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Brother Ursus

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  1. https://mil.in.ua/en/news/the-netherlands-to-provide-ukraine-with-3-patriot-launchers-and-radars/ The Netherlands to provide Ukraine with 3 Patriot launchers and radars Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands, announced this on X (formerly Twitter). His statement was made at a summit on recovery and reconstruction in Ukraine held in Berlin.
  2. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/finland-scrambles-close-new-migrant-route-via-russia-europe-2024-06-11/ Finland scrambles to close new migrant route via Russia to Europe Finland plans tough new measures to deter asylum seekers Finns accuse Russia of funnelling migrants across border Moscow denies assertion, says Finland and NATO to blame Syrian friends recount how they reached border by bike
  3. https://x.com/DonbasDIY/status/1800614484517822797 En lang tråd om økende russisk høyreekstremisme og nynazisme. De legger ikke akkurat skjul på det. Likevel snakker de om å denazifisere det demokratiske Ukraina, som har jødiske ledere med familie som døde i Holocaust - ved å sende nynazister dit, bla. for å jakte nettopp på Zelensky i krigens tidligste dager.
  4. https://www.newsweek.com/margaret-thatcher-gave-damning-assessment-putin-resurfaced-clip-1772344 A resurfaced clip of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher giving a damning assessment of Russian President Vladimir Putin during the early years of his presidency has gone viral online. In the video, recorded at Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi, on September 20, 2000, Thatcher slammed Putin's lack of humanity during the Kursk submarine disaster. The disaster resulted in the deaths of all 118 people onboard after it sank in the Arctic Ocean following a series of explosions during a naval exercise on August 12 that year. Putin, who was inaugurated for the first time in May 2000, received criticism after he continued his vacation in the Russian city of Sochi as the crisis unfolded.
  5. https://www.msn.com/en-ph/news/other/dozens-of-powerful-anti-aircraft-guns-the-u-s-bought-for-ukraine-have-arrived/ss-BB1nWLBj Dozens of powerful anti-aircraft guns the U.S. bought for Ukraine have arrived Ukraine has finally received the large supply of powerful self-propelled anti-aircraft guns the United States bought for Kyiv almost one year ago, according to a statement posted by The Ukrainian Air Force on their social media. The U.S. bought 60 Gepards for Ukraine The Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf was the first media organization to report the U.S. The Department of Defense had acquired sixty German Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns from Jordan for €110 million or roughly $120 million at the time. Disse gepardene er visst også oppgraderte med ny optikk og nye datamaskiner.
  6. https://kyivindependent.com/zelensky-says-ukraine-will-end-this-war-on-our-terms/ Zelensky says Ukraine 'will end this war on our terms' Zelensky told German lawmakers that Russia must pay for the damage inflicted on his country. "Those who started the war have to be held responsible," he said. "They have to be brought to justice for every war crime committed," adding that the time for compromises is over. "As soon as [Russian President Vladimir] Putin started to burn our cities … as soon as he started to pursue murder instead of agreements and contracts, the time for compromise ended," Zelensky noted, according to Deutsche Welle. "Putin will lose this war," the Ukrainian president stressed. "We will not allow Russia to continue to march through Europe with its contempt for life. (...) We will not pass on this war to the next generation. We will end it. We will end it in the interest of Ukraine and the interest of Europe as a whole." Zelensky also referenced Germany's history in his address, recalling the decades the country was divided by the Berlin Wall: "You can understand us in Ukraine, you can understand why we are fighting so hard against Russia's attempts to divide Ukraine, why we are doing everything we can to make sure there is not a new wall in our country." "Russia is standing against all of us alone, so we all have to force Russia to change, and it is possible, because there is no wall that cannot be brought down." Tipper denne appellen var ment særlig for Øst-Tyskland og AFD-velgere.
