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  1. 2 hours ago, Jarmo said:

    Kinesiske banker avviser russiske transaksjoner. Samtidig skal de tvinge Russland til å øke gebyrene på overføringer av den kinesiske valutaen yuan (RMB).


    Vi var innom dette for et par dager siden, sekundærsanksjoner og hvorvidt de vil gjøre at sanksjonene generelt vil ramme hardere. Jeg tenker dette viser at grepene virker. 

    For all del, valuta er en kunstig greie. russerne kan betale i gull, olje eller "handle på krita", så vanntett er det nok ikke. Men om sekundærsanksjoner gjør at de aller fleste dropper handel med russland så vil mye være gjort. 

    • Liker 6


    AI sammendrag:



    1. Renewed Russian Efforts: Russian forces are intensifying their attacks on Ukraine’s grain export routes in the western Black Sea, including targeting a civilian cargo ship. The strategic intent is to undermine international confidence in the safety of the grain corridor, vital for global markets, especially for countries in Africa and the Middle East.

    2. Ukrainian Response: Ukraine launched a large amphibious operation to neutralize Russian sea strongholds, specifically targeting oil rigs that Russia seized in 2014. These platforms are used as surveillance and military bases by Russian forces. Ukrainian forces carried out a daring assault using inflatable speed boats, drones, and machine guns, causing significant damage and engaging in heavy combat with Russian troops.

    3. Russian Retaliation: Russia reacted by deploying fighter jets to stop the Ukrainian assault. One Russian Su-30 fighter jet was shot down by a Ukrainian portable air defense missile fired from a speedboat. This loss was valued at approximately $50 million and highlights Ukraine’s increasing ability to counter Russian air forces.

    4. Strategic Importance: Ukraine’s operation underscores the importance of securing the grain corridor, crucial for its economic resilience and global food security. The successful defense of this corridor sends a strong message about Ukraine's growing military capabilities and its determination to safeguard maritime trade routes, even in the face of Russian aggression.

    5. Conclusion: The report emphasizes that Ukraine's actions are key to maintaining both its economy and the global food supply, particularly for nations dependent on grain exports.


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  3. 6 hours ago, RazorCharlie said:

    Jeg har fulgt denne tråden, samt den gamle over lengre tid. Jeg skjønner at det for noen fremstår suspekt at jeg poster i fra en helt ny bruker, uten noen tidligere innlegg. Jeg er nok er egentlig typen som bare leser, og aldri skriver noe, men føler for å komme med noen betraktninger.


    Denne tråden har etter min mening utviklet seg til mer og mer et ekkokammer. Alle som kommer med noen synspunkter, eller betraktninger fra andre, som ikke passer narrative får stempelet «pro-russisk» eller at man poster propaganda. Ironisk nok blir det linket til uhorvelig mengde videoer etc som rett og slett kun er ukrainsk-propaganda.

    Ja det har du helt rett i, du fremstår suspekt. Du stør om deg med ord som ikke akkurat får meg til å tenke at du er særlig nøytral når det kommer til denne krigen. 

    Du kan jo heller forsøke å fortelle litt om hva du tenker rundt denne krigen. Hva kan Ukraina gjøre for å vinne krigen og knuse russerne? 

    At du stempler tråden som et ekkokammer det sier meg vel egentlig aller mest at du enten ikke har fulgt tråden særlig lenge, eller at du kanskje har helt andre motiver for å poste i tråden nå. 

    • Liker 7
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  4. 8 hours ago, torbjornen said:

    Det står vel her at dei russiske speidardronene er blitt vanlegare. Akkurat det er ikkje bra.

    Men som @JK22 har påpekt flere ganger det siste halvåret så har det tidligere vært svært vanskelig for ukrainske styrker å få has på disse speiderdronene. Det er først nå den siste tiden, siste 3-4 ukene at vi har sett video i noe omfang at de taes ut, og det gjøres som du ser med Ukrainas nye droner. Disse nye dronene ble aktive og i stor nok produksjon til at det er av betydning tidligere i sommer, sent juli om jeg husker korrekt. 

