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Det er motsatt. Privat sektor utgjorde i 2023 hele 75 prosent av alle sysselsatte i Oslo. Det er høyest av alle fylkene, ifølge SSB. (…) Oslo står for en verdiskaping på 1,3 millioner kroner per sysselsatt. Dette er desidert høyest i landet. Ville Oslo-tall – knuser mytene https://www.nettavisen.no/okonomi/myter-holder-liv-i-usannheter-om-oslos-verdiskapning/s/5-95-2225386
- 72 svar
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Her er Nintendo Switch 2
Snikpellik svarte på Spillredaksjonen sitt emne i Diskutér artikler (Gamer.no)
Flere bruker den håndholdt enn i docken. De fleste switcher en del. "According to Nintendo’s latest six-month financial results briefing (via Nintendo Life), there is a lot of new information about how people actually use the Nintendo Switch. As expected, a large number of players swap between both handheld mode and docked somewhat evenly. Interestingly enough, about 30 percent of users play the Switch in handheld mode a majority of the time. In contrast, just under 20 percent of players keep the Switch docked most of the time." It's official: Nintendo Switch owners prefer handheld to docked use https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/nintendo-switch-handheld-vs-docked/- 52 svar
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Det israelske folk jubler i gatene, mens høyreekstremistene er opptatt av å forsøke å stanse avtalen, og truer med å lage regjeringskrise. Radikalere og religiøse ekstremister har forsøkt å blokkere veier og inngangen til parlamentet det siste døgnet. Må være både grusomt og ytterligere traumatisk for familiene til gislene når disse hatefulle gærningene holder på sånn. En ny måling viser at få israelere er mot avtalen. Målingen viser også at opposisjonen ville ha vunnet klart over Netanyahus tildels ekstreme ytre høyre-koalisjon dersom det hadde vært valg nå. Majority of Israeli public favors hostage deal, poll finds https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-837977 The poll also showed that 19% of the public opposes the deal and 8% have no opinion on the matter. Some 73% of Israelis favor a hostage deal to return the hostages held in Hamas captivity to Israel, according to a Maariv poll published on Friday. The poll also showed that 19% of the public opposes the deal, and 8% have no opinion on the matter.
Høyre øker bunnfradrag for formueskatt med bare kr. 100.000
Snikpellik svarte på Trulss sitt emne i Politikk og samfunn
Senterpartiet og Frp er populistiske partier uten sterke verdigrunnlag som snur kappa etter vinden i håp om å tekkes velgere. Nettopp Sp er nå åpenbart desperate etter å finne flesk, ettersom de ligger enormt dårlig an på målingene. Frp kommer garantert tilbake i den posisjonen etterhvert de også. Skal man ha en mer forutsigbar skattepolitikk for næringslivet er svaret et sterkt Arbeiderpartiet eller Høyre i regjering, sammen med seriøse partnere som SV, Venstre og MDG - uavhengig av hva man mener skattepolitikken bør være. Ikke populistiske tullepartier som Sp og Frp.- 67 svar
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Nå (det skjer veldig mye i kveld): Israelske medier, deriblant Channel 12 melder at amerikanerne er lamslåtte og "fuming" over israelernes utsettelse av avstemmingen om avtalen med én dag - helt til lørdag. En tjenestemann i Det hvite hus sier til israelske journalister at enhver utsettelse nå fra israelsk side kan skade gjennomføringen av avtalen. Han forklarer at Israel forpliktet seg til avtalen i starten, derfor kan ethvert avvik føre til kollaps. The Biden administration is said to be stunned by reports that Israel is planning to delay the implementation of the hostage deal by one day. Channel 12 reported that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to only convene a cabinet meeting to vote on the deal’s approval on Saturday, rather than tomorrow. The report said there wouldn’t be enough time to hold both a security cabinet vote and a full cabinet vote before Shabbat on Friday, forcing the delay of the latter until Saturday evening. The government is then required to give 24 hours for High Court of Justice petitions against the deal before moving forward with its implementation. Channel 12 says the White House is fuming over the decision and warns that the extra day could lead to further complications in the deal’s implementation. Biden administration said stunned by reports Israel will delay hostage deal implementation by one day https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/biden-administration-said-stunned-by-reports-israel-will-delay-hostage-deal-implementation-by-one-day/
Nå: Israels nasjonale sikkerhetsminister Ben Gvir sier partiet hans trekker seg fra Netanyahu-regjeringen dersom våpenhvileavtalen godkjennes i parlamentet. Ben Gvir says his Otzma Yehudit party will quit government if hostage-ceasefire deal is approved https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/ben-gvir-says-his-otzma-yehudit-party-will-quit-government-if-it-approves-hostage-ceasefire-deal/ National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir says his Otzma Yehudit party will leave the coalition if the government approves the hostage-ceasefire deal with Hamas that was announced yesterday by mediators.
