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Er det noe nytt om sykehuset i Beirut, der det skal ligge en halv milliard dollar og gull under? Har Libaneserne gått mann av huse for å få sin del? Det virker som planen var at de skulle gå helt bananas, og skape fullt kaos.
Jeg tør ikke si noe sikkert om dette, men hvis det du skriver stemmer, så virker det som BBC har bestemt seg for å kjempe imot Israel i denne saken. Og legene på sykehuset likeså. Kort.video fra BBC : https://www.bitchute.com/video/xZKuazCTEz1d/
"Journalists were given unrestricted access to the Sahel General Hospital in Beirut’s southern suburbs after the Israeli military claimed a Hezbollah money and gold stash was hidden in a bunker underneath the building. A BBC journalist reporting from the hospital’s basement levels said the staff opened any doors and cabinets the reporters wanted to open. Journalists were also able to explore anywhere in the building on their own, and no evidence of a Hezbollah money stash was found."
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his aides rejected a request from Secretary of State Antony Blinken to publicly say that Israel is not implementing an ethnic cleansing plan in northern Gaza, known as the “general’s plan,” The Washington Post reported Tuesday. The report said Netanyahu and his top aide Ron Dermer told Blinken that the general’s plan was “absolutely not our policy” and that the perception has been “deeply damaging to us.” But when asked to state that publicly, they declined."
CNN har en sak om israelske soldater som har traumer etter å ha vært i Gaza. "Guy Zaken, Mizrahi’s friend and co-driver of the bulldozer, provided further insight into their experience in Gaza. “We saw very, very, very difficult things,” Zaken told CNN. “Things that are difficult to accept.” The former soldier has spoken publicly about the psychological trauma endured by Israeli troops in Gaza. In a testimony to the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, in June, Zaken said that on many occasions, soldiers had to “run over terrorists, dead and alive, in the hundreds.” “Everything squirts out,” he added." https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/21/middleeast/gaza-war-israeli-soldiers-ptsd-suicide-intl/index.html
Israel bomber nå banker i Libanon, som de mener Hezbollah bruker. En kommentator sa at med samme logikk kan de bombe markeder som de mener Hezbollah bruker. "By destroying the historic Nabatieh market, Israel is aiming to eradicate Lebanon's heritage, history and culture." https://www.newarab.com/features/destroying-nabatieh-market-israel-aims-eradicate-heritage
Til Rozon : Ja, det er A.I. Kom over fem teorier om de lekkende dokumentene : 3. The Biden administration may have orchestrated the leak itself in order to delay the Israeli attack. Biden clearly lacks the courage to say no to Israel, so instead, he sneaks out intelligence with the aim of delaying Israel’s plans at least until after the US elections, at which point he may find the semblance of a spine. (...) 5. Finally, since the US investigation is looking at outside actors, the question is if a close American ally - a Five Eyes state (FVEY) or a NATO ally with access to FVEY intelligence - has leaked it. If so, it would suggest that close US allies are so frustrated with Biden’s refusal to stop Netanyahu from starting the largest war in the Middle East since World War II that they are taking matters into their own hands to sabotage Netanyahu’s escalation plan. A Western diplomat recently told me that the only way to stop the war is to have the players who forced Biden off the ticket in July repeat their feat by forcing Biden to stop Netanyahu. https://x.com/tparsi/status/1848042416009322858
Hezbollah har droner som er laget i stor grad av plast, og det var slik de kunne overliste radarsystemet, og få inn det dødelige treffet på militærleiren. Vet ikke om dette stemmer, men det er en mulig forklaring. "In summary, while there is no direct evidence of Hezbollah using composite materials, the available information suggests that their drones may be designed to evade radar detection through their low-tech nature, slow speed, and use of plastic components." https://search.brave.com/search?q=Are+there+speculations+that+hezbollah+has+made+drones+out+of+composites%2C+not+detected+on+radar%3F&source=llmSuggest&summary=1&summary_og=fb370240e64b77aa7722d7
Det var helt sikkert et uhell. "Israeli Military Bulldozer Demolishes UN Watchtower," https://news.antiwar.com/2024/10/20/israeli-military-bulldozer-demolishes-un-watchtower-fence-in-southern-lebanon/#gsc.tab=0
Ganske skummelt, når en tenker på at Bibi sa : “This is a war between the children of light and the children of darkness,” før de gikk inn i Gaza. Jeg visste forresten ikke at Kina har en kontingent med 400 FN-soldater i Libanon. Men jeg vil tro at de israelske soldatene vil tenke seg om flere ganger før de skyter mot kineserne. "Wu confirmed that Chinese peacekeeping units stationed in Lebanon are safe and said China is monitoring the situation closely." https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202410/15/WS670e3d71a310f1265a1c7bd0.html
"The New York Times just published a piece where they say "many in Gaza" celebrated Sinwar's killing, and cite a fake anonymous person supposedly saying "he made Israel do this to us." This is like publishing in 1944: "A Jew in Auschwitz, who wants to remain anonymous for fear of being killed by his fellow inmates, celebrated the crushing of the Warsaw uprising, saying those evil communist Jews made the Nazis do this to us."" https://x.com/zei_squirrel/status/1847023917161935231
"WAR CRIMES ON CAMERA: Israeli soldiers rigged the entire village of Mhaibib in Southern Lebanon with explosives, and then detonated the explosives, completely destroying the entire village." https://x.com/afshinrattansi/status/1846572845075144909
