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Brother Ursus

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Alt skrevet av Brother Ursus

  1. Det er da helt, fulltstendig, 100% innlysende, at "målgruppen" som woke-prosjektene henvender seg til, i meget stor grad ikke eksisterer eller ikke er interesserte i scifi eller gaming eller nerde-kultur. I mange år nå har ytre venstre mast om at de av oss nerder som protesterer på kapring og radikalisering av favorittsjangrene våre er en liten, vokal minoritet, men virkeligheten, med salgstall og seertall, viser det stikk motsatte.
  2. Rage? Jeg dør av latter. Jeg forbeholder meg også retten til å ha meninger om ting og ytre de meningene. Særlig de jeg har vært med på å betale for, og som er hatefullt mot andre grupper mennesker og inneholder farlige ideologier.
  3. Og her ser vi identitetspolitikkens egentlige mål, avslørt 😄
  4. Dette er seriøst noe av det teiteste jeg har sett. Trykk triangel for å bli triggered og kalle folk rasister. Har det tørna for Ragnar Tørnquist? Dustborn kan ikke være et ekte spill. Det er ikke mulig at dette ikke er en eller annen form for meta-kommentar om wokeness.
  5. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/08/25/the-ten-reasons-playstations-concord-has-failed-disastrously/ The Ten Reasons PlayStation’s ‘Concord’ Has Failed Disastrously Det var her i tråden et par personer som nektet for at Concord var i ferd med å bombe. Men nå begynner altså artiklene å rulle ut i avisene. Paul Tassi som skriver artikkelen var selv del av woke-menigheten og elsker f.eks The Acolyte, men har i det siste begynt å padle bakover. Åtte år, flere hundre millioner dollar, massive doser identitetspolitikk, og spillet blir antagelig straks F2P.
  6. Han representerer i hvert fall meg og tilsynelatende mange millioner andre fans. Smaken er som baken, men ingen kommer til å se tilbake på Disney Star Wars som noe positivt eller noe kulturfenomen om 40 år. Annet enn kanskje et uttrykk for det misforståtte og stakkarslige woke-fenomenet.
  7. Det eneste Disney Star Wars som funka var det Kathleen Kennedy og woke-menigheten i Lucasfilm/Disney ikke fikk skikkelig klørne sine i - det var Mandalorian sesong 1 og delvis 2, Andor og Rogue One, som ble skapt av to "middelaldrende hvite menn" som tilfeldigvis også elsker Star Wars, og er kompetente filmskapere. Coincidence? Kanskje. Men jeg tror ikke det.
  8. Russisk rakettnedslag i vannreservoiret til Kyiv. Tror jeg hadde testet det vannet, gitt, for både biologiske, kjemiske, radiologisk, tungmetaller og andre urenheter. Forhåpentligvis skjer det løpende som i andre land.
  9. https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-not-using-glide-bombs-kursk-hit-self-ukraine-expert-2024-8 Russia is barely using one of its best weapons against Ukrainian forces in Kursk because it's scared to hit itself, war expert says The bombs are equipped with guidance systems that allow them to be launched from jets at a distance. They're difficult to stop, and Russia has been making them more powerful: Its newest model weighs 6,600 pounds. But Russia has not been using the bombs at the same scale against Ukrainian forces that crossed the border into Russia earlier this month. Mark Cancian, a retired Marine Corps colonel and a senior advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said Russia hadn't been seen heavily using air power or glide bombs against Ukrainian forces in Kursk. "I think that's a reflection of a weak air-control system," he said. While the US and NATO "have very sophisticated mechanisms" and a "very elaborate, well-trained system" between aircraft and a control center to ensure they don't hit anything friendly, that's not the case for Russia, he added. The US is "pretty good at it," Cancian said, but "the Russians are not." Cancian said that Russia is able to heavily use glide bombs in Ukraine because the front is static and largely unmoving, so Russia can get away with a weaker control system and inflict less unintended damage. He said Russia's relative caution in Kursk "is a reflection of inability, their weakness in using air in support of ground forces." Not at scale Some glide-bomb usage has been recorded in Kursk but not to the extent elsewhere. Ukraine's military said Wednesday that Russia had launched 27 glide bombs in the region; it's not clear whether that figure was in total or in one day. Either way, it's a much smaller