  7. Den overveldende majoriteten av nordmenn støtter Ukraina. Rundt 2% støtter Russland og de fleste av dem ser ikke ut til å være mentalt helt til stede. Tråden bærer preg av det. Den bærer også preg av at dette er en av de mest moralsk sort-hvite konfliktene i historien. Vi diskuterer ikke Putins åpenbare løgnaktige propaganda og motivasjoner fordi ingen tar dem seriøst, og de faktisk har blitt motbevist i tråden gang på gang, hvis man faktisk følger med. Dersom noen her har konkrete innsigelser så disktuerer og motbeviser vi gjerne dem - det er tross alt ikke vanskelig. I tillegg fungerer dette som en løpende nyhets-tråd for de som er ekstra interesserte. Vi er alle er klar over at f.eks Twitter ikke er en solid kilde. Alt skal selvfølgelig tas med en klype salt. Og vi forsøker å bruke personer som har en lang historie med faktuelle poster. Tradisjonelle medier beveger seg alt for sakte, og rapporterer alt for lite. Noen ganger rapporterer norske medier ting som har blitt rapportert i denne tråden 6-12 måneder tidligere, som f.eks bruken av klorpicrin-gass. Noe av poenget med en diskusjon er også å forsøke å etablere fakta. Kom gjerne med fakta som motbeviser det som postes her. Vi korrigerer hverandre ganske ofte. Og det mottas med takk.
  8. Overintellektualisering og sykeliggjøring av kriminell oppførsel. Det er ikke tilfeldig hvor dette skjer og hvem som står bak.
  9. https://news.liga.net/en/politics/news/russians-falsely-claim-victory-in-battle-for-ukraine-village-that-hasnt-existed-for-37-years Russians falsely claim victory in battle for Ukraine village that hasn't existed for 37 years The Russian Ministry of Defense fabricated the capture of two Ukrainian villages in Luhansk and Kharkiv oblasts On June 11, the Russian Ministry of Defense released a statement claiming that occupiers had taken control of the villages of Artemivka in the Luhansk Oblast and Tymkivka in the Kharkiv Oblast. Voloshyn said that the village of Tymkivka had been abolished in 1987. In addition, Artemivka was renamed Myasozharivka in 2016 as part of the decommunization process. Currently, Myasozharivka is under the control of the Ukrainian Defense Forces!" the spokesperson stated.
  10. Russiske OSINT og milbloggere doomposter igjen, slik de gjorde høsten 2022 og våren 2023. Nature is healing.
  11. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/06/03/on-a-train-in-southern-russia-fatigued-soldiers-see-no-end-in-sight-to-war-a85283 On a Train in Southern Russia, Fatigued Soldiers See No End in Sight to War On a recent May afternoon, a Russian train trundles through the country’s southwestern regions near the border with Ukraine. The train’s dining car is packed with Russian soldiers. Some are heading to the front lines in Ukraine, where their country has been waging war for over two years, while others are returning home for a short leave. Most of them are drinking. “Making war against the Ukrainians is tough,” confesses Dima, a soldier in his 40s. “It's like fighting against some of our own.” With his ice-blue eyes, square jaw and muscular arms, he looks like he stepped out of an old Soviet war movie. His face shows small wounds, the result of diving face-down into a trench to escape a bomb dropped by a drone. As he sips samogon, a homemade vodka, he says he is a career soldier, with experience in the Russian Naval Infantry in Syria and now on the Kherson front in southern Ukraine. Like the other Russian soldiers interviewed for this story, Dima’s name has been changed due to the risk of repercussions. Dima has many relatives in Ukraine, some of whom are fighting on the side of Kyiv. He prays every day that he will not meet them on the battlefield. Once, his unit captured a Ukrainian soldier. “Honestly, I felt really bad,” says Dima. “He said he didn’t want to fight, and I didn’t want to fight against him either.” He sees that his wife is calling him, but does not pick up the phone. “She would be able to tell from my voice that I’m a bit tipsy and would scold me,” the soldier explains, smiling. He shows a photo of her and their four children. His expression turns gloomy; he has rarely seen them over the past two years. Opposite Dima sits a hefty soldier named