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Innlegg skrevet av Tbau5

  1. Den var nokså skremmende I denne barnehagen skulle småunger lære å spille rockemusikk. Greit nok det, men da vi fikk se musikklæreren — en mannlig barnehageassistent — med svære tatoveringer, gikk det kaldt nedetter ryggen på meg. Svære tatoveringer, samt svartmaling i ansiktet.



  2. Death Knights


    All players with a level 55 character will be able to create one Death Knight per realm, per account. (Gamespy.com)


    Blizzard's designers decided to start the class with a full complement of abilities right off the bat, figuring that any player that has advanced a character to level 55 would be able to learn to handle the new class with minimal difficulty. (Gamespy.com)


    Death Knights will have a summonable Skeletal Deatcharger Mount. (Gamespy.com)


    Death Knights aren't using Mana or Energy, the runes are their primary source of power and are slotted into their "blade," which lies underneath their health bar as a visual indicator of what resources are available to the player at any given moment. (Gamespy.com)


    Spent runes automatically refresh after a set period of time, much like a Rogue's energy bar. (Gamespy.com)


    There are six slots in the blade, and the player is free to fill those slots with any given number of Blood, Unholy or Frost runes. (Gamespy.com)


    Death Knights also have a secondary resource called Runic Power generated by using your rune abilities. It will use the same mechanics as rage and increase when you deal damage, or slowly decrease if you're not using it. (Gamespy.com)


    Death Knights will have a lot of abilities that cost all available Runic Power with varying levels of effectiveness based on total Runic Power spent. (Same mechanics as Execute for warriors, or finishing moves for Rogues) (Gamespy.com)


    Death Knights will have spells equivalent to auras called "Presence", providing them with powerful self-buffs depending on their role in the group. (One for tanking, one for damage dealing, etc ...) (Gamespy.com)


    An instant lifedrain spell (described as death coil without the fear component) will be available. (Gamespy.com)


    Death Knights will be the first class to use diseases as a source of damage, with abilities that become strong depending on how many diseases are already applied to the target. (Gamespy.com)


    "Army of the Dead" will spawn numerous undead minions to attack nearby hostiles targets. (Gamespy.com)


    Death Knights will also revive an enemy (or ally) as a ghoul to use it as a pet with its own special abilities like a disease-inflicting strike and a stun. (Gamespy.com)


    When an ally is risen as a ghoul, a pop-up will appear and this ally will have the choice to control the ghoul if he wants to. (Gamespy.com)


    The Death Knight's particular niche will be in tanking magic-damage-dealing bosses. They will have an ability much like a banshee's anti-magic shell, greatly diminishing the amount of incoming magic damage they'll receive in combat (Gamespy.com)




    Death Knight Skills


    Death Coil -- Depletes all Runic Power, dealing 600 damage to a non-Undead target, or healing 900 damage on a friendly target. (Curse.com)


    Death Grip -- This is the Death Knight's "taunt" ability. It also pulls the target to the Death Knight, forcing them to attack the Death Knight for a short amount of time. Yes, I said pulls the target; Blizzard is going to allow players to move mobs in the expansion both with Death Grip, and other knockback/pull abilities. This works on players too, so PvP balance ahoy! (Curse.com)


    Chains of Ice -- Roots the target in place. When the spell fades, it places a snare on the target that reduces in potency as the duration runs out. (Curse.com)


    Death Pact -- Sacrifices the raised ghouls to heal the Death Knight. (Curse.com)


    Death and Decay -- Targeted, AoE Damage-over-time which pulses similar to the Paladin spell Consecration. Anyone affected by Death and Decay has a chance to be feared. (Curse.com)


    Frost Presence -- Increases Armor by 45% and allows the Death Knight to generate 25% more threat. Only one presence can be active at any time. (Curse.com)


    Unholy Presence -- Increases Attack Speed and Movement speed by 15%. Only one presence can be active at any time. This was described by Tom Chilton as the "PvP" presence. (Curse.com)


