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Brother Ursus

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Alt skrevet av Brother Ursus

  1. Israelske F-16 har i mange år nå hatt få problemer med å ungå russiske S-300 og S-400 i Syria. Der har de riktignok fordel av topografi, mens Ukraina er veldig flatt, men likevel. I Taiwan-stredet viser det seg også at F-16 er overlegne selv Kinas nyeste "stealth" fly. Særlig med de amerikanske elektro-optiske LOROP-EO pods'ene. F-22 og F-35 virker som ren magi for piloter i russiske og kinesiske fly. De dukker opp ut av intet. Ofte låser de seg på uten noen gang å bli oppdaget. Det viser seg at F-35 antagelig har muligheten til å komme innen HARM-rekkevidde før S-400 klarer å låse seg på under omtrent ideelle forhold.
  2. Gårsdagens visuelt bekreftede tap. Ukraina mistet minst 2 stridsvogner, 2 AFV, et stykk kommunikasjonskjøretøy, og en båt av et eller annet slag. Russland mistet minst 5 luftvernskjøretøy (radar og batterier), 6 overvåkningsenheter, 4 radarer, 14 stridsvogner og 10 AFV.
  3. Hamas har vel allerede tapt det meste de kan tape, egentlig. Slik at de ønsker nå kanskje å fortsette konflikten mot ytterligere lovnader fra Iran og Russland?
  4. Israel har nok fint lite å tjene på noen fortsatt og langvarig okkupasjon. Paradoksalt nok er det nå kanskje Hamas som har mest å tjene? Jeg lurer uansett på hvordan begge sider ser for seg fremtiden etter denne krigen.
  5. Denne russiske dama burde arresteres. Går ikke an. Selv om Ukraina ikke tar sikte på å skade eller drepe sivile, så kan det alltids skje ulykker, og disse barna skal da for faen ikke lide for det.
  6. https://x.com/intermarium24/status/1797603406384882143 Czech police have arrested russians at Prague airport who attacked volunteers raising money for Ukraine aid https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-knows-putin-crimea-kerch-bridge-doomed-atacms-ukraine-official-2024-6* Russia knows Putin's Crimea bridge is 'doomed,' Ukrainian official says Dmitry Pletenchuk said Russia is using a new railway because it knows the bridge is in trouble. Ukraine has long threatened to destroy the bridge and could use US-supplied long-range ATACMS. https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3870525-three-enemy-ships-are-in-black-sea-including-one-kalibr-missile-carrier.html As of 06:30 on Sunday, 2 June, Russia deployed three ships to the Black Sea, including one Kalibr missile launcher. https://www.theregister.com/2024/06/03/russias_cyberattacks_against_2024_olympics/ Russia takes gold for disinformation as Olympics approach https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2024/06/03/nato-to-unveil-ukraine-security-package-as-bridge-to-membership/ NATO to unveil Ukraine security package as ‘bridge’ to membership https://mil.in.ua/en/news/rheinmetall-ammunition-plant-to-be-built-in-lithuania/ Rheinmetall ammunition plant to be built in Lithuania https://kyivindependent.com/swiss-upper-house-rejects-5-58bn-aid-plan-for-ukraine/ Swiss upper house rejects $5.58bn aid plan for Ukraine
  7. Ukrainsk FPV-dronesverm (kanskje lenket til en drone med lengre rekkevidde?) fløy inn i Russland og sprang en forsyningskonvoi.