    Det som har vært endel av problemet tidligere har vært å oppdage speiderdronene. Nå som Slinger er på vei dukker det opp luftvern med 160 nye radarer til Ukraina. Så i praksis tror jeg vi kan forvente at også speiderdroner skal taes ut i langt større omfang fremover og helst før de rekker rapportere noe av særlig verdi for russerne. 

    Vi får se hvordan dette blir fremover, de er visstnok ikke umulig å se på radar men har viss litt ugrei radarsignatur. 

    • Liker 5

    AI sammendrag:


    1. Kursk Offensive

    • Ukrainian Counteroffensive: Ukraine has launched a new offensive operation in the Kursk region, which is proceeding successfully. Ukrainian forces are using artillery, tanks, and aviation bombs to push back Russian forces.
    • Russian Counteroffensive: Russia is attempting its own counteroffensive, capturing a few villages but failing to achieve significant tactical success. Ukrainian forces have inflicted considerable damage on Russian convoys, halting Russian advances.
    • Russian Dilemma: The video discusses a critical dilemma for Russian forces, as they face the possibility of either continuing their offensive or withdrawing from the region.

    2. Velika Village Operations

    • Ukrainian Advances: Ukrainian forces have gained ground in the Velika region, using aviation bombs to strike key Russian positions, including a major Russian base that was completely destroyed by a Ukrainian bomb.

    3. Surrender of Ahmad Battalion Soldiers

    • Voluntary Surrender: Some members of the Russian Ahmad Battalion voluntarily surrendered to Ukrainian forces. The commander of the Ahmad Battalion stated that these soldiers "no longer exist" for him and that they would not be exchanged in any prisoner swaps.

    4. Kursk Nuclear Plant

    • Ukrainian Drone Activity: Ukrainian drones captured images of cooling towers near the Kursk nuclear power plant, indicating the proximity of Ukrainian forces to this strategic location. The objectives of this operation remain undisclosed by the Ukrainian command.

    5. Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump

    • Details of the Attempt: The video reports on an assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump during a golf game. The suspect, Ryan Roth, was armed and had pro-Ukrainian views, which negatively impacts Ukraine's image in American politics.
    • Political Rhetoric: The video discusses the dangers of extreme political rhetoric and its potential to incite violence, stressing the need for neutrality when discussing politics, particularly in the context of US support for Ukraine.

    6. Russian Advances in Eastern Ukraine

    • Prokhorivka and Vuhledar: The situation in Prokhorivka and Vuhledar is tense, with Russia making small but steady advances, particularly around Vuhledar, a key logistics hub for Ukraine. Russian forces are pushing to secure the railway for winter logistics.

    • Kharkiv Region: Russian forces are advancing in the northern Kharkiv region, closing in on the Oskil River and posing a threat to Ukrainian forces in the area by potentially cutting off supply routes.

    7. International Military Support

    • US and European Aid: The video mentions upcoming military aid from the US, including new modifications of Bradley fighting vehicles. Italy has also committed to sending additional air defense systems to Ukraine, while a deal with the Netherlands for Patriot systems has stalled.

    In summary, the video provides updates on the evolving military situation in Ukraine, particularly in the Kursk region, as well as insights into the broader geopolitical implications of US and European military aid to Ukraine. Additionally, the report touches on the sensitive issue of political rhetoric and its potential consequences in the US


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    AI sammendrag:


    1. Ukrainian Offensive in Kursk Region

    • Initial Attack: The Ukrainian forces launched a powerful offensive across the border towards Glushkovo. The Russians, recognizing the imminent threat, tried to establish logistical lines using pontoon bridges and the Korenevo-Glushkovo highway.
    • Ukrainian Anticipation: Ukraine anticipated these moves and targeted Russian reinforcements using ATACMS cluster warheads, effectively neutralizing Russian efforts.

