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Alt skrevet av trn100

  1. Ønsker alle en fortsatt god natt ❤️
  2. Så er dere veldige spesielle også! ❤️
  3. Celine er en av mine absolutte favoritter gjennom alle tider! ❤️ Trist å se henne i dag... Men sånn er det nesten med alle mine favoritter for tiden...
  4. Liten verden innimellom 😉 Men ingen tvil om at vi er på bølgelengde når det gjelder musikk! ❤️
  5. I alle fall de siste 15 årene? Den gangen vi drev med Napster 😉
  6. If I could catch a rainbow, I would do it, just for you, And, share with you, its beauty, on the days you're feeling blue. If I could, I would build a mountain, you could call your very own. A place to find serenity, a place just to be alone. If I could, I would take your troubles, and toss them into the sea. But, all these things, I'm finding, are impossible for me. I cannot build a mountain, or catch a rainbow fair; but, let me be, what I know best, A Friend, who's always there. I promise to defend you, should the occasion ever rise, And, I promise to wipe away the tears, which might stream from your weeping eyes. Let me be the trusted Friend, the one that you know best. I will never leave you, on that, you can surely rest." Dette har vært med meg noen år også -)
  7. Et dikt jeg fant for veldig lenge siden! 😉
  8. Every night I lie in bed This little prayer inside my head God bless my mom and dad and bless my children and take care of my spouse who brings me so much joy... God, there's just one more thing I wish that you would do if you don't mind my asking to bless my 'puter, too?? Now I know that it's not normal to bless a small machine but listen just a second and I'll try to explain... You see, that little metal box holds more than odds and ends Inside those small components rest a hundred loving friends. Some it's true I've never seen and most I've never met... Never shaken hands or ever truly hugged, and yet... I know for sure they love me by the kindnesses they give, and this little scrap of metal is how I get to where they live. By faith is how I know them, Much the same as I know You. I share in life it brings them, So if it's OK with you... Just take an extra minute from your duties up above... to bless this little hunk of steel that's filled with so much love. So God, please Bless My Puter too...
  9. Det er virkelig en snodig følelse å kunne dele musikk med mennesker man egentlig ikke kjenner, men det er nok musikkens egenskap! ❤️ Og over et sånt tidsrom....
  10. Dette er et et fantastisk musikkrom altså! ❤️
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