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Vanskelig å vite hva man skal tro : "Trump appears to reverse course on Gaza Plan: 'No one is expelling Palestinians' (...) His remarks contrast with his February 4 statement alongside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in which he said, “We will flatten it; 1.8 million need to leave.” " https://www.ynetnews.com/article/bj00mc4j2kx
Må vel nevnes her at USA har hatt direkte samtaler med Hamas for første gang siden 1997. ""Hamas Militants Are Pretty Nice Guys": Trump's Envoy Shocks Israel, Says Washington Acts Alone." https://www.ibtimes.sg/hamas-militants-are-pretty-nice-guys-trumps-envoy-shocks-israel-says-washington-acts-alone-78902
Litt på siden av saken kanskje. Men det kan få betydning etter hvert : "On Friday, Syria's central bank announced that a shipment of local currency had arrived from Russia, where the Syrian lira has been printed for years. The move follows a phone call between Syria’s de facto president Ahmad al-Sharaa and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, and may provide a clue about the future relations between the countries. While the delivery is reportedly part of a contract made before the fall of Bashar al-Assad in December, it could also signal the way Syria’s new rulers will choose to deal with various international political actors while trying to convince western states to lift sanctions imposed on the former government." https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/russia-flies-cash-syria-west-hesitates-sanctions
Så noen som spekulerte : Det at Ocalan nå ber kurderne om å legge ned våpnene, er det en del av en avtale mellom Tyrkia og Israel/USA? Israel/USA gjorde dette for Tyrkia, og til gjengjeld vil Tyrkia tolerere at Israel har tatt områder sørvest i Syria. Høres ganske plausibelt ut.
Rimelig at de ikke vil forhandle med en part som bryter alle inngåtte avtaler : "Iran will not negotiate with the US because it violates agreements. Trump has violated his previous agreements with Mexico and Canada. He is a guarantor for the ceasefire agreements between Israel and Gaza, as well as Lebanon, yet he allows the regime to continue the slaughter." https://x.com/s_m_marandi/status/1896585141801386183
Da ville nok Israel ha vært toast innen få år.
Parodi på Trumps Gaza video : https://www.bitchute.com/video/wCYIHmzsd1xg/ ( Håper det er parodi. )
Post 2 med overskrift : Hvis noen var i tvil : "Nissim Vaturi, the deputy speaker of the Israeli Knesset, has called for all adult men in Gaza to be killed in the latest example of genocidal rhetoric from an Israeli official. “Who is innocent in Gaza? Civilians went out and slaughtered people in cold blood,” Vaturi told Kol BaRama radio. “We need to separate the children and women and kill the adults in Gaza, we are being too considerate.” Vaturi, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, referred to the Palestinians in Gaza as “subhumans” and “scoundrels” and said no one in the world wants to take them in. “The international community understands that the residents of Gaza are not welcome anywhere and is pushing them towards Israel,” he said." https://news.antiwar.com/2025/02/24/deputy-speaker-of-israeli-knesset-says-all-adult-men-in-gaza-should-be-killed/
"Shin Bet arrests two Israeli Jews who drove terrorists to Bat Yam ahead of bus bombings. The two are also charged with attempted murder." https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-843160 Så annetsteds at de to ble omtalt som settlere.
Hvis noen var i tvil : "Israel has dropped leaflets over Gaza, urging Palestinians to cooperate with it or face “forced displacement”, adding that “the world map will not change if all the people of Gaza cease to exist”. The paper, which included a picture of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US President Donald Trump and verses from the Quran, said: “After the events that have taken place, the temporary ceasefire, and before the implementation of Trump’s mandatory plan — which will impose forced displacement upon you whether you accept it or not — we have decided to make one final appeal to those who wish to receive aid in exchange for cooperating with us. We will not hesitate for a moment to provide assistance.” In what may be seen as a threat to the existence of Palestinians in Gaza, the text continues: “The world map will not change if all the people of Gaza cease to exist. No one will feel for you, and no one will ask about you. You have been left alone to face your inevitable fate.” " https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20250220-israel-drops-leaflets-over-gaza-threatening-palestinian-existence-there/
Interessant sitat fra 1937. ( Nei, det er ikke Hitler. ) "I do not admit that the dog in the manger has the final right to the manger, even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit, for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America, or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to those people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher grade race, or, at any rate, a more worldly-wise race, to put it that way, has come in and taken their place." https://palcit.net/article-795-i-do-not-admit-that-the-dog-in-the-manger-has-the-final-right-to-the-manger
Interessant artikkel : "The Israeli army intensively bombarded residential areas in Gaza when it lacked intelligence on the exact location of Hamas commanders hiding underground, and intentionally weaponized toxic byproducts of bombs to suffocate militants in their tunnels, an investigation by +972 Magazine and Local Call can reveal. The investigation, based on conversations with 15 Israeli Military Intelligence and Shin Bet officers who have been involved in tunnel-targeting operations since October 7, exposes how this strategy aimed to compensate for the army’s inability to pinpoint targets in Hamas’ subterranean tunnel network. When targeting senior commanders in the group, the Israeli military authorized the killing of “triple-digit numbers” of Palestinian civilians as “collateral damage,” and maintained close real-time coordination with U.S. officials regarding the expected casualty figures. Some of these strikes, which were the deadliest in the war and often used American bombs, are known to have killed Israeli hostages despite concerns raised ahead of time by military officers. Moreover, the lack of precise intelligence meant that in at least three major strikes, the army dropped several 2,000-pound bunker-buster bombs that killed scores of civilians — part of a strategy known as “tiling” — without succeeding in killing the intended target." https://www.972mag.com/tunnels-hamas-lethal-gas-bombs-gaza/
Hvordan skal dette tolkes? "Director General and designated IDF Chief of Staff Maj.-Gen. (res.) Eyal Zamir" : "Assistance was provided to 5,942 bereaved families and over 15,000 wounded service members." https://www.jns.org/israeli-defense-ministry-showcases-war-achievements/ Ser noen tolker det som at 5942 soldater har blitt drept. Men er skeptisk. Det virker veldig mye.
