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  1. Vi vet vel mer de nærmeste dagene. Dette er vel strengt akkurat som forventet? At russerne før eller siden ville føle seg presset til å forsøke å gjenerobre okkuperte områder i russland? Mao, dette er neppe et sjokk for Ukraina og vi må nesten forvente at de har en plan og tar dette med fatning. 

    Det ser jo ellers ut til at russerne skal få mer enn nok å fokusere på fremover mtp at det virker som at det endelig blir en endring på bruk av long range missiler inne i russland. Så får vi bare krysse fingrene for at ikke Biden i ren desperasjon fordi han ikke stiller til gjenvalg forsøker å gjøre noe meningsløst bare fordi han ennå kan. 

    • Liker 4
  2. 4 hours ago, Kahuna said:
    16 hours ago, Cervinus said:

    Å lokke noen til et land på grunn av lave skatter og så viser det seg at det ikke blir slik allikevel er det man normalt kaller svindel og dette blir nok lagt merke til «over there». Irland/EU = ikke til å stole på.

    Operere innen EU med særs lave skatter? Det er et sånt 'for godt til å være sant'-opplegg. Så lenge det er voksne folk på jobb i Apple så *burde* de skjønt at det var en overhengende risiko for at dette ikke kom til å stå seg over tid. 

    Store internasjonale selskaper er selvfølgelig svært lite interessert i å betale skatt og bruker gjerne penger på å sutre til egne politikere..


    Han tenkte vel på Irland, og hvordan en rekke globale selskaper hadde avdelinger i Irland for å spare skatt. Kreativ bokføring feks hos en rekke IT selskaper gjorde at de kunne sluse overskudd opptjent i andre land til Irland for en langt lavere skatt. De kalte det lisenser, eller internfakturering om de ikke kunne kalle det lisensavgift. Jeg husker ikke i farten hva skattesatsen var, men kanskje 12% for de med avdeling i Irland? Så selv om de hadde avdelinger i andre land betalte de nesten ikke skatt der. Og bare en liten sum til Irland. Og det er jo skatteparadiser som er langt med gavemilde mot globale aktører enn Irland var. 

    Dette blir OT så om du ikke vil lese mine tanker om dette skal du slippe. Eller du kan klikke på spoileren. Ditt valg. 


    Hm. Dette kunne vi kanskje laget en egen tråd om? For dette er et svært alvorlig tema, og globale selskaper har via skattetilpasning, kreative selskapskonstruksjoner og internfakturering som i noen tilfeller også bryter lover og regler sluppet unna å bidra til fellesskapet i særlig grad i alt for lang tid. Faktisk har de holdt på slik i over 100 år. Og jo mer skatt de sparer og stikker unna i skatteparadiser jo mer av skattebyrden blir lagt på vanlige folk med vanlige inntekter. Og jo mer skatt de sparer og gjemmer unna, jo mer politisk velvilje kan de kjøpe seg. Dermed blir de rike langt rikere. 

    Men globale selskaper de vet å forlange når de vurderer å etablere seg i land de ikke har hatt avdelinger i, eller om de feks vil etablere fabrikker der. Da er det ikke måte på hva de krever. Ny infrastruktur, feks oppgraderte veier, skinner, fiberkabler, eller havner. Gjerne i kombinasjon med garanti om unike fordeler i flere tiår fremover. Men betale for seg, det vil de ikke. Overskuddet sluses rett til selskapets skatteparadis-kontor. Ta feks Google, Face og Microsoft. Knapper og glansbilder av dere inntekter i Norge blir til skatt i Norge, eller noe annet land. 

    Det er på høy tid at vi gjør noe med skattemodellen slik at alle bidrar. Hvorfor skal feks et lite malerfirma betale en høyere andel skatt enn globale selskaper? Samfunn eksisterer basert på at vi alle bidrar med noe. Vi må få en slutt på at globale selskaper med en armada av smarte skattejurister sniker seg unna skatten. Jeg sier ikke at vi skal flå noen eller skal skatte ihjel selskaper. Jeg sier vi må sørge for at alle selskaper har mer likeverdige vilkår og at alle bidrar til fellesskapet basert på inntjening. 

