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Alt skrevet av Jarmo

  1. Jupp, ingen mobil.tlf, breibånd/internett nettfix osv., en bil i familien, uten bompenger, åpningstider for butikker var 09.00-16.00, hjemmslaktning, baking. Staten kontrollerte strømpriser. Politikere var mer opptatt av folkets ve og vel. Man klarte seg med en inntekt, kona var hjemme med barn. Allikevel kunne en vanlig arbeider kjøpe seg et bosted, med 12-15 års løpetid med lån. Forbrukslån eksisterte ikke, kredittkortene var ingenting for vanlige folk osv. osv osv.
  2. Not Zhou..^^ China's most famous basketball er accompanied the FIA president and F1 CEO on the grid prior to the race and was quite the hit with the media.
  3. Formula 1 is considering a new points system, potentially starting in 2025. The proposal suggests awarding points to the top 12 drivers instead of the current top 10. The adjustment wouldn't affect the points awarded for the top seven positions, only those from 8th place and below would change. VIA: [autosport]
  4. Jarmo

    Formel 2

    Ring til Støre, han kan dette der..^^
  5. Blir boxekamp mellom meg og deg da..^^
  6. Max har den raskeste bilen i felt, uten tvil..
  7. Lando's reinstated lap time explained: The stewards made a mistake in deleting the lap time which was later reinstated and gave first grid position in tomorrow's Sprint Race to Lando Norris. The Briton's off-track run occurred on the last corner of the lap prior to his best attempt, and given that a gravel run-off has been applied in that area this year, going wide already implies a loss of time. Therefore, as it's made clear in Thursday's race director's notes, this weekend there will be no elimination of the next lap if a driver runs wide at the entry to the finishing straight. The same has happened in qualifying with Max Verstappen and Sergio Perez.
  8. P2 hadde ingen regn, bare noen få små dråper.(17 stk.) ^^
  9. Dr Helmut Marko informed Kleine Zeitung that Red Bull is in discussions or has already spoken to Carlos Sainz. However, Sainz has received a highly attractive offer from Audi that Red Bull cannot compete with.
  10. First time with 18” rims
  11. 早安上海。終於到了比賽週 ⛩️
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