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Alt skrevet av Brother Ursus
Hvis det var god økonomi i å ha mangfold og 40% kvinneandel i et styre, så ville det allerede være slik automatisk, fordi selskaper bokstavelig talt er i business for å tjene penger. Kvotering fører nesten automatisk til at man får mindre egnede kandidater. Min anbefaling til menn i disse styrene er å skifte juridisk kjønn til kvinne. Modern problems require modern solutions.
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Putin har beordret hæren å ta Avdiivka før hans årlige TV program hvor folk ringer inn, 14 desember. Ifjor tror jeg han hoppet over hele programmet. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/12/5/7431811/ Russiske familier og slektninger sier deres kjære blir slaktet i Ukraina, men som vanlig skylder de ikke på Putin, men på andre, og ber ham på sine knær om å etterforske https://www.thedailybeast.com/putin-called-out-over-deliberate-extermination-of-russian-troops Russisk kommersiell luftfart er på kollapsens rand https://twitter.com/insightnewsme/status/1732379079733583895 To russiske offiserer er dømt for å ha "mislyktes i å stanse et angrep på russisk territorium" https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2023/12/06/two-russian-military-commanders-jailed-for-negligence-over-ukrainian-missile-strike-en-news 89% økning i antall russiske soldater som tar kontakt med diverse organisasjoner for å desertere https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2023/12/06/requests-for-help-from-russian-soldiers-wanting-to-desert-almost-double-en-news
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https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/01/world/europe/russian-soldier-burial-war.html A Russian Village Buries a Soldier, and Tries to Make Sense of the War “In February he would have turned 50, and he promised me he would be allowed to come home then,” Ms. Kadyrova told her guests. “She still doesn’t understand what this war is about,” Ms. Kabaeva said, explaining that her mother was raised when Ukraine and Russia were both part of the Soviet Union. “It would be impossible for her to understand that we are fighting against Ukrainians today.” "Other relatives and friends gathered in the biggest room of the house, sitting cross-legged on the floor. Almost all of them spoke of other loved ones who had been killed in Ukraine, either because they had been mobilized or because they had joined the Wagner mercenary group, like one of Mr. Kadyrov’s cousins, Aleksei." “The West turned Ukraine against us,” said Mindiyar S. Abuyev, 77, after mentioning having attended the funeral for Aleksei. “We are simple people, and we support our Putin — and we will win.” "Zhaslan, 34, who is married to Mr. Kadyrov’s niece, questioned the government rationale for why Russians have to fight and die. “People say it is for the motherland,” he said. “But where is the motherland? The homeland is the one that protects you, not the one that destroys you.” He said that Russian television was full of lies. “On the zombie box, they show us that everything is good, and our side is winning,” he said. But then why was it, he asked, that the front lines had barely moved since Wagner mercenaries took Bakhmut last spring? “This is a worthless war,” he said. He was debating Sagindyk Kabaev, Ms. Kabaeva’s husband, who continuously raised the argument, promulgated by Mr. Putin and the Russian media, that the West had provoked the war." Som det ble snakket mye om i begynnelsen av krigen, så bruker altså Putin minoritetene sine, som er potensielle fiender, som rambukk mot Ukraina. Og de eldre klarer ikke engang å fatte og begripe at Russland virkelig kjemper mot Ukraina - sitt eget broderfolk. Slik at man er nødt til å dikte opp rettferdiggjørelser. Hadde Russland virkelig kjempet mot USA hadde de forresten tapt mer enn 100:1. Jeg tror ikke de er klare for den inrømmelsen heller.
Skulle ikke Norge kjøpe minst fire nye system med åtte batterier? Det ble vel konkludert med at NASAMS var såpass effektive at de kunne klare seg med et par stykk hver. Eller skal de sette to systemer på hver base? Norge trenger vel også fremdeles forsvar mot ballistiske raketter. Skal NASAMS oppgraderes eller skal vi være forsvarsløse mot disse? Videoen av disse døde soldatene viser også soldater som virker mer proffe og bedre utstyrt enn normalt, og disse skulle altså antagelig til Krynky eller et av de andre brohodene over Kherson. Jeg har hatt inntrykk av at Ukraina, USA, Norge og andre har drevet med utstrakt integrering av det ukrainske luftforsvaret i minst et år nå. De samkjører absolutt alt de har. Og Ukraina har tross alt suverent flest eldre russiske radarer slik at det er fornuftig å bruke disse dataene i et større system. Ukraina fikk også nylig et nytt patriot system... fra Tyskland tror jeg det var. Mulig dette er sendt til Odesa? Det ville jo gi mening mtp. havnen og korneksporten. Man burde vel ikke være det, men jeg er det likevel. Jeg vokste opp med folk som Reagan, Bush (senior) og McCain. De var riktignok konservative og religiøse, men de var først og fremst patrioter. MAGA er rett og slett forræderske.