Pavel. Before the full-scale invasion, Pavel worked as a senior specialist at one of Russia’s largest companies. He enlisted in the military as a volunteer after he had been told some of his relatives were killed by Ukrainian soldiers at the start of the war. Today, his job is to manage anti-aircraft systems and plan offensives. Countless lives depend on his decisions, he says. “I draw arrows on a map, and the soldiers move forward,” Pavel explains after opening yet another beer. Sometimes, Pavel finds himself in the difficult position of sending squads of men into an attack, well aware that their chances of survival are slim. It is a distraction tactic meant to pull enemy forces’ attention from the main offensive taking place elsewhere. “I can’t tell the men, otherwise they wouldn’t fight with the hope of winning,” the soldier explains, his eyes glistening with emotion. “And after all this, you don’t sleep well,” he says, pointing to the grey hairs on his head that have appeared in recent months. Because he had a high-paying job before the war, Pavel asked that his military salary be donated to an orphanage. “I don't want to be paid to kill people,” he explains. Some soldiers are visibly drunk. A misunderstanding sparks a fight between Dima and another passenger; it seems they are about to come to blows, but then they calm down. They channel their tension into an improvised push-up competition between the dining car’s tables as the irritated waiters look on. The soldiers describe the front line as hell on earth. The losses on the Russian side are enormous: hundreds each day, some of the men say. Drones sow death from the sky, finishing off wounded soldiers on the battlefield where they lay. Dima always keeps a grenade hanging from his belt. He would rather blow himself up than be captured and face torture. “Many young guys I knew are dead, they weren’t even 30,” says Yegor, a family man from the republic of Tatarstan, in one of the passenger compartments. He was called up to fight during the “partial” mobilization of 2022. “Only a few among us who were mobilized are left,” he says. Last December, Yegor and his comrades were hiding inside a house on the Vuhledar front in the Donetsk region when a tank discovered them and opened fire, wounding him in the leg. For the injury, he was compensated 3 million rubles ($33,500), which he used to buy a new house. Despite having shrapnel still lodged in his leg and being diagnosed with PTSD, Yegor was deemed fit for service and is heading back to the front. “If I didn’t risk five years in prison for desertion, I would get off the train now and go home, even by foot,” he confesses. “This war is pointless.” Back in the dining car, another soldier smiles bitterly as he explains that he is heading to the front. “I probably won’t make it this time,” he says, pointing to the gunshot wound on his chest, which has not yet fully healed.
  12. Det er vanskelig å si. De fleste vestlige land er nok så uvillige til å ta skadde og drepte at uten NATO, EU eller USA hadde de overgitt seg relativt raskt. Men Ukraina er et stort land, med stor befolkning, og hadde en 8 år lang "oppvarming". Hadde Russland gått helt ut i 2014 er det ikke godt å si hva som hadde skjedd. Ukraina endret seg voldsomt på de 8 årene siden Maidan-opprøret og krigen, og det tror jeg ikke Putin og russerne fikk med seg.
  13. AAA-studioer nå om dagen... ikke rart de legges ned én etter én.
  14. https://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/i/dRm2KX/norge-tyskland-danmark-og-nederland-inngaar-samarbeid-skal-gi-100-patriot-raketter-til-ukraina Norge skal gi 100 Patriot-raketter til Ukraina Norge, Tyskland, Danmark og Nederland deltar i et spleiselag om å sende rakettene til Ukraina.
  15. https://www.technology.org/2024/06/11/not-a-joke-belarusian-officer-thinks-t-34-is-fit-to-fight/ Not a joke – Belarusian officer thinks T-34 is fit to fight Back in 2022, when Russia threw antique T-62s into the war in Ukraine, netizens started joking that Russia has a lot of T-34 tanks too – why not send them? These tanks, used heavily in World War II, are obviously incredibly old. But now Russia is dragging them to Belarus and officers are calling them “fit to fight”.
