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Brother Ursus

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Alt skrevet av Brother Ursus

  1. Jeg tror ikke de vil ha noe valg. Å sende våpen opp i bane gir store strategiske fordeler. Eneste måten å nøytralisere dem på vil antagelig være med andre væpnede satellitter.
  2. Kommentarene til artikkelen er ganske spot on, synes jeg. Synes forfatteren fremstår som den virkelige grinebiteren.
  3. Å snakke om "hvitt privilegium" i Norge, et land som er historisk homogent og kritthvitt, og hvor fortsatt bare rundt 4% har en annen hudfarge, synes jeg blir teit. Når 96-98% av befolkningen har det, så er det ikke et privilegium.
  4. Jeg synes ikke det er fordomsfullt når det er basert på kunnskap og historie. Jeg mener som sagt at dette demonstrerer at den moderne hijaben, særlig i Vesten, handler mer om dydssignallisering og at det henger igjen sosialt press i kulturen.
  5. Politisk terrorangrep Seks tilfeller av drapsforsøk Flere personer fikk brudd, og en kvinne brakk ryggen Drar kniv mot ofrene etter ulykken Dømt til 1,5 år. Er det slik at terror ikke er terror når den begås mot personer på ytre høyre? Eller er det sånn at det ikke er terror når du faktisk ikke klarer å drepe noen? Uansett er det et skudd for baugen til rettsstaten og en oppfordring til blodhevn. Denne kvinnen bør i det minste dømmes til forvaring om hun ikke klarer å kontrollere de voldelige impulsene sine.
  6. https://www.wsj.com/world/russia/mystery-death-of-texan-who-fought-for-moscowsparks-outrage-in-russia-3ae6465f Mystery Death of Texan Who Fought for Moscow Sparks Outrage in Russia "The circumstances behind Bentley’s disappearance are murky. But the incident has already caused outrage in Russian nationalist circles, with popular bloggers and commentators calling for an investigation and decrying what they called an official coverup." "It isn’t clear whether Bentley’s death is part of that crackdown by security services, or an accidental result of the anti-American spy-mania fanned by the Russian state and the overall lawlessness reigning in Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine." "The authorities can no longer control the xenophobia that they are igniting themselves, and any foreigner has become an enemy a priori,” said Marat Gelman, a former senior executive of Russian state TV who is now an opponent of Putin’s regime." "In any case, the fury at Bentley’s death among Russian nationalists is real." “It’s hard to understand who are ‘ours’ and who are ‘enemies.’ Just traitors and freaks at the steering wheel, doing what they want,” fumed Russian soldier and blogger Yegor Guzenko, who is known under his Telegram handle Thirteenth. “Texas was murdered! The way they murdered many of our brothers. The way they murdered Prigozhin and all others who tell the truth and honestly stand for Russia!” Jo mer russerne fyker i tottene på hverandre, jo bedre
  7. https://kyivindependent.com/spain-confirms-ukraine-to-receive-patriot/ Spain confirms plans to send Patriot missiles to Ukraine Spain would send "a limited number" of such missiles, as the country only has around 50 total in reserve. Robles did not say how many of the systems Madrid will deliver. Spania har altså flere Patriot-system, men bare 50 raketter. Det ser dog ut til at NATOs press for å få Spania til å hoste dem opp når har lyktes.
  8. Dette er ikke noe nytt problem, men noe som har vedvart til all tid. Stort sett er det slik med flyktninger. Jo verre ting er i hjemlandet, jo mindre ønsker de å dra tilbake. Logisk nok. Det er derfor nesten ingen fra Afrika og Midtøsten har dratt tilbake.
  9. Ivanov er heller ikke bare *litt* korrupt. Han eide enorme slott. Slik at denne 1 million rublene han er siktet for kanskje bare er det de helt sikkert lett kunne feste på ham. Jeg lurer på om det er mulig at han har gått for langt, og blir gjort et eksempel av. Eventuelt at korrupsjonen hans gjorde ham sårbar for å jobbe for fienden. For Putin måtte tross alt godkjenne at Ivanov ble hanket inn. Ivanov og andre medlemmer av den øverste ledelsen i Kreml har også egne livvakter som er spesialstyrker.