Jeg lurer på om det ville være mulig for et land som Norge, eventuelt sammen med andre europeiske land, å "steppe opp" og støtte Ukraina økonomisk og/eller kjøpe materiell fra USA? Norge har et enormt oljefond vi ikke kan bruke innenriks. Å støtte Ukraina er noe av det mest fornuftige vi gjør også for vår egen del. Vi har tjent flere tusen milliarder kroner på denne konflikten.
https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2023/12/04/ukraines-new-long-neptune-cruise-missile-could-strike-anywhere-in-crimea-and-russian-territory-beyond/ Ukraine’s New ‘Long Neptune’ Cruise Missile Could Strike Anywhere In Crimea—And Russian Territory Beyond The coming of the Long Neptune is good news for advocates of a free Ukraine. Especially considering the possible throttling of U.S. support for the Ukrainian war effort. Throttling that’s being advanced by a minority of pro-Russian Republicans in the U.S. Congress. "...a Ukrainian official told The War Zone in April. “We are pretty close.” 280km->400km+ 150kg->350kg stridshode
"The fact that this howitzer does not need to stop to fire its shells has huge advantages, as it makes it difficult to detect and combat. The RCH-155 is capable of automatically firing nine rounds per minute, hitting targets at a distance of 40 to 50 kilometers or even more, depending on the type of ammunition."
"From the river to the sea..." er ikke et ordtak Israel eller "jødepropagandaapparatet" har kommet opp med.
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Egne innbyggere, ja. Andres innbyggere, nei. Ift. andres innbyggere kan du diskriminere fritt på et hvilket som helst kriterie med mindre du har avtaler med de landene slik f.eks Norge har med EU. Ethvert land står i praksis helt fritt til å bestemme selv hvem de vil invitere inn.
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Elon Musk kjøper Twitter for 44 milliardar dollar
Brother Ursus svarte i et emne i Politikk og samfunn
Minte meg på dette gullkornet https://afru.com/anti-woke-economic-terrorism/ Anti-ESG hysteria driven by online hate platforms has disproportionally eroded portfolios of color and sabotaged our planet's future. Call it what it is: terrorism. -
Det er bare demokrati som skaper trygghet. For hvilke nasjoner er imperialistiske? Jo, det er Russland, det er Kina, det er Venezuela, det er Etiopia osv. Diktaturer alle sammen.
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Det er en video jeg ikke kan poste her som viser mange døde russiske soldater og lastebiler gjennompepret med klasevåpen. 76 russiske soldater skal angivelig ha blitt drept i angrepet. Dette skal ha skjedd i Kherson. Her er et bilde av taket på én av lastebilene. EDIT: Jeg teller minst 30 døde russiske soldater i videoen i de to lastebilene som vises, men det er fler lastebiler. Sjåfør og passasjer i front er døde, alle bak er døde, noen har fallt ut eller blitt dratt ut, og det er også en "haug" med døde bak en av lastebilene.
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Grunnloven § 16. Alle innbyggjarane i riket har fri religionsutøving. Den norske kyrkja, ei evangelisk-luthersk kyrkje, står ved lag som den norske folkekyrkja og blir stødd som det av staten. Nærare føresegner om kyrkjeskipnaden blir fastsette i lov. Alle trus- og livssynssamfunn skal bli stødde på lik line.
