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Brother Ursus svarte på TheDarkSycamore - SCM sitt emne i Generell spilldiskusjon
Er voldstrusler eller seksualiserte trusler verre mot kvinner enn mot menn? Jeg vedder på at de aller fleste menn som spiller de samme spillene har blitt utsatt for trusler også. Mange av dem seksualiserte. Men løper de til mediene? Løper de til utgiverne? Poster de om det i sosiale medier for å skape oppmerksomhet om seg selv? Nei. Menn tar seg ikke like nær av slikt. Til tross for at 9/10 som utsettes for den groveste volden er menn. Jenter og kvinner lærer ikke å være like psykologisk resistente som gutter og menn må være.- 59 svar
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Trakasering i gaming milijøet - CTRLZ -
Brother Ursus svarte på TheDarkSycamore - SCM sitt emne i Generell spilldiskusjon
Jeg personlig? Nei. Jeg spiller som sagt ikke med sånne folk. Men det er mitt personlige valg. Og mitt ansvar. Jeg løper ikke til media og krever at staten skal regulere andres spilling. Kvinner ville behandles på samme måte som menn. Nå blir de det. I det minste i gaming. De har langt igjen på mange andre fronter. Be careful what you wish for.- 59 svar
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EDIT: Ser ut til at Ukraina muligens har valgt å gjengjelde store droneangrep. Dette hadde de også advart russerne om på forhånd, samt at de ville angripe det russiske el-nettet. En ny type drone ser også muligens ut til å være tatt ibruk. Kan det være Shahed-kopien?
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Trakasering i gaming milijøet - CTRLZ -
Brother Ursus svarte på TheDarkSycamore - SCM sitt emne i Generell spilldiskusjon
Alle trakasseres i spilling. Det er "normalt". Men det var ikke før jenter og kvinners inntog i gaming at det ble gjort til en stor greie, og da valgte man også den politisk korrekte vinklingen om at dette var misogyny, i stedet for realiteten, som er at noen mennesker rett og slett er rasshøl. Det er også, for better or worse, slik gutter og menn snakker til og behandler hverandre. Ikke bare i gaming, men også i idrett, eller når de henger sammen. Personlig har jeg ikke noe til overs for slik oppførsel, slik at jeg holder meg rett og slett unna eller spiller med folk jeg kjenner og folk som kan oppføre seg - ofte jenter og kvinner. I min oppfatning er det et gjennomgående problem at jenter og kvinner generelt ikke liker å ta personlig ansvar for ting og istedet klager om det, og gud, som de elsker å klage og å være ofre. Kvinnfolk må lære seg å stemme med lommeboka og ta litt initiativ. Hvis det er noe du ikke liker så er det ikke logisk å trenge seg inn på en arena som brukes av andre og kreve at de endrer seg. Veldig mange kvinner, særlig de yngste, er patologisk opptatt av konformitet. Det kommer nok av at de ofte mobber hverandre på måter som er langt grovere enn det menn gjør. Menn kaller hverandre ukvemsord litt på faen, eller tom for morro skyld, og fem minutter etterpå er det glemt. Kvinner mobber hverandre til de blir anorektiske og selvskadere.- 59 svar
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Flakk-kanoner! Dette har jeg etterlyst lenge! Jeg var redd de kanskje var skrapet alle sammen for flere tiår siden. Det er godt å se at noen er tatt vare på. Vi burde ikke automatisk skrape våpen fra tidligere æraer, særlig når de har veldig forskjellige funksjon og andre bruksområder. Droner flyr lavere og saktere enn propellfly fra andre verdenskrig. Flakk må jo være midt i blinken, pardon the pun.
