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Alt skrevet av UglaSukk

  1. Det ser ikke bra ut for Netanyahu. "Netanyahu brushed off concerns over Hamas ahead of Gaza war, report says. The Channel 12 investigation comes as Netanyahu faces increasing pressure to accept responsibility for the failures of 7 October 2023. The investigation found that Netanyahu received detailed intelligence in 2014 about Hamas’ plans to invade Israel but blocked any significant responses to Hamas fighters’ activities and training near the border with the Gaza Strip." https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/netanyahu-brushed-concerns-over-hamas-leading-gaza-war-report-says
  2. En ting som slår meg er at det vil være umulig å bevise. Selv om man skulle kunne bevise at det ikke fantes noen militant i boligblokken som ble bombet, så er det helt umulig å bevise at Israel ikke trodde at det var en der. Så de har egentlig "carte blanche".
  3. Det de gjør er allerede så galt at det å gjøre det også uten mistanke om noen militant der er bare et ørlite skritt til.
  4. Slo meg da jeg så Dagsrevyen i går at når du kan bombe en boligblokk, og drepe femten tyve sivile for å kanskje få tatt knekken på en militant, og du rettferdiggjør dette med at det svekker Hezbollah, da er det bare et ørlite steg til å bombe slike boligblokker også uten noen militant der, fordi det svekker Hezbollah. Jo færre libanesere, jo mindre har Hezbollah å rutte med. Nord i Gaza virker det som denne taktikken er dominerende.
  5. Er det to diskusjoner som flyter over i hverandre her? 1) Hvordan systemet faktisk er. 2) Hvordan ( man synes ) systemet burde vært.
  6. Sør Afrika har nok fått mye større tro på ICC etter det som har skjedd nå, med arrestordre mot Netanyahu. Det samme med Brasil.
  7. Bedre at hundretusener sulter enn at en håndfull dør? ( Selv om flere titalls dør hver dag, i bombingen. Veldig selektiv innstilling. )
  8. Hvor har du sett dette? Finner ikke noe om det.
  9. Noen som vet hvorfor de helt har sluttet å slippe nødhjelp fra fly over Gaza? Er det fordi Israel har satt foten ned?
  10. Ser at jeg kunne ha droppet den. Mens resten av posten nå blir støttet opp av en fersk artikkel i Financial Times : "How gangsters took over Gaza’s aid routes. Armed thieves who raid UN trucks are acting with Israel’s tacit support, officials say. (...) They stockpile the looted goods in open-air headquarters — seemingly overlooked by Israeli surveillance drones — and resell the supplies via middlemen to destitute Palestinians at prohibitive prices (...) UN officials and Palestinian witnesses said Israel’s permissive attitude towards the gangs was part of a pattern of fuelling competing forces to undermine local authorities. (...) “[Israel] is surveilling us all the time,” he said. “If they wanted to, they could call up Yasser Abu Shabab right now and tell him: don’t you dare steal another truck, or we’ll shoot you. But they don’t, and why do you think that is?” " https://www.ft.com/content/6a039600-d4f3-4aaa-ae0f-e4ca72cf2268
  11. Litt mer om Israels forhold til gjengene som plyndrer lastebilene med nødhjelp som kommer inn i Gaza : "Gangs looting Gaza aid operate in areas under Israeli control, aid groups say. A U.N. memo obtained by The Post concluded that gangs “may be benefiting from a passive if not active benevolence” or “protection” from Israel’s military." https://archive.ph/2024.11.18-225338/https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/11/18/gaza-looting-aid-convoys-israel-famine/ “We have not seen any physical interference from Hamas anywhere in our programs, north or south,” a humanitarian official told the publication. In fact, in some cases, members of Hamas have targeted and attacked the looters; the Post found that many of the gangs are “rivals of Hamas.” Hamas fighters have reportedly levied a new effort to target pillagers this week, and reportedly killed 20 of the looters recently. Some reports have even said that Israeli forces are, in fact, arming the groups, as Gaza journalist Abubaker Abed told Drop Site recently. Abed added that the gangs are operating under the protection of Israeli drones." https://truthout.org/articles/aid-truck-looters-in-gaza-operate-under-israeli-forces-protection-reports-find/ "But Israel is doing much more than merely allowing the looting. It has been arming the gangs for months with western weapons that local resistance groups don’t use, as Muhammad Shehada of human rights group EuroMed Monitor pointed out: ... " https://skwawkbox.org/2024/11/13/israel-arming-criminal-gangs-to-attack-gaza-aid-trucks/
  12. En sannere versjon av hva som skjedde i Amsterdam begynner å komme fram i media : "Amsterdams borgmästare Femke Halsema ångrar att hon använde ordet pogrom för att beskriva vad som hände under sammandrabbningarna för en dryg vecka sedan. – Det kom att användas som propaganda, har hon sagt i nederländsk tv. (...) I samband med att det israeliska laget Maccabi Tel Aviv mötte nederländska Ajax i Europa League på Johan Cruijff Arena i Amsterdam den 7 september utbröt oroligheter på flera platser i staden. Fans till det israeliska laget gick bärsärkargång, brände palestinska flaggor och skanderade rasistiska slagord och kom sedan att attackeras av propalestinska demonstranter som hade samlats i staden." https://www.dn.se/varlden/amsterdam-borgmastare-jag-angrar-att-jag-kallade-det-for-en-pogrom/
  13. Hvid dødstallene israelere/palestinere hadde vært speilvendt/motsatt av hvordan det nå er, ville konflikten da ha fått : 1) halvparten så mye oppmerksomhet? 2) like mye oppmerksomhet ? 3) vesentlig mye mer oppmerksomhet ?