number than what Russia is said to be firing at targets in Ukrainian territory. Russia used 750 glide bombs on Ukrainian cities and villages last week alone, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Sunday. It's also fewer than the 50 glide bombs Forbes reported Russia was firing daily into Ukraine's Sumy region, which neighbors Kursk. "The Russians are hamstrung in one way, in the sense that they can't drop these FAB gliding bombs in Kursk as they have done in parts of Ukraine, especially in the eastern front, because obviously, it's their own territory," said Rajan Menon, a senior research scholar at Columbia University's Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies. "They'll get a lot of people killed, civilians," he said. George Barros, a Russian-military expert at the US's Institute for the Study of War, told Business Insider that Russia was so far not using the bombs in Kursk "at scale." Russia's attacks in Ukraine, Barros said, "completely obliterate entire neighborhoods and towns over the span of just days." "The Russians decisively are not doing that in Kursk," he added. But as Ukraine continues its incursion, Russia's risk calculations may change. Russia has dropped bombs on its territory and destroyed its own weaponry since launching its invasion of Ukraine. This includes shooting down its own fighter jets. But these were relatively isolated incidents, rather than something that was happening as a result of a new strategy, such as using glide bombs in Kursk. Barros said Russia was afraid of the "political considerations" that would come with targeting its own territory. Meanwhile, Ukraine has started to use glide bombs against Russia in Kursk. Zelenskyy said the incursion aimed to create a "buffer zone" to minimize Russia's ability to harm Ukraine. However, warfare analysts told BI that Ukraine also likely wanted to stretch Russia's forces and give fresh motivation to its troops and allies. Barros said it's not clear how the fast-moving operation would end. But he said that so far, it had been a positive for Ukraine after months of grinding warfare with little territory changing hands. Ukrainians, he said, "are no longer stuck in the rut where they no longer have the initiative." "It is now no longer the Ukrainians lying on their back for nine-plus months at a time simply trying their best to triage," he said. Null samhandling, med andre ord. Russisk kommando og kontroll er også elendig. De øverste lederne av krigen er nå sivile. Og selv på et lavere strategisk nivå, så er ofte informasjonen og ordrene som går frem og tilbake utdaterte før de gis.
  10. Det er altså relativt få soldater Belarus har sendt til grensen sin, men det bekymringsverdige er at oppbygningen fortsetter. Likevel menes det å være usansynelig at de vil foreta seg noe særlig, da Belarus sin hær', uten mobilisering, kun vil ha 30-40% av styrken sin. Å bruke disse på å angripe Ukraina vil også muligens være selvmord for Lukashenko-regimet.
  11. Målet er å hindre formede stridshoder i å kontakte selve tanken. Så... tja? Men også neppe. Ukrainerne vil bare endre stridshodet for det aktuelle målet antagelig. Eller fly flere stykk etter hverandre.
  12. For meg ser det ikke ut til at republikanske presidenter har hatt noe særlig mer hell. De har vel tvert imot i nyere tid dratt verden inn i noen av de største, dyreste og mest meningsløse konfliktene, som okkupasjonene av Afghanistan og Irak. Det å ta Gaddafi eller Saddam av dage var heller ingen genistrek, viste det seg. Krig og militærintervensjoner må være siste utvei og kun brukes når det er helt åpenbart at det er bedre enn alternativet.
  13. Tragisk at denne dritten kan fly rett over flere storbyer uten å bli tatt ned. Mengden luftforsvar et land trenger har blitt ekstremt grovt undervurdert. Mange i NATO er også i ferd med å finne ut at angrep er det beste forsvar. Derfor titter tom. Norge nå på raketter med veldig lang rekkevidde.
  14. Det ville i stor grad være et selvmordsoppdrag, hvor man kjørte fra logistikken sin. Wagner hadde tross alt logistikk i Russland, som er deres eget land. Og mange vil være uenige med meg, men det er i min oppfatning ikke umulig. En meget rask innrykningsstyrke av spesialsoldater kunne nok gjøre mye skade på regimet. Russerne er faktisk livredde for ukrainske infiltratører i sivil. De rusler også rundt i Russland og styrer og sender opp og tar ned og rearmerer droner og andre ting.