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https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4341360-how-responsible-is-the-average-russian-for-putins-war/ Do average Russians bear guilt for the war against Ukraine? How about responsibility? Or do they get off the moral hook? A recent report by two Russian experts affiliated with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace suggests that the answer lies somewhere between the first two possibilities. The report, titled “Alternate Reality: How Russian Society Learned to Stop Worrying About the War,” makes for sad reading. “In the nearly two years since Russia launched its ‘special military operation’ against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Russian society has gotten used to living against the backdrop of a brutal armed conflict,” write co-authors Denis Volkov and Andrei Kolesnikov. No surprise there: Even Ukrainians, physically living amid the violence, have become used to the war. Some Russians actively oppose the war and the regime. Some, the “turbo-patriots,” “earnestly and aggressively support” Russia’s illegitimate president and strongman, Vladimir Putin. Unfortunately, write the authors, “the vast majority is apathetic, and simply passively and automatically ‘mostly supports’ what the regime is doing while waiting for all this’ to end.” Their support of Putin’s criminal regime is bad enough. Far worse is that “this part of the population has chosen to become apathetic: Their condition can be referred to as ‘learned indifference.’ Putin is a legitimate leader in such people’s eyes, so his ‘special military operation’ must be, too.” The key word in this passage is “chosen.” When you choose, you are aware of the alternatives and consciously, deliberately express preference for one over the others. Ignorant persons who believe X didn’t choose to believe X. It’s just part of their mental makeup. So, when Russians choose to be indifferent to the atrocities being carried out in their name in Ukraine, they are fully aware of those crimes yet still prefer to support Putin and his war. Note that it’s not a question of active opposition. Given the deeply repressive nature of the Putin regime and the enormity of the sanctions it imposes on even minor expressions of dissent, it’s understandable, even forgivable, that Russians avoid taking to the streets at the risk of losing everything. But the Russians who chose to be indifferent did so in public opinion surveys, not in demonstrations. They would have risked little to nothing in answering the questions with “don’t know” or “I can’t tell.” Instead, they chose to support Putin and the war, just as they chose not to express their opposition to or neutrality about the conflict. In a word, they chose to be either guilty or responsible or both. At the very least, it’s clear that the “one-fifth of the Russian population [who] are active and uncompromising supporters of the war” definitely bear guilt for the atrocities being perpetrated by Russia in Ukraine. Tragically, only about 20 percent oppose the war, according to Volkov and Kolesnikov’s study and bear no guilt or responsibility. Like it or not, everybody else does. When three-quarters or more of a population endorse war and genocide, we are in a realm that goes beyond public opinion surveys and involves culture. Russians are not savages. But they do appear to be all too ready to accept the legitimacy and authority of savage rulers: the bloodthirsty, cruel and arrogant tyrants who, with but a few exceptions, have lorded over first Muscovy and then the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. Russians have rebelled throughout history, and so Volkov and Kolesnikov’s assumption that they never will against the Putin regime is belied by the past. But the norm has been subservience, while demands for freedom, however anarchic, have been deviations from that. As a career officer of the KGB, Putin knew this when he assumed power in 1999. And he appreciated that requiring his propaganda apparatus to draw on this cultural legacy would only enhance the believability of his message — that Russia would be great again and that Putin was the man to do it — and thereby strengthen his rule. The result is that, as many Russians and Ukrainians put it, “we have what we have”: a servile population that prefers criminality to justice but that just might, if the circumstances favor it, lash out at its overlords and burn and pillage their estates. In that sense, Volkov and Kolesnikov’s study will hearten the Kremlin — but only up to a point. Putin and his entourage know quite well that they, like so many of their predecessors, are vulnerable to mad outbursts of popular rage. Alexander J. Motyl is a professor of political science at Rutgers University-Newark. A specialist on Ukraine, Russia and the USSR, and on nationalism, revolutions, empires and theory, he is the author of 10 books of nonfiction, as well as “Imperial Ends: The Decay, Collapse, and Revival of Empires” and “Why Empires Reemerge: Imperial Collapse and Imperial Revival in Comparative Perspective.”
Anerkjennelse av Palestina som egen stat nå eller ikke?
Brother Ursus svarte på Gjest MKII sitt emne i Oppslagstavlen
Det er på det rene at Russland og Iran har støttet Hamas i å begå angrepet på Israel for å skape kaos i verden og forsøke å splitte støtte og oppmerksomhet om Ukraina. Det er sansyneligvis også derfor et kinesisk skip angrep Baltic Connector, Venezuela truer med å angripe Guyana, og Etiopia truer Eritrea, med fler.- 60 svar
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Religionsfrihet refererer til friheten til å praktisere religion blant egne innbyggere. Det er ingenting som tilsier at vi ikke kan nekte å ta imot personer av overbevisning X. Det er også her toleranseparadokset kommer inn. Det er trosretninger og ideologier som er de facto forbudt i Norge allerede.
