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Brother Ursus

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  1. Russia's Rising Artillery Losses in Ukraine Leave Forces 'Totally Depleted' https://www.newsweek.com/russia-rising-artillery-losses-ukraine-totally-depleted-shells-1846415 The story of Ukraine's summer 2023 counteroffensive has on the surface been one of frustration, heavy losses, and little territorial gain. From the start, Ukrainian political and military leaders had to juggle high expectations with the tactical realities that ultimately proved so difficult for Kyiv's forces to overcome. Officials in Kyiv have sought to ease Western concern at a lack of progress while pointing to the broader successes of Ukrainian operations. All of western Russia—and Moscow—are now in range of Ukrainian drones. Part of the Black Sea Fleet has reportedly been forced out of Crimea. And the erosion of Russia's soldiers and military equipment has continued at a rapid pace. Ukraine's apparent edge in the artillery war is a particular point of pride for Kyiv. The big guns have dominated the battlefields from the first moments of Russia's full-scale invasion. For all its supposed modernization, Moscow's military doctrine has retained the historical Russian focus on artillery. Russian gunners proved more numerous and well-supplied than their Ukrainian enemies in the early stages of the conflict. But as Kyiv's arsenal has been bolstered by NATO systems, Russia's "god of war" has been somewhat muted. Kyiv's claimed tally of Russian equipment losses demonstrates the enthusiasm with which Ukrainian artillery and drone teams have hunted Russian big guns, as well as multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) that perform a similar function at shorter ranges. From September to November 2023, Ukraine claimed to have destroyed 2,272 artillery pieces, and another 167 MLRS. In the same period in 2022, the figure was 789 artillery pieces and 108 MLRS. Newsweek cannot independently verify the figures and has contacted the Russian Defense Ministry to request comment. "It's really a big problem for the Russians," Ivan Stupak—a former officer in the Security Service of Ukraine and now an adviser to the Ukrainian parliament's national security, defense and intelligence committee—told Newsweek of Kyiv's artillery campaign. "It's not just a cliché, it's not Ukrainian propaganda." "For the last five months or so, Russia has very actively been using old-style artillery. Not late-Soviet era, but mid-50s and mid-60s—D30 and the D20-type of towed artillery, with a maximum range of around 9 to 11 miles," Stupak said. "It's a very short distance; it's nothing compared with the Archer from Sweden," he said, referring to the system donated to Ukraine by Stockholm which has a range of more than 30 miles. "Russian artillery stockpiles are totally depleted," Stupak said. "They are using this artillery because they have no other options." President Vladimir Putin is shifting the Russian economy onto war footing, but ramping up replacement parts production for artillery is a complex task, and partially reliant on Western technology to which Moscow now has limited access. The pressure of worn-out barrels is a particularly big issue, Stupak said. The Kremlin's problem is only becoming more pressing as advanced NATO munitions arrive in Ukraine. The summer-into-fall uptick in claimed destroyed Russian guns coincided with the arrival of cluster munitions, which spread hundreds of bomblets over a target area rather than relying on a single shell. Now, HIMARS-fired cluster munition variants of the long-range MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System—known as the ATACMS—are also in Ukrainian hands. Ukraine's gunners have been assisted by increasingly sophisticated counter-battery radars, used to quickly locate firing Russian guns. Dan Rice, a former aide to Ukraine's commander-in-chief General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, was influential in Kyiv's push for cluster munitions, both the tube fired at ATACMS variants. Rice told Newsweek that the Ukrainians now have "fire superiority" over the Russians, as well as more advanced and effective weapons systems. "The full-scale deployment of cluster artillery shells and rockets has entered a new phase in the war," Rice said, "which is why Putin is suggesting peace talks and calling it a 'tragedy.'" Now, he added, Moscow is grappling with "deep strikes against large troop concentrations and any Russian artillery or MLRS that fires." Both Ukrainian and Russian forces are pushing hard on different parts of the front, looking to secure fresh gains as the fall rains arrive and the freezing winter season looms. Kyiv's hopes of a Russian collapse in the south of the country look to have been dashed, while Moscow's grinding efforts to gain new victories in the east are proceeding slowly and at high cost. Both sides will need many more munitions to continue the fight, Stupak said. Kyiv, he noted, has "lots of problems with deploying artillery munition shells from European countries...we were promised about 1 million shells, but up to now we've got only about 300,000." "In Russia, they've got a million shells from North Korea, from Iran, and they're trying to rebuy from different countries they previously supplied shells to."