  14. Vet ikke hva jeg skal tro om dette, så jeg poster det her, og får kanskje vite mer. "There was a football match between Israel and France yesterday and this happened at the beginning of the match: a horde of Israeli supporters openly lynched some French supporters in the stands." https://x.com/RnaudBertrand/status/1857243663518372054
  15. Enda en "spiker i kista"? "On the morning that Hamas raided Israel last year, a top Israeli general called his prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to tell him that hundreds of militants appeared to be preparing to invade. Now, aides to the prime minister are under investigation for altering details about that call in the official record of Mr. Netanyahu’s activities that day, according to four officials briefed on the investigation." https://archive.is/2024.11.14-113226/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/14/world/middleeast/netanyahu-israel-leaks-explained.html Visste jo heller ikke at det ble slått alarm allerede under forberedelsene.
  16. Ikke overraskende dette her: "The Israeli military is planning to stay in Gaza through 2025 and is stepping up demolitions and the construction of more permanent military structures, Haaretz reported on Wednesday." ------------- "Israeli quadcopters ( droner ) would ‘pick off civilians’ after bombings says acclaimed British surgeon." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JpEKmDZ0f8 Eller her : https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/gaza-war-british-surgeon-tells-mps-account-nasser-hospital
  17. Dette trenger vel ikke noen kommentar : "America’s Shadow War in Yemen Has Its Own Racist Military Swag A photo of the "Houthi Hunting Club" patch — which disappeared from the Pentagon's website — shows how the U.S. dehumanizes its enemies." https://theintercept.com/2024/11/12/houthi-hunting-club-us-military-racism-dehumanize/
  18. Hvilken bombe : "US Confirms Israel Will Face No Consequences for Not Improving Aid Situation in Gaza. (...) The State Department said it won’t change any policies toward Israel, confirming the letter was nothing more than a pre-election public relations ploy."
  19. Gideon Levy ( Haaretz ) har skrevet om hendelsene i Amsterdam. "The Amsterdam Attack Shows Israelis' Denial of the Reality They Created." Han skriver : "This is another cost of the war in Gaza. The world will hate us for it. Every Israeli abroad will be a target for hatred and violence from now on. That's what happens when you kill almost 20 000 children, carry out ethnic cleansing and destroy the Gaza strip. The world doesn't like those who commit these sort of crimes." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttS8pKwvoII ( 1 mln 40 sek ut )
  20. "The Israeli Army Is Allowing Gangs in Gaza to Loot Aid Trucks and Extort Protection Fees From Drivers." https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-11-11/ty-article/.premium/the-idf-is-allowing-gaza-gangs-to-loot-aid-trucks-and-extort-protection-fees-from-drivers/00000193-17fb-d50e-a3db-57ff16af0000 "‘House of horrors’: Israeli journalist-turned-intel officer confirms widescale torture of Palestinians." https://thegrayzone.com/2024/11/08/israeli-journalist-intel-officer-torture-palestinians/
  21. Fant artikkelen til Y-Net : "As long as the negotiations are not restarted, the problem of the abductees - (...)- will be solved naturally and tragically according to some right-wing ministers. The deaths in captivity of another 20-30 hostages will be swallowed up in the sea of mourning for the fallen soldiers, and then, when public anger is channeled against Hamas, the Israeli leadership will not be in a hurry to withdraw from the Gaza territory that the IDF captured from the terrorist organization - ministers and MKs on the right do not hide their ambitions to establish settlements there." https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/yokra14141680
  22. Tar forbehold om at jeg ikke har sett artikkelen fra Y-Net ennå. "Netanyahu, Smotrich and Ben Gvir are waiting for the hostages to die to ‘justify Gaza land grab’ - Ynet The issue of the hostages in Gaza will be solved 'naturally and tragically,’ according to the Israeli leadership. The right-wing ministers will then use these deaths as further pretext to permanently occupy and ‘establish Jewish settlements’ in Gaza, Ynet added.." https://vk.com/wall754693822_2706
  23. 12 November er... ".. deadline set out by the administration to key Israeli leaders, demanding the improvement of humanitarian conditions in Gaza under the threat of withdrawing military aid. While the State Department acknowledged this week that Israel has so far failed to make any such progress, it has yet to back up its initial warning or outline what the consequences for Israel might be." https://responsiblestatecraft.org/us-letter-israel-aid/ Biden-administrasjonen framstår som hyklere. ( For spesielt interesserte : https://www.bitchute.com/video/EthSjwD8OPdg/ )
  24. "A year late, the Guardian finally permits us to use the term ‘genocide’." https://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/2024-11-08/guardian-permits-term-genocide/ ( Fra artikkelen : "The Guardian is readying its alibi before the dust settles, and the true toll shocks even Israel’s supporters. " )
  25. Det ble linket til Times of Israel tidligere her.
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