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Innlegg skrevet av realfingolfin

  1. En annen løsning:


    kall filen tips.php

    $quotes =array(	
    1=>"It's not the IQ, but the I will that counts.",
    2=>"Self-motivation is the only motivation that works.",
    3=>"If you want your dreams to come true, don't sleep.",
    4=>"When you want to test the depts of a stream, don't use both feet.",
    5=>"If you scatter thorns, don't go barefoot.",
    6=>"All things are difficult before they are easy.",
    7=>"Words must be weighed, not counted.",
    8=>"There wouldn't be such a thing as counterfeit gold if there were no real gold somewhere.",
    9=>"Advice is least heeded when most needed.",
    10=>"Examine what is said, not he who speaks.",
    11=>"Of two evils chose the less.",
    12=>"What may be done at any time, will be done at no time.",
    13=>"Everyone thinks his own burden heavy.",
    14=>"He who knows little quickly tells it.",
    15=>"Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.",
    16=>"Better be ill spoken by one before all than all before one.",
    17=>"After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box.",
    18=>"Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.",
    19=>"Don't throw away the old bucket until you know the new one holds water.",
    20=>"If you are not living on the edge... your taking up to much room.",
    21=>"You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.",
    22=>"Fall seven times, stand up eight.",
    23=>"Winners make goals; loosers make execuses.",
    24=>"People may doubt what you say, but they will beleive what you do.",
    25=>"To know the road ahead is to ask those coming back.",
    26=>"To deceive a diplomat speak the truth, he has no experience with it.",
    27=>"Even a clock that does not work is right twice a day.",
    28=>"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.",
    29=>"When angry, count to ten before you speak; when very angry, count to a hundred.",
    30=>"I am always ready to learn, but I don't always like being taught.",
    31=>"All of the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.",
    32=>"Success is never final, and failure is never fatal.",
    33=>"If you are all wrapped up in yourself, you are overdressed.",
    34=>"Education makes people easy to lead but difficult to drive; easy to govern but impossible to enslave.",
    35=>"There is no excellence without difficulty.",
    36=>"Be bold for what you stand for, and be careful what you stand for.",
    37=>"Long is the road from conception to completion.",
    38=>"One can never consent to creep when he feels an impulse to soar.",
    39=>"Worry never robs today of its sorrow; it only saps today of its strength.",
    40=>"You can't beat a person who never gives up.",
    41=>"When you throw dirt you loose ground.");
    $random_number=rand(1, count($quotes)); 

    og så

    <?php include("tips.php"); ?>

    Du kan se koden på http://home.no.net/naru2/

  2. Jeg har lenge lurt på hvordan jeg senterer en div. Grunnen til at jeg vil bruke det er at jeg vil at hvis du f.eks har oppløsning 800x600 så skal siden være "normal" men når du har den på høyere enn 800x600 så skal den være senterert i midten med samme bredde som den har under 800x600.


    Dere skjønte sikkert ikke en crap av det jeg sa så jeg gir bare en link så kan dere titte på det og kanskje skjønne hva jeg prater om



  3. Vel jeg tenkte at jeg skulle lage en narutoside(don't laugh before you try naruto)

    Uansett, vil gjerne vite hvordan .tk fungerer, hvis .tk er dårlig kan jeg like gjerne benytte meg av home.no.net


    Dessuten: It seems that the URL you provided does not exist or is by itself already a redirected URL, which cannot be redirected again by Dot TK. Please choose another URL.

    Hæ? betyr det at det jeg gjør er å registerere f.esk naruto.tk og så når du taster naruto.tk i adressalinja så blir du redirected til et annet sted enn naruto.tk??



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