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Innlegg skrevet av jon_o

  1. I hovedsak dette :)


    - The Yonah northbridge of the 1710 will be upgradeable to Memrom later in the year. Combine this with the ability to upgrade to the T5xx CPUs and you will be able to take the 1710 to dual core 64 bit processing.

    - And, again, the 1710 offers a very clear upgrade path. When DX10 cards come up, an upgrade should be possible through Dell."



    Jeg forstår dette dithen at det vil være mulig å skifte/endre prosessoren slik at man får dual 64 bits prosessor. Dx10 kort sier meg ingenting.

  2. Sjekk denne linken.. Ser ut som om 7900gtx lar seg overklokke stabilt opp til 9500 marks i 3dmark05. Det er 1000 mark opp fra stock!!


    Leste forresten også dette


    "Some other thoughts:

    - The Yonah northbridge of the 1710 will be upgradeable to Memrom later in the year. Combine this with the ability to upgrade to the T5xx CPUs and you will be able to take the 1710 to dual core 64 bit processing.

    - You have 4GB possible on the board today. HOWEVER, I would not go over 2GB until the full release of Vista. Which is good, since the price of two 2GB PC6400 sticks wont be worth it until you have an OS that actually uses all 4 GBs in your favour

    - The 7900 GTX card is based on a smaller die process (90nm) than the 7800 was (110nm). This means that the more powerful card, while unchanged from an architectural perspective, has better power per watt. Most of these savings have been taken up through higher core and memory clock speeds. That said, the room for overclocking these puppies could be very exciting. I have already seen a OC'ed 3DMark05 score of 9500+ by Zyb on these forums (great thread by the way, and worth checking out).

    - And, again, the 1710 offers a very clear upgrade path. When DX10 cards come up, an upgrade should be possible through Dell."


    Noen som har peil nok til å kommentere dette?

  3. Hehe...ja billig er det ikke. Men beløpet er stort sett betalt allerede. Jeg var en av de som kjøpte FSC m4438G i fjor. Som du kanskje vet er M-serien befengt med en stygg feil som medfører konstant "lagging". Det kjøpet har jeg hevet og jeg får pengene i retur. Må bare legge til 3000 for å få denne og det kan jeg leve med.

  4. Da har jeg lagt inn bestilling på mitt eksemplar.


    2 ghz Duo prosessor

    NVIDIA Go 7900gtx 512

    1 GB ram

    100 GB 5400 rpm HD

    Dvd brenner


    og ellers standard specs...


    Kom på den nette sum av 19.000,-. Jeg er fornøyd og kan nesten ikke styre meg. Levering i begynnelsen av mai :w00t:

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