  8. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-03/norway-chief-of-defense-eirik-kristoffersen-sees-short-window-to-boost-nato Norway Military Chief Sees Short Window to Boost NATO’s Defenses Bloc has two to three years to prepare for Russian risk Norway Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen talks in interview Norway’s chief of defense said the NATO alliance has a window of two to three years to prepare before Russia has rebuilt the ability to carry out a conventional attack. It’s a shorter time frame than some western officials have estimated as members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization discuss Russia’s ramp-up of military capacity and its ability to reconstitute forces while waging a full-scale war against Ukraine. Får dessverre ikke tilgang til resten av intervjuet, først og fremst fordi siden ikke ser ut til å bli ferdig å laste, men står og venter eller er i en loop. EDIT: Storbritannias forsvarssjef sier det stikk motsatte. Putin does not want war with NATO or nuclear war, says British admiral https://news.liga.net/en/politics/news/putin-ne-hochet-voyny-s-nato-i-yadernoy-voyny-u-nas-preimushtestvo--top-general-britanii
  9. ‘Belgium, which currently holds the Presidency of the Council of the EU, is calling on EU member states to consider the possibility of revoking Hungary's voting rights. Belgium's Foreign Minister Aja Lyabib has proposed a motion of censure against Budapest under Article 7 of the EU Treaty. This drastic measure could lead to Hungary's voting rights in the EU being suspended. The concern is all the greater as Hungary will take over the EU presidency next month. This would give Budapest more influence in setting the agenda and priorities for the next six months, despite Prime Minister Orbán repeatedly obstructing EU decision-making on critical issues.’
  10. Ritter skal være dømt for pedofili to ganger. Han er en av USAs ledende russerpropagandister. Mange vestlige kriminelle reiser til Russland for å unnslippe dom og straff i hjemlandene sine. Det ytre konspiratorielle MAGA-høyre i USA tjater om frihet. De litt smartere MAGA-folkene skyr denne fyren som pesten. Men det finnes altså ingen frihet til å begå overgrep mot barn, til å unnvike dom og straff, folkemord, krigsforbrytelser, eller til å støtte dem, eller så vidt jeg vet å reise internasjonalt som straffedømt.
  11. Det har nesten alltid årsak i automatisk varmebeskyttelse for CPU. Antagelig er det på tide forsiktig å støvsuge CPU-vifta. Har du noen anelse hva temperaturen er når du spiller? Det er diverse verktøy du kan laste ned for å overvåke den om du ikke har en som følger med hovedkortet.
  12. https://news.liga.net/en/politics/news/pod-volchanskom-vsu-vzyali-v-plen-okolo-60-rossiyan--gruppirovka-voysk-hortitsa Ukrainian forces capture around 60 Russians near Vovchansk – Khortytsia Group The event occurred on June 2; fighting in the city continues as of June 3 On the same day, Voloshyn reported that Ukrainian units control most of the city – about 70%, and fierce fighting continues in and around the city.
  13. Oversettelse: La oss se om vi kan overbevise Sullivan, eller i det minste Biden.
  14. Dette er noe mellom en stråmann og en reductio ad absurdum. Det er overhodet ikke det jeg gjorde. Det jeg snakker om er en systematisk og ideologisk trend over tid. Hvis personlige erfaringer er veldig viktig for deg, eller du tror du har en formening om hvem jeg er eller hva jeg står for basert på noe jeg skal ha skrevet her, så kan jeg informere om at jeg forøvrig har svarte, latino, asiatiske, homofile, lesbiske, transpersoner og, gud hjelpe meg, Rødt-medlemmer (som er den eneste av de tingene som smerter meg), i nærmeste familie og at jeg er på god fote med alle. Jeg har også datet folk fra hele verden. Jeg har aldri lagt skjul på at jeg synes identitetspolitikk er noe dritt og at jeg setter det *nesten* i samme bås som høyreekstremisme. Det har aldri vært vanskelig for noen av dem å forstå. Men av en eller annen grunn så er folk i diskusjoner på nett bare pokke nødt til å sette en person som er uenig med dem i motsatt bås.
  15. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/06/03/russia-europe-far-right-espionage/ Russia co-opts far-right politicians in Europe with cash, officials say A Kremlin-backed media outlet — the Prague-based Voice of Europe — funneled hundreds of thousands of euros to far-right politicians, officials say. When an associate of one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest allies launched a pro-Kremlin media outlet here in May 2023, Czech counterintelligence officers began keeping careful watch. For nearly a year, European intelligence officials said, the Czech authorities secretly recorded hours of meetings between several far-right politicians from across Europe and the associate, Artem Marchevsky, who was running the propaganda website, Voice of Europe, including at its offices on a quiet side street in the center of Prague. E.U. and Czech authorities, which have shut down the site, have labeled Voice of Europe a Russian propaganda operation. The Czech probe rapidly expanded into Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and France, European security and intelligence officials said, as investigators concluded that Voice of Europe represented far more than its official veneer as a pro-Russian website interviewing favored European politicians about ending aid to Ukraine. The organization was being used to funnel hundreds of thousands of euros — up to 1 million a month — to dozens of far-right politicians in more than five countries to plant Kremlin propaganda in Western media that would sow division in Europe and bolster the position of pro-Russian candidates in this week’s European Parliament elections, according to interviews with a dozen European intelligence officials from five countries. Most of the officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing and sensitive investigation. Officials described the Russian operation as among the most ambitious undertaken by the Kremlin in Europe in its efforts to undermine support for Ukraine and create divisions in the transatlantic alliance. Previous Kremlin-backed covert actions include the attempted union of the far right and far left in Germany, stoking domestic divisions in France and sabotage in Poland, The Washington Post has reported. Internal Kremlin documents obtained by one of the European intelligence services and reviewed by The Post show for the first time that Voice of Europe was part of an influence campaign established by the Kremlin in close coordination with Viktor Medvedchuk, the Putin ally who until Russia’s invasion of Ukraine led a pro-Moscow opposition party in Kyiv. It was later managed by a key Medvedchuk lieutenant who, other documents show, worked closely with a unit of Russia’s Federal Security Service, or FSB, responsible for Ukraine and some former Soviet states, otherwise known as the FSB’s Fifth Service After the expulsion from Europe of dozens of Russian intelligence officers following the invasion of Ukraine, fronts such as the Voice of Europe became instruments for the Kremlin to regain lost ground, one of the senior European intelligence officials said. “The Russian intelligence services had to change their work. The result is, for example, influence networks such as Voice of Europe,” the official said. The website’s status as a news organization was designed to provide cover, another of the intelligence officials said, making it “easier to approach politicians” under the guise of interviewing them about Ukraine, anti-globalism and other issues. Michal Koudelka, head of the Czech domestic security service, said that the Voice of Europe operation was also an attempt to get more pro-Russian members into the European Parliament and that after the vote that starts this Thursday, “there was a plan for the people in the European Parliament to conduct classic espionage” on behalf of Russia. “It was an operation that aimed to shape Europe,” Koudelka said in an interview. Far-right parties could end up with 25 percent of the seats in the 720-member European Parliament, according to some opinion polls. And for Russia, increasing influence among those parties could provide a mechanism for threatening aid to Ukraine, as well as fertile ground for espionage, according to Vera Jourova, the European Commission’s vice president. Pro-Russian politicians “could really make the financing [of Ukraine] difficult,” Jourova told The Post. The Czech investigation has led to raids on the home and offices of an aide to a far-right Dutch member of the European Parliament and of Petr Bystron, a leading member of the far-right Alternative for Germany, or AfD, and the party’s No. 2 candidate for the European Parliament. Bystron, the AfD’s spokesman for foreign affairs, has been among the most vocal in Germany against sending Western weapons to Ukraine and for lifting sanctions on Russia. German authorities said in May they have placed Bystron under investigation for alleged