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Innlegg skrevet av Soundchaser

  1. Har faktisk CDer for over 50.000 :wow:


    Tror bransjen taper veldig mye på piratkopiering, men tjener en del på det og


    En rar teori:

    Hvis jeg laster ned et album, så taper bansjen 200. MEN på gunn av at jeg lastet ned dette albumet, fant jeg en ny artist, og gikk og kjøpte 3 album. Da tjener de penger. :blink:

  2. bor litt for langt nord så blir ikke mange enkelt-konserter. blir helst festivaler




    Gates Of Metal 05:

    Dimmu Borgir

    Children of Bodom

    Dark Tranquillity

    Amon Amarth


    God Among Insects



    Wacken 06




    Celtic Frost


    Amon Amarth

    Mystic Circle



    Iron Maiden 05 eller 04


    Deep Purple

    Kaizers Orchestra


  3. Dog Soldiers:

    "soldier1:Where is spoone?

    soldier2:There is no spoon!"


    Samuel Jackson har hatt noen fantastiske roller/dialoger/monologer


    Jackie Brown:


    Ordell Robbie(Sam Jackson): AK-47. The very best there is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherfucker in the room, accept no substitutes.


    Ordell Robbie: Look, I hate to be the kinda nigga does a nigga a favor, then, BAM!, hits a nigga up for a favor in return. But I'm afraid I gotta be that kinda nigga.


    Beaumont: What?


    Ordell Robbie: I need a favor.


    Ordell Robbie: What the fuck you doin' knockin on the door like the goddamn police? You wanna die?


    og fra pulp fiction


    Jules: What does Marcellus Wallace look like?

    Brett: What?

    Jules: What country you from?

    Brett: What?

    Jules: What ain't no country I ever heard of! They speak English in What?

    Brett: What?


    Brett: Yes!

    Jules: Then you know what I'm saying!

    Brett: Yes!

    Jules: Describe what Marcellus Wallace looks like!

    Brett: What, I-?

    Jules: [pointing his gun] Say what again. SAY WHAT AGAIN. I dare you, I double dare you, motherfucker. Say what one more goddamn time.

    Brett: He's b-b-black...

    Jules: Go on.

    Brett: He's bald...

    Jules: Does he look like a bitch?

    Brett: What?

    [Jules shoots Brett in shoulder]


    Brett: No!

    Jules: Then why you try to fuck him like a bitch, Brett?

    Brett: I didn't.

    Jules: Yes you did. Yes you did, Brett. You tried to fuck him. And Marcellus Wallace don't like to be fucked by anybody, except Mrs. Wallace.

  4. Erik is credited for drums on the album and appears on the cover, however drums were played by Abbath.

    Pure HolocaustWikipedia



    Abbath - Vocal, Bass, Drums

    Demonaz - Guitar

    Official Homepage



    Grim joined the band immediately after it had released its second album, Pure Holocaust. Despite not performing on Pure Holocaust, Grim was present when the picture was taken and ended up in the album cover

    Grim Wikipedia



    ser ut som han joina etter Pure Holocaust

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