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Om Frode789

  • Bursdag 01. aug. 1990

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  1. Som i alt i samfunnet, DEI går på bekostning av kvalitet og best egnet personell. Om det brukes over 100 millioner i 2024 på "DEI programs", ting som er bortkastet penger. De pengene må brukes på best egnet måte på å forbedre forsvaret. DEI er en sykdom som må fjernes. Under the Biden administration, military spending is increasingly focused on diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, which waste money and divide troops. Top officials have set diversity quotas for general and leadership positions in the military—and they’re willing to sacrifice standards to achieve these quotas. The military has one job, and one job only: protecting the United States from its enemies. DEI does nothing to further that mission. Ultimately, it says, the department must strive to “achieve a more diverse force at the senior grades” by developing a strategy to “achieve a talent pipeline that reflects … U.S. Census projections.” In other words, top officials have set diversity quotas for both general and leadership positions in the military—and they’re willing to sacrifice standards to achieve these quotas. For these officials, it apparently matters more that military officers and leaders tick the right identity boxes than that they be able to competently discharge their duties.
  2. Bra at det blir ryddet blant DEI hires. Det blir satt inn kompetente folk, men se på alle få meltdown av den grunn 😛
  3. Ja bare lukk øynene, du er flink til det Dette er godt dokumentert rundt om i Europeiske land. Bare naive venstreradikale nisser som rabler og Raven tror noe annet. I Finland 2023 rape stats:
  4. 😅Jada, den kraftige økningen i drap, ran, voldtekt, terrorangrep osv i Europa har ingenting med den ukontrollerbare innvandringen fra ikke-vestlige land. Snøhetta er langt nede forran øynene ser jeg
  5. @Simen1 Ja det er harde bevis du har der. 😅 Bare å finne fram SS uniformer og gasskammer next!
  6. Jepp, fordi han traff spikeren på hodet. Slik som det over er det dessverre blitt nå, spesielt i Tyskland og UK. Sosialistene bestemmer hva som er rett eller "feil", og hvis du "krenker" noen, som kan du havne i fengsel i flere år. Helt sykt.
  7. Og vår egen etterretningstjeneste aner sikkert ikke hva de prater om.. De burde heller spørre @Snikpellik, @Atib Azzad og @uname -i kanskje. https://www.etterretningstjenesten.no/publikasjoner/focus/Focus24_contents/Focus24_chapter_6 Over the past year, the terrorist threat from militant Islamists against Europe has increased. IS has tried to carry out several attacks, and trigger incidents such as offences against Islam have led to an aggravated threat environment. This has been further exacerbated by the war between Israel and Hamas. Trigger incidents can lead to an increase in the terrorist threat against Norway as well. For far-right extremists, there have been no such trigger incidents. The war between Israel and Hamas has less impact on the threat from far-right extremists. The threat from militant Islamist terrorism against Europe is increasing Some militant Islamist networks in Europe have ties to IS affiliates that have a persistent intention of attacking European targets. In the past year, IS has made several attempts to attack European targets, both inside and outside Europe. However, attacks in Europe are not a main priority for either IS’ or al-Qaeda’s leadership. Meanwhile, IS in particular is encouraging terrorist attacks in the West. Attempts to commit terrorist acts will likely come from IS and al-Qaeda sympathisers based in Europe. These attacks generally have less damage potential, but since few people are involved and the means they use are quite basic, they can be harder to detect and avert than attacks directed by the organisations themselves.
  8. Du er ikke spesielt smart? Kanskje lurt å lese innlegget. Jeg skrev i nyere tid, siste 10 årene. Og sa knapt, finnes så klart unntak. Og det viste du at ja det finnes unntak. Men det er likevel betydelig mer av ikke-vestlig terror. Så jo, fakta.
  9. Ja det er dessverre lite mellom ørene hos deg og dine.
  10. Han var ikke-vestlig innvandrer. Han kan ha sagt at han hatet islam slik at han fikk oppholdstillatelse og derfor fikk sikret asyl på bakgrunn av at det ville være "utrygt" å sende han tilbake. Uansett om det skulle stemme eller ikke, så er han ikke-vestlig innvandrer, og han har utført terror MOT tyske landsmenn på en kristen høytid. Altså ville han ramme lokalbefolkningen, ikke islamister. Så historien deres er tynn suppe. Knapt noen terror angrep hadde skjedd de siste 10 årene hvis ikke disse hadde kommet til Europa. DET er fakta. Se listen over bla. fra Gargantua. Men dette blir bare ignorert, fordi det passer ikke i deres agenda. Disse må ut, de er ikke forenelig med vårt vestlige samfunn. Se hvor mange terror angrep det har vært utført i Polen. De har ingen innvandring fra østen eller afrika. Dere venstreekstreme naive innvandrer sympatisører kan invitere disse til å bo hjemme hos dere i mellom tiden. Dessverre må Europa slite med søppel som dette i en god stund til, selv om heldigvis flere og flere våkner nå.. En situasjon vi har havnet i takket være naive venstrefjotter som skal redde verden med å invitere alle til Europa.
  11. Frode789

    Stem Frp!