Høyre øker bunnfradrag for formueskatt med bare kr. 100.000
Snikpellik svarte på Trulss sitt emne i Politikk og samfunn
LO er en demokratisk organisasjon der medlemmene velger både styre og hvem LO skal donere pengene til. Alle LO-medlemmer kan stille til valg, fremme forslag og stemme på kandidater som vil gi penger til for eksempel Høyre.- 67 svar
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For et sirkus. Government may take separate decision on war against Hamas to placate Smotrich Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is about to hold his sixth meeting in two days with Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, as he seeks to persuade the Religious Zionism coalition party leader not to quit the government over the hostage-ceasefire deal, Channel 12 reports. The unsourced report says the government may pass a separate decision to placate Smotrich stating that the war against Hamas will not end before Hamas is destroyed militarily and in terms of governing capacity. This decision will also define a new war goal: Destroying terrorism in the West Bank. Channel 12 assesses that even if Smotrich and fellow far-right minister Itamar Ben Gvir vote against the hostage-ceasefire deal, it will be approved by both the security cabinet and the full cabinet. Ben Gvir may well take his party out of the coalition, the report notes. The Otzma Yehudit leader is set to hold a press conference shortly. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/government-may-take-separate-decision-on-war-against-hamas-to-placate-smotrich-report/
Woke i moderne underholdningsindustri
Snikpellik svarte på Reg2000 sitt emne i TV-serier og -programmer
Et godt, klassisk eksempel på hvordan falske nyheter og desinformasjon blir til. Fjerning av kontekst og utelatelse av deler - og vips så har man skapt noe helt annet enn hva det var opprinnelig. Noe som skaper sinne og engasjerer et mottakelig publikum. Noen tror på det fordi de er lettlurte eller ikke vet bedre, andre fordi de ønsker bekreftelse på sitt verdensbilde. -
Jeg synes dette utsagnet fra Yair Rosenberg er godt: «Two things that are true at once: The Gaza ceasefire deal is largely the one Biden negotiated in May. Trump got it over the finish line. What changed? Hamas knew it wouldn't get a better deal under Trump, and Israel's far-right saw it might get bigger prizes, like West Bank annexation, from him, and wanted to stay on his good side. In other words, it’s not that Trump had a stick with which to beat Israel that Biden didn’t have; it’s that his presidency holds out the prospect of carrots that Biden would never offer. One more thing: When Zuckerberg or Coca-Cola flatter Trump, everyone understands they're buttering up those in power. But countries do this too! When officials from Qatar or Egypt say Trump's Middle East envoy (who they must work with) hand-delivered Bibi, I'd be… skeptical. Trump is incredibly transactional on policy and very susceptible to flattery. Like any tech CEO now preaching the Trump gospel, Arab states have every incentive to lay it on thick about how masterful Trump and his team are on Gaza, in hopes of getting stuff from them later.»
