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Brother Ursus

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  1. https://www.businessinsider.com/cia-video-aims-recruit-disaffected-russians-informants-spies-2024-1 The CIA is posting videos to persuade Russians to betray their leaders — and says it's working The tactic is working, a CIA spokesperson claimed. "We are seeing more outreach from Russians as a result of these videos," the unnamed spokesperson told NBC News. "If it weren't working, we wouldn't be on video number three." The latest video seeks to tap into domestic frustration with the war in Ukraine, with its narrator saying that the country's elites "sell out the country for palaces and yachts while our soldiers chew rotten potatoes and fire ancient weapons," according to NBC News' translation.
  2. Spørs om han kan holde tilbake noe mer nå uten selv å bli ytterligere sanksjonert og kanskje sparket ut av NATO og EU på sikt. Vi får håpe han snakker sant. Eventuelt kanskje det ungarske parliamentet vil stemme nei?
  3. az2nwwz_460svav1.mp4 IL-76 styrten. Det er en liten puff med røyk på himmelen når hun vender kameraet som kan tyde på antiluftskyts.
  4. Flyet kom fra Iran og så Egypt. Det stoppet i Belgorod. Før det fløy videre. Det er usansynelig at man flyr ut krigsfanger. De holdes som regel i fangeskap nær Ukraina. Transporteres de så skjer det via buss eller tog.
  5. Kontrollert opposisjon ja. Ellers hadde han ikke fått lov til å stille, eller det hadde skjedd noe med ham. Det spekuleres også ganske heftig blant russere og Russland-eksperter om at større problemer vil komme til syne etter valget, og at ting vil gå nedover i Russland.
  6. Russerne er ikke så effektive at de fjerner 70+ kropper fra et kræsj før det begynner å lekke bilder. Hvor er alle de døde?
  7. Enig i at NATO og EU er delvis uten styring, men BRICS er dødfødt i min oppfatning. Alle økonomiene i BRICS er enten stillestående eller i resesjon, og 8/11 medlemmer er nærmere konflikt med ett eller fler av de andre medlemmene enn de er noen form for militært samarbeid.
  8. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/missiles-hit-slovak-pm-fico-claims-theres-no-war-kyiv-2024-01-23/ As missiles hit, Slovak PM Fico claims there's no war in Kyiv Jan 23 (Reuters) - Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico on Tuesday insisted life in the Ukrainian capital was "absolutely normal" and there was no war, a day before his first meeting with the Ukrainian prime minister and just hours after Russian missiles fell on Kyiv. Fico, who took power in October and reversed course on Slovakia's foreign policy to halt military support for Ukraine, was speaking at a news briefing in eastern Slovakia. He is due to meet his Ukrainian counterpart, Denys Shmyhal, on Wednesday in the western Ukrainian city of Uzhhorod. A reporter asked Fico if it would be appropriate for him to travel to Kyiv to better grasp Ukraine's war with Russia, which is approaching its second year following an invasion by Moscow. "There is a conflict that is localised," Fico said. He asked: "You seriously think there is war in Kyiv? You are joking, please, I hope you are not being serious. Go there and you will find out there is normal life in the city, absolutely normal life." He added it was more practical to meet in Uzhhorod, which he said the Ukrainian side picked after Fico first wanted to meet on the two countries' shared border. Fico has made statements in the past showing a pro-Russian stance. Many other foreign leaders have travelled to Kyiv - by train due to the dangers posed by air raids - to show support for Ukraine. For en kønt den nye slovakiske statsministeren er. Insisterer på at det ikke er krig, men vil likevel ikke reise dit.
  9. https://www.vg.no/nyheter/i/P4MwK6/den-tyrkiske-nasjonalforsamlingen-godkjenner-svensk-nato-medlemskap Den tyrkiske nasjonal­forsamlingen har godkjent svensk Nato-medlemskap Reuters melder tirsdag kveld at den tyrkiske nasjonalforsamlingen har gitt grønt lys til Sveriges søknad om medlemskap i Nato.
  10. Det er selvfølgelig en ting som KAN skje, men hvor ofte skjer det i Norge f.eks at en ellers relativt fysisk oppegående mann faller og slår hodet og dør?
  11. Selv Nadezhdin selv vet nok at han ikke har noen sjans, eller rettere sagt, at han ikke vil bli tillatt å stille på rettferdige kår. Det blir en "kontrollert opposisjon" som vanlig.