  2. Det er andre natten på rad. Natten før ble to trafoer rammet i sørøst-Moskva.
  3. https://www.aftenposten.no/verden/i/0Qal0g/margarita-2-forsvant-fra-ukraina-naa-er-hun-funnet-hos-putin-politiker-70 Margarita (2) forsvant fra Ukraina. Nå er hun funnet hos Putin-politiker (70). MOSKVA (Aftenposten): Russisk toppolitiker og hans kone skal ha registrert seg som foreldre til den ukrainske jenta og endret navnet hennes.
  4. 56nh58n55.mp4 Når du vil slappe av etter en lang dag på jobb.
  5. Videoen er fra statlig TV, så regner med at det er innafor. På én side er han journalist, på den andre propagandist.
  6. Takk og lov har vi nå Finland og Sverige på vår side. Hvis ikke hadde Norge ligget ille an, dersom Russland skulle lykkes i noen som helst grad.
  7. aL1EP8x_460svav1.mp4 Ukrainske energi og strøm- arbeidere i reklame på ukrainsk TV. Som tidligere elektriker kan jeg bare ta av meg hatten.
  8. Det finnes alltid helter. Selv i det dypeste, dystreste, mørke. Godt han er for ung for å sendes til straffeenheter... enn så lenge
  9. De forsøkte seg med snikskyttere, ATGM, artilleri og tom. luftvåpen, men man må nesten treffe blink om man skal sette det ut av spill, og det er ikke like lett i virkeligheten som i dataspill. Særlig med russiske våpen og deres notoriske unøyaktighet. Disse automatiserte våpnene ser også ut til å ha en meget demoraliserende effekt på russiske tropper.
  10. Den russiske omringningen av Avdiivka har foreløpig feilet og avtatt. Angrep andre steder rundt har derimot tiltatt. Russerne søker nå svakheter i de ukrainske linjene rundt Avdiivka istedet. Men uheldigvis for dem fikk de seg en stygg overraskelse i form av forberedte stillinger, muligens bunkre, med fjernstyrte maskingevær, på andre siden av en kløft og en bro. Russiske flyfartøy og artilleri klarte av én eller annen grunn heller ikke nøytralisere stillingene. Antagelig pga. mangel på presisjonsvåpen.
  11. Nederlands støtte til Ukraina har vært betydelig. Ikke blant de aller største, men stor. Og som Snikpellik sier skal de antagelig donere et større antall F-16. Jeg tror (håper?) derimot at Wilders parti ikke vil få noen innvirkning på Nederlands støtte for Ukraina. De har vel 35/150ish seter. Og også deres parti har lenge vært enig om å støtte Ukraina. Så da ville de måtte forrådt velgerne og valgløftene sine...
  12. Dette kan nok være i det minste en delvis forklaring. Wilders parti gjorde et enormt byks og doblet oppslutningen når Palestina-demonstrasjonene gikk rundt om. Palestina-demonstrasjonene skjedde tross alt ikke 7 oktober, men ca. kanskje 2-3 (?) uker etterpå når Israel slo tilbake.
  13. Det gikk tydeligvis svært hardt for seg i går. Russerne skal ha gitt opp å ta Avdiivka, men det ble skrevet en del om andre intense angrep i sør, i Zaporizhzhia.
  14. Leit, men bedre enn alternativet! Er så lei av halvbakte spill som slippes i alfa.
  15. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/11/22/meet-putins-possible-election-opponent-a-single-mother-of-3-calling-for-peace-a83181 Meet Putin’s Possible Election Opponent: A Single Mother of 3 Calling for Peace Yekaterina Duntsova believes her age, gender and lack of experience in Kremlin politics might become some of her greatest assets. But she faces a long, challenging road to the ballot. Jeg håper hun holder seg langt unna vinduer, trapper, store mengder vann og ting som tar fyr.
  16. https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/JQdXbj/kryptisk-melding-fra-ukraina-fortsettelse-foelger Kryptisk melding fra Ukraina: − Fortsettelse følger Ukrainas militære etterretning har i en kryptisk melding antydet nye angrep mot Putins prestisjeprosjekt Krim-broen.
  17. Dette med "mind games" må dere ikke bry dere for mye om. Dette skal ikke være noe spill, og det er ikke bra å være sammen med folk som ser det som spill. Glem det dere har lest om speiling og pickup artist greier. Vær dere selv. Vær oppriktig. Vær ærlig. Er du entusiastisk og den andre personen synes det er for mye, så er det deres feil, og deres tap. Det er ingenting mer attraktivt enn en person som er trygg på seg selv (og en person som er trygg på seg selv kan fremdeles være sjenert av andre grunner!) og ikke bryr seg om sosiale konvensjoner, men bare oppfører seg som at de liker deg. Det er faktisk SJARM
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