corruption and money laundering as part of the probe, and police raided his office in the German parliament as well as properties in Germany and Spain. In one recording, three of the senior European intelligence officials told The Post, Bystron can be heard complaining to a Voice of Europe official about the difficulty of transporting tens of thousands in cash to his vacation home in Mallorca. “We knew he was pro-Russian,” said one of the senior intelligence officials, noting Bystron’s long-standing ties with Russia and pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine. The official believes authorities have now gathered evidence supporting the accusation that Bystron received money from Russia and placed propaganda in far-right publications in return. The Czech-born Bystron wasn’t only “a passive person who received money,” the official said. “He organized things,” according to the official, saying that Bystron, who speaks Russian, brought other political figures into Voice of Europe’s orbit and was “the main leading person.” “Bystron knew about the plans for the espionage operations” in the European Parliament, this person said, adding that there was recorded evidence of this. Bystron remains a candidate for the European Parliament and has denounced the investigation as a plot by European security services to damage AfD’s standing ahead of the elections. “Before every election it is the same: defamation with the help of the secret services,” he told Deutschland Kurier, an AfD-linked website. In a brief text exchange with The Post, Bystron said, “We already had a house search during an election campaign in 2017, which was subsequently declared to be illegal by the courts. Nobody was interested after the election.” He declined to be interviewed further and did not respond to detailed written questions. AfD is still expected to come second or third in the June 6 poll, behind the center-right Christian Democratic Union, despite the controversy, which has touched other AfD leaders. Prosecutors in Germany have said in a statement that they initiated a preliminary investigation into Maximilian Krah on allegations of accepting payments from Russia and China for his work as an AfD member of the European Parliament. Police searched his office as part of an investigation into allegations that one of his aides was working as a spy for China. On Wednesday, police raided the residence and offices of the Dutch parliamentary assistant who had previously worked for Krah. Krah said in a statement to The Post that the allegations were part of a “disinformation campaign against my party orchestrated by intelligence agencies” and called the accusations “not only wrong” but “slandering.” Security services in Europe are still investigating the role of dozens of other far-right politicians in the Voice of Europe network, including from France, Belgium and the Netherlands, as well up to six more AfD figures, including politicians and parliamentary assistants, people familiar with the investigation said. Belgian authorities have also played a leading investigative role, with key Voice of Europe meetings with politicians taking place in other locations in Europe, including Brussels, senior officials said. European security officials and Kremlin documents link the creation of Voice of Europe in early 2023 to Russia’s presidential administration and Medvedchuk, who is so close to Putin that the Russian president is godfather to his daughter. Medvedchuk was turned over to Russia in September 2022 as part of a prisoner exchange between Moscow and Kyiv. He was seen in Moscow as a possible leader of Ukraine if the Russian invasion succeeded and the Kremlin was able to install its allies in power in Kyiv, intelligence officials said. The Kremlin documents show Voice of Europe was initially connected to a Russian propaganda operation launched in January 2023 by the Kremlin’s first deputy chief of staff, Sergei Kiriyenko. It was designed to boost support for Medvedchuk in Ukraine and position him among European opinion makers as a viable replacement for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, promoting peace talks “as an alternative to possible nuclear war,” the documents state. The campaign, dubbed “The Other Ukraine,” would present Medvedchuk as the head of a government in exile, the documents show. The aim was to create “an organization that could be brought in after Russia demonstrated the illegitimacy of the Zelensky regime and negotiate an end to the war from a position of strength,” said one intelligence official familiar with the plans. Medvedchuk declined to comment. Kremlin political strategists, including Ilya Gambashidze and Nikolai Tupikin, whom the United States has sanctioned for their roles in disinformation campaigns, were brought in to assist with the launch of the project, which envisioned promoting interviews with Medvedchuk and his Other Ukraine organization