    For selv de største skattesnikerne av globale selskaper trenger politisk stabilitet, de trenger at infrastruktur virker til enhver tid og de trenger skolerte mennesker i arbeid. Og det skal vi naturligvis tilby, men selv globale kjemper må ta sin del av det direkte ansvaret og betale skatt der pengene tjenes. Jeg er drittlei å høre argumenter om at "jommen de bidrar indirekte via arbeidernes skatt". Ja det gjør de. Men de må også bidra av nettoen. Slik alle andre må. Da har vi samfunn som fungerer. For alle. 


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  3. 48 minutes ago, Kjell Iver said:

    Jeg setter pris på disse AI sammendragene.

    Bakdelen er at de som produserer disse videoene får på en måte mindre views, og mindre likes og mindre følgere, samt mindre reklameinntekter. Kunne det ikke vært en ide å tatt med en epistel om å støtte videoprodusenten eller vise teksten de selv velger å skrive i en spoiler?

    Tanken er god den, men litt ansvar får vel hver enkelt ta helt selv? 
    Jeg bruker sammendraget primært av 2 årsaker. Det ene er at folk kan titte raskt på sammendraget og se om de tenker videoen er verdt å se, det andre er at det er mange kampanjer mot youtubere som ikke er pro-russiske som får tatt ned videoer pga falske anklager. Det er rett som det er de siste måneder at vi har sett videoer som postes forsvinner, da er det greit å kunne lese sammendraget. 

    Mao, om folk setter pris på vidoen, enten at de ser/lytter til den eller skummer gjennom sammendraget og liker det så får nesten hver enkelt ta det ansvaret å klikke liker eller donere. 

    Når jeg ber andre om å huske donasjoner velger jeg å fokusere på donasjoner til Ukraina. Det er tross alt viktigst. Men naturligvis er det også viktig å støtte de youtubere en føler er verdt støtten, men det lar jeg bli hvermansens ansvar. 

    • Liker 2
    • Innsiktsfullt 7


    AI sammendrag:



    Summary of Military Updates Near Vuhledar and Vodiane, Ukraine

    1. High-Casualty Russian Assaults Near Vodiane:

      • Russian forces have launched a series of brutal "meat wave" assaults on Vodiane, near Vuhledar. These attacks are characterized by waves of soldiers advancing over the bodies of their fallen comrades, in what appears to be a desperate and costly strategy. This tactic has left military analysts questioning how long Russia can sustain such high losses before their gains are reversed.
    2. Shift in Russian Strategy:

      • Previously, Russian forces relied on direct frontal assaults, but they have now shifted to an encirclement strategy. They are launching coordinated offensives from the south and northeast of Vuhledar, with their northern push aimed at capturing the town of Vodiane. Securing this location would allow them to advance towards the South Donbas coal mine, a key strategic objective.
    3. Russian Assault Tactics:

      • Recent footage shows intense Russian assaults on Vodiane, including a disastrous motorcycle assault where around ten motorcycles advanced, resulting in high casualties due to a lack of protection. Despite these high-risk strategies, Russian forces continue to push forward using saturation tactics, sending waves of infantry despite repeated failures.
    4. "Meat Wave" Attacks:

      • In these "meat wave" tactics, Russian troops are seen advancing under heavy mortar fire, stepping over the bodies of their comrades. This overwhelming number of attackers enables small groups to make incremental advances despite Ukrainian defenses. Survivors regroup in tree lines and dugouts, slowly moving forward as reinforcements bolster their numbers.
    5. Geolocated Footage and Russian Advances:

      • Visual evidence confirms that Russian forces have penetrated the northern residential area of Vodiane and are advancing towards the South Donbas coal mine. The geolocated images validate that Russian troops have established a foothold in this critical zone.
    6. Strategic Importance of South Donbas Coal Mine:

      • The next target for Russian forces is the South Donbas coal mine, which lies on higher ground. This elevation, combined with fortified buildings, gives Ukrainian defenders a significant advantage. While Russian forces managed to capture Vodiane, they now face a much tougher challenge, as the terrain and defensive infrastructure at the coal mine make it a more formidable objective.
    7. Challenges for Russian Forces:

      • Despite localized gains, military analysts argue that Russian forces may struggle to maintain momentum across eastern Ukraine. They are under increasing pressure from Ukrainian counterattacks and operations in Donetsk Oblast and Kursk Oblast. This pressure, combined with Russia's heavy losses, suggests that their offensives may culminate soon, weakening their ability to continue pushing forward.
    8. Signs of Operational Exhaustion:

      • Evidence of operational exhaustion is already seen in the Pokrovsk direction, where Russian forces have failed to make territorial gains over the past week and have depleted their reserves. This stagnation highlights the limitations of Russia's current offensive strategy and suggests that similar culmination points could emerge in other areas like Vuhledar.
    9. Potential for Ukrainian Counterattacks:

      • With Russian forces facing increased pressure on multiple fronts, the potential for Ukrainian counterattacks grows. If Russian capabilities weaken, Ukrainian forces may take advantage of these vulnerabilities in the coming weeks.


