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Alt skrevet av Brother Ursus
Ser ut til at Sony kanskje kjøper Paramount. De har budt 26 milliarder dollar i cash, visstnok. Per i dag har vel ikke Sony noen egen strømmetjeneste, men lisensierer filmene og seriene sine til andre. Håper dette ikke bare er et forsøk på å komme seg inn i 'gamet', for det er i så fall lovlig sent, når andre strømmetjenester (med unntak av Netflix) sliter sånn med lønnsomheten.
Neglelakk er assosiert med femininitet, med mindre det er del av black metal- kostymet ditt når du skal spille på scene 😄 Folk må selvfølgelig gjøre akkurat som de vil, men i min oppfatning ser det ikke bra ut. Jeg synes ikke noe om kvinner i dress heller, da det sjelden virker flatterende. Med mindre den er skreddersydd for kvinneformen.
En representant for Arrowhead uttalte at den negative mediestormen nå gir dem et overtak i forhandlingene med Sony.
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Dette er som sagt ikke første gang. Det er ikke urimelig å ta en person på ordet når de gjentatte ganger sier og viser hva de faktisk står for.
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Send ammunisjonen til Ukraina i stedet. Israel har mer enn nok til å forsvare seg foreløpig, og kunne med fordel roe seg ned litt nå.
Med tanke på at Eide er ekstremist og hater Israel, så er det vel mer nærliggende å tro at han glemte å vokte seg for sine ekte meninger et øyeblikk. Dette er ikke første gang.
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https://www.jpost.com/international/article-799834 Norwegian FM photographed with daughter of Palestinian terrorist Norway’s Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide was pictured on May 1 with Mona Osman, the daughter of a Palestinian terrorist who murdered six Jews in a Paris terror attack, according to Israeli media.
https://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/i/93mJgw/forsker-mener-barth-eide-bilde-kan-skape-troebbel-veldig-alvorlig Forsker mener Barth Eide-bilde kan skape trøbbel: – Veldig alvorlig Dette bildet fra 1. mai publiseres nå i Israel. – Å helle bensin på det israelske bålet, mener fredsforsker. "For Espen Barth Eide er dette veldig alvorlig, mener Hilde Henriksen Waage, professor i historie ved UiO og seniorforsker ved Fredsforskningsinstituttet (PRIO)." Når du får passet påskrevet av pro-palestinske Waage, så har du virkelig fucka opp.
Al Jazeera eies av diktatoren i Qatar, og har en voldsom anti-israelsk bias. Jeg ser ingen grunn til at demokratiske stater skal tillate organiserte forsøk fra andre land å undergrave dem. Russiske medier bør være forbudt i f.eks Norge av samme grunn.
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En nasjon er bare så bra som folkene som bor der. Importerer du ukritisk folk med holdninger og verdier som er stikk i strid med dine egne og de som bor der fra før av, så får du økende sosial dysfunksjon og konflikt.
Star Wars Ahsoka er helt utrolig ræva. Herregud for et makkverk av et manus. At dette prosjektet var drømmen til Feloni og det første prosjektet han fikk håndtere alene viser bare hvor oppskrytt han er og at den ekte kreative kraften bak alt som har vært Feloni, Kasdan og co. Profesjonelle anmeldere ga serien 86%. Så jeg kan bare anta at de er korrupte eller sovnet i løpet av de første par episodene.
https://mil.in.ua/en/news/new-york-times-ukraine-has-already-received-some-of-the-weapons-from-the-new-aid-package-from-the-united-states/ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/us/politics/ukraine-weapons-us.html New York Times: Ukraine has already received some of the weapons from the new aid package from the United States "First of all, these are 155-mm artillery ammunition, which the Defense Forces of Ukraine need so much on the front line, as well as anti-armor rockets and missiles."
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https://newsukraine.rbc.ua/news/cuban-mercenaries-eliminate-russian-regiment-1714251996.html Cuban mercenaries eliminate Russian regiment commander in Donetsk region Cuban mercenaries fighting in the Pokrovsk sector of the Donetsk region eliminated their commander of the 428th motorized rifle regiment for humiliating treatment, reports the ATESH partisan movement. The movement's agent from the headquarters of the "Center" troop group of the Russian Armed Forces noted that the reason for the "execution" was regular humiliation, beatings and "confiscation" of wages from guest workers from Latin America.