    2. Russian Struggles and Isolation

    • Russian Logistical Issues: Around 3,000 Russian soldiers in the Glushkovo area have struggled to maintain logistical support, as crucial roads, including the Glushkovo-Korenevo highway, are under Ukrainian fire control. This has isolated the Russian forces, leaving only bridges across the Seym River as the remaining supply routes.

    • Pontoon Bridges Destroyed: Combat footage shows Ukrainian forces using HIMARS to destroy Russian pontoon bridges and construction equipment. Ukrainian drone operators also destroyed Russian equipment attempting to repair these bridges.

    3. Russian Counterattacks

    • Russian Counteroffensive: The Russians launched several counterattacks, attempting to retake the Korenevo-Glushkovo highway to reconnect their forces. Redeployed troops from eastern Ukraine entered Snagost and launched assaults on Ukrainian positions in various villages.
    • Ukrainian Defense: Ukraine was prepared for the counterattack, using FPV drone units to target Russian assault units along the highway. These drones continuously disrupted Russian reinforcements, striking troops every five minutes.

    4. Ukrainian Tactical Success

    • Preparation for the Next Offensive: Ukrainian forces assembled a formidable assault group, including tanks and engineering vehicles, to clear Russian fortifications at the border. The assault group advanced across open fields, knowing that the Russians had not had time to lay landmines, and moved towards the town of Veseloye, which they are now storming.
    • Breakthrough: The weak Russian response allowed Ukrainian forces to break through by at least three kilometers, leaving only seven kilometers to reach Glushkovo.

    5. Russian Desperation

    • Night Reinforcements: In a desperate attempt to reinforce their defenses, Russian troops tried to use the Seym River bridges to deploy soldiers under cover of night. However, Ukrainian drone operators detected the movement and called in a HIMARS strike, inflicting heavy casualties.

    6. Strategic Implications

    • Russian Vulnerabilities: The Ukrainian offensive has outflanked Russian forces that had penetrated into Ukrainian-held territory, putting them at risk of encirclement. This development undermines the Russian efforts to reestablish logistical lines to Glushkovo and exposes weaknesses in their operational planning.

    • Tactical Shift: The success of the Ukrainian strategy highlights a shift in the tactical balance in favor of Ukraine, potentially leading to a major setback for Russian forces and altering the broader dynamics of the conflict.

    7. Support for Ukraine

    • The video concludes by promoting an online store, UA Supporter, where viewers can purchase products with Ukrainian symbols to show support for both the channel and Ukraine.

    In summary, the Ukrainian forces have successfully launched a significant offensive in the Kursk region, disrupting Russian supply lines and counterattacks, leading to a potential breakthrough that could have larger strategic implications in the conflict.


    • Liker 4
    • Hjerte 3


    AI sammendrag:


    1. Frontline Update in Kursk Oblast

    • Ukrainian Response to Russian Counteroffensive: The video discusses a Ukrainian column of armored vehicles crossing the Russian border into a new location in the Kursk Oblast, attempting to split the Russian counteroffensive. Ukrainian President Zelensky confirmed that Ukraine was expecting the Russian counterattack.

    • Russian Counteroffensive: The village of Korono has been the focus of Ukraine's operations for the past five weeks. However, Russia was able to resupply and reinforce the area, launching a counteroffensive south from Korono and east from the Glushkovo district. Ukraine was prepared and launched its own counterattack to cut off Russian forces.

    • Troop Numbers and Attrition Warfare: Russia has significantly increased its troop presence in the region, growing from 10,000 to 45,000. The Ukrainian strategy remains focused on attrition, making Russia expend resources and sustain heavy casualties in efforts to retake its own territory. Russia's approach of bombarding its own cities and settlements to deny Ukraine control of occupied areas is noted.