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https://www.stripes.com/theaters/europe/2023-11-24/baltics-russia-nato-12133369.html Russian losses in Ukraine have wiped out its advantage in Baltics, report says “Russia has effectively lost its position of power and the capacity to threaten its neighbors with projections of military power,” Pavel Baev wrote in a November report for the French Institute of International Relations. Baev, a longtime Russia expert whose worked included a stint at a research institute inside the Soviet Union’s defense ministry, argues many Western policy planners haven’t grasped the long-term implications of what the war in Ukraine means for security in the Baltics. While some in the West see Russia’s weakened position as transitional and a Russian comeback inevitable, Moscow sees the loss of its conventional military edge in the Baltics as “both unacceptable and irreversible,” Baev said. The Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were annexed by the Soviet Union during World War II. Since becoming independent in the 1990s, their forces always have been far smaller and less developed than Russia’s. However, they have welcomed training with U.S. troops and other NATO allies, which are required to collectively defend the Baltic nations if they are attacked, in line with the alliance’s treaty. Russia’s war in Ukraine has taken an extreme toll on its military and challenges its ability to maintain a large force on its western flank with NATO, the report said. The study argues that Moscow’s strategic goal of turning its military exclave of Kaliningrad into a launching pad to dominate the central part of the Baltic region “has effectively been canceled.” Moreover, Ukraine’s ability to target Russian military infrastructure around Crimea has exposed weaknesses in Russia’s coastal defense weapon systems. Those vulnerabilities also apply to the Russian military along the Baltic coast. Beyond the tactical weaknesses, Russian capabilities were compromised as assets moved to the war front. Many of the Baltic units tasked with guarding Russia’s western border with NATO countries have been decimated during the nearly two years of fighting in Ukraine, according to the report, which sites a lengthy list of damaged units. “Whatever the scope of the outcome of the war, Russia will not be able to rebuild a position of military superiority in the Baltic theater or even to set an approximate balance of forces with NATO, which is implementing a new plan to strengthen its posture in this reconfigured direction,” Baev said. Moscow could be forced to rely more on long-range missiles and talk up its nuclear capability for deterrence purposes, to make up for its conventional military disadvantages. “Plain strategic logic dictates that weakness of conventional forces necessitates greater reliance on nuclear capabilities, and the Baltic theater may see applications of this logic,” the report says. Regardless of the outcome of the war, Russia also will need to position forces along its southern border with Ukraine for the long-haul, the report says. For years, the Baltics have been a focal point for the American-led NATO alliance, which has strengthened its position in the region amid concerns that it was outgunned by Russia. Many of the alliance’s changes were prompted by Russia’s initial 2014 intervention in Ukraine, which shattered old post-Cold War assumptions about a more secure Europe. In the years before 2014, many NATO militaries drastically reduced defense spending, shrunk the sizes of their militaries and regarded the prospect of large-scale conflict on the European continent as an anachronism. The U.S. military also sharply scaled back on the Continent, removing the last of its battle tanks from Europe just months before Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula. The diminished NATO force prompted angst among security analysts at the time. Those concerns were reinforced by a large war game, carried out by the Rand Corp. think tank with the assistance of numerous American military commands between 2014 and 2015. It found a Russian offensive in the Baltics would overwhelm lesser-armed alliance forces and seize the Estonian and Latvian capitals in a matter of hours. The Rand war game, which garnered much attention at the time, said “the outcome was, bluntly, a disaster for NATO.” Since then, NATO has added multinational battlegroups in the Baltics and Poland and ramped up rotations of other combat forces in the region, including U.S. Army tank units. That, along with the addition of Finland into NATO and eventually Sweden, tipped the balance in the Baltics to NATO’s favor, Baev said. “With the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO, the Baltic theater is reconfigured so profoundly to Russia’s disadvantage that no amount of effort could make ‘Fortress Kaliningrad’ defensible,” the report said.
