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Det kommer nok ikke til å skje. Skal hun få over 400 valgmenn må hun vinne stater det er nokså urealistisk å vinne i 2024. For eksempel et slik scenario:
Why isn’t Harris winning by a lot? The entire Democratic Party, plus its allies in the larger political world and in the legal system, plus the entertainment industry, plus much of the media — haven’t they thrown everything they have at former President Donald Trump? With all that firepower, how is Trump still standing, let alone tied with Harris? More pointedly, why isn’t Harris winning by a big margin?
Mangel på bevis er én ting, det er noe helt annet å plutselig dra konspirasjonsnoian opp av hatten. En faktasjekk ville normalt presisert at det finnes flere rapporter på det, men at det så langt ikke er funnet noen bevis for påstanden i stedet for å hevde at det er en sammensvergelse i bunn her. Vance har jo pratet om problemene i Springfield i et par mnder nå, og som han sa til Collins i CNN så har media vist liten interesse her helt til de begynnte å poste memes, om det er memes som skal til for å få interssen fra media, så kommer man åpenbart til å gjøre det fremover. Problemet er bare at selv med memes så er det få som er interessert i å prate om de faktiske problememe. Venstresiden tror det i stedet handler om rase og hudfarge.
Og her er en video av en mann fra mars med en mann som som snakker om forsvunnede dyr i nabolaget som angivelig blir brukt til ymse andre ting enn husdyr, hvorpå bykommisjone bekrefter at de allerede kjenner til ryktene. Og en politirapport fra august som hevder den haititiske naboen stjal katten hennes og kuttet den opp. Men ABC har heldigvis faktasjekket påstandene med city manageren, dette er bare konspirasjonsteorier (ja for det er jo en sammensvergelse bak hele plottet).
Oh my.. MorningConsult tar virkelig opp kampen med med Quinnipiac. På halvannen ukes tid øker Harris ledelsen med +5 i Michigan, +3 i Wisconsin, +4 i Nevada og -1 i Pennsylvania. Nope.
Sen. Lindsey Graham visits Nebraska senators to push winner-take-all Interesting. Det finnes reelle 270-268 scenarioer hvor denne ene Nebraska-valgmannen kan bli avgjørende for utfallet og man i stedet ender opp med 269-269. Da sier loven at presidentembetet skal tilfalle den som vinner en runde med golf, og her må vel Trump sies å være favoritt. That said, så kommer nok Maine også kjapt til å endre sin lov til winner-take-all og pushe demokratene tilbake til 270.
RFK Jr.’s Masterpiece of Political Oratory In his speech announcing the suspension of his presidential campaign in swing states and his support for Donald Trump, Kennedy delivered one of the best pieces of political rhetoric in years, a rhetorical gem combining fiery passion with cool logic. You may reject nearly all of Kennedy’s political positions, as I do, but when he speaks on issues of censorship and corruption in the corridors of government, media, and corporations he offers solutions that should unite rather than divide Americans.
The Harris-Walz media strategy: Hide from the press The Harris-Walz ticket is on pace to do fewer interviews and press conferences than any major party's presidential pairing in modern U.S. history.
158 demokrater stemte imot "Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act". H.R. 7909 would make an alien (a non-U.S. national) inadmissible to or deportable from the United States if that person admitted to or was convicted of sex offenses or other crimes involving domestic violence, stalking, and child abuse or neglect.
FBI says Iran sent hacked Trump info to Biden campaign Iran mailer med sine venner i det kvite hus.
Franklin & Marshall hadde Biden +10 i slutten av mars i Pennsylvania. "Kun" 3 bak Biden på samme tidpunkt i 2020 hos samme pollster, det er vel det mest positive. Franklin & Marshall har Harris +13 (48-35) blant independents i Pennsylvania, mens Marist (også en som favoriserer D) har Trump +4 (49-45) blant independents..
Harris isn’t giving the specifics some undecided voters say they want But a candidate who has been criticized by opponents for running on “vibes” and surfing a wave of joy refused to be pinned down on specifics and details, instead citing her values and background to attest to her sincerity. For instance, when asked at Tuesday’s National Association of Black Journalists event how she’d alleviate the “squeeze” many Americans feel over child and elder care, she said her plan was for no family to pay more than 7% of their income on such costs. But she offered no roadmap for how she’d drive major social policy reform through what is likely to be a polarized Congress next year and didn’t say how she’d pay for it. On another intractable issue, the Israel-Hamas war, Harris was strong on aspiration, vague on specifics and seemed to fall on both sides of the issue. “I absolutely believe that this war has to end. And it has to end as soon as possible,” she said. “And the way that will be achieved is by getting a hostage deal and a ceasefire deal done. And we are working around the clock to achieve that end.” She added: “Far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed.” Det begynner å gå opp for dem at det faktisk kanskje ikke er nok å gå til valg kun på å være anti-Trump.
At the DNC, I Realized They're the Party of the Rich Democrats love to decry money in politics when it comes to the Koch brothers or Elon Musk, but the billionaires who support Democrats are given a total pass and have a huge influence over policy. At first, I naively thought the system was broken. But now I realize, it isn't broken; it's doing what it was designed to do, which is to keep working class people from true representation. That is the point, a feature, not a bug. These realizations pushed me from moderate Democrats to progressive candidates who rejected corporate PAC money, embraced a higher minimum wage, endorsed universal health care, and criticized the Party's corporate wing. But when you're working with progressives, you get a front-row seat to how the establishment beats and batters candidates out of step with the party line. Here's the sad truth: The Democratic Party has lost its way entirely. They mostly speak to the college educated, the urban and affluent, in their language. Their tone is condescending and paternalistic. They peddle giveaways to the college-educated like student loan forgiveness plans that disproportionately help their base, snubbing the majority of the country without a four-year degree, and then offer no tangible plans for true reform.
USAs største fagforening.
Quinnpac leverer som forventet. Pennsylvania: Harris +6 Michigan: Harris +5 Wisconsin: Harris +1 (?!)
Independents rate Trump better than Harris, 44% vs. 35% Net favorability among independents Harris: 35-60 (-25) Trump: 44-53 (-9) Kan tyde på en viss respons bias de to siste mndene..
Det tror jeg de venter med å spørre om til det har vært et forsøk eller to på å drepe henne..
Hva mener du? Om Kamala hadde blitt drept, eller hva republikanerne svarer?
17% Say America Would Be Better Off If Trump Had Been Killed - 28% of Democrats who say that America would have been better off if Trump had been assassinated. - Another 24% of Democrats were not sure. - Fewer than half (48%) of Democrats could bring themselves to say that America would not be better off if the opposing party’s candidate for president had been assassinated.
Må jo begynne forberedelsene så tidlig som mulig.