"Three Israeli reserve soldiers have told Haaretz that they believe an ethnic cleansing plan is already underway in northern Gaza, where the Israeli military is trying to forcibly displace hundreds of thousands of civilians. (...) “The commanders say openly that the Eiland plan is being promoted by the IDF,” an Israeli soldier in the IDF’s 162nd Division told Haaretz. Another soldier who is stationed at the Netzarim Corridor said, “The goal is to give the residents who live north of the Netzarim area a deadline to move to the south of the Strip. After this date, whoever will remain in the north will be considered an enemy and will be killed.” _______________________ " An invitation from Likud, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's party, to an event near the Gaza border has been circulated under the title "Preparing to Settle Gaza." The event, scheduled for next week, will feature the construction of a sukkah as part of a "city of sukkahs" initiative by the Nachala movement, which is known for establishing illegal outposts in the West Bank." https://archive.vn/2024.10.16-175025/https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-10-16/ty-article/.premium/netanyahus-likud-party-issues-invitation-to-event-titled-preparing-to-settle-gaza/00000192-95b6-d9c2-a7f3-9db676f40000
"Oxfam and 37 other humanitarian organizations published a joint statement warning that the Israeli assault on Gaza has reached a “horrifying level of atrocity,” saying the situation in the north is “catastrophic.” "
Nei. Det som kommer nå : "Report: US Gives Israel Until After the US Election To Ease Starving of Palestinians According to Axios, the Biden admin sent a letter to Israeli leaders calling for steps to be taken within 30 days." Hvorfor til etter valget? Fordi det bare er et valgutspill. Hvis de hadde sagt en uke, så hadde uka gått, og Israel ville gitt faen, og det ville tatt seg dårlig ut før valget.
"Those Fighting for Peace in Gaza’ Should Have Won – Nobel Peace Prize Winner." https://www.palestinechronicle.com/those-fighting-for-peace-in-gaza-should-have-won-nobel-peace-prize-winner/ Finnes det noen fredsprisvinnere som er pro-Israel?
"Israel is planning to launch its expected attack on Iran before the US presidential elections are held on November 5, The Washington Post reported on Monday." Et bra tidspunkt for Trump vil jeg tro.
I 2006 hadde USA fortsatt noen oppe de høyere politiske sfærer som hadde evnen til å svinge seg litt opp, og se tingene ovenfra. Zbigniew Brzezinski ( i 2006 altså ) : "In short, an attack on Iran would be an act of political folly, setting in motion a progressive upheaval in world affairs. With the U.S. increasingly the object of widespread hostility, the era of American preponderance could even come to a premature end. Although the United States is clearly dominant in the world at the moment, it has neither the power nor the domestic inclination to impose and then to sustain its will in the face of protracted and costly resistance. That certainly is the lesson taught by its experiences in Vietnam and Iraq." https://www.latimes.com/la-op-brzezinski23apr23-story.html
"DUBAI, Oct 10 (Reuters) - Gulf states are lobbying Washington to stop Israel from attacking Iran's oil sites because they are concerned their own oil facilities could come under fire from Tehran's proxies if the conflict escalates, three Gulf sources told Reuters. As part of their attempts to avoid being caught in the crossfire, Gulf states including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar are also refusing to let Israel fly over their airspace for any attack on Iran and have conveyed this to Washington, the three sources close to government circles said." https://archive.is/2024.10.10-131833/https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/stop-israel-bombing-irans-oil-sites-gulf-states-urge-us-2024-10-10/ Hvordan skal Israel da nå fram til Iran?
"Israeli defense officials told Haaretz on Sunday that the Israeli government is not seeking to revive ceasefire talks with Hamas and is now pushing for the gradual annexation of large portions of the Gaza Strip." https://news.antiwar.com/2024/10/13/haaretz-israeli-government-done-with-ceasefire-talks-seeks-annexation-of-gaza/#gsc.tab=0
"Zwelivelile Mandela, Nelson Mandela’s grandson, has been forced to cancel a tour of the UK to address a series of pro-Palestine events, after he was refused an entry visa – which South African citizens generally don’t need in any case, for visits of ninety days or less. Mandela also has a diplomatic passport and visa, which should allow free passage, but it has not been honoured. As well as reflecting the Starmer government’s drive to suppress pro-Palestinian speech and reporting on the reality of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, the ban might well contain an element of payback. In May, Mandela condemned then-Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy – now Foreign Secretary – as an ‘apologist for genocide’, after Lammy claimed ridiculously that Nelson Mandela would have condemned the global campus protest movement by students against Israel’s slaughter and maiming of hundreds of thousands of civilians in Gaza. Mandela Sr was an unapologetic supporter of Palestinian human rights, freedom and self-determination." https://skwawkbox.org/2024/10/10/uk-bans-mandela-blocks-uk-tour-in-support-of-palestine/
"Former White House advisor Matthew Brodsky has urged Israel to drop napalm on Irish peacekeepers in South Lebanon, sparking outrage and concern over the ideological stance of individuals advising the US administration on Israel and Palestine." https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20241010-us-former-white-house-advisor-urges-israel-to-carpet-bomb-irish-peacekeepers-in-lebanon/
En journalist som neppe slipper til igjen : ( Talsmann for det hvite hus - Count Smirkula - vil ikke svare. ) "We're sick of this bullshit, you're financing genocide in Gaza." https://x.com/ecomarxi/status/1843730090787779006