  10. De har russisk kamo. Kameramannen snakker angivelig også russisk med moskal-dialekt og forbanner ukrainerne for hva de har gjort "mot våre gutter". Ikke før på slutten av videoen sier noen det et par blå teip-remser på en hjem som ser ut som om den kanskje kan ha tilhørt en ukrainer. Noen mener dette ser ut som en ukrainsk posisjon som ble overtatt, og at noen få ukrainere ble drept der eller muligens ble igjen for å legge ned ilddekning. Uansett er det utrolig mange drepte i russisk kamo som jeg aldri har sett ukrainerne bruke.
  11. Det er en video jeg ikke kan poste eller lenke til, som er litt over 7 minutter lang. Den viser en strekke med utbrente trær, skyttergraver og et stort antall døde russiske soldater. De russiske soldatene som filmer videoen går og plukker våpen og utstyr og andre ting fra de døde og forbanner ukrainerne. Det er vanskelig å se pga. kamuflasje men jeg telte konservativt 79 døde. En annen person som gikk nøyere igjennom telte 106.
  12. En nordmann og en pakistaner som har identitiske kvalifikasjoner på papiret er likevel to forskjellige kandidater, fra to forskjellige kulturer. Ikke bare er arbeidsgiver og arbeidssøker da fra samme kultur, men de er fra den norske kulturen. Og den norske kulturen er mye bedre enn den pakistanske kulturen. Pakistanere er også en relativt belastet gruppe i Norge. Selv pakistanere ville nok i de fleste tilfeller heller ansatt en nordmann. Begrep som "white privilege" fremstår hovedsakelig som forsøk på å flytte ansvar for andres ugjerninger, og ta jobber man ellers ikke ville vært kvalifisert til.
  13. Massiv kognitiv bias som resulterer i et utall av nevrotiske forsvarsmekanismer kanskje? Mange av argumentene til konspirasjonsteoretikere og andre som støtter Russland (ofte ufrivillig, hevder de selv) kommer nok fra angst. Angst for krig, angst for atomkrig. Det er også mye rasjonalisering og forsøk på intellektualisering av samme grunner. Alternativt har man et etablert verdenssyn som man er nødt til å gå til stadig latterligere lengder for å rettferdiggjøre.
  14. Hijab går vel først og fremst på hodet da Og hvem sier at man må gå i bikini fordi man ikke har på hijab? Det er veldig mange klesplagg mellom hodet og puppene 😄 Personlig synes jeg det er litt komisk å se kvinner med hijab samtidig som de kler seg stilig og med masse sminke. Poenget med hijab (arabisk for barriere) er jo liksom å gjøre kvinner mindre attraktive for menn. Det står ingenting om å gå med hijab i koranen. At kvinner kler seg sexy samtidig som de går med hijab viser at hijab-biten er snakk om dydssignallisering eller pliktløp overfor egen inn-gruppe.
  15. Jeg kom til å tenke på tidligere i krigen da USA og de allierte truet med å senke svartehavsflåten dersom Russland brukte taktiske atomvåpen i Ukraina... Jeg håper Tiger Team (som planlegger for disse scenariene) sitter på lister og planer med alternative mål 😄
  16. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/patrushev-putin-paranoia-propaganda/678220/ What Putin’s No. 2 Believes About the West A secret-service overlord’s delusional outlook becomes the party line in Russia—with global implications. When the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts, it will annihilate all life on the North American continent. Siberia will become one of the safest places on Earth—which is yet another reason “the Anglo-Saxon elites” want to capture the region from Russia. So says Nikolai Patrushev, the second-most powerful man in Moscow. Currently the head of Russia’s Security Council, Patrushev has been a colleague of Vladimir Putin’s since the two served in the Leningrad KGB in the 1970s and is now the president’s confidant and top adviser. A general of the army and a former director of the FSB—the successor agency to the Soviet KGB—Patrushev is also the de facto overlord of the country’s other secret services. Among Kremlin courtiers, he alone appears licensed to speak for Putin on strategic matters, including nuclear weapons, the war in Ukraine, and Russia’s view of the U.S., Europe, and NATO. Following Putin’s lead, many top Russian bureaucrats compete in conjuring up monstrous conspiracy theories. Yet even in this cracked-up crowd, Patrushev stands out for the luridness and intensity of his anti-West—and especially anti-U.S.