  15. https://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/i/qPOPxO/to-damer-i-60-aarene-anmeldes-for-tagging-i-trondheim To damer i 60-årene anmeldes for tagging i Trondheim Begge damene er bortvist fra Trondheim sentrum frem til i morgen klokken 9, og blir anmeldt for skadeverk. Ifølge VGs opplysninger skal kvinnene ha tagget tre store Palestina-flagg på ulike steder i Trondheim. – De ytret sin mening med tagging, sier operasjonslederen. 😄
  16. https://www.vg.no/nyheter/i/o3M3Gj/reuters-sier-at-en-av-deres-medarbeidere-er-drept-i-ukraina Reuters-medarbeider drept på jobb i Ukraina Ifølge nyhetsbyrået skal deres sikkerhetsrådgiver, Ryan Evans (38), ha blitt drept i et angrep mot et hotell øst i den ukrainske byen Kramatorsk.
  17. Afghanistan er geografisk fordømt. Det er landet ingen klarer å innta og landet ingen klarer å holde. Inkludert dets eget folk og myndigheter. Det verste av alt er at det ligger mellom Iran og Pakistan.
  18. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/25/world/europe/ukraine-poets-russia-war.html Battle-Hardened Poets Fuel a Literary Revival in Ukraine With verses that capture the raw emotions of the war and resonate deeply with the population, Ukrainian poets have emerged as some of the country’s most influential voices. A group made up mostly of young women sits in a semicircle to listen to a man and a woman seated on tall chairs talk. For several days in March 2022, the battalion of Yaryna Chornohuz, a Ukrainian poet and combat medic, faced fierce attacks from a column of Russian tanks in southeastern Ukraine. Outgunned, the soldiers repelled the first two assaults, but suffered many casualties. As Ms. Chornohuz bandaged the head of a wounded platoon commander, she said a third attack broke through, forcing the Ukrainian troops to retreat quickly, leaving behind the commander and other badly injured soldiers. “Lots of good guys were killed,” said Ms. Chornohuz, 29. “We didn’t have the time to say goodbye to any of them.” After she reached safety in a village away from the combat zone, she poured her emotions into a poem, typing out verses on her phone.
  19. https://www.newsweek.com/us-ukraine-plot-attack-putin-navy-parade-1935134 Did US Veto Ukraine Plan to Attack Putin's Navy Parade? What We Know A top Russian official has said that the U.S. vetoed a Ukrainian plot to attack President Vladimir Putin's annual Navy Day parade last month. Sergei Ryabkov, Russia's deputy foreign minister, said during a broadcast on state TV channel Russia-1 that the U.S. intervened in a plot that would have led to a "new escalation." Ukrainian intelligence was preparing a provocation against Putin during Russia's Navy Day parade, which he attended on July 28. This plan was stopped after a phone call between Defense Minister Andrei Belousov and U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on July 12, Ryabkov said. "The signal from our military leadership and the minister of defense to our American counterpart must have had an impact," added Ryabkov. Russian news outlets, including state-run RT, reported that Ukrainian intelligence services were preparing an assassination attempt on Putin and Belousov at the Navy Day parade in St. Petersburg. Newsweek couldn't independently verify the reports and has contacted Ukraine's Foreign Ministry for comment by email. The New York Times reported on July 26 that Belousov requested a phone call with Austin about an alleged secret Ukrainian operation that Russia believed had the green light from Washington. Two U.S. officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said defense officials were unaware of such an operation and were surprised by Belousov's claims. The publication didn't elaborate on the details of the alleged plot, but said the U.S. contacted Ukraine after the phone call. Mon tro om det var dette som var de mystiske samtalene mellom amerikanerne og russerne i forrige måned. Ukraina hadde muligens en sjans til å drepe Putin her. Det blir i økende grad åpenbart at Norge og andre land i Europa i fremtiden ikke kan la USA eller andre enkeltland styre eller overstyre våre forsvarsevner.
  20. https://kyivindependent.com/zelensky-diplomacy-not-at-the-expense-of-30-of-our-territory/ Zelensky: Diplomacy 'not at the expense of 30% of our territory' Ukraine is committed to peace but not at the expense of giving up its territory, President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a sit down with representatives of the Indian media that was published on Aug. 25. Zelensky spoke with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the need for Russia's war to end during the latter's historic visit to Kyiv on Aug. 23. "When you say 'diplomacy', I'm all for it, but I'd like to see concrete steps that are not at the expense of 30% of our state and not at the expense of our population. If there is such a plan, we're all for it," Zelensky said. At the end of July, Zelensky said that Ukraine would finalize "an action plan for peace" by the end of November. Ukraine organized the first global peace summit in Switzerland in June, which resulted in the signing of a communique by 91 countries and eight international organizations. The communique included three main points: nuclear security, global food security, and the release of deported children, prisoners of war, and illegally detained civilians.
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