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    AI sammendrag:


    Summary of Video: Thoughts on the U.S. Presidential Debate and Ukraine-Russia Conflict

    1. Debate Overview:

      • The video begins by discussing the general public reaction to the U.S. presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. The focus is on Trump’s performance, where he appeared angry and confused, failing to engage directly with Harris, while Harris was more interactive and engaged, looking stronger in comparison. The video also highlights how the internet was quick to produce memes mocking Trump’s demeanor, including comparisons to the "old man yells at cloud" meme from The Simpsons.
    2. Viral Soundbite – "Eating Cats and Dogs":

      • A key moment from the debate that went viral was Trump’s claim that in Springfield, Ohio, immigrants were allegedly eating pets (cats and dogs). The moderators had to fact-check him, clarifying that there was no evidence supporting this claim. The presenter of the video ridicules this comment, emphasizing how the story was debunked by local authorities but still spread online, leading to jokes and memes.
    3. Transgender Operation Claim:

      • Another outlandish statement from Trump involved the claim that transgender surgeries were being performed on illegal immigrants in U.S. prisons. The presenter mocks this, calling it a bizarre combination of ideas, much like something from the game Cards Against Humanity.
    4. Russia-Ukraine War Question:

      • The presenter focuses on a critical moment in the debate when Trump was asked whether he wanted Ukraine to win the war. Trump’s response was vague, saying he wanted the war to stop to save lives but did not explicitly state support for Ukraine. Trump falsely claimed that millions of people had died in the conflict, even though the actual figure is closer to hundreds of thousands.
    5. Exaggeration of U.S. Aid to Ukraine:

      • Trump also falsely claimed that the U.S. had provided $250 billion in aid to Ukraine, and later increased that number to $275 billion during the debate. The actual figure is significantly lower, and much of the allocated money stays within the U.S. defense industry. Additionally, Trump falsely claimed that Europe was not contributing enough aid to Ukraine compared to the U.S., ignoring Europe’s significant financial and humanitarian contributions.
    6. Trump’s Relationship with Putin:

      • Trump bragged about his good relationship with Vladimir Putin, saying that Putin respected him. The presenter criticizes this, pointing out that having a good relationship with a genocidal dictator is not something to boast about. Trump also falsely suggested that President Biden had not communicated with Putin in years, though this was quickly refuted.
    7. Trump’s Meeting with Putin:

      • The video notes that Trump mentioned meeting Putin after leaving office, which had not been publicly reported before. The presenter raises doubts, either suggesting that Trump is lying or revealing information that had been previously kept secret.
    8. World War III Fearmongering:

      • The presenter discusses how Trump used fearmongering tactics, suggesting that continued support for Ukraine would lead to World War III. This aligns with Russian propaganda, which tries to instill fear in Western nations to discourage them from supporting Ukraine.
    9. Harris’s Defense of Ukraine:

      • In contrast, Kamala Harris strongly defended Ukraine, emphasizing the need for continued U.S. and NATO support to prevent Russia from advancing further into Europe. Harris made a point to reach out to Polish Americans, warning of the dangers if Russia were allowed to invade more territories, including Poland.
    10. Endorsement by Viktor Orban:

      • Trump cited Viktor Orban, Hungary’s controversial leader, as one of his key supporters, calling Orban "one of the most respected men." The presenter criticizes this, noting that Orban is disliked in Europe for his autocratic rule and strong ties to Russia, which makes Trump’s endorsement by Orban a negative point.
    11. Final Thoughts:

    • The video concludes by stating that Harris had a strong debate performance, while Trump’s night was disastrous, especially in relation to his comments about Ukraine. The presenter acknowledges that the debate likely won’t change many minds, given how polarized opinions about Trump already are. They emphasize that voter turnout will be the key to determining the election's outcome, and reaffirm their strong support for Ukraine, criticizing Trump for his lies and admiration of dictators like Putin and Orban.