—animus. The hyperbole of his comments would make the Soviet propagandists of my youth blush: His prominence is a reminder that, if Putin were to lose power tomorrow, his potential successors could be more warlike and expansionist, not less. Americans should worry about how much Patrushev’s outlook reinforces his boss’s—and about how his delusional, more-belligerent-than-Putin fulminations in long interviews with top-circulation Russian newspapers become the party line, which deafening propaganda then inculcates in the mind of millions of Russians. In Patrushev’s telling, the West has been maligning and bullying Russia for half a millennium. As early as the 16th century, “Russophobic” Western historians besmirched Russia’s first czar, Ivan IV—a mass murderer and sadist better known as Ivan the Terrible. Patrushev insists that Ivan is merely a victim of a concocted “black legend” that “portrayed him as a tyrant.” To the Security Council chief, the West’s 20th-century siege of Russia had nothing to do with communism and the Cold War. In fact, the fall of the mighty Soviet Union made the country a softer target for the Western plotters, and the United States strove to exploit the opportunity by forcing Russia to give up its “sovereignty, national consciousness, culture, and an independent foreign and domestic policy.” The conspiracy’s final objectives are Russia’s dismemberment, the elimination of the Russian language, the country’s removal from the geopolitical map, and its confinement to the borders of the Duchy of Muscovy, a small medieval realm. In Patrushev’s world, the U.S. invents new viruses in biological-weapons labs to annihilate the peoples of “objectionable states,” and the COVID-19 virus “could have been created” by the Pentagon with the assistance of several of the largest transnational pharmaceutical firms and the “Clinton, Rockefeller, Soros, and Biden foundations.” Patrushev’s greatest current fixation is “all this story with Ukraine”—a confrontation supposedly “engineered in Washington.” In 2014, by his account, the U.S. plotted the Maidan Revolution in Kyiv—a “coup d’état”—that pushed out a pro-Moscow president and sought to fill Ukrainians with “the hatred of everything Russian.” Today, Ukraine is no more than a testing ground for aging U.S. armaments as well as a place whose natural resources the West would prefer to exploit mercilessly—and “without the indigenous population.” Preserving Ukraine as a sovereign state is not in America’s plans, Patrushev claims. Afraid of attacking Russia directly, “NATO instructors herd Ukrainian boys to certain death” in the trenches. Indeed, the West is essentially perpetrating an “annihilation” of the Ukrainians, whereas Russia’s goal is to “put an end to the West’s bloody experiment to destroy the fraternal people of Ukraine.” This is the picture of the world that Patrushev serves up to Putin. The adviser provides “a framework” for the Russian president’s vision, the prominent Russian political sociologist Nikolai Petrov has argued. Repeated and internalized by its audience, propaganda captures and imprisons the propagandist. Patrushev said last May that Western special services were training terrorists and saboteurs for “committing crimes on the territory of our country.” Russian civilians have suffered because of that view. Weeks before Islamic State terrorists attacked a music hall in a Moscow suburb late last month, U.S. intelligence officials told the Russian government about a threat to the venue. Putin dismissed the U.S.’s warning as “obvious blackmail” and a “plot to scare and destabilize our society.” While furnishing his compatriots with elaborately paranoid interpretations of the world, Patrushev vigorously participates in shaping it. More and more a policy maker in his own right, he frequently stands in for Putin in essential negotiations with top allies, reducing Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to ceremonial duties and the signing of meaningless treaties. As the exiled Russian journalist Maxim Glikin has pointed out, Patrushev is where foreign policy meets war. This nexus expands inexorably. After Russia’s drubbing in Ukraine in the summer and fall of 2022, Patrushev flew to Tehran in November of that year to negotiate the sale of Iranian drones. He has traveled to Latin America to meet with President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela and President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua. With Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, Patrushev discussed “America-orchestrated color revolutions,” the “destructive activities” of nongovernment organizations, and the dispatching of Cuban troops to Belarus “for training.” Patrushev works the darker side of Putin’s policies as well. He was likely involved in the 2006 poisoning in London of the FSB defector Alexander Litvinenko. The attempted killing in Salisbury, England, of the former double agent Sergei Skripal 12 years later would have required his sign-off. Patrushev is also plausibly suspected of firsthand involvement in last August’s killing of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the rebellious commander of the Wagner mercenary group. The judicial murder of the prominent regime opponent Alexei Navalny, too, could not have happened without Patrushev’s approval. Indeed, as the Russian-opposition essayist Alexander Ryklin has pointed out, the only officials who could have authorized the slow execution of Navalny were