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Alt skrevet av UglaSukk

  1. ".Amnesty says that the pager explosions which happened in Lebanon last weeek were indiscriminate and violated international humanitarian law (...) According to Amnesty, as a result, the attack should be investigated as a war crime (...)" https://www.newarab.com/news/amnesty-demands-international-probe-lebanon-pager-blasts
  2. "The detention of a 10-year-old boy by German police during a pro-Palestine protest sparked backlash on social media. Footage on X showed several German police officers first chasing a 10-year-old boy and then taking him to a police car after catching him. Many people on X reacted to the incident. “Berlin police detained a 10-year-old boy for carrying a Palestinian flag. Disturbing, shameful, 2024 Germany," said one user." https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/backlash-as-german-police-detain-10-year-old-boy-during-pro-palestine-protest/3337250 Video : https://www.aljazeera.com/program/newsfeed/2024/9/22/german-police-chase-and-detain-boy-at-pro-palestine-rally
  3. Det sier litt når denne saken blir så listen I forhold til det andre at den bare drukner. https://x.com/MustafaBarghou1/status/1836805570403180728
  4. Netanyahu skal til USA igjen, og skal tale til generalforsamilngen I FN : "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has postponed his planned trip to the United States by one day, citing the deteriorating security situation in northern Israel. This adjustment to his schedule comes ahead of his address to the United Nations General Assembly, as reported by Agence France-Presse (AFP). " https://www.newsx.com/world/netanyahu-delays-us-trip-amid-escalating-security-concerns-in-northern-israel/ Da kan vi Kanskje tro at det blir ikke invasion av Libanon før dette er unnagjordt.
  5. Det er folk som sier at I løpet av den neste måneden vil vinterværet komme I Midtøsten, og da vil siktforholdene gjøre det mye vanskeligere å invadere. Hezbollah ønsker nok å unngå storkrig før vinterværet kommer, mens Netanyahu tar alle grep for at Hezbollah skal miste hodet med en gang.
  6. Kan ta med at Libaneserne har blitt mer pro Hezbollah. En artikkel i The Guardian slutter slik : "I am a medical worker, but the grudge I have now … I will insist on teaching it to my great-greatgrand­son. I was neutral, but now I'm going to take a side," Yusuf said, stressing however that his resistance would be non-violent."
  7. Litt tanker : Hvis Israel hadde planer om å invadere Libanon, ville de vel ha ventet med å sprenge pagerne til de angrep. Men kanskje de oppdaget at noen I Hezbollah holdt på å gjennomskue pagerne. Hvordan? Kanskje Israel, som laget pagerne, også kunne lese meldingene. Eller lytte til samtaler. Kanskje Israel har tapt mer enn de har vunnet de siste dagene, siden de har tapt denne "mikrofonen" i Hezbollah midte?
  8. Er det ungarske selskapet en front for Mossad? "According to the official company register in Hungary, BAC is involved in activities ranging from the manufacture of electronic medical devices and electronic components to the extraction of natural gas and crude oil. This is a classic scam company profile. A reporter for German broadsheet DW visited the company's address in Budapest only to find a residential house split into apartments, with the only proof that the company is based there being an A4 sheet of paper with BAC's name taped to one of the glass doors, along with the names of several other companies. When asked, residents of one of the other apartments told DW that they didn't know this company and rarely see any correspondence sent to the address." https://www.sott.net/article/494894-BAC-Consulting-The-Mossad-Front-Company-And-The-Hezbollah-Pager-Explosions Vil det bli et resultant her at folk I den arabiske verden vil styre unna elektroniske ting produset I Vesten, og heller velge kinesiske merker?
  9. Tror ikke det taiwanske selskapet har bestemt hvem det ungarske selskapet skal selge til. Og det ungarske selskapet har meget mulig ikke visst at de solgte til Hezbollah. Men alt dette blir sikkert klarere etterhvert.
  10. Her er det jo det taiwanske selskapet som vil gaa til rettsak, baade mot de ungarske produsentene, og mot Israel. Hvis ryktet stemmer.
  11. Tap av inntekt fordi produktet deres blir brukt til å sprenge folk. At kundene vil sky et produkt som nå er mest kjent for å sprenge folk I stykker.
  12. Hazbollah har jo også et stort sivilt arbeid. Slik at mange Hezbollah-krigere lever et "dobbeltliv", og driver mest sivilt arbeid, men blir også nnkalt, via personsoekeren, til å ta I med det militaere, når det trengs.
  13. "Israeli intelligence services originally wanted to detonate the pagers as an opening blow in an all-out war against Hezbollah, Axios reported, citing American and Israeli officials. They chose to act early, however, when a Hezbollah member became suspicious of the devices and planned to alert his superiors, Al-Monitor reported." https://www.timesofisrael.com/use-it-or-lose-it-israel-reportedly-set-off-pagers-amid-fears-plot-was-exposed/ Artikkelen forteller at personsoekerne var fra et Taiwansk merke, men at de var produset I Ungarn, av noen som hadde tillatelse til aa produsere dem. Taiwanerne vil sannsynligvis ta ut soeksmaal mot Ungarerne. Det er ogsaa noen som sier at det vil komme milliard- soeksmaal ( dollar ) mot Israel. Tiden vil vise.