De høyreekstreme partiene sier de vil trekke seg fra Netanyahus regjering dersom våpenhvileavtalen stemmes gjennom i det israelske parlamentet. Resultatet av det vil være at regjeringen faller, og at Netanyahu må gå av som statsminister. Dermed har Netanyahu utsatt avstemmingen, og hevder at det er på grunn av krav fra Hamas. Dette er det nok få som tror på denne gangen, spesielt etter bekreftelsene både fra Biden, Trump og de andre landene. Religious Zionism MK says party will likely resign from government over hostage deal https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/religious-zionism-mk-says-party-will-likely-resign-from-government-over-hostage-deal/ PM’s office claims Hamas backing out of some agreements, delays cabinet vote on deal https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-january-16-2025/ – Hamas på sin side har nettopp igjen understreket at de har akseptert og forpliktet seg til avtalen: Senior Hamas official says group committed to ceasefire agreement announced by mediators https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-837806
Russlands invasjon av Ukraina [Ny tråd, les førstepost]
Snikpellik svarte i et emne i Politikk og samfunn
Han har norske aner. Hadde en av foreldrene hans vært norsk ville han vært halvt norsk. -
Woke i moderne underholdningsindustri
Snikpellik svarte på Reg2000 sitt emne i TV-serier og -programmer
Daily Mail er kanskje ikke helt høyreekstrem, men det er jo blitt en svært tvilsom "avis" som poster mengder av falske nyheter, konspirasjonsteorier og ragebait. Når den ble grunnlagt har selvsagt ikke noe med dagens redaksjonelle linje og forretningsmodell å gjøre. QUESTIONABLE SOURCE (...) The Daily Mail tends to publish stories utilizing sensationalized headlines with emotionally loaded wordings such as “Woman, 63, ‘becomes PREGNANT in the mouth’ with baby squid after eating calamari”, which is a misleading headline. In 2017, Wikipedia banned the Daily Mail as an ‘unreliable’ source. When it comes to sourcing information, they use minimal hyperlinked sourcing and sourcing to themselves. Further, a Reuters Institute survey found that 26% of respondents trust their news coverage and 47% do not, ranking them #11 in trust of the major UK news providers. In general, most stories favor the right; however, the Daily Mail will report either side of the story is sensational enough. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/daily-mail/ – Det samme gjelder i stor grad Sky News Australia (som ikke må forveksles med seriøse og kredible Sky News). Overall, we rate Sky News Australia Right-Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that mostly favor the right. We also rate them borderline Questionable and Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks, unproven claims, and the promotion of conspiracy theories and misinformation. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/sky-news-australia/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky_News_Australia#Misinformation_and_conspiracy_theories -
Russlands invasjon av Ukraina [Ny tråd, les førstepost]
Snikpellik svarte i et emne i Politikk og samfunn
Han har alt annet enn noe i nærheten av en imponerende CV for en forsvarsminister i USA, som skal lede 2.8 millioner ansatte, ha ansvaret for et budsjett på over 800 milliarder dollar og koordinere verdens desidert mektigste militære. Både nominasjonen og bekreftelsen av denne kunnskapsløse mannen er intet annet enn skandaløs og farlig. Trump vil ha Hegseth av én eneste grunn, og det er lojalitet. Hegseth bekreftet dette under høringen i senatet da han nektet å svare på om han vil utføre ulovlige ordre fra Trump. Han visste ikke en gang hva ASEAN er for noe (!).- 73 067 svar
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Russlands invasjon av Ukraina [Ny tråd, les førstepost]
Snikpellik svarte i et emne i Politikk og samfunn
Nei, Hegseth er helt amerikansk. Han har norske forfedre på begge sider - en av bestemødrene hans kunne snakke litt norsk. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pete_Hegseth -
Russlands invasjon av Ukraina [Ny tråd, les førstepost]
Snikpellik svarte i et emne i Politikk og samfunn
USAs nye forsvarsminister kalte Russlands invasjon av Krym for «a minor incursion». -
Mette Frederiksen vil ikke svare på, om Trump forstod budskabet Statsministeren talte med USA's kommende præsident i 45 minutter. https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/politik/mette-frederiksen-vil-ikke-svare-paa-om-trump-forstod-budskabet
- 479 svar
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USA bekrefter nå at det var Netanyahu som i siste liten stoppet gisselavtalen i fjor sommer, etter at den ble annonsert. Det ble i ettertid hevdet fra amerikansk side, blant annet fra Blinken, at det «stod på Hamas», men det er altså feil. Også israelske medlemmer av krigskabinettet har bekreftet at det var Netanyahu som stanset avtalen, i frykt for at hans høyreekstreme ministre skulle velte regjeringen. De har truet med å gå ut av regjeringssamarbeidet dersom en avtale med Hamas ble inngått. Trolig har dette dessverre kostet mange av gislenes liv. In first, US acknowledges that Netanyahu added conditions that hampered hostage talks in July https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/in-first-us-acknowledges-that-netanyahu-added-conditions-that-hampered-hostage-talks-in-july/ Hours after a hostage deal was announced, a top Biden administration official publicly confirms for the first time that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu added conditions to prior proposals being negotiated that hampered those talks. For months, Biden officials publicly insisted that Hamas was the main obstacle to a deal, and while sometimes said “both sides” were not cooperative, avoided ever singling out Netanyahu. Israeli, Arab and US officials all told The Times of Israel on condition of anonymity that Netanyahu was also chiefly to blame at times for breakdowns in negotiations, particularly in July when he added conditions to his earlier proposal regarding the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza, which torpedoed the negotiations. Former members of Israel’s war cabinet Benny Gantz, Gadi Eisenkot and Yoav Gallant have all spoken publicly of this to varying degrees, revealing that Netanyahu’s desire to ensure his coalition would remain intact harmed efforts to reach a deal. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken appeared to suggest earlier this month that the US refrained from publicly criticizing Israel’s role in the talks amid fears that it would lead Hamas to harden its positions. US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller says during a press briefing, “There have been times that Israel has introduced new conditions and new proposals that have made it more difficult to get an agreement.” “There certainly have been times when we went to the government of Israel and said, ‘We think that you are pushing too hard, and we want you to back down,” Miller recalls. However, he asserts that Hamas sometimes did the same thing and that since August, it was the main obstacle to an agreement. It was that month when Hamas decided that it wasn’t going to negotiate at all, he says. Talks were further hampered by Israel’s killing of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in October, given that he was the main decision-maker, but Miller said the US supported that move and that it ultimately helped the negotiations. – Israelsk media har også tidligere meldt dette i september: Netanyahu derailed a potential Gaza hostage deal in July, Israeli newspaper reports https://edition.cnn.com/2024/09/04/middleeast/netanyahu-derailed-hostage-deal-in-july-intl/index.html
Det stemmer, men Blinken har tidligere informert om at Trumps overgangsteam har vært involvert og informert i denne prosessen. Washington Post har også meldt om at Trump gjennom dette har lagt press på Israel på å godta Biden-administrasjonens avtaleforslag, og at dette har veid tyngre for den israelske siden enn press fra Biden alene. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2025/01/15/israel-war-gaza-ceasefire-hostages-news-hamas/
Blinken la i går frem USAs planverk for Gaza, som de oppfordrer Trump til å ta videre. Den inkluderer blant annet full israelsk tilbaketrekning fra Gaza, en palestinsk stat, en palestinsk-ledet sikkerhetsstyrke for Gaza opptrent og utstyrt av USA, samhandling med FN osv. Blinken says Israel and Saudi ties are ‘ready to go,’ urges Trump to accept Biden plan for Gaza https://thehill.com/policy/international/5084900-antony-blinken-joe-biden-donald-trump-israel-saudi-arabia/ “The need to end the war in Gaza and for a credible road to Palestinian statehood is all the more urgent for Riyadh,” Blinken said. “Israelis will have to decide if actually realizing a foundational dream, being integrated into the region… whether that is worth also the decisions necessary to finally resolve their relationship with the Palestinians, as well as ending the conflict in Gaza,” he said. “That’s a decision that only they can make.” Blinken said the Biden administration is handing off to President-elect Trump a detailed post-conflict plan for Gaza that would include Israel fully withdrawing from the territory, preventing Hamas from filling back in, and providing for Gaza’s governance, security and reconstruction. The plan would require a reformed Palestinian Authority (PA) alongside international partners to establish and help run an interim administration with responsibility for banking, water, energy, health and civil coordination with Israel. The international community would provide funding, technical support and oversight, Blinken said. The interim administration would include Palestinians from Gaza and representatives from the PA but would hand over “complete responsibility to a fully reformed PA as soon as it’s feasible.” A senior United Nations official would work in close cooperation with administrators while overseeing international stabilization and recovery efforts, the secretary continued. An interim security mission would be made up of members of “partner nation security forces” and vetted Palestinian personnel. “We would stand up a new initiative to train, to equip, to vet a PA-led security force for Gaza to focus and gradually take over for the interim security mission. These arrangements would be enshrined in a UN Security Council Resolution,” Blinken said. The secretary said that partner nations have said they would participate in an interim security force, “but if, and only if, it is agreed that Gaza and the West Bank are reunified under a reformed PA as part of a pathway to an independent Palestinian state.” “And therein lies the rub,” Blinken continued. “Reaching agreement will require all parties to summon the political will to make hard decisions, to make hard compromises.”
Sky siterer Hamas på at avtalen er inngått, noe som bør stanse forvirringen fra tidligere. Hamas says ceasefire deal reached A Hamas official has told Sky News a ceasefire agreement has been reached. An official briefed on the negotiations has told Reuters the deal includes a six-week initial ceasefire phase, the gradual withdrawal of Israeli forces, the release of hostages held by Hamas and the release of Palestinian detainees held by Israel. https://news.sky.com/story/middle-east-latest-ceasefire-mediator-to-hold-news-conference-as-hamas-and-israel-on-brink-of-deal-12978800?postid=8930578#liveblog-body
Dette er godt kjent (jeg har postet det tidligere i tråden), men som de israelske ministerne har sