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Viser resultater for emneknaggene 'forkortelser'.
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Her får dere en oversikt over forkortelser av spill titler. Hvis det er en tilfelle at en forkortelse dokker opp i en sitat eller i en spilltråd, innleg, du sjkønner. Så kan du finne ut hva det betyr under her. Har undret lenge på forkortelser av spill titler. Har prøvd å leite etter slike lister, med null napp. Så jeg tenkte at vi kan lage en liste under her. Så skriv ned noe som dere vet om eller på nye/kommende spill. Jeg vil sette sammen listene våres etter vert. Komenter eller still gjerne spørsmål om angående spill forkortelser. Da tenker jeg på forkotelser som kan forvirre eller eventuelt om angående om denne tråden. Til Admin/moderatorer/forumveiledere, dere kan også hjelpe meg med dette i å sette dem sammen, hvis dere har tid. Setter pris på å få hjelp. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A AC:SU - Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown ACM - Aliens Colonail Marines AHIT - A Hat in Time AH - Arcana Heart AI - Alien Isolation AO - Anarchy Online AOE - Age of Empires AOM - Agents of Mayhem: Day One Edition AR - Anarchy Reigns ATS - American Truck Simulator AVP - Aliens Vs Predator AWO - A Way Out B BB - Bloodborne, Battleborn, Blazeblue BBF - Bound By Flame BF - Battlefield BHD - Black Hawk Down BoL - Barbarians of Lemuria BOT - Blade Of Time BOTW - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild BR - BlazeRush BS - Bloodstained Ritual Of The Night BTD B - Bloons Tower Defence Battles C CIV - Civilization CK - Crusader Kings CM - Championship Manager CoC - Call of Cthulhu CoD - Call of Duty CS - Counter-Strike CYM - Cycling Manager D D3RoS - Diablo III Reaper of Souls D&D - Dungeons & Dragond D - Diablo, Destiny D:BH - Detroit: Become Human DDHB - Dillon's Dead Heat Breakers DE:MD - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided DG - Days Gone DH - Dishonored DI - Dante's Inferno DIDE - Dead Island Definitive Edition DK - Donkey kong DKC - Donkey Kong Country DKCR - Donkey Kong Country Returns DN - Duke Nukem DNF - Duke Nukem Forever DOA - Dead or alive DR - Dead Rising DR2: OtR - Dead Rising 2: Off The Record DS - Darksiders, Dead Space, Dark Souls DQ - Dragonquest DQB - Dragon Quest Builders E E:D - Elite: Dangerous EFT - Escape From Tarkov ETS - Euro Truck Simulator ETS2 - Euro Truck Simulator 2 EU - Europa Universalis F FBR - Fortnite Battle Royale FC - Far Cry FEE - Frie Emblem Echoes FEE:SOV - Frie Emblem Echoes: Shadows Of Valentia FF - Final Fantasy FH - For Honor FIFA - Fédération Internationale de Football Association FM - Football Manager FOE - Forge of Empires G GH - Guitar Hero GoW - Gears of War, God of War GPS - Geo-political simulator GRW - Ghost Recon Wildlands GT - Gran Turismo GTA - Grand Theft Auto GW - Guild Wars H HA - Hidden Agenda HK - Hollow Knight HL - Half Life HOI - Hearts of Iron H:SS - Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice HZD - Horizon Zero Dawn I IF - Iron Front ISI - Iron Sky Invasion IW - Infinite Warfare J JK - Jedi Knight JK2 - Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Outcast JKA - Jedi Knight Jedi Academy K KAB - Knights and Bikes KC - Knights Contract KH - Kingdom Hearts KotOR - Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic L LBP - Little Big Planet LIS Life Is Strange LL - Labyrinth Lord LN - Little Nightmares LOL - League of Legends LOTR - The Lord of The Ring LOTRTBFME2TROTWK - The Lord Of The Ring The Battle For Middle Earth 2 The Rise Of The Witch King LOZ - The Legend Of Zelda LQ - Locks Quest LW - Lego Worlds M MC - Minecraft ME - Mirror's Edge, Mass Effect, Metro Exodus ME:A - Mass Effect Andromeda Me:SoM - Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor MGS - Metal Gear Solid MHG - Monster Hunter Generations MK - Mortal Kombat MLL - Metro Last Light MM - Mutant Mudds, Mega Man MOHAA - Medal of Honor Allied Assault MoO - Master of Orion MWR - Modern Warfare Remastered N N:A - Nier: Automata NB:HID - Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel NFS - Need For Speed NMS - No Man's Sky NNK - Ni no Kuni NOLF - No One Lives Forever NSS - New Star Soccer NWN - Never Winter Nights O O:NNT - Oddworld: New 'N' Tasty OT - Outlast Trinity OTTD - Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe OW - Overwatch P P - Persona PCM - Pro Cycling Manager PES - Pro Evolution Soccer PK - Pirate Kings, Portal Knights PKM - Pokemon POE - Path of Exile PPT - Puyo Puyo Tetris PT - Prototype PUBG - Playerunknown's Battlegronds Q QB - Quantum Break R RCT - Roller Coaster Tycoon RDR - Red Dead Redemption RE - Resident Evil RF - Red Faction, Rune Factory RM eller ME - Remember Me RMP - RPG Maker Player RO - Red Orchestra RotTR - Rise of the Tomb Raider RS- Runescape PUBG - PlayerUnknown battlegrounds S SAB - Skull and Bones SC - Starcraft, Soul Calibur SF - Street Fighter SGW - Sniper Ghost Warrior SH - Splatterhouse SL - Second Life SM64 - Super Mario 64 SoD - State of Decay SoF - Solider og Fortune SoT - Sea of Thieves SOTD - Shadows Of The Damned SP:TFBW - South Park: The Fractured But Whole SR - Saints Row SWBF - Star Wars Battlefront SWOS - Sensible World of Soccer SWTOR - Star Wars The Old Republic T TC - The Crew TCL - The Count Lucanor TCoMI - The Curse of Monkey Island TCTD - Tom Clancys The Division TES - The Elder Scrolls TEW - The Evil Within TF - Team Fortress, Transformers, Trials Frontier (mobilspill) TF2 - Team fortress 2 TH - The Hunet: Call of the Wild THPS - Tony Hawk Pro Skater TJPP - The Jackbox Party Pack TLoU - The Last of Us TM - Twisted Metal, TrackMania TR - Tomb Raider TSA:NMH - Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes TW - The Witcher U UC - Uncharted UC4 - Uncharted 4 UD - Until Dawn V VC - Vietcong VWOM - Vikings Wolves Of Midgard W WC - Warcraft, Witchcraft WEPES - Winning Eleven Pro Evolution Soccer WHF - We Happy Few WOW - World of Warcraft Y Y:MS - Yomawari: Midnight Shadows Z ZA - Zombie Army
- 98 svar
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- Forkortelser
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