earned by damaging buildings and killing enemy units.

Health: Same as any other game. No health and you're dead. At least you can be revived by the commander or a healer unit.

Mana: Equivilent to mana or power, depending on how you look at it. Used for most abilities, spells, all beast ranged weapons (humans have FPS-style ammo), etc.

Souls: Every time you kill an enemy player (and some of the stronger NPCs), you'll earn a soul. Souls are used to purchase hellbourne units. As a hellbourne unit, collecting a soul earns you extra health, but doesn't contribute to your collected soul count. The maliken unit gains stamina and mana per soul in addition to health, and if you're carrying one of the items required to become a Maliken (heart, brain, lungs, soul), you'll gain a bit of health, mana, or stamina (the soul doesn't have any bonus) per soul collected.

Experience: As you perform actions in the game you'll earn experience points. Every time you earn enough points to gain a level, you can customize your character a bit by placing a few points into stats like intelligence (more mana), agility (more stamina), endurance (more health), and strength (more melee damage). As you level, your character will show it by wearing extra pieces of armor and having a better-looking weapon (although those visual changes are purely cosmetic, and just serve as an indicator of your level).



Persistent Items


Action players can store up to 5 persistent items in their vault at any given time (look in the account management page of their website). Items in the vault will expire after a few months. Items that are not in the vault (persistent items that have just been revealed but not chosen, which you can just leave in your account for when the vault items expire) and unclaimed persistent item scratch-off tickets (like a lotto ticket for a random persistent item) do not expire. Items in the vault can be selected when at the loadout screen before spawning. Players can spawn with up to 2 of their persistent items at a time. Persistent items are earned mostly through the achievements system, but you can also earn persistents in other ways such as referrals (bringing new players to the game). The occasional mapping contests that they've done have rewarded players with a rune of their choice.


Persistent items are divided up into four properties. Each persistent item consists of one of the options listed in each property - item strength, regeneration increase, stat maximum/tota increase, and temporary boost/replenishment.


Item Strength:

  • Ring: All other properties give a boost of 5%.
  • Amulet: All other properties give a boost of 8%.
  • Jewel: All other properties give a boost of 11%.
  • Rune: All other properties give a boost of 15%.

Regeneration Increase:

  • Red: Health regeneration rate increase.
  • Blue: Mana regeneration rate increase.
  • White: Stamina regeneration rate increase.

Stat Maximum/Total Increase:

  • Bear: Maximum health increase.
  • Dolphin: Maximum mana increase.
  • Rabbit: Maximum stamina increase.
  • Armadillo: Armor increase.
  • Beaver: Gold income increase (for any gold earned thorugh normal player actions).

Temporary Boost/Replenishment (use the item to gain the effect):

  • Heart: Replenish health.
  • Brain: Replenish mana.
  • Lungs: Replenish stamina.
  • Shield: Temporary armor boost.
  • Dagger: Temporary melee damage boost.
  • Feet: Temporary movement speed boost.

Persistent items do not expire upon use. The item cooldowns vary based on the effect.


Player Attributes


As players gain experience in-game, they can put points into the following attributes to boost certain properties of their class. Player level and attributes carry over between class changes. At the start of each match, players start at level 1, with 0 experience.

  • Endurance: Increases the player's health regeneration and maximum health.
  • Intelligence: Increases the player's mana regeneration and maximum mana.
  • Agility: Increases the players's stamina regeneration and maximum stamina.
  • Strength: Increases the player's melee damage.

Melee Combat Overview:

S2Games website posted:


Savage 2's melee system incorporates a few unique features that makes it feel very smooth and responsive. Melee combat between players in Savage 2 consists of 3 basic moves. Each move interacts differently with the opponents moves. The basic melee attack moves are Attack, Interrupt, and Block, in addition to each units special abilities. Each melee move, and its interaction with others moves are detailed below.


Basically, there are 3 Melee moves and they form a rock-paper-scissors system.

  • Quick attack (left-click) is your basic attack, and is unimpeded by the interrupt move. It deals the most damage.
  • Block (hold middle mouse button) stops quick attack, stuns the attacker, and deals a small amount of damage.
  • Interrupt (right-click) stuns a player if they're blocking and deals a small amount of damage.

Hellbourne units have a strong attack move instead of interrupt, which deals more damage and is a bit slower to execute.



Melee Strategy


Melee combat in Savage 2 is one of the most prominent parts of a battle, being frequently used by players to do the majority of their damage. Unfortunately, the melee combat in Savage 2 has a high learning curve and isn't intuitive enough for new players to pick it up in their first few hours. Even though the melee follows a rock paper scissors method, there are a lot of variables to take into consideration other than just what move did they use and what do you use to counter it.


One of the major parts of melee combat is the psychological aspect - knowing how to make your enemy play into your hands. It's important to oberserve a player and either let them make the first move (particularly if they're aggressive), or force them to by using your special abilities and ranged weapons. If the enemy seems to retreat often and avoid direct confrontation, use that to your advantage - get in their face and put the pressure on. The enemy will often slip up and be easy prey.


Stamina management is of prime importance in melee combat. Stamina is your lifeblood, allowing you to sprint, dodge, and attack. Each successful melee attack replenishes a small amount of stamina. Without stamina, your movement and attack speeds are significantly slowed. Jump attacks deal more damage and push the enemy back, but reap no stamina and consume a significant amount in the process. Some of the best players in Savage 2 pump stat points into agility, carry stamina potions, and use persistent items which increase their stamina. These players also make great use of the officer stamina regeneration aura. With the high stamina, their ability to move and attack is pretty much unhindered, and they can move and strike with effortless, brutal precision.




One player on each team can take on the role of commander. The commander gets an RTS-style overview of the playing field, complete with the ability to select and order units, place buildings, etc. The commander acts as a guide and overseer for his team, and can even use a series of spells (mostly buffs and debuffs) to help his team and hinder the enemy. A good commander is an amazingly effective asset for a team - boosting morale, keeping tabs on the enemy, and organizing attacks and defense.


Commander Resources:



Commander Spells: Various buffs, debuffs, and misc. abilities that can be used to aid his team or hinder the enemy.

His team: The commander is nothing without his team. Proper management of his teammates will lead to victory, and screwing it up usually leads to a quick defeat.

Team Gold: The commander can use team gold for building and repairing structures. A portion of the gold earned by action players is taxed to become team gold, but most team gold is earned through harvesting structures built on gold mines.

Commander Workers: The only team-affiliated NPCs. These units function like normal RTS units and are primarily for building/repairing when no teammates are nearby. They're capable of basic attacks but aren't meant for combat.


Commander Spells Overview


Commander_Heal.gifHeal: Replenishes the health of a teammate.

Commander_Centurion_Armor.gifCenturion Armor: Gives a significant armor boost to a group of teammates.

Commander_Speed_Boost.gifSpeed Boost: Gives a large speed boost to a teammate for a short period of time.

Commander_Dispel.gifDispel: Removes buffs and debuffs from any units in the target area.

Commander_Life_Leak.gifLife Leak: Causes an enemy player to slowly lose life for a period of time.

Commander_Piercing_Fear.gifPiercing Fear: Reduces the armor of a group of enemy players for a short period of time.

Commander_Cripple.gifCripple: Significantly slows an enemy player's movement for a short period of time.

Commander_Resurrect.gifResurrect: Revives a fallen teammate.

Commander_Recall.gifRecall: Allows you to have a target player spawn at one of your team's spawn points (usually used to have that player spawn at some crucial point for attacks/defense).

Commander_Reveal.gifReveal: Removes the fog of war in a target area for a short period of time.


Human Tech Tree




Stronghold: Main spawn point for the team. Team loses and enemy team wins if this is destroyed.

- Steam Mine: Harvests gold when placed on a gold mine.

- Garrison: Acts as a spawn point and allows other structures including steam mines to be placed nearby.

- Armory: Unlocks some class abilities and allows other structures to be built.

-- Arrow Tower: Basic defensive structure; fires arrows at enemy players (long range).

-- Monastary: Allows players to spawn as chaplains. Unlocks some class abilities.

--- Shield Tower: Makes nearby structures nearly invulnerable. Does not function if upkeep isn't met.

--- Siege Workshop: Allows players to spawn as steambuchets and battering rams.

---- Cannon Tower: Defensive structure with high damage and short range.

--- Academy: Allows players to spawn as legionnaires.


Beast Tech Tree




Lair: Main spawn point for the team. Team loses and enemy team wins if this is destroyed.

- Grove mine: Harvests gold when placed on a gold mine.

- Sublair: Acts as a spawn point and allows other structures including grove mines to be placed nearby.

- Nexus: Unlocks some class abilities and allows other structures to be built.

-- Strata Spire: Basic defensive structure; fires ice shards at enemy players (long range, no slowing effect despite being ice).

-- Sanctuary: Allows players to spawn as shamans. Unlocks some class abilities.

--- Chloro Spire: Heals nearby structures making them nearly invulnerable. Does not function if upkeep isn't met. Will not heal structures past the health that they were at when the chloro spire is built unless a conjurer or sapling repairs that building.

--- Charm Shrine: Allows players to spawn as tempests and behemoths.

---- Static Spire: Defensive structure with high damage and short range.

--- Predator Den: Allows players to spawn as predators.



Player Classes




The Legion of Man (aka Humans)


Humans are a diverse group of classes that favor direct and straightforward combat strategies. They have the most direct damage melee abilities, and their other abilities along with their ranged weapons favor up-close no-holds-barred combat styles. They're not the kind of faction that is well-served by splitting up or even spacing out. Phalanxes of human players are especially strong (particularly legionnaires), and tight-knit groups plowing through enemies are a prime example of the legion's play style. If you want to get straight into Savage 2 to get a feel for the action, hop on humans, pick out a savage, and go to town.



Builder_icon.gifBuilder: Basic construction and support class. Can build and repair, gets a melee damage bonus against buildings. Can replenish teammates' ammo and put up shields to protect against ranged weaponry.


Scout_icon.gifScout: Quick stealthy recon class. Heavy emphasis on indirect combat, placing electric eyes (keep tabs on areas of the map), demo runs (bombing enemy structures). Pretty good ranged weaponry, lots of stamina for traveling the map, melee combat, etc.


Savage_icon.gifSavage: Frontline attack class. Almost entirely direct damage and damage support abilities. Pretty good ranged weaponry, good melee abilities. Really strong in groups.


Legionnaire_icon.gifLegionnaire: Heavy assault class. Can give and take a lot of damage. Can self heal, reflect melee damage. Has good melee abilities and good ranged weapons.


Chaplain_icon.gifChaplain: Healer class - better healing efficiency than the shaman - can heal groups and single targets. Has only one support ability, but it can be very strong if used right. Can revive fallen teammates.



Siege Units: (heavy building damage)


Human siege unit have an eject ability, where the player can leave the vehicle and spawn as a builder.


Battering_ram_icon.gifBattering Ram: Close-range siege unit. Heavy building damage, but has to be close to the target to deal it. Can defend itself a bit by emitting flames in an area around itself.


Steambuchet_icon.gifSteambuchet: Ranged siege unit. Attacks with large boulders. Great for breaking enemy defenses. Probably the most basic of the siege units. Can move while firing.








The Beast Horde (aka Beasts)


Beasts favor less conventional combat strategies with diverse class groups. They have many abilities that have non-damage effects such as roots, armor reductions, disrupting enemy senses, and so on. They're not particularly effective in straight combat - instead favoring guerrilla tactics, divide and conquer strategies, and less-direct confrontations. Utilizing as many different classes' unique strengths as possible in each situation is important. Unlike human abilities, where multiple instances of the same ability will have a pretty straightforward increase of effectiveness, the abilities of different beast classes compliment each other far better than just redundancies from the same classes. While beasts are generally less intuitive, skilled use of the beast classes by a coordinated team can be frighteningly effective.



Conjurer_icon.gifConjurer: Basic construction and support class. Can build and repair, its melee attack gets a damage bonus to buildings. Has the ability to replenish teammates' mana, root groups of enemies.


Shapeshifter_icon.gifShapeshifter: Mix of blitzkrieg and ranged support rear end. Pretty light on its feet, good ranged damage. Can mimic the appearance of enemy players. Can blow itself up to deal significant damage to enemy buildings.


Hunter_icon.jpgHunter: Frontline attack class. Melee-only, but has a gliding attack that allows it to do a bit of damage in addition to covering range. Can place sentry bats to keep an eye on areas of the map.



"Where's the summoner?!"

- S2Games decided that the summoner didn't mesh well with the game and after a lot of work trying to balance him out, they replaced him with the Hunter.



Predator_icon.gifPredator: Heavy assault class. A bit more melee-oriented than the legionnaire. Most of its abilities debuff the enemy or buff itself. Decent ranged weaponry.


Shaman_icon.gifShaman: Mix of healer and utility class. Lots of great support abilities - can root players, distort their view, shield teammates from ranged damage, etc. Mediocre healing, but still very useful in that regard. Can revive fallen teammates.



Siege Units: (heavy building damage)


Behemoth_icon.gifBehemoth: Massive hulking siege class. Attacks with a giant uprooted tree. Tends to draw attention. Can shrug off most ranged fire without batting an eye. Is the most capable of defending itself of the siege class, but still needs to be supported (it's a bit slow to attack so can't deal with the peskier players as well).


Tempest_icon.gifTempest: Ranged siege class. Attacks with flaming meteors. Not very well able to defend itself, but generally will at least be able to see incoming enemies and figure out when to flee. Great for cracking bases.








Hellbourne and Special units (available to both sides)


These units, with the exception of Maliken, require a hell shrine to be purchased. All of these units require souls to be purchased.


Hellbourne units are the powerhouse stalemate-breaker units. They're significantly stronger than normal units and have some devastating abilities.


Revenant_icon.gifRevenant: The lightest and cheapest of the hellbourne unit. Best ranged weapon in the game, great debuffs. Has a spell which can instantly carve off a significant portion of a player's health. Pretty junk up close, but still formidable.


Devourer_icon.gifDevourer: Long-term assault class. Can eat up enemy corpses which prevents them from being revived and gives the devourer a boost to its maximum health, health regeneration, and size (among other things). Attacks with a large scratch, good ranged damage, but limited ammo.


Malphas_icon.gifMalphas: Strongest hellbourne class, high health and damage. Difficult to get, sometimes difficult to keep alive (it's the most prominent target for enemy players). Attacks with a giant flaming sword - can clear swaths of enemies if they get close and in front of the malphas. Good attack spells.




Maliken_icon.gifMaliken: Heavy assault class. Generally a melee-only unit, but can throw his sword to damage enemies. Can also teleport to the thrown sword. Attacks come in the form of blade modes, each of which has a different effect on his melee weapon. Can also use a whirlwind-like blade frenzy attack to damage all nearby enemies.


The Maliken unit does not require a hell shrine to be purchased. You need to have 15 souls (earned by killing enemy players) and the Heart, Lungs, Brain, and Soul of Maliken (items that can be purchased as an action player). Once you've met the requirements, you can become a Maliken by using the soul of maliken. When you become a Maliken, you have a massive armor boost for a short period of time, allowing you to wreak havoc upon spawning. After that period of high armor, the Maliken is like a beefed-up Legionnaire or Predator.


As a Maliken, you can throw your sword by right-clicking, and then teleport to the sword by right-clicking again. Instead of blocking, the middle mouse button triggers a pushback attack that does a small bit of damage as well.

Endret av evilleader360
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Jeg vurderte å ikke trykke siden posten virket som en reklame post. Savage 1 var morsomt. Mulig jeg prøver dette om det kommer en free trial.


5 timer free trial, you are free to play :)


Primetime er mellom 7-8 (kveld gmt+1) og til ut mot natten).


Får håpe på at det blir flere personer pga. dette tilbudet ;).


Vi kan kanskje samle en gjeng fra diskusjon.no og spille sammen? Hadde vært artig det :).

Endret av evilleader360
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Det ble faktisk litt for mye for informasjon hvis du skulle informere folk om spillet, skremmende mye info. Kunne egentlig stoppet etter informasjonen om demoen, men skrevet det til norsk/dine ord.


Bare litt råd til neste gang, stod vel også "Løp og kjøp" eller noe slikt i tittelen første gangen, minnet hvertfall veldig om de motbydelige folkene som kommer innom og prøver å selge alt mulig dritt.


Fancy spill, får se litt nærmere på det senere.

Lenke til kommentar
Det ble faktisk litt for mye for informasjon hvis du skulle informere folk om spillet, skremmende mye info. Kunne egentlig stoppet etter informasjonen om demoen, men skrevet det til norsk/dine ord.


Bare litt råd til neste gang, stod vel også "Løp og kjøp" eller noe slikt i tittelen første gangen, minnet hvertfall veldig om de motbydelige folkene som kommer innom og prøver å selge alt mulig dritt.


Fancy spill, får se litt nærmere på det senere.


Jepp, har fikset emnetittelen etter noen høflige innlegg fra andre brukere her på forumet. Beklager sterkt på at emnetittelen ble feil.


Men men, jeg skal spille nå til klokken 12:00.


Noen flere som blir med?


Du kan legge meg til venner:




Endret av evilleader360
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Kjøpte dette spillet for litt siden på tilbud på steam. Virket artig men var for lite teamplay på serverne jeg var innom. Får se om jeg plukker det opp igjen etter hvert.


Vel, det beste er å bli med eller lage en clan (leter etter folk som vil bli med og lage en clan sammen med meg).

Spilte i 2 1/2 time nettopp, støttet på 5 norske spillere, mange fler enn jeg trodde, fantastisk :).




Pleier som regel å suge, men fikk hjelp av noen flinke nordmenn som hjalp meg frem til å bruke 'melee'. Fikk ikke 0.2 i K/D ratio, noe jeg pleier å få, hehe.

Endret av evilleader360
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