    Anti-magic Shield -- Reduces the damage of the next magical spell cast on the Death Knight by 75%. It also converts the damage reduced into Runic Power. (Curse.com)


    Strangulate -- Depletes all Runic Power, dealing minor damage and silencing the target for up to 5 seconds. (Curse.com)


    Summon Deathcharger -- Allows the Death Knight to summon a Deathcharger mount. This mount is acquired through quests, similar to the Paladin and Warlock land mounts. (Curse.com)


    Raise Dead -- Raises a nearby corpse to fight for the Death Knight for 2 minutes. If used on a player corpse, the player has the option to play as the ghoul for the duration -- gaining access to the ghoul's abilities. (Curse.com)


    The ghoul has the ability to do the following:


    Leap to the target


    Rend for decent damage-over-time


    Stun target, and of course more



    Stoppa å levle roguen min akkurat nuh! xD


    Visst faen skal jeg ha meg en Death Knigth!


    Det er lenge til WOTLK kommer og uansett så må du gjøre en quest chain på høyere level for å lage en.


    By the way. DEATH AND DECAY ER FOR WARLOCKS111!1!!!!!11!!

    "All players with a level 55 character will be able to create one Death Knight per realm, per account. (Gamespy.com)"

  3. "Men hvorfor i all videste verden skal man prøve å "anonymisere" et produktnavn i en tekst når det er produktet det omhandler? Det skaper jo ingen mening!"



    Hvis det kjennes ut som en spade, ser ut som en spade, er det sikkert en spade også. Hvorfor kalle det noe annet enn en spade?

  4. Og videre er det selvsagt lov å bruke sunn fornuft i omtale av produktnavn, også i Hardware-nettverket :)
    Hvorfor har dere innført denne ordningen da?


    Argh, beat me to it.


    Edit: Godt poeng av goodkat her. Er jo produkter det er snakk om her, kan sikkert føre til forvirring når dere ikke skriver det slik butikker/produsent gjør.

  5. Ja ja. Mitt første Kara raid nå. Starter på Curator. Min pvp specca mage med 540 i spelldmg fikk lov til å være med og alting :p


    Har ikke empowered frostbolts engang, så dette blir spennende :fun:


    Noen tips til meg? Jeg har omen addonen, så det tipset har jeg fått med meg :)


    Ikke spring under flame wreath.

  6. Hva med Grand Theft Auto IV? Her er det tydeligvis snakk om Grand Theft Autos fjerde utgave, men dere skriver samtidig Strategic Command 2, er det ikke påtide å bli mer konsekvente?


    Jeg synes ærlig talt det er lettere å lese når merkenavn står slik vi er vant til å se dem (GeForce). Fikk så fint forklart hvordan hjernen funker ang. lesing tidligere i tråden. Kanskje HW-gutta, sorry, maskinvareguttene bør ta seg en kikk på det samme innlegget?


    Edit: Trailer: Hail To The Chimp #8, enda en variant, jeg er forvirret!

  7. Artig å se at andre trener kyokushin-kai karate her, trener selv i Nidaros Kyokushinkai Karateklubb. Har selv kun holdt på i litt under et år, men trives utrolig godt med kampsporten min. Tok ikke lang tid før jeg investerte i en punch bag for hjemmebruk! Motivasjonen min for å gå på karate er å konkurrere i kamp, men det er noen år fram i tid.


    Etter å ha sett på Fight Quest må jeg si at det finnes utrolig mange spennende stiler rundt om i verden, er mye rart som frister.

  8. Synes folk skal gå med norske flagg, det er Norge vi feirer. Jeg skal ikke nekte noen å bære noe annet, men jeg hadde blitt litt støtt hvis noen gjorde det, folkedrakter er en annen sak, der er det fritt fram for min del!


    Edit: Fikset liten "n".


    Et tankekors: Tror ikke du hadde vært populær hvis du flagget med svensk flagg på 17. mai 1906 f.eks. Eller et tysk flagg 17. mai 1945.

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