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    AI sammendrag:


    Summary of the Video:

    The video provides a comprehensive update on the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia, particularly focusing on recent military developments in the Kharkiv Oblast.

    1. Russian Counterattack in Kharkiv:

      • The video begins by discussing a significant Russian counteroffensive in the Kharkiv region. The Russians launched a large-scale attack aiming to regain control of specific areas, notably six villages. However, Ukraine has also prepared for this attack and may have started a counteroffensive of its own in response. Ukrainian forces have been strategically positioned to potentially encircle Russian troops.
    2. Ukrainian Countermeasures:

      • Despite Russia's push, Ukraine has been striking back by targeting Russian supply lines and disrupting the movement of troops across rivers. Ukrainian forces are reportedly destroying pontoon bridges set up by the Russians, which weakens the supply lines to the Russian troops.
    3. Ongoing Clashes:

      • There are ongoing clashes at multiple points along the front lines, but the outcome of these skirmishes remains unclear. Both sides have reported advancements, but Ukrainian forces were sighted far beyond the previous front lines, signaling a potential shift in momentum. Pro-Russian channels are reporting on these movements, heightening tensions.
    4. Ukrainian Offensives in Belgorod Oblast:

      • The video also touches on potential Ukrainian offensives targeting Belgorod, inside Russian territory. Reports from pro-Russian sources claim that Ukrainian forces are pushing into two villages in the Belgorod region, though these claims are unconfirmed. This could be part of a broader Ukrainian strategy to spread Russian forces thin by attacking multiple locations.
    5. Russian Successes and Setbacks:

      • The Ahmad Battalion Commander, a Russian military leader, claims that Russian forces have "liberated" ten settlements in the Kharkiv region, though the video's presenter disputes the credibility of this report. The Russian military has suffered significant losses, particularly in armor, as evidenced by images of destroyed tanks and FPV drones hitting Russian vehicles.
    6. International Support for Ukraine:

      • The United States and the United Kingdom are preparing to provide Ukraine with long-range missiles. These weapons, such as the Storm Shadow cruise missiles and possibly the AGM-158 launched from F-16s, could change the course of the war. This approval is seen as a response to Russia receiving weapons from Iran and North Korea. The video suggests that Russia may not react aggressively to this new development, as their forces are already stretched thin.
    7. Impact of Long-Range Missiles:

      • Ukraine is expected to target Russian logistics and infrastructure with the new missiles, which would give them the ability to strike deeper into Russian territory. This could disrupt Russian resupply efforts and potentially shift the balance in favor of Ukraine in key areas, such as Crimea.
    8. Ukrainian Successes in the Black Sea:

      • Ukrainian forces have also made progress in the Black Sea, seizing control of several gas platforms. During the operation, Ukrainian soldiers shot down a Russian Su-24 jet using MANPADS (Man-Portable Air-Defense Systems). This success is a major achievement for Ukraine, disrupting Russia’s control in the region.
    9. Internal Russian Issues:

      • The video ends with a bizarre story about two Russian schoolchildren allegedly burning down two Mi-8 helicopters at a Russian airbase. This event, reportedly coordinated through Telegram, highlights the internal problems Russia faces, including dissent and sabotage.
    10. U.S. Political Debates:

    • Towards the end, the video shifts to discussing the recent U.S. presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. The video critiques Trump’s stance on the Ukraine war, implying that if he were president, he might have allowed Russia to take over Kyiv. On the other hand, Harris is praised for her strong performance in the debate and her commitment to Ukraine’s defense. The presenter discusses how Trump’s rhetoric is focused on immigration and criticizing Democrats rather than providing concrete answers on the Ukraine issue.
    1. Celebrity Influence:
    • The video also touches on the influence of Taylor Swift, who publicly endorsed Kamala Harris in the debate, which could sway public opinion, especially among younger voters. Swift’s massive following on social media gives her significant influence in American politics.
    1. Closing Thoughts:
    • The video wraps up with a personal opinion from the presenter, stating support for Harris based on her strong stance on Ukraine and her performance in the debate. There is also a brief comment about the risks of escalation from Russia, but the presenter seems confident that the new U.S. weapons will play a crucial role in turning the tide for Ukraine.