https://www.technology.org/2023/11/25/why-ukraine-isnt-deploying-abrams-on-the-battlefield-the-reason-is-simple-experts-say/ Why Ukraine Isn’t Deploying Abrams on the Battlefield? The Reason is Simple, Experts Say According to experts, the decision to keep Abrams tanks in storage until spring might be part of a larger strategy for a spring offensive. However, concerns have been voiced about the limited number of these tanks available for the extensive thousand-kilometer front line. Business Insider interviewed several experts who shed light on the situation with Abrams tanks in Ukraine. Sergej Sumlenny, a German expert and founder of the European Center for Resilience Initiatives, highlighted the prolonged deliberation by the USA on sending these tanks to Ukraine. This delay allowed Russian forces to fortify their positions with trenches, mines, and other defensive structures. Sumlenny also pointed to a previous attempt by Ukrainians to use Western armored vehicles, specifically Bradley armored personnel carriers, in a frontal attack during a counterattack in the Zaporizhia region. The outcome was less than favorable, with Oryx analysts reporting a significant loss of Bradleys in the operation. This led to concerns about the effectiveness of Western tanks on the battlefield. In summary, the delayed deployment of Abrams tanks, coupled with the challenges faced during previous offensives, has raised questions about the strategic decisions and effectiveness of these tanks in the ongoing conflict. In general, having 31 tanks per 1,000 km of the front line is considered very limited, emphasized Sumlenny. “That’s just three tanks per one hundred kilometers — that’s ridiculous,” stated the expert. Retired US Marine Corps Colonel Mark Cancian, now a senior advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, also shared his perspective. Cancian believes that the Abrams tanks, along with the surviving Bradleys, are currently in reserve. He suggests that they might be strategically held back for a spring offensive when the weather is more favorable. The challenging autumn and winter conditions in Ukraine, including swamp, rain, snow, and frost, would make these machines inefficient and logistically difficult to maintain. Cancian speculates that, given the stable front, Ukrainians are likely holding the tanks in reserve, and the spring could provide a favorable opportunity for a counterattack. Kateryna Stepanenko, an expert at the Institute for the Study of War, concurs with Cancian’s viewpoint. She also highlighted the challenges posed by “rain and mud” during the autumn and mentioned that observers have not witnessed Abrams tanks being used on the Ukrainian battlefield. Hopefully, this will change in the future.
Russian Troops Plead for Rotation After Losing 3 Companies from Ukrainian Bridgeheads https://www.kyivpost.com/post/24603 "The pleading from the Russian troops corroborates Ukrainian success in establishing bridgeheads south of Kherson and reveals a significant morale issue within the Russian ranks." NATO official wants 'military Schengen' in Europe, sparking threats from Kremlin https://kyivindependent.com/nato-wants-military-schengen-in-europe-sparking-criticism-from-kremlin/ "NATO's logistics command chief urged members on Nov. 23 to remove the red tape hindering troop movements across Europe, as it would impair a swift response in a potential conflict with Russia." Opinion: Putin wants to complete Stalin’s unfinished genocide in Ukraine https://kyivindependent.com/opinion-putin-wants-to-complete-stalins-unfinished-genocide-in-ukraine/ "People across Ukraine and around the world will light candles tomorrow in memory of the millions of Ukrainians killed in the artificial famine engineered by Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin’s regime in the 1930s. Known to history as the Holodomor, this man-made famine remained hidden in the Soviet shadows for decades." "Ukraine’s struggle against Russian imperialism dates back over 300 years. It’s a tragic history marked by wave upon wave of subjugation, colonization, and Russification. Tsarist efforts to suppress Ukrainian identity could not prevent the rise of a Ukrainian national consciousness or stop Ukrainians from declaring independence amid the chaos that followed the 1917 Russian Revolution. After years of bitter fighting, the Bolsheviks were eventually able to crush Ukraine’s statehood bid and incorporate the country into the fledgling Soviet Union." UN declaration commemorating Holodomor anniversary signed by 55 nations https://kyivindependent.com/un-declaration-commemorating-holodomor-anniversary-signed-by-55-nations/ A Ukraine-led UN declaration to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor famine was signed by 55 member states, marking a 44% increase since the previous similar declaration was presented in 2018, Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said on Nov. 24 Ukraine’s Struggle for Arms and Attention Gives Putin an Opening https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2023-11-24/ukraine-s-struggle-for-ammunition-gives-russia-opening As the war in Gaza deepens, some in the US and EU are asking whether they can go on funding what Ukraine’s top general admits is a stalemate. Students in Samara collect e-cigarettes to cannibalise their parts for use in drones https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2023/11/24/quit-smoking-but-patriotically-en-news Students at Samara University in Russia’s Volga region are collecting used e-cigarettes to help Russia’s war effort in Ukraine, according to Volunteers in Uniform, a patriotic student group that forms part of the university’s Falcon military club.