through a web of social media and YouTube accounts, and appearances in Western media, the Kremlin documents show. Voice of Europe was described as a “news resource,” with Marchevsky, a longtime Medvedchuk associate, at its helm, one of the documents shows. In July, its overall management was taken over by Renat Kuzmin, another key Medvedchuk associate, who, documents show, worked closely with the FSB’s Fifth Service. Neither the Kremlin nor Kuzmin responded to detailed requests for comment. The Prague news outlet, intelligence officials said, gave Marchevsky a way to engage a network of extremist European politicians, some of whom, including Bystron, had been cultivated by Russia’s political allies in Ukraine since the Kremlin illegally annexed Crimea in 2014. Those relations were often first managed by Oleg Voloshyn, a political operative in charge of foreign relations for Medvedchuk’s For Life political party before Russia’s invasion. In an interview, Voloshyn said he introduced Medvedchuk and Bystron in Berlin in 2020. Voloshyn said he brought Bystron and Krah to Kyiv to celebrate his 40th birthday in April 2021, introducing them to Marchevsky, who at the time headed one of Medvedchuk’s three television stations in Ukraine. After Medvedchuk was placed under house arrest by Zelensky’s government and accused of treason, Bystron and Krah traveled again to Kyiv to visit Medvedchuk in his home, a trip that raised concerns among European security officials. Voloshyn’s ability to travel in Europe was hampered in January 2022, shortly before Russia’s invasion, when the U.S. Treasury Department placed him on its sanctions list, calling him an “FSB pawn” in efforts by the Russian security agency to destabilize and take over Ukraine. Voloshyn said the sanctions — and allegations that he was connected to Russian intelligence — were based on inaccurate information. When Bystron made a secret trip to Belarus in November 2022 — acknowledging the visit only after it was exposed by Lithuanian and German media — he met with Voloshyn, who had relocated there following Russia’s invasion, Voloshyn told The Post. Voloshyn said he connected Bystron with Medvedchuk by phone during the visit but insisted that the German and the Ukrainian spoke for no more than a few minutes. In a 2023 interview with The Post, Bystron said he met only with Belarusian officials during the trip. Soon after the visit, Bystron presented a peace plan favorable to the Kremlin to the German parliament. With Voloshyn unable to travel to the European Union, Marchevsky became the face of Voice of Europe in Prague. Marchevsky did not respond to a detailed request for comment. In earlier comments to the Financial Times, he denied working as a proxy for Medvedchuk and said he was not involved in Voice of Europe’s management, claiming his company was only a third-party contractor. He declined to reveal his whereabouts after fleeing the Czech Republic. A series of scandals dogging the AfD — including a statement by Krah that not all members of the Nazi SS in World War II were guilty of crimes — has dented but not destroyed the party’s standing ahead of the European Parliament elections. Krah has withdrawn from the race, and AfD is still expected to get at least 15 percent of the vote, which could allow it a second-place finish in Germany. Krah’s statement about the SS did prompt the far-right National Rally party in France, led by Marine Le Pen, to say it would not sit with the AfD in the European Parliament. But the AfD’s membership in such official groupings may not mean much when it comes to voting on issues related to Russia or Ukraine, one of the European intelligence officials said, with parties able to vote in ad hoc blocs. The Czech intelligence services, for one, are still vigilant. “We stopped [the Voice of Europe operation], and I am very proud of my service,” Koudelka said. But there are concerns that other networks may be working in other European countries. “This fight is never-ending.”
  16. En kult med ett medlem? Ja jøss Nei du. Jeg er ikke gruppetenker og har aldri vært noen fan av autoritærisme av noe slag. Jeg vil heller ikke være medlem av noen gruppe som ønsker meg som medlem. Jeg er også i mot demokratisk sentralisme, og politiske partier som sådann, fordi jeg mener det fronter populisme. Identitetspolitikk er diskriminerende og autoritær. Det er det ingen tvil om. Disse verdiene står i diamentral kontrast til verdiene samfunnet vårt er bygget på, og kan kun forlede folk inn i mer hat.
  17. Når jeg iblant velger ikke å svare så er det også fordi jeg tar til meg ting og grubler over det. Det finnes heller ikke uendelig med tid i verden og denne tråden har ikke prioritet for meg. Grunnen til at jeg kommer med ting mange sikkert synes er spinnville, er at jeg bla. har en idékritisk faglig bakgrunn, og at jeg kjenner igjen en kult eller en gryende kulturrevolusjon når jeg ser en. Hint: De ender sjelden godt.