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https://www.newsweek.com/russian-soldier-shoots-commander-kherson-ukrainian-name-1849570 Russian Soldier Shot Dead Commander Who Mocked His 'Ukrainian' Name "A deputy commander of the Russian Armed Forces shot dead his commander in Ukraine's partially occupied southern Kherson region after he was mocked for having a "Ukrainian" name, a Russian Telegram channel has reported. The VChK-OGPU outlet, which purports to have inside information from Russian security forces, reported that 37-year-old Sergeant Mikhail Khokhlov fatally shot his commander, Lieutenant Ivan Krivosheev, 37, with an AK-74 assault rifle. Khokhlov also shot and wounded his colleague Alexander Lykov in the neck. The channel didn't elaborate on when the shooting took place. Newsweek has yet to verify the details. Previously, on the eve of the incident, all three had been drinking. At some point, they began to make fun of Khokhlov for his last name, which the fighter clearly did not like, and he pulled out a machine gun," the VChK-OGPU channel said. The name Khokhlov can be viewed as deriving from the word "Khokhol", which is a derogatory Russian term for Ukrainians. "Now the shooter has been detained and handed over to the bail of the commandant's office of the 1218th regiment. It is known that most of the servicemen of this regiment were mobilized, and came from different parts of Russia. All three had children in their homeland," VChK-OGPU added. The shooting incident was also reported on by Russian independent news channel ASTRA, which said "the exact reasons for the murder are currently unknown." The publication added that the shootout happened on Sunday morning."
US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has scheduled the first procedural vote for the additional $106 billion aid package proposed by President Joe Biden, which aims to provide assistance to Ukraine and Israel. https://twitter.com/insightnewsme/status/1731947637459366188 South Korea indirectly supplied more 155-mm shells for Ukraine than all European countries combined https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20231205000300315 Zelensky says Israel-Hamas war taking focus off Ukraine, fears aid reduction https://www.timesofisrael.com/zelensky-says-israel-hamas-war-taking-focus-off-ukraine-fears-aid-reduction/ Poland prepares military response to militarization of Kaliningrad enclave https://defence-blog.com/poland-prepares-military-response-to-militarization-of-kaliningrad-enclave/ Bulgaria promises to overcome presidential veto on 100 armored personnel carriers for Ukraine https://mil.in.ua/en/news/bulgaria-promises-to-overcome-presidential-veto-on-100-armored-personnel-carriers-for-ukraine/ Ukraine Situation Report: Deluge Of Rodents A Common Enemy. A massive influx of mice, rats and voles is making a harsh existence fighting in winter even more miserable. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/ukraine-situation-report-deluge-of-rodents-a-common-enemy "Russian President Putin will be invited to the G20 summit in Brazil, but he will have to deal with an international warrant for his arrest," - President Lula da Silva. https://twitter.com/Maks_NAFO_FELLA/status/1731743687921504298 Finland to start producing artillery ammunition for Ukraine https://mil.in.ua/en/news/finland-to-start-producing-artillery-ammunition-for-ukraine/ US to provide Ukraine with thousands of tonnes of metal for power facility protection https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/12/5/7431702/ Russia Has Recruited Over 100,000 Convicts Since Ukraine War Began https://www.newsweek.com/russia-recruited-prisoners-convicts-ukraine-war-1849292
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https://www.thedailybeast.com/reality-check-for-vladimir-putin-as-russians-get-damn-tired-of-ukraine-war Reality Check for Putin as Russians Get Damn Tired of War In recent months, Sergey Mardan, one of the hosts on Vladimir Solovyov’s channel, Solovyov Live, started to wonder out loud why his boss’s relentless coverage of the war and its “heroes” isn’t gaining traction on social media or being picked up by other state TV channels. Solovyov himself noticed the waning public attention and mentioned it last week on his morning show, The Full Contact. He complained that “people are psychologically tired of this topic” and asked his viewers to let him know what they’re actually interested in. "Last Sunday, Simonyan appeared on Sunday Evening With Vladimir Solovyov and predicted that Russia’s demographic crisis would be resolved in the not-so-distant future, when desperate Americans will flock to Russia to take up the jobs the locals don’t want. Russia’s self-imposed turmoil is so unrelenting that Putin’s mouthpieces are having to resort to increasingly ridiculous suggestions and predictions—but even they find it challenging to obscure the grim reality with a cheerful demeanor."