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Innlegg skrevet av Equerm

  1. Designet er jo flott likte spesielt det du har gjort med overskriftene (med den gule saken) :thumbup:


    Oppdaget forøvrig noe da


    Microsoft Word (running v. 2002)

    Microsoft Excel (running v. 2002)

    Microsoft Powerpoint (running v. 2002)

    Microsoft Word (running v. 2002)


    MS Word 2 ganger?


    edit: Er dette riktig?


    My vision


    I've gone thtough life (so far, that is) by making my own decitions. I am going to continue living that way.

  2. her ghost in the fog

    Eneste sangen jeg har hørt av de. Noe å anbefale eller? Må laste ned noen saker her..

    Hmm, ja det vil jeg tro:


    Scorched Earth Erotica

    Cthulhu Dawn

    No Time To Cry

    Her Ghost In The Fog (som sagt)

    Babalon A.D.

    Suicide And Other Comforts

    Satanic Mantra (litt rar men men)

    Queen Of Winter, Throned

    The Black Godess Rises I

    The Black Godess Rises II

    Fear Of The Dark


    As Deep As Any Burial

    Saffron's Curse

    Born In A Burial Gown

    Of Dark Blood And Fucking

    Death Comes Ripping


    Dracula Nosterfrau



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