  12. Det er selvfølgelig umulig for mennesker å bytte biologisk kjønn. Å forestille barn og unge noe annet er i beste fall misforstått og i verste fall slemt. Jeg er svært liberal, så jeg mener at folk så langt som mulig skal styre sine egne liv. Man kan *presentere* som hva man vil og leve hvordan man vil for min del. Men det går ikke an å omdefinere ordbøker og vitenskap som det passer seg. Folk med psykiske og utviklingsmessige lidelser bør først og fremst behandles psykisk med å akseptere seg selv som de er. Den hippokratiske ed sier 'gjør ingen skade'. Men når man skjærer ut endokrinsystemet til folk og gjør dem avhengige av medisiner resten av livet så gjør man ufattelig stor skade som ikke ville vært akseptabelt i omtrent noen annen situasjon. Ta denne transpersonen som eksempel, som også sitter i rullestol. Får han lov til å kappe av seg bena? Nei, selvfølgelig ikke. Han blir henvist til psykolog og psykiater, og man bygger ikke opp under vrangforestillingen om at han er handicappet. Men kvinne? Joa. Å kappe av seg bena er faktisk mindre alvorlig for helse på sikt enn å skjære ut deler av endokrinsystemet. https://www.tv2.no/nyheter/innenriks/da-jorund-viktoria-53-avslorte-hemmeligheten-sin-valgte-kona-a-bli/15221495/
  13. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/ukraine-situation-report-russia-may-have-to-move-air-defenses-to-cover-cities Ukraine Situation Report: Russia May Have To Move Air Defenses To Cover Cities Reported Ukrainian drone attacks near St. Petersburg indicates Russia may have a big problem with air defense capacity. Putler kan altså måtte flytte luftvern fra kampområdene som de har blitt flyttet inn i - og tilbake til steder som Sankt Petersburg - som de ble tatt ifra - for å dekke fabrikker og anlegg som viser seg vel så viktige for krigen. https://meduza.io/en/feature/2024/01/23/the-low-expectations-of-boris-nadezhdin The low expectations of Boris Nadezhdin: A Putin challenger’s anti-war message has thousands of Russians lining up to support him. What’s the catch? Across Russia and abroad, citizens have been lining up to add their signatures in support of the presidential candidacy of Boris Nadezhdin, a former State Duma deputy and a vocal opponent of the war in Ukraine. To join the race officially, Nadezhdin must collect 100,000 signatures by the end of January. His campaign website states that he’s collected tens of thousands of signatures, despite having had just 13,000 less than a week earlier. Numerous Russian opposition politicians have voiced support for Nadezhdin’s candidacy. So, who’s endorsed the ex-lawmaker that Russian Telegram channels are calling the “anti-war candidate,” and how is Nadezhdin’s signature drive going? Det finnes tross alt ålreite folk i Russland og. Køene for å støtte Nadezhdin begynner å bli lange. Masse bilder og tweets i artikkelen. https://ua-stena.info/en/great-britain-showed-pictures-of-russian-ships-in-the-port-of-the-dprk/ Great Britain showed pictures of Russian ships in the port of the DPRK Her bør Ukraina gis muligheten til å senke disse skipene. Gi dem informasjonen og gi dem våpnene de trenger. Det er helt innafor iht. internasjonal lov. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraines-zelenskiy-hails-diasporas-support-proposes-dual-citizenship-2024-01-22/ Ukraine's Zelenskiy hails diaspora, proposes dual citizenship KYIV, Jan 22 (Reuters) - President Volodymyr Zelenskiy thanked Ukrainians abroad on Monday for their support during Russia's invasion, and proposed changing the constitution to allow dual citizenship. https://mil.in.ua/en/news/belgium-plans-e611-million-military-aid-package-for-ukraine-in-2024/ Belgium Plans €611 Million Military Aid Package for Ukraine in 2024
  14. https://www.newsweek.com/volodymyr-zelensky-decree-historical-lands-ukraine-russia-1862758 Zelensky Turns Tables on Putin with Russian Territories Decree Ukraine will put in place new measures to safeguard the "national identity of Ukrainians" living in Russia, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Monday, hitting at the heart of Moscow and Kyiv's competing claims on identity and territory. The Ukrainian leader said on Monday that he had signed a decree, "On the Territories of the Russian Federation Historically Inhabited by Ukrainians," which he said would see the "restoration of truth about the historical past" of Ukraine. The decree lists several regions of Russia as "historically inhabited by Ukrainians," including the border regions of Bryansk, Kursk and Belgorod, and Russia's southern Krasnodar region, from which Moscow has launched attacks on Ukraine and which is linked to the annexed Crimean peninsula via the key Kerch Bridge. "We must take steps not only to strengthen the unity of Ukraine and our people, but also to act for the unity of rights and freedoms, the truth about Ukrainians, the truth about us, and the truth about our history," Zelensky said in an address. Ukrainian officials will develop a "plan for preserving the national identity of Ukrainians in the Russian Federation, including in lands historically inhabited by them," Zelensky said. Herlig 🤭 Dette bør selvsagt også gjelde alle ukrainerne Russland har kidnappet. Men målet der er vel å få dem hjem igjen.
  15. https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-troops-constantly-replenished-dnipro-river-despite-drone-attacks-ukraine-2024-1 Russian forces 'are constantly replenished' no matter how many get taken out, Ukrainian commander says A Ukrainian commander said that regardless of how many times his unit hit enemy targets on a key battlefront, Russian forces were always being resupplied. Tymur, a commander in Ukraine's 11th National Guard Brigade, told the BBC that his unit was using drones to target Russian positions across the Dnipro River from the city of Kherson. But "no matter how many times we hit the same places, [the Russians] are constantly replenished," he said. At the same time, Ukrainian drone attacks have proved increasingly vulnerable to Russia's jamming systems, the BBC reported. A three-drone crossing observed by the outlet left two drones disabled, with only one making it to the other side of the river. Ukraine's forces on the eastern bank of the Dnipro River have been using first-person-view drones loaded with munitions to strike Russian vehicles, the UK Defense Ministry reported earlier this month. At the time, the ministry said that Russia was unable to counter the Ukrainian drone attacks, likely because of a shortage of Russian electronic-warfare capability in the area. However, this no longer seems to be the case, the BBC said. The latest news comes on top of other struggles reported by Ukrainian soldiers on the left bank of the river, including being heavily outnumbered, difficulties transporting equipment across the water, and a lack of training among some soldiers. On Sunday, the Institute for the Study of War said that Ukrainian and Russian forces continued "positional" fighting on the eastern bank of the river, with no confirmed change to the front lines.
  16. Sånn går det når 99% av støtten til Russland er botfarms.
  17. Hva for slags optikk og sikte er det på denne 50 kaliberen, tro?
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