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Innlegg skrevet av Awsm

  1. Noen som vet hvorfor jeg får denne:

    "It seems that you are not allowed to use this payment method. Please contact our Account and Billing team" blabla, når jeg prøver å sette opp subscription? Får samme meldinga med både visa og mastercard.

    Er ikke sikkert banken du bruker støtter denne typen betaling. Uten om at du ringer og ber de åpne det for det. Usikker :hmm:


    Nope. Har med blizzard å gjøre. Kontakt account and billing, så får du vite grunnen :)

    Når jeg hadde samme problem fikk jeg til svar at siden accounten min nylig hadde vært hacket, så ble det sånn.

  2. Er jammen mange kreative folk der ute :p I går så jeg en lignende sang angående warlocker.



    (To the tune of American Pie, obviously)


    A long, long time ago...

    I can still remember

    How TBC used to make me smile.

    And I knew if I had my chance

    That I'd make those DoT timers dance

    And do some decent damage for a while


    But february made me shiver

    Affliction scaling didn't deliver.

    Bad news on the doorstep;

    Forced to 0/21/40 spec


    I can't remember if I cried

    When my first succy was sacrified

    But something touched me deep inside

    The day that warlocks died.


    So bye-bye, had a very last try

    Played with premades on the beta,

    The results made me sigh.

    And them good old boys were rerollin' their hy-brids

    Singin, this'll be the class that I'll try

    This'll be the class that I'll try


    When you see all this hybrid love

    Do you have faith in Bliz above,

    If the EJ spreadsheets tell you so?

    Do you believe in forced rerolls?,

    Can a druid save your mortal soul,

    And can you teach me how to fight a rogue?


    Well, I know that things are looking grim

    With our chance of raid invites quite slim.

    PvP lost before it's begun,

    Because you can't do that while stunned!


    I was a lonely teenage warcraft nerd

    With a class, once great, now quite a turd

    So I thought I'd say some final words

    The day that warlocks died.


    I started singin,

    Bye-bye, had a very last try

    Played with premades on the beta,

    The results made me sigh.

    And them good old boys were rerollin' their hy-brids

    Singin, this'll be the class that I'll try

    This'll be the class that I'll try


    Now for 3 years we've been on our own

    With our curses, soulwells, and soulstones

    But thats not how it's going to be.

    Many druids makes a winning team

    Debuffs, 1ups, better DPS, and heals

    Doing much more that could come from you and me


    Oh, and while Blizz was looking down,

    They merged our robes with healing gowns

    Cloth got homogenised

    With spirit, which we still despise

    Nine specs, same cloth drops, that's a fail!

    And still all that spellpower plate and mail...

    I drank a lot of Brewfest Ale

    The day that warlocks died


    Haha, den var jaævli bra^^


    Hva skjer btw med at introvideoen til TBC spilles etter å ha innstallert patchen?


    Lurer jeg og på.. Håpte på en WotLK introvideo :(

  3. Oppdaterte akkurat en konto fra trial til standard. Men fortsatt står det ingame at jeg har trial account..


    Utgår trialaccounten når jeg betaler den første måneden da eller?


    EDIT: Beklager, glemte å lese mailen fra Blizzard, der det står at det kan gå 72 timer fra den blir oppgradert til alle ting trer i kraft.

    Kan slettes.

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