    Folk er lei elendig innvandringspolitikk, og FRP er de eneste som tør å nærme seg en realistisk samtale om temaet. Så er det nok mange som ikke er enige med FRP om alt (men som likevel sier i meningsmåling at de kommer til å stemme FRP), og det er fordi om huset ditt holder på å ta fyr prioriterer du ikke å støvsuge kjøkkenet.. Så viktig er denne saken nå for Europa, så dette er avgjørende tid framover.
  12. Trusselen eksisterer kun pga. islam. Gjesp. https://x.com/RadioGenoa/status/1870219164788380140 To uker siden: Germany has also been on high alert for possible attack. Last week two boys were detained in different parts of the country on suspicion of planning a militant Islamist attack on a Christmas market in the city of Leverkusen. And a 20-year-old Iraqi who arrived in Germany last year is in custody on suspicion of planning a knife attack on a Christmas market in Hannover. The head of German domestic intelligence in the eastern state of Thuringia, Stephan Kramer, has warned of the "considerable potential for danger" posed by Hamas-sympathisers, not just to Christmas markets but to major sporting events such as the Paris Olympics and the Euro 2024 football championships next year. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38377428 A lorry smashed into a crowded Christmas market in central Berlin on 19 December, killing 12 people and injuring 49, leaving 18 in a critical condition. Identified attacker Anis Amri, a Tunisian, was shot dead by Italian police on 23 December in the city of Milan after a Europe-wide manhunt. So-called Islamic State (IS) has said one of its "soldiers" carried out the attack on Breitscheidplatz Christmas market. He was facing deportation as of June this year but remained in Germany because of a delay in receiving paperwork from Tunisia confirming his identity. Before arriving in Germany in July 2015, Amri served four years in prison in Italy for arson. Italian officials said he had arrived in Italy illegally by boat in 2011 after fleeing Tunisia during the Arab Spring revolutions. https://www.dw.com/en/germany-islamist-terror-poses-persistently-high-risk/a-69921195 German security officials on Monday said the threat of Islamist terrorism in the country remains high, with several groups seeking to radicalize recruits amid turmoil in the Middle East. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said German intelligence services were in "very good contact" with the security authorities in Austria, where a foiled terror plot led to the cancellation of three Taylor Swift concerts. What did the minister say? Faeser spoke of a "serious Islamist threat" that had been seen in Vienna, where the music events had been due to take place. "Our country is also the focus of jihadist organizations, especially IS and its currently most dangerous offshoot ISPK," said the minister. "Islamist terrorist organizations, but also Islamist lone perpetrators who often radicalize largely on their own, are a constant danger," she emphasized. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67624496 There is a "huge risk of terrorist attacks in the European Union" over the coming holiday season, a senior EU official has said. European Home Affairs Commission Ylva Johansson said the polarisation in society caused by the Israel-Hamas war was increasing the risk of violence. Her remarks came days after a tourist was fatally stabbed in Paris. "We saw it recently in Paris, unfortunately we have seen it earlier as well," she added ahead of a meeting of EU interior ministers. A similar warning came from German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser who told reporters the EU had to keep a close eye on threats and propaganda, as there was a high "risk of further emotionalisation and radicalisation of violent Islamist perpetrators". EU ministers were meeting after a deadly attack close to the Eiffel Tower on Saturday in which a 23-year-old German tourist called Collin B was stabbed to death, and his girlfriend and a British tourist were wounded. The young German couple had visited Disneyland Paris, the Louvre and taken selfies in front of the Eiffel Tower before the attack. Police said the 26-year-old French suspect, identified as Armand R, who comes from a non-religious Iranian family had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group. The man, who was arrested at the scene, had previously been imprisoned for planning a terror plot in the La Défense business district outside Paris. In 2020, he was interviewed by French police for having communicated with Abdoullakh Anzorov, who murdered teacher Samuel Paty. Anti-terror prosecutor Jean-François Ricard said that Armand R's mother had raised concerns about his behaviour although there was no evidence at the time to take further measures against him.
  13. Må le av dagens media.. Bilen er ond, er bilen sin feil.. Slike vinklinger slår ikke feil når det er feil hudfarge på den kriminelle.
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