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  1. Interessant å få litt innblikk i hvor det er litt hjerneceller å finne : "Vice President JD Vance cautioned against bombing Yemen before the US restarted its airstrikes on the country, calling it a “mistake,” and suggested delaying the attack by one month, according to a leaked Signal conversation between administration officials." https://news.antiwar.com/2025/03/24/vance-cautioned-against-bombing-yemen-calling-it-a-mistake/
  2. Jeg søkte etter "With a little help from my friends/ cover". Jeg sjekket ut de fem første ( som ikke var Joe Cocker ), og i fire av dem ble det sunget "what would you do..." Så kom det en versjon spilt inn av Ringo Starr med band. Der også : "what would you do...." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19C5l_keLJU
  3. Er på vei ut. Men fant akkurat ut at Joe Cocker sang :"What would you do..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItavqJqq45k
  4. Det må nesten finnes en forklaring på at jeg husker så feil. Forskjellige versjoner ?
  5. Når jeg søker på "Beatles / With a little help from my friends", får jeg opp : "What would you think if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me?" https://duckduckgo.com/?q=with+a+little+help+from+my+friends+beatles+lyrics&t=euandroid&chrome_dse_attribution=1&ia=web Men det jeg husker er : "What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me?" Så jeg søkte på videoer : https://duckduckgo.com/?q=with+a+little+help+from+my+friends+beatles+lyrics&t=euandroid&chrome_dse_attribution=1&iax=videos&ia=videos Og så er det altså slik at Beatles synger "think". Er det flere enn meg som ikke får det til å stemme? At det absolutt var "do"?
  6. Tilbakeblikk: "In a May 2024 interview with podcaster Tim Pool, then-candidate Donald Trump criticized President Joe Biden's approach to Yemen, stating that bombing Yemen was "just a failed mentality" and that problems could be solved over the telephone without resorting to dropping bombs." https://search.brave.com/search?q=when+biden+bombed+yemen+Trump+said+that+it+was+foolish%2C+and+that+he+would+have+solved+it+with+a+phone+call.+is+this+correct%3F&source=llmSuggest&summary=1&conversation=f02d618c0fe5350c85fec0
  7. Jonathan Pollard satt fengslet i tretti år i USA for å ha spionert for Israel. Nå spekulerer han på om israelske myndigheter var "responsible" for 7. Oktober. https://rumble.com/v6qs9yo-israeli-spy-and-american-traitor-jonathan-pollard-calls-the-oct.-7th-attack.html
  8. "President Trump on Wednesday threatened Yemen’s Houthis, saying they will be “totally annihilated” by the US bombing campaign on Yemen, and issued a new warning to Iran." https://news.antiwar.com/2025/03/19/trump-threatens-yemens-houthis-with-total-annihilation/ "Israeli Defense Minister Threatens ‘Residents of Gaza’ With ‘Utter Destruction and Devastation." https://news.antiwar.com/2025/03/19/israeli-defense-minister-threatens-residents-of-gaza-with-utter-destruction-and-devastation/ Hvordan var det slagordet, "Make Insanity Cool Again"?
  9. Et lite tilbakeblikk til 19. januar : "On Saturday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he was given assurances by both President Biden and President-elect Donald Trump that he could resume military operations in Gaza after the first phase of the ceasefire deal if he chooses to do so." https://news.antiwar.com/2025/01/19/netanyahu-says-us-gave-guarantee-that-he-can-restart-military-operations-in-gaza/ Og nå forteller Smotrich at planen var hele tiden å bryte avtalen : "When the Gaza ceasefire deal was first reached, Smotrich said he received assurances from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the full deal wouldn’t be implemented. He said Netanyahu vowed that Israel would restart military operations after the first phase of the ceasefire with the goal of taking over the entire Gaza Strip." https://news.antiwar.com/2025/03/18/smotrich-says-israel-has-been-planning-resumption-of-gaza-slaughter-since-new-idf-chief-took-over/
  10. Og nå dette : "Israel and US said in contact with Sudan, Somalia about resettling Gazans. Officials say approaches also made to breakaway region of Somaliland. Sudanese, Somali and Somaliland officials says proposal rejected." https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-and-us-said-in-contact-with-sudan-somalia-about-resettling-gazans/
  11. Vanskelig å vite hva man skal tro : "Trump appears to reverse course on Gaza Plan: 'No one is expelling Palestinians' (...) His remarks contrast with his February 4 statement alongside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in which he said, “We will flatten it; 1.8 million need to leave.” " https://www.ynetnews.com/article/bj00mc4j2kx
  12. Må vel nevnes her at USA har hatt direkte samtaler med Hamas for første gang siden 1997. ""Hamas Militants Are Pretty Nice Guys": Trump's Envoy Shocks Israel, Says Washington Acts Alone." https://www.ibtimes.sg/hamas-militants-are-pretty-nice-guys-trumps-envoy-shocks-israel-says-washington-acts-alone-78902
  13. Litt på siden av saken kanskje. Men det kan få betydning etter hvert : "On Friday, Syria's central bank announced that a shipment of local currency had arrived from Russia, where the Syrian lira has been printed for years. The move follows a phone call between Syria’s de facto president Ahmad al-Sharaa and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, and may provide a clue about the future relations between the countries. While the delivery is reportedly part of a contract made before the fall of Bashar al-Assad in December, it could also signal the way Syria’s new rulers will choose to deal with various international political actors while trying to convince western states to lift sanctions imposed on the former government." https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/russia-flies-cash-syria-west-hesitates-sanctions
  14. Så noen som spekulerte : Det at Ocalan nå ber kurderne om å legge ned våpnene, er det en del av en avtale mellom Tyrkia og Israel/USA? Israel/USA gjorde dette for Tyrkia, og til gjengjeld vil Tyrkia tolerere at Israel har tatt områder sørvest i Syria. Høres ganske plausibelt ut.
  15. Rimelig at de ikke vil forhandle med en part som bryter alle inngåtte avtaler : "Iran will not negotiate with the US because it violates agreements. Trump has violated his previous agreements with Mexico and Canada. He is a guarantor for the ceasefire agreements between Israel and Gaza, as well as Lebanon, yet he allows the regime to continue the slaughter." https://x.com/s_m_marandi/status/1896585141801386183
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