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  7. On 15.8.2024 at 8:19 PM, JK22 said:

    Minst 160 Slinger våpensystemer leveres til Ukraina siden høsten 2023, men de kan ikke settes inn som feltluftvern fordi de har for kort rekkevidde og er montert på sårbare kjøretøyer samtidig som disse stort sett er ment for Shahed-trusselen dypt inn i Russland. Selv Gepard luftvernskytskjøretøyer kan ikke settes inn fordi de vil ikke kunne reagere tidsnok - Lancet-trusselen betyr i realiteten at alle kjøretøyer med antidronevåpensystem er meget sterkt sårbart når det er et meget stort behov for dem i møte med Shahed-trusselen.


    Det ser ut til at du tar feil her @JK22. Såvidt jeg kan se etter litt søking nå så ble avtalen om Slinger til Ukraina klar i august 2023. Løftet om Slinger ble gitt for ca et år siden, men ingen Slinger er blitt sendt såvidt jeg kan se. Ukraina har dermed ikke noen erfaring fra bruken av Slinger. Korriger meg gjerne om jeg tar feil her. 

    Ennå virker det ikke som en eneste av disse 160 dukket opp, men etter det som det nå skrives om på sosiale medier virker det som dette endelig er i endring og at Slinger nå for første gang sendes til Ukraina. Alle 160 skal visstnok sendes nå. 

    Det virker heller ikke som du har rett mtp på effektiviteten til Slinger vs droner. Jeg vet ikke annet enn det jeg kan lese om Slinger men selskapet bak har lang fartstid og de har blant annet erfaring fra romfart, og har spesialisert seg på radar slik at at disse Slinger luftvern skal være veldig raskt ute med å oppdage droner og de blir dermed en del av dybde-luftvernet til Ukraina. Det ser også ut til at Slinger vil kunne ta ut de russiske speiderdronene, men fasit vet vi ikke før Ukraina har fått testet ut. 

    Du sier de vil bli sårbare fordi de står på kjøretøy som er sårbare. Vel det kan også snus på til en fordel, fordi disse mindre kjøretøyene kan flyttes raskere etter at de har tatt ut droner, slik at ikke russerne rekker sende nye droner for å ta ut Slinger'n. 

    Det kommer jo også mer luftvern, Iris-T blant annet og laser-luftvern fra Britene. Så jeg tenker det vi nå ser er et mer helhetlig luftvern for Ukraina der de har forskjellige luftvern til å ta seg av forskjellige trusler. Totalbildet bør da bli høyere effektivitet og høyere treffprosent. Dette gjenstår naturligvis å se. 

    Fremfor at flere luftvern deler en radar har Slinger slik jeg forstår det radar på hver enhet. Det betyr at det kommer 160 nye radarer som vil bidra til å holde himmelen ren for dritten fra putin. 






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    AI sammendrag:

    • Lifting of U.S. Restrictions on Attacks Inside Russia: The U.S. plans to lift restrictions on Ukraine's use of American-provided weapons, such as ATACMS, to hit targets inside Russia. This comes after discussions between U.S. Secretary of State Blinken and UK counterparts. The focus will remain on military targets, such as airfields and ammunition depots, rather than civilian infrastructure.

    • Russia’s Escalation with Ballistic Missiles from Iran: Russia has reportedly imported about 200 short-range ballistic missiles from Iran. These missiles are intended to strike Ukrainian cities, but intelligence may allow Ukraine to target these weapons before launch.

    • August Civilian Casualties: Russia's missile and drone strikes killed 184 civilians in Ukraine in August 2023, making it one of the deadliest months for Ukrainian civilians.

    • Military Updates: Ukrainian forces continue to hold and defend key territories while the Russians have been looting and destroying towns they expect to lose to Ukrainian forces. The battle for key regions remains intense, with Ukraine focusing on fortifying its positions.

    • Russian Bombing of Its Own Territory: Russian state media has indicated that Russia is prepared to bomb its own towns and villages to prevent Ukrainian forces from holding them. Some of these regions, now under Ukrainian control, have already experienced aerial bombardment.

    • Russian Drones Breaching NATO Airspace: Russian drones have violated the airspace of NATO countries Romania and Lithuania, leading to concerns about NATO's response. While Romanian fighter jets intercepted the drones, they did not shoot them down to avoid potential civilian casualties.

    • Germany’s Call for Peace: Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany has called for peace talks, suggesting that Ukraine should concede some territory to Russia, a stance aligned with other nations advocating for a ceasefire. However, critics argue this could encourage more aggression from Russia.