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“The security of Europeans is at stake in Ukraine, since it is located 1,500 kilometers from our borders. If Russia wins, in the next second there will be no security in Romania, Poland, Lithuania or our country. The power and range of Russian ballistic missiles puts us all in danger.”
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https://www.afr.com/world/europe/russia-plotting-sabotage-across-europe-intelligence-agencies-warn-20240505-p5fp1k Russia plotting sabotage across Europe, intelligence agencies warn Berlin/London/Oslo | European intelligence agencies have warned their governments that Russia is plotting violent acts of sabotage across the continent as it commits to a course of permanent conflict with the West. Russia has already begun to more actively prepare covert bombings, arson attacks and damage to infrastructure on European soil, directly and via proxies, with little apparent concern about causing civilian fatalities, intelligence officials believe Although the Kremlin’s agents have a long history of such operations – and have launched attacks sporadically in Europe in recent years – evidence is mounting of a more aggressive and concerted effort, according to assessments from three different European countries shared with the Financial Times. Intelligence officials are becoming increasingly vocal about the threat in an effort to promote vigilance. “We assess the risk of state-controlled acts of sabotage to be significantly increased,” said Thomas Haldenwang, head of German domestic intelligence. Russia now seems comfortable carrying out operations on European soil “[with] a high potential for damage,” he told a security conference last month hosted by his agency, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Mr Haldenwang spoke just days after two German-Russian nationals were arrested in Bayreuth, Bavaria, for allegedly plotting to attack military and logistics sites in Germany on behalf of Russia. Two men were charged in the UK in late April with having started a fire at a warehouse containing aid shipments for Ukraine. English prosecutors accuse them of working for the Russian government. In Sweden, security services are meanwhile investigating a series of recent railway derailments, which they suspect may be acts of state-backed sabotage. Russia has attempted to destroy the signalling systems on Czech railways, the country’s transport minister told the FT last month. In Estonia, an attack on the interior minister’s car in February and those of journalists were perpetrated by Russian intelligence operatives, the country’s Internal Security Service has said. France’s defence ministry also warned this year of possible sabotage attacks by Russia on military sites. “The obvious conclusion is that there has been a real stepping up of Russian activity,” said Keir Giles, senior consulting fellow at Chatham House, the think tank. “One cannot tell if that’s a reflection of the fact that the Russians are throwing more resources at it; whether they are being more sloppy and getting caught; or whether Western counter-intelligence has simply become better at detecting and stopping it,” he added. “Whatever it is though – there is a lot going on.” ‘Clear and convincing Russian mischief’ One senior European government official said information was being shared through NATO security services of “clear and convincing Russian mischief”, which was co-ordinated and at scale. The time had come to “raise awareness and focus” about the threat of Russian violence on European soil, he added. NATO issued a statement on Thursday declaring its deep concern about growing “malign activities on allied territory” by Russia, citing what it said was an “intensifying campaign… across the Euro-Atlantic area”. The growing fears over Russia’s appetite for physical damage against its adversaries follow a spate of accusations against Russia over disinformation and hacking campaigns. On Friday, Germany vowed consequences for Moscow – in a statement backed by the EU and NATO – over a 2023 hacking attack on the Social Democratic Party of Chancellor Olaf Scholz. A scandal exposing Russian attempts to co-opt far right European politicians before the coming European elections is meanwhile still unfolding. One intelligence official said Moscow’s sabotage efforts should not be seen as distinct from other operations, saying the intensifying activity reflected Russia’s aim to exert maximum pressure “across the piece”. Vladimir Putin is currently feeling “emboldened” and will seek to push lines as hard as he can in Europe, on several fronts, he said, whether through disinformation, sabotage or hacking. Increased aggression from Russian intelligence also reflects the desire for the country’s spymasters to reassert themselves after their most serious setback since the collapse of the Soviet Union. In the weeks