  14. Christian Borch har en blogg, hvor han skriver : "ISRAELS REGJERING gjør som Hitler-regimet i 1930-årene: hjernevasker soldater og svekker deres naturlige empati. Overgrep mot sivile krigsofre på Gaza blir fortiet og israelere flest bryr seg ikke. Den politiske ledelsen fremelsker holdninger som forgifter det sivile samfunn og jager menneskeligheten ut i mørket." https://christianborch.no/brutaliseringen-av-israel/ Litt lenger ned kommer det fram at det er et sitat, fra ".historieprofessor Omer Bartov, jøde, født og oppvokst og borger av Israel, med fire år bak seg i IDF (det israelske forsvaret)." Men Borch virker som han er enig.
  15. De som er gamle nok husker kanskje at de Villepin var fransk utenriksminister I forkant av Irak-krigen I 2003, og var en av de sterkeste stemmene mot galaskapen. "Former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin has decried France and the West over their inaction on the Israeli genocidal war on the Gaza Strip. In rare remarks by a former French premier, Dominique de Villepin referred to the French silence on the war on Gaza and the biased French media coverage of death toll, saying it's "a real scandal in terms of democracy." https://znetwork.org/znetarticle/real-scandal-ex-french-pm-decries-wests-media-bias-silence-on-gaza-carnage/?utm_source=flipboard&utm_medium=flipboard_rss&utm_campaign=znetwork ( Dubbet video )
  16. Noe en ikke tenker på : "Experts are warning that millions of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are breathing toxic and polluted air that is nothing short of a “death sentence.” Hundreds of thousands of people in the besieged and bombarded enclave are suffering breathing problems and respiratory issues, and doctors say the scale of the problem will continue to grow as Israeli bombs disperse more chemicals into the air, mixing with dust from the unending mounds of rubble throughout Gaza." https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/gaza-s-toxic-air-a-death-sentence-for-trapped-palestinians-warn-experts/3326785
  17. Det ble diskutert her om Israel vil ta den nordlige delen av Gaza. Haaretz har en artikkel om dette. "Israel is entering the second phase of its war in Gaza, when it will strive to complete its takeover of the northern Gaza Strip from the previous border to the Netzarim corridor. We can predict that this area will then gradually be made available for Jewish settlement and annexation to Israel, (...)" De skriver: "In this right-wing Israeli government's vision, which it no longer really bothers to conceal (...)" Bibi og co skjuler det ikke lenger. "The next step was Netanyahu's instruction to the army last week to prepare to distribute humanitarian aid in Gaza, replacing the international organizations. " Bibi fikk ikke gjennomslag for dette siste. I denne omgang. https://archive.ph/2024.09.10-143737/https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-09-09/ty-article/.premium/annexation-expulsion-and-settlements-netanyahu-gears-up-for-next-phase-of-gaza-war/00000191-d739-dba7-a1ff-dfff26830000
  18. Ble noe teknisk kluss i posten over. "An examination by the IDF of the document published in the Bild article revealed that it didn't even belong to Sinwar, but rather a proposal by a middle-ranking official in Hamas. Ynet reported that the main part in the Bild article is that the newspaper supposedly quotes from the document saying that Hamas is not interested in the deal - which was not quoted in it at all. The IDF said that the document in the Bild article is five months old." https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-819230
  19. " Israeli forces killed the deputy director of civil defence in the north of the Gaza Strip, along with his family, Arabic media reported on Saturday. (...) Civil defence crews and officials have been targeted by Israeli forces since the start of the war on the Gaza Strip, with around 100 of them killed since last October." https://www.newarab.com/news/gaza-israeli-forces-kill-deputy-director-civil-defence
  20. "A young Turkish-American woman, Aysenur Eygi, was shot and killed in the Israeli-occupied West Bank on Friday, according to US and Palestinian officials, while she was taking part in a protest near Nablus. Eygi was shot in the head by Israeli forces responding to the gathering, according to two eyewitnesses who spoke to CNN. The 26-year-old had been participating in a weekly protest against an Israeli settlement near the Palestinian village of Beita, they also said." https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/06/middleeast/american-activist-killed-west-bank-intl/index.html
  21. ( Tok sitat for å få bort det jeg postet I sted. ) "Popular Israeli podcasters call to ‘erase every living being’ in Gaza and West Bank. A clip from the English-language Israeli podcast showing hosts Naor Meningher and Eytan Weinstein discussing the idea of eradicating all Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza has gone viral online. In an episode of Two Nice Jewish Boys, which aired three weeks ago, host Weinstein said: "If you gave me a button to just erase Gaza, every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow. I would press it in a second. He claimed that "most Israelis" would do the same." https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israeli-podcast-hosts-call-erase-every-living-being-gaza-and-west-bank
  22. Vestbredden : "Dette er bare starten..." "Last week, Israel launched its largest attack on the West Bank since 2002, with raids focused on Jenin and Tulkarm in the north. “The Jenin operation is just the beginning,” a security official told Israel Hayom. The Israeli assault on Jenin continued for the seventh day on Tuesday as the city remains under siege. According to the Jenin municipality, the Israeli military has destroyed 70% of the roads and infrastructure in the city, and about 80% of the water has been cut off to residents." https://news.antiwar.com/2024/09/03/jenin-is-just-the-beginning-israel-planning-more-escalations-in-west-bank/
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