Ukraina har mange døde (kanskje rundt 100K) og mange fler sårede (antagelig flere hundre tusen). De roterer også ut troppene sine med jevne mellomrom. Ukraina har derimot mindre enn 30% av befolkningen Russland har og er derfor nødt til å mobilisere en større prosentvis andel av befolkningen sin. Dette er en del av kalkylen til Putin. Han håper å slite ut Ukraina.
https://nypost.com/2023/11/23/news/3-russian-officers-in-ukraine-killed-with-poisoned-takeout/ Three Russian security agents in Ukraine poisoned to death with arsenic-laced takeout food Three agents from Russia’s notorious FSB security service have died in Ukraine after eating a takeout meal laced with arsenic and rat poison according to a report. A fourth officer was hospitalized after also ingesting the tainted food in the occupied city of Melitopol in the contested Zaporizhzhia region. The fatal mass poisoning took place late last week, when a group of FSB officers stationed in Melitopol ordered food and alcoholic beverages to be delivered to their home from one of the local restaurants, reported the Russian Telegram news channel Kremlevskaya Tabakerka. Shortly after the agents polished off their meal, all four were rushed to the hospital, where three of them died, and the fourth was left clinging to life in the intensive care unit. It has since been determined, according to the outlet citing unnamed sources in the FSB and law enforcement, that the victims’ takeout order had been spiked with lethal doses of “arsenic and rat poison.” A search of the restaurant where the victims had ordered the food turned up no signs of poison, but the delivery man who brought the takeout to the doomed FSB agents’ address has “vanished without a trace,” the outlet reported. Ivan Fedorov, the Kyiv-backed mayor-in-exile of Melitopol, confirmed the poisoning incident — and attributed it to the work of resistance fighters in an interview with a Ukrainian television program. “The elimination of the enemy is carried out not only by explosions, missile strikes, but also by resistance forces,” Fedorov said. “The other day, there was another group of eliminated enemies, namely poisoned ones. Enemy Telegram channels are even writing about it: they ordered food in a cafe and after eating it, they all got poisoned, and some of them died.” “This is the effective resistance that continues to be exerted in Melitopol even under occupation,” the mayor boasted. The murder case also features a “mysterious detail,” according to the Telegram channel’s police sources. They claim just days before the ill-fated meal, two of the targeted agents had opened an investigation into the secret burial of Russian Black Sea Fleet sailors in Melitopol. It was reported last week how a grave discovered in a Melitopol cemetery was found to contain the mangled bodies of 17 sailors, who allegedly died in explosions and were quietly laid to rest back in September. The incident comes just weeks after dozens of Russian pilots narrowly escaped death after a huge cake and bottles of whiskey laced with poison were delivered to the Armavir Higher Military Aviation School in Russia’s Krasnodar region. Mon tro om det faktisk var ukrainerne som drepte dem, eller de ble drept av sine egne?
https://borsen.dagbladet.no/nyheter/vil-lage-dette/80569082 Norge og Tyskland skal samarbeide om utvilkingen av et nytt supermissil. Vi må starte jobben i dag med å utvikle de våpnene som skal beskytte oss mot morgendagens trusler. Det nye missilet vil styrke Norges forsvarsevne og mulighet til å bekjempe mål på lange avstander og skal etter planen være klart i 2035, sier Gram. Kongsberg-gruppen vil være med i utviklingen, opplyser regjeringa. - Utviklingen av norske missiler er en suksesshistorie. Norsk forsvarsindustri med Kongsberg i spissen har unik kompetanse og produserer missiler i verdenstoppen. Prosjektet vil bidra til å videreutvikle den strategisk viktige teknologikompetansen, slik at vi også i framtiden kan utvikle missiler som er attraktive for andre NATO-land og nære allierte, sier Gram. 2035 er litt lenge for å være aktuelt for Ukraina, men... kanskje til neste Russo-Ukrainske krig, dersom denne mot formodning skulle bli stående fast.
Det som skjer på Gaza og i Israel er selvfølgelig forferdelig i og for seg, men skalaen på konfliktene og konsekvensene internasjonalt og for verden kan rett og slett ikke sammenlignes. Og det er utrolig snodig hvor mye oppmerksomhet Gaza får kontra andre konflikter. Mange av dem hører vi knapt om som f.eks Syria, Jemen eller folkemordet i Xinjiang. Ukraina er den konflikten som har suverent størst konsekvenser for Norge. Det virker som om publikum generelt har et veldig lite oppmerksomhetsspenn. Muslimer i norske medier snakker mye om Vestens dobbeltmoral, men de ser ikke ut til å spore deres egen.