  18. Det er noe som heter at hvis du erstatter én ting med en annen, eller noe på motsatt side, og det ikke høres bra ut, så er det antagelig ikke det. Hvis spillet i stedet for å ha venstreradikalt rasistisk innhold, hadde høyreekstremt rasistisk innhold, ville du fortsatt synes det var uproblematisk?
  19. Kina styrer TikTok, som er en av hovedleverandørene av radikal politikk i Vesten, og pusher også hardt på all slags splittende politikk mot vestlig ungdom, både høyreekstreme MAGA-greier, men også veldig mye identitetspolitikk og kjønnsforvirring og andre samfunnsdestruktive fenomen. Hvis du reiser til Kina eller et Kina-vennlig land er det derimot helt andre algoritmer som styrer. Der vises som regel bare meritokrati og positive historier om gode samfunnsborgere. Nå har det en litt annen mening i Kina, men likevel TikTok i Kina-vennlige land konstruktivt snarere enn destruktivt. Det er også dype forbindelser mellom Blackrock, Vanguard og andre institusjonelle investorer og Kina. Nok til at det bekymrer en del vestlige etterretningsorganer.
  20. Det går ikke an å be om argumenter, og så bare avfeie dem med personangrep. Gjør du noen gang noe annet enn å slenge dritt? EDIT: Forøvrig kunne jeg sagt nøyaktig det samme om deg. Fra mitt ståsted, som tross alt er godt plantet i det politiske sentrum, så virker wokeness og identitetspolitikk, som er synonymer for venstreradikal politikk, stadig mer ekstrem. Du bør også vurdere måten du reagerer på oppimot det skriver og hvorfor du blir så emosjonell av det.
  21. Noen av problemene er at: identitetspolitikk er antimeritokratisk, diskriminerende, rasistisk, misandristisk og ofte tom. misogynistisk. det er til syvende og sist ekskluderende - ikke inkluderende. det skaper en hakkeorden og et samfunnshierarki basert på hudfarge, kjønn, legning og andre ting. det er basert på gruppetenkning, ikke individualisme, som er 180 grader motsatt til vestlige, liberale verdier. man lager produkter for kundegrupper som ikke eksisterer og går på store tap. man senker kvaliteten på produktene. mange mister jobbene sine. mange får ikke nye jobber fordi de ikke har rett hudfarge, legning, kjønn, eller politikk. man skaper dermed økt splittelse på flere nivåer i samfunnet. det blir "ulovlig" å mislike endeproduktet, og enhver kritikk blir avfeid som hat - noe som er både gaslighting og såkalt anti-marketing. man projiserer sine egne mørke tanker på kundene som uteblir. man tilfører ekstremistiske antihumanistiske elementer i ting hvor folk bare ønsker å slappe av med litt virkelighetsflukt. man ødelegger kulturhistorie. noen ganger ødelegger man ekte historie. det overforenkler nærmest konsekvent kompliserte tema man forsøker å radikalisere lett påvirkelige og særlige unge mennesker (mange her ser ut til å være påvirket allerede med venstreekstremisme). man lærer folk å bli narsissister hvis eneste verdi er utvendig. man lærer opp folk i offertenkning som er psykologisk ekstremt destruktivt.
  22. Jeg skjønner ikke jeg heller. Det må jo være en logikk i det, men jeg klarer personlig ikke å finne den. Hadde de vært helt motvillige skulle man tro at de ville overgi seg 'en masse' eller snu våpnene på blokkeringsstyrker og offiserer langt oftere. Eneste konklusjon jeg kommer til er at de på et eller annet nivå faktisk også tror på propagandaen, selv om de forstår at de blir brukt som kjøtt.
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