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Innlegg skrevet av Dataprob

  1. hahahaha! :!: hu fant sangen ja :p


    Status: Connecting ...

    Status: Looking for a guide ...

    Ring: ...

    Ring: ...

    Status: Connected to guide: Amanda(67388)

    Amanda(67388): Welcome to ChaCha!

    You: hi

    Amanda(67388): hello

    Amanda(67388): Please be more specific as to what you're looking for on this topic.

    You: can you help me finding a name on a song?

    Amanda(67388): sure!

    Amanda(67388): do you know any of the lyrics?

    You: great

    Amanda(67388): or who it is sung by?

    You: i can the text

    Amanda(67388): what?

    You: it goes like this: no blir det liv, rai, rai!!..

    Amanda(67388): is it in another language?

    You: yes

    Amanda(67388): are those the only words you know?

    Amanda(67388): and are they spelled correctly?

    You: yes

    You: its a norwegian song

    Amanda(67388): do you know who sings it, or what Style music it is?

    You: its danseband

    You: country

    Amanda(67388): is it metal

    Amanda(67388): oh country??

    You: bjarne brøndbo sings it

    Amanda(67388): but you dont know anything but those words?

    You: no

    Amanda(67388): Just a moment while I get that information to you!

    You: ok

    Amanda(67388): The name of the band is Devils Death ensemble

    Amanda(67388): let me try to find it for you

    Amanda(67388): The song Her Blir det Liv is in english resurrect the dead, there is another song calle Rai Rai which in english mean kill kill

    Amanda(67388): but it is not country it is viking metal

    You: i dont like that type of songs :8

    You: :(*

    Amanda(67388): well that is what you did the search on..

    Amanda(67388): Is there anything else on this topic I can find for you today?

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