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https://www.tv2.no/nyheter/innenriks/kina-og-russland-banker-pa-doren-vi-star-ganske-alene-1/16233353/ Kina og Russland banker på døren: – Vi står ganske alene Kirkenes-ordføreren er fornærmet i en trusselsak. Nå vil han ha økt statlig tilstedeværelse i grensekommunen. Magnus Mæland (H) har knapt vært ordfører i én måned, men har allerede fått tre henvendelser fra kinesiske aktører som er interessert i å investere i Kirkenes. Samtidig opplever han at falske profiler i sosiale medier forsøker å piske opp stemningen, polarisere, splitte og skape tvil om ham som politisk leder. Han mener det er russisk påvirkning. – Å være ordfører i Sør-Varanger er litt annerledes enn å være ordfører andre steder, sier Mæland. Artikkelen fortsetter og er ganske lang.
https://www.kyivpost.com/post/24563 ‘Trucks Full of Wounded’ – Russian Soldier Reveals Huge Casualties in Avdiivka A Russian soldier has been overheard in an intercepted call describing how Moscow’s forces are suffering such huge casualties in Avdiivka that hospitals are overflowing and the wounded arrive by the truck full. “There are a lot of people, and the wounded are being brought here by trucks literally every day,” he says in the call released by Ukraine's Military Intelligence Directorate (HUR). “A lot of dead as well. I'm in a civilian hospital because the military hospital is overcrowded—three floors packed.” “Everyone is lying without arms or legs, some without various body parts. Mainly, those from Avdiivka are brought," the soldier says. "In Rostov hospital, guys are lying on the floor in the hallway." While the authenticity of the call has not been confirmed, both Ukrainian, Russian and independent sources confirm Russia is suffering huge losses right now, with the daily rate of soldiers killed approaching an all-time high. The soldier appears to add weight to the assessment, saying: “The assault failed. Everything is in the s**t, everyone was killed.” Ukrainian soldiers defending the town told AFP this week that the scenes there are “like a zombie movie.” “The fields are just littered with corpses,” said Oleksandr, a deputy commander of a Ukrainian battalion in the 47th Mechanized Brigade. “They are trying to exhaust our lines with constant waves of attacks,” he said, without providing his full name. A drone operator with the call sign, “Trauma,” said: “Some die, others keep on coming. It’s like a zombie movie.” Last month, a Russian soldier was overheard in a phone call to his wife describing the hellish conditions he and his unit are facing on the front lines, describing horrific losses in failed assaults on Ukrainian positions and a crippling lack of basic supplies. The Russian military in fighting around Avdiivka likely suffered its worst combat losses since mid-February, and by some measures suffered one of Moscow’s worst battlefield defeats of the war thus far. Kyiv Post recently interviewed Maria* who described what it’s like to work as one of Ukrainian Intelligence’s professional eavesdroppers and the shocking things they hear. Russian media regularly dismisses the content of the calls, saying Ukraine is faking them, a claim Kyiv Post put to Maria. She said: "Yes, they all are real even though they might seem insane. Sometimes I can’t believe the words I’m listening to myself, but we have what we have." Kyiv Post regularly highlights the most revealing intercepted conversations on a weekly basis.
Zelenskyy vows to remove Russia from Ukrainian skies in 2024 https://news.yahoo.com/zelenskyy-vows-remove-russia-ukrainian-133800285.html Estland stenger grensen mot Russland https://censor.net/ua/news/3457448/estoniya_gotova_zakryty_kordon_z_rf_my_peredbachaly_scho_vony_budut_vykorystovuvaty_migrantiv_proty Hack Reveals Russian Airline Industry ‘on Verge of Collapse’ https://www.kyivpost.com/post/24531 Putin pardons two cannibals because they fought against Ukraine https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/11/23/7430047/ Cisco Fortifies Ukraine’s Power Grid Against Russian Cyber Aggression https://mil.in.ua/en/news/cisco-fortifies-ukraine-s-power-grid-against-russian-cyber-aggression/ Yale historian Timothy Snyder says west can break Ukraine stalemate with more military aid https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/23/yale-historian-says-west-can-break-ukraine-stalemate-more-military-aid Russian State TV Hails Dutch Far-Right Hardliner’s Election Victory https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/11/23/russian-state-tv-hails-dutch-far-right-hardliners-election-victory-a83202 Seoul says Russia helped North Korea to launch spy satellite https://kyivindependent.com/seoul-says-russia-helped-north-korea-to-launch-spy-satellite/
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