  16. "The Forum brings together the chief executives of major Russian and international companies, heads of state, political leaders, prime ministers, deputy prime ministers, departmental ministers, and governors. The key purpose of the Forum is to provide practical solutions for businesses and governments, helping to overcome the geographic and information barriers between Russia and other countries. The forum was historically intended for Russia to attract foreign direct investment, discuss economic policy and project a global image that Russia was open for business after the dissolution of the Soviet Union."
  17. https://united24media.com/latest-news/russia-was-the-only-country-in-un-security-council-that-abstained-from-voting-for-a-ceasefire-in-gaza-667 Russia Was The Only Country in UN Security Council That Abstained From Voting For A Ceasefire in Gaza Putin vil ikke ha fred i Midtøsten. Han vil ha kaos. Han vil at konflikten der skal stjele både fokus og amerikanske ressurser. Ikke minst ammunisjon. Så til tross for at en våpenhvile ville være til fordel for deres alliertes allierte, så stemte altså Russland blankt. Hadde de vært smartere hadde de stemt for, siden det ville bli adoptert uansett, og man hadde ungått denne situasjonen der Russlands mål med å støtte angrepene på Israel er helt åpenbare.
  18. https://www.newsweek.com/us-navy-shadowing-russian-flotilla-off-florida-coastsatellite-data-1911106 US Navy 'Shadowing' Russian Flotilla off Florida Coast—Satellite Data U.S. naval and air assets appear to be shadowing Russian warships that passed Florida's eastern coast on their way to make port in Cuba, open source maritime and aerial tracking data has revealed. Open source intelligence (OSINT) analysts on Tuesday posted updates showing the CG Stone coastguard vessel, the USS Truxtun and USS Donald Cook destroyers, and the Royal Canadian Navy frigate HMCS Ville de Quebec travelling southwards down the Florida coast, purportedly following the Russian ships headed to Cuba. Above them, at least one U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon appeared to be conducting surveillance.
  19. Det virker som om mange mistet perspektiv etter at kontraoffensiven i fjor sommer ikke gikk som håpet. Men hvis man virkelig zoomer ut, så er det jo fullstendig bananas at Ukraina etter snart 2,5 år med krig mot Russland, som kaster inn absolutt alt de har, fremdeles står på bena og i økende grad også tar tilbake momentum. Nesten ingen trodde det før 24.02.2022, med mindre de var litt kjent med både Ukraina og Russland. Jeg hadde personlig litt troa, siden jeg hadde noe kunnskap om krigen i Donbas som pågikk i 8 år, hadde besøkt krigsområdet flere ganger, og hadde lite tillitt til russernes evner. Jeg var ikke overrasket over at ukrainerne kjempet imot, men at det kunne gå så fullstendig på ræva for russerne kom som en stor overraskelse også på meg. Jeg husker godt de første dagene og ukene da jeg regelrett gråt av glede over å se bildene som rullet inn av russiske helikoptre og fly og kolonner bli skutt i filler i bakholdsangrep og modige ukrainere, både militære og sivile, som fullstendig overrumplet både Russland og verden forøvrig. Ukraina kjemper en rettferdig, eksistensiell krig. Det er utrolig vanskelig å slå ned noe slikt. Russerne har ikke den evnen. Derfor kommer Ukraina til å vinne, uansett hvor lang tid det tar.
  20. CGI og annet visuelt er bra. Manus forferdelig. Historien gørrkjedelig. Skuespillet ekstremt varierende. Jeg hadde bare sansen for Lee Jung-jae (Master Sol) og for Charlie Barnett (Yord Fandar). Til tross for at ideologi og politikk står i forkant for serieskaperne, så forventer jeg fortsatt bedre av en serie som er så prestisjetung og påkostet. Den er i likhet med det meste Disney har laget de siste årene, bortkastet. Hvis man skal tro det noen anmeldere som har sett de første 4 episodene sier, så går ting også for alvor nedover i episode 3 og 4.
  21. Norge må også bygge buffersone mot Russland så fort som mulig. Og vi må få svenskene og finnene til å gjøre det i nord også.
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