    2. Prisoner Exchanges and Human Impact

    • A light-hearted moment occurs when Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) are told that Ukraine has invaded Russia, resulting in surprised reactions after being held captive for over a year.
    • Prisoner Exchanges: Videos show the return of Ukrainian and Russian POWs. The Ukrainians are joyful and emotional, having been in captivity for more than two years, while the young Russian conscripts appear less enthusiastic.

    3. Russian and Ukrainian Military Positions

    • Donetsk Region: Russian offensives in Donetsk have slowed, with Ukraine's incursions in the Kursk Oblast reportedly disrupting Russian advances. Ukraine continues to fall back from specific areas under pressure but remains resilient in key locations like the small village of Vuhledar.
    • Russian Casualties and Failed Assaults: The video highlights how Russia continues to push forward despite suffering massive casualties and losing significant resources.

    4. US-Ukraine Long-Range Strike Discussions

    • Debate over Long-Range Strikes: Ukrainian allies are pressuring the US to allow Ukraine to use long-range missiles like ATACMS for strikes deeper into Russian territory. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is resisting this move. The UK Prime Minister and US President Biden discussed the issue, and while Biden hasn’t given the green light, discussions continue.

    • Putin’s Reaction: Putin warned that allowing Ukraine to strike Russian territory with Western weapons would mean direct NATO involvement in the war. His speech suggests he is not overly concerned about current Ukrainian drone strikes but would treat precision missile attacks as a different escalation.

    • Ukraine’s Desire for Long-Range Missiles: President Zelensky emphasized that Ukraine needs these weapons for survival. The Biden administration is still maintaining its restrictions, though there are theories that these restrictions might be lifted discreetly if Ukraine begins striking Russia.

    5. Geopolitical and Election Implications

    • US Elections and Russian Strategy: The video speculates that Putin is unlikely to escalate to nuclear weapons before the US elections, as he is hopeful for a Trump victory. Trump and his allies have signaled they would end US support for Ukraine and potentially allow Russia to keep the territory it has seized. The video argues that Russia may instead provoke the US by attacking military bases in the Middle East to hurt Vice President Kamala Harris’s chances in the upcoming election.

    • Republican Campaigns and Political Exploitation: The video also addresses how Trump and Republican leaders are politicizing the deaths of US service members for electoral gain, comparing it to potential future Russian provocations.

    6. Kremlin TV and Nuclear Threats

    • On Russian state TV, Kremlin-aligned commentators discuss Ukraine's invasion of Russian territory, but responses vary, with some maintaining that the war is going according to plan. There are also references to potential nuclear strikes, although these threats are framed as part of Russia's broader military strategy rather than imminent action.

    7. International Reactions and Aid

    • Foreign Aid: Spain, Finland, and Latvia continue to provide military aid to Ukraine. Spain notably vetoed a Hungarian bid to purchase a train group due to concerns over Hungary’s pro-Russian stance.
    • India’s Role: India secured the release of 45 Indian nationals who had been tricked into joining the Russian military, signaling the growing complexity of international diplomatic relations in the conflict.

    8. Economic Impact on Russia

    • Russian Economy in Crisis: Russia’s Central Bank raised the key interest rate to 19% due to inflation, with the ruble devaluing rapidly. Restaurants in Russia are adding surcharges due to the economic instability, highlighting the deepening crisis within Russia.

    9. Ukrainian Resilience and Production

    • Artillery Production: Ukraine has begun producing its own 155mm NATO-standard artillery shells, further improving its military self-sufficiency.
    • IMF Support: The International Monetary Fund approved a $1.1 billion tranche for Ukraine, with conditions for further economic reforms.

    10. Conclusion and Future Outlook

    • The video ends with an optimistic message about Ukraine’s resilience and the continuing support from international partners. The focus is on the long-term nature of the conflict, with the expectation that the war could continue for years, especially as Ukraine adapts to its new circumstances.

    In summary, the video provides a thorough update on the latest military developments in Ukraine, geopolitical dynamics, and the impact of Western aid and sanctions on the conflict.


    • Liker 2
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