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Om Laktampe

  • Bursdag 24. april

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  1. Oktober er her og kan dere gjette hvilken film dette er?
  2. Aprikos det at Ukraina har mistet Avdijivka så vil jeg dele et sitat jeg hørte i en podcast fra The Telegraph, fra Francis Dearnley (anbefaler podcasten deres Ukraine: The Latest): We should not be downhearted. If we look at what Ukraine has achieved, in the last two years, compared to what we expected, it is extraordinary. These most inspiring and incredible stories that I've certainly seen in my lifetime, indeed, possibly even read about. We were in a situation when world leaders were calling Zelensky up and saying "which one of our countries do you want to come in and set up an exile government?" We forget that. I remember when I was reading reports for the first days of the war, they were saying "It'll be over in a week", that "the russians will be in Kiev". Remember that! Hold on to that! And we should not be as pessimistic as we often are. At mesteparten av Ukraina i dag fortsatt er Ukrainsk er utrolig og noe de aller aller fleste av oss aldri ville trodd 24.februar 2022.
  3. The Man from earth er riktig Din tur.
  4. Hva var navnet på filmen, ClarkGable? Ny:
  5. Britisk er korrekt, tidlig 2000 tallet.
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