following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, more than 600 Russian intelligence officers operating in Europe with diplomatic cover were ejected, dealing serious damage to the Kremlin’s spy network across the continent. In a recent report, analysts at the UK’s Royal United Services Institute highlighted the efforts to which Russia had gone to reconstitute its presence in Europe, often using proxies. Those include members of the Russian diaspora as well as organised crime groups with which the Kremlin has long-standing ties. A key strategic shift has also occurred, with so-called “Committees of Special Influence” co-ordinating intelligence operations country-by-country for the Kremlin, drawing together what were previously piecemeal efforts by the country’s fractious security services and other Kremlin players. High alert over threats With Russia’s stepping up operations, security services have been on high alert over threats and are looking to identify targets they may have missed. Questions have been raised, for instance, over a so-far unexplained explosion at a BAE Systems munitions factory in Wales that supplies shells used by Ukraine. In October 2014, a Czech arms depot where weapons for Kyiv were being stored was destroyed; Russian military intelligence agents were later revealed to have planted explosives at the site. A huge fire broke out on Friday at a factory in Berlin owned by the arms company Diehl, which also supplies Ukraine. More than 160 specialist firefighters were called to tackle the blaze, with residents in a huge swath of the west of the capital told to keep windows closed due to possible toxic fumes. “As ever with Russia, it’s wise not to look for a single explanation of why they are doing anything. There’s always a combination of things going on,” said Mr Giles. “These pinprick attacks we’ve seen so far are of course to create disruption, but they can also be used for disinformation. And then there is what Russia learns from these attacks if they want to immobilise Europe for real ... They’re practice runs.”
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Spillet er nå nede i 17% og "overwhelmingly negative" siste 30 dager og total rating 50%. Jeg hadde tenkt å kjøpe det, men hadde ikke tid. Like greit. Sony har nå avlistet spillet i land hvor det ikke er mulig å registrere PSN-konto. Fuck Sony.
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Israel tilbød alle jordanere, egyptere og andre arabiske innvandrere til Israel israelsk pass i 1948 og igjen flere ganger senere. Urfolkene som i hovedsak var drusere, ortodokse kristne og sefariske jøder, ble alle med i Israel Dagens palestinere ble gjort statsløse av sine egne land, i hovedsak Jordan, ikke Israel. Du snakker om russisk statsborgerskap som om det er noe gjevt - men de tjenestene du mener folk får, finnes ikke. I stedet blir de tvangsmobilisert til å kjempe mot sine egne. Er det også en politikk Israel bør følge, synes du?
Russland har nå mangel på olje og gass, og særlig raffinerte produkter, og importerer disse. At man har en ressurs er ikke ensbetydende med at man klarer å utnytte den. Særlig om man har økonomiske problemer. Mange av Russlands eksportindustrier står i fare for kollaps. Minner om at f.eks Gazprom gikk fra 800 milliarder i overskudd til 90 milliarder i underskudd i år. Mao. har myndighetene gått fra å tjene masse penger på olje og gass til å måtte understøtte industrien med skatteinngang. Russland produserer ikke nevneverdig elektronikk. Det er noe de importerer. Militærelektronikk kommer hovedsakelig fra Europa og USA. Russland har også store problemer med å finne nok kvalifisert arbeidskraft. Det skjer ikke med mindre Ukraina kollapser innenfra og det er det ingen tegn på. Det er så vidt Russland klarer å avansere over enorme, åpne linjer, og da kun ta små landsbyer med enorme tap. Selv om de mot formodning skulle klare å få momentum i Sumy, Kharkiv (oblast), Luhansk eller Donetsk, så blir det bråstopp så fort de når et større tettsted. Den som ikke er krigshisser mot Russland etter 2 år med forsøk på folkemord, 10 år med krig og 20 år med sabotasje, trusler og snikmord, har ikke fulgt med.
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Jeg hadde aldri hørt om den før, men hadde den fungert hadde den nok vært klassifisert som legemiddel, og dermed ikke vært reseptfri. Ingrediensene den inneholder og den angitte virkemetoden er tull. Sliter du med erektil dysfunksjon må du være så snill å gå til fastlegen din. Det kan være symptom på klinisk depresjon, diabetes, hjerte og kar sykdom og flere andre ting.
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GLSDB skulle jo være en gedigen flause, men ser ut til å ha funket godt nok i Krynky og andre steder på sørsiden av Dnipro-elven. Mulig de eksperimenterer med den ennå. Franske AASM Hammer glidebomber skal også være i bruk der.
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Fravær av rasisme er ikke et privilegium.