Putin and Patrushev. Perhaps most chilling, Patrushev has some sway over Russia’s nuclear strategy. In October 2009, he announced in an interview with the national newspaper Izvestia that Russian nuclear weapons were not just for use in a “large-scale” war. Contrary to the restriction spelled out in the 2000 version of Russian military doctrine, Patrushev proposed that Russia’s nukes could be deployed in a conventional regional conflict or even a local one. He also thought that in a “critical situation,” a preventive strike against an aggressor “may not be excluded.” Four months later, Putin signed a revision of the doctrine. As Patrushev had suggested, a conflict would no longer have to be “large-scale” for Russia to reach for its atomic bombs and missiles. (Patrushev’s agitation for preventive nuclear attacks has yet to make the text of the doctrine, but Putin’s blunt nuclear blackmail in the past two years suggests that Patrushev may eventually get his wish.) In its efforts to understand Russia’s intentions, the United States has tried to get to know Patrushev better. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan’s first call to Patrushev was on January 25, 2021, five days after Joe Biden’s inauguration. Sullivan and Patrushev would go on to speak on the phone five more times, in addition to meeting in Reykjavik in May of that year. After their conversation in November, according to The New York Times, Patrushev reported discussing ways of “improving the atmosphere of Russian-American relations.” A joint statement indicated that Sullivan and Patrushev had discussed “increasing trust between the two countries.” Thirteen weeks later, Russia invaded Ukraine. One of no more than a handful of officials who’d known about Putin’s plan—and reportedly a driving force behind it—Patrushev presumably enjoyed weaving a web of dezinformatsiya around his American counterpart. This would have been all the more gratifying because of the Kremlin’s conviction that time was on Russia’s side. In Patrushev’s view, the West is slowly expiring. European civilization has no future, he has said. Its politics are in the “deepest moral and intellectual decline”; it is headed for the “deepest economic and political crisis.” America’s downfall is also nigh, portended not only by ashes at Yellowstone but by the nation’s basic geography. The United States is but “a patchwork quilt” that could “easily come apart at the seams.” Furthermore, Patrushev told the main government newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the American South could be drifting toward Mexico, whose lands the U.S. grabbed in 1848: “Beyond doubt,” America’s “southern neighbors” will reclaim the stolen lands, and a passive U.S. citizenry will do nothing to preserve the “wholeness” of the country. In this and many other ways, Patrushev’s worldview will seem utterly alien to most Americans. But his enormous influence underscores that Putin is far from the only force preventing Russian politics from reorienting toward a more liberal regime. The pendulum of Russian history has generally oscillated between brutal, bellicose regimes and softer, less repressive autocracies that retreat from confrontation with the West. But this pattern may not hold for the post-Putin future. After a quarter century under Putin, Russia’s secret services, the foundation of his regime, have degraded all other institutions and monopolized power. Patrushev, who turns 73 in July, is a year older than the president. Yet should he survive Putin, Patrushev is certain to deploy his secret army to help guide the transition and may well have a shot at coming out on top. As he likes to say, truth is on his side. Kanskje ikke rart det er vanskelig å bli kvitt Putin - når Patrushev fungerer som dødmannsknappen hans. At Sullivan ble lurt overrasker ikke. Han er ikke den skarpeste kniven i skuffen. Ellers er det interessant å merke seg hvor mye russerne projiserer rundt "det falmende USA og Europa", og påpeker svakheter ved landene våre som er langt, langt større problemer i Russland; f.eks geografi og demografi.
  17. https://www.reuters.com/world/un-experts-say-north-korea-missile-landed-ukraines-kharkiv-2024-04-29/ Exclusive: UN experts say North Korea missile landed in Ukraine's Kharkiv UNITED NATIONS, April 29 (Reuters) - The debris from a missile that landed in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv on Jan. 2 was from a North Korean Hwasong-11 series ballistic missile, United Nations sanctions monitors told a Security Council committee in a report seen by Reuters on Monday. In the 32-page report, the U.N. sanctions monitors concluded that "debris recovered from a missile that landed in Kharkiv, Ukraine, on 2 January 2024 derives from a DPRK Hwasong-11 series missile" and is in violation of the arms embargo on North Korea.
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