Takk for bra forslag. Men det er nok ikke slik. Jeg fant nemlig video fra "Absolutely live", og den går :"She gets....She gets... " etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6dw44jm9y0 Men det du sa om singel-versjon kan være forklaringen. At singel-versjonen var forskjellig fra album-versjonen, og gikk : "She get high. She get high" etc. Så takk for befriende tanke.
The Doors, "Break on through" I to versjoner. Versjon 1 : "She gets... She gets.... She gets....She gets high" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdnzBNMfZfo Versjon 2 : "She get high. She get high. She get high. She get high" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdnzBNMfZfo Jeg hadde plata en gang i tiden. Og jeg husker versjon 1. Er det noen som har plata, og kan bekrefte at jeg husker riktig?
Julia Sebutinde sto alene om å avvise Sør-Afrikas folkemordsak mot Israel ved Den internasjonale domstolen. Nå er hun domstolens nye president og den ugandiske dommeren antyder at hennes motiver for å beskytte Israel kan finnes i Det gamle testamente. https://x.com/TheGrayzoneNews/status/1882864843289723355
Det er komplisert. "Ukrainian Trained, Turkish Sponsored Syrian Rebels Lead Assault on Aleppo. (...) According to reports on some Islamist social media sites, the rebel groups based in the Idlib region – which is said to include members of the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP) – had received operational training from special forces troops from the Khimik group of Ukraine’s Main Intelligence Directorate (HUR). The training team focused on tactics developed during the war in Ukraine, including on the use of drones. (..) The head of the HUR, Major General Kyrylo Budanov, said in an interview in May 2023 after reports that Ukrainian forces were operating against Russian contractors abroad: “We will keep killing Russians anywhere and everywhere until the complete victory of Ukraine.” " https://www.kyivpost.com/post/43117
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"Former defense minister Moshe "Bogie" Ya’alon stirred controversy in an interview with Lucy Aharish on DemocratTV on Saturday, saying, “We are being dragged into annexation and ethnic cleansing in the Gaza Strip.” During the interview, Ya'alon elaborated: “The path we are currently being led down involves conquering, annexing, and ethnic cleansing. Look at the northern Gaza Strip—transfer, call it whatever you want—and establish Jewish settlements. That’s the reality. " https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-831374
Merkelig at dette er så vanskelig å finne en klar melding om. A.I. - siden her gir ikke noe klart svar, annet enn dette; "...women and children accounting for more than 900 of the dead." https://search.brave.com/search?q=how+many+lebanese+civilians%2C+an+how+many+Hezbollah+fightershave+been+killed+in+the+Israel%2FHezbollah+war+this+year%3F&source=llmSuggest&summary=1&conversation=f553149d94f708e27a5ce4 Kanskje kommer vi ikke nærmere.
"Reuters has cited Hezbollah and Lebanese sources to say that Hezbollah believes the number of its fighters killed by Israel over the last year of fighting could be as high as 4,000." https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/hezbollah-believes-it-lost-4000-fighters-killed-far-surpassing-2006-war Vet ikke om dette må tolkes slik at tallet 3700 var ikke et tall som innbefattet Hezbollah-krigere. At det var andre.
Et israelsk nettsted har en artikkel om demotiverte israelske soldater. Kanskje noe av grunnen til at våpenhvile ble en nødvendighet for Netanyahu. "We don't understand what we're doing here": from the army to the commando brigade, from Givati to the paratroopers - more and more fighters, from all the infantry units, testify that the erosion and opacity of the IDF left them no choice but to refuse ." https://www.ha-makom.co.il/idf-droppings/
"AMMAN (Reuters) - Jordanian military planes dropped aid to northern Gaza on Tuesday for the first time in five months to help relieve the dire humanitarian situation in the enclave, the army said." https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-11-26/jordan-airdrops-aid-to-northern-gaza-for-first-time-in-five-months-official-source Artikkelen sier ikke noe om hvorfor det har vært opphold i fem måneder. Kanskje er det en del av våpenhvile-avtalen at Israel skal tillate flydropp?
HRW konkluderer at bombingen som drepte tre journalister i oktober ikke var noe uhell. "HRW: Israel Deliberately Killed Three Journalists in Lebanon With US Bomb The strike targeted a resort where over a dozen journalists were staying. Human Rights Watch said in a report on Monday that an Israeli airstrike in Lebanon that killed three journalists and injured four others was most likely a deliberate attack on civilians and a war crime that was carried out using a US-provided weapon."
Kan du fortelle meg hvem som har blitt drept på libanesisk side? Jeg vet ikke om tallet 3700 innbefatter Hezbollahkrigere som blir drept i kamper. Tar Hezbollah med seg drepte krigere inn til byen, og får dem registrert av libanesiske helsemyndigeter?
Fra artikkelen : "Ifølge helsemyndighetene har nesten 3700 mennesker i Libanon blitt drept i krigen mellom Israel og Hizbollah." De sier ikke noe om hvor mange israelere som er drept av Hezbollah. Er det fordi det er veldig mange færre?