    • Political Fallout in Germany: Scholz’s stance comes amid declining support, particularly after regional elections saw the far-right AfD party make gains. His position has been criticized for appearing weak and conciliatory.

    • Russian Executions of Ukrainian POWs: There have been increased reports of Russian forces executing Ukrainian prisoners of war. Ukraine has responded by limiting the privileges of Russian POWs, suspending phone calls to their families but allowing letters in line with the Geneva Convention.

    • Ukraine’s Drone Warfare: Ukrainian forces have begun deploying drones that drop thermite, a substance that burns on contact, causing havoc among Russian troops hiding in forests and tree lines. Ukraine has also improved its ability to target high-flying Russian surveillance drones.

    • Google Restricts Services in Russia: Google has reportedly restricted services in Russia, including registration with Russian phone numbers, following the Russian government’s ban on YouTube and other Western platforms. This is seen as part of a larger "information war" between the West and Russia.

    • Right-Wing Influencers in the U.S. and Russia: There are ongoing investigations into American influencers who have allegedly taken Russian money to promote propaganda and pro-Russian views, with high-profile figures like Candace Owens being demonetized on YouTube.

    • Positive Developments for Ukraine: The European Union has donated one million textbooks to Ukrainian children, and Sweden has announced a new military aid package that may include fighter jets. Additionally, blackouts in Ukraine caused by Russian attacks have made daily life difficult for many Ukrainians


    Ser ut til at USA fortsatt ikke er åpne for å bruke LR missiler som ATACMS der Ukraina vil og trenger det mest, slik som oljeinstallasjoner. Da er det kanskje noen militære mål som er forhåndsgodkjent? I det minste. Vi får vel svaret i løpet av uken. 

    • Liker 4

    AI sammendrag:



    he video provides updates on Ukraine’s ongoing conflict with Russia, particularly focusing on drone strikes, missile transfers, and military operations. Here's a summary of the key points:

    1. Massive Drone Strike on Moscow:

      • A major drone strike occurred in Moscow, with reports of explosions at airfields and substations.
      • Russia’s air defense in Moscow is considered strong, using electronic jamming systems that may have diverted some Ukrainian drones, leading to hits on residential buildings.
    2. Strikes in St. Petersburg:

      • A Ukrainian drone also reportedly hit a gas pipeline in St. Petersburg, about 1,300 km (800 miles) from Ukraine, signaling Ukraine's ability to target far-reaching locations within Russia.
    3. Iranian Ballistic Missiles to Russia:

      • Iran has transferred ballistic missiles to Russia, as confirmed by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.
      • These missiles are expected to be used by Russia against Ukraine in the coming weeks. Russia could receive around 200 missiles, which are difficult to intercept with standard air defense systems.
    4. Potential for ATACMS Missiles in Ukraine:

      • Ukraine may soon receive permission to use U.S.-provided ATACMS missiles, which can strike deep into Russian territory.
      • These missiles, along with other long-range weapons from the UK and France, could significantly enhance Ukraine's ability to target key Russian military assets.
    5. Concerns Over Iran-Russia Cooperation:

      • European leaders, including those from Germany, France, and the UK, view the Iran-Russia missile deal as a security threat to Europe.
      • Calls for sanctions on Iran have increased due to the missile transfers.
    6. Influence of Russian Propaganda:

      • The U.S. Department of Justice revealed that many right-wing influencers in the U.S. received funding from Russia’s RT (Russia Today) to promote pro-Russian narratives.
      • These influencers, many aligned with the MAGA movement, have been involved in spreading disinformation about the war and other political issues.
    7. Ukraine’s Military Situation:

      • Russian forces have launched a counteroffensive in the Kursk region, regaining some villages. Ukraine is reportedly limited in resources and may withdraw its forces from some Russian-held regions during the winter.
      • Russia is also advancing towards the strategic town of Pavlivka, raising concerns about Ukraine’s ability to hold key positions.
    8. Challenges on the Front Lines:

      • The video discusses how Ukraine's forces are under pressure, particularly in the eastern and southern fronts, with Russia slowly making gains.
      • Ukraine requires additional support from Western allies to maintain its defense, as the current strain on its military resources could lead to further setbacks.

    The video concludes with the host urging viewers to support Ukraine and stay informed about the conflict, while also highlighting the importance of Ukraine receiving further military aid to counter Russian advances.


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