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Ukrainske piloter skal ha trent på Mirage i lang tid allerede, minst like lenge som F-16, og det kan fort bli manko på både F-16 og piloter. Vi må regne med at de kan bli både skutt ned og særlig rammet på bakken av droner og krysserraketter. Det sies også at Russland blir nødt til å sette i bruk SU-57 for å forsøke å få has på de svenske Saab 340 AWACS. Personlig tror jeg ikke det heller vil lykkes da SU-57 tross alt ikke er veldig stealthy, og Saab-flyene nesten garantert vil voktes av både luftvern og F-16.
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare var svært underholdende. Den er utvilsomt pyntet på, men er altså basert på en sann historie. Minner litt om Inglorious Bastards, men er likevel en mer tradisjonell actionfilm.
Støtten i folket for Ukraina er også ekstremt bred og går over nesten absolutt alle demografier. Da trenger nok ikke de som støtter Ukraina å føle at vi trenger å rope så høyt heller. Det gir dog en viss mening å flytte ansvar oppover også - fordi folk flest er trege til å reagere langt mindre agere og gjøre ting på forhånd. Når katastrofen inntreffer spiller det liten rolle hvem som hadde ansvaret, om folk sulter og det blir anarki.
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-08/putin-is-running-out-of-time-to-achieve-breakthrough-in-ukraine Putin Is Running Out of Time to Achieve Breakthrough in Ukraine https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/06/06/russia-economy-ukraine-war-gazprom-putin/ The war in Ukraine has turned Russia’s biggest company into a massive money loser. https://www.businessinsider.com/hanwha-aerospace-arms-manufacturing-howitzer-twice-fast-western-competitors-2024-6 A South Korean weapons company once seen as a dinosaur is now churning out howitzers twice as fast as its Western competitors https://kyivindependent.com/handelsblatt-merkel-russia-gas/ Merkel withheld information about Russia's intention to blackmail Europe with gas, German outlet reports https://news.liga.net/en/all/news/netherlands-to-allocate-400-million-for-production-of-cv90-combat-vehicles-for-ukraine Netherlands to allocate €400 million for production of CV90 combat vehicles for Ukraine
Tja, når du er ansatt av Kreml og er ditt lands #1 TV program og TV-personlighet, så tenker jeg du har et større ansvar enn hvermansen.
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According to ISW, Ukraine will not be able to fully utilise the F-16 until the end of 2025 at the earliest. The USA is planning to fully train 12 pilots by the end of September. A further 8 will be trained in Denmark by the end of November. The centre in Romania is not yet operational. A full squadron will require 40 pilots. If training continues at the current pace, this number will be reached in about 1.5 years. Spørs om ikke dette også er grunnen til at Macron forsøker å få fortgang i sitt eget program. Frankrike har åpenbart gjort helt rett i aldri å stole 100% på en statsmakt. Vi risikerer at Ukraina sitter med fler operative Mirage enn F-16.
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https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4710848-white-house-russia-advance-ukraine-kharkiv-region-stalled/ US says Russia’s advance on Kharkiv is ‘all but over’ The White House said Friday that Russia’s offensive in Ukraine’s northeastern Kharkiv region has stalled and is unlikely to advance any further. John Kirby, the White House national security spokesperson, said the arrival of U.S. weapons has helped change the trajectory of the battle around Kharkiv, which Russian forces mounted a major attack on around the middle of May. “They have been able to thwart Russian advances, particularly around Kharkiv,” Kirby said. “The Russians really have kind of stalled out up there [and] … their advance on Kharkiv is all but over because they ran into the first line of defenses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and basically stopped, if not pulled back, some units.”
Frankrike er angivelig i ferd med å danne en koalisjon av land som skal sende militært personell til Ukraina. Da spørs det om Biden fikk gehør hos Macron likevel.
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Det er jo ganske normal oppførsel for 80-åringer tross alt. Det reelle spørsmålet er hvorfor folk stemmer på disse eller hvorfor de frontes som kandidater.
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Bare håper vi ikke gjør som Tyrkia og tar imot masse Hamas-medlemmer. Dette bør være sivile.
Vil vel heller si det er Biden, og Sullivan, som imposerer viljen sin, dersom dette skjer. Biden har allerede "snakket ned" både Polen og Storbritannia fra mer drastiske tiltak mot Russland, og nå også kanskje Frankrike? Jeg vet ikke hva som går av Biden og Sullivan. Det virker faktisk som om de ønsker å kjempe til siste ukrainer. Fuck dem. Å stasjonere atomvåpen på Cuba i 1962 er litt annerledes enn om Russland hjalp Mexico å forsvare seg mot en amerikansk invasjon og folkemord i 2022. På den annen side kan man også si at hadde amerikanske presidenter og vestlige leder hørt på haukene sine hadde aldri verken Sovjet eller Kommunist-Kina eksistert til å begynne med. Men hva det ville ledet til videre er umulig å si. Det var vel snakk om at disse ubåtene kunne ha vært truffet for noen dager siden også. Men ingenting er bekreftet. Antagelig har de lagt ut. Når de er til havn nå så er de også delvis nedsunket og bortgjemt for å ungå satellitter og at folk ser dem.
https://newsukraine.rbc.ua/news/putin-announces-russia-s-losses-isw-explains-1717736496.html Putin announces Russia's losses: ISW explains accuracy of this data Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that the Russian army loses 20,000 combat troops in Ukraine every month. This figure is close to the number of new servicemen mobilized by the Russian Federation for war every month, according to a report from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). According to analysts, Putin has suggested that 5,000 Russian soldiers die in combat in Ukraine every month. Considering the standard ratio of wounded to killed as three to one, approximately 15,000 Russian servicemen are wounded every month. The ISW cannot confirm the losses mentioned by Putin, but this number coincides with the lower limit of reports from Ukraine about the losses of the Russian army. Commander of the Ukrainian Ground Forces Oleksandr Pavliuk stated at the beginning of May that Russian forces lose between 25,000 and 30,000 killed and wounded every month. In mid-January of this year, the Deputy Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, Vadym Skibitskyi, reported that Russia is recruiting about 30,000 people per month. In April, the head of the Moscow Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, a member of the Civil Advisory Council at the Russian Ministry of Defense, Ruslan Pukhov, also stated that the cryptomobilization campaign of the aggressor state is recruiting about 30,000 new servicemen every month. However, the ISW report notes that Russian officials are concerned about the decrease in recruitment rates ahead of the planned summer offensive in 2024. It is also unknown whether the Russian Ministry of Defense has been able to maintain recruitment levels at around 30,000 people per month. Additionally, over the past few months, Russian forces have created a more resilient force generation apparatus for current offensive operations and have begun more actively forming reserves at the operational and strategic levels. During this period, Russian forces used their initiative across the entire theater of operations in Ukraine to dictate the pace of operations, which would result in losses approximately equal to or slightly less than the losses of newly formed forces. "This has allowed Russian forces to immediately replenish losses along the frontline and sustain their overall offensive tempo in Ukraine but has set limits on the extent to which Russian forces can intensify offensive operations in any given direction," the ISW report said. According to analysts, the small number of additional newly formed forces that did not immediately deploy to the front as reinforcements allowed Russian forces to gradually form operational reserves. In early May, Lieutenant General Pavliuk stated that Russian forces intend to prepare another approximately 100,000 servicemen for participation in offensive operations in June and July of this year and to prepare another 300,000 servicemen by the end of 2024. "ISW continues to assess that likely poorly trained and equipped Russian operational- and strategic-level reserves are unlikely to be ready to act as a first-echelon penetration force or as a second-echelon exploitation force capable of conducting large-scale assaults in 2024 if Ukrainian forces have the wherewithal to resist them," the report said. Losses of the Russian army The Russian army command is concealing data on personnel losses in the war in Ukraine. Also unknown or classified are the losses of private military companies and other formations of the enemy army. According to the latest data from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, since February 2022, Russia has lost 515,000 soldiers in the war. In just the past day, Ukrainian defenders have eliminated 1,300 soldiers. According to the MDI, Russia has concentrated about 550,000 personnel on the border and in temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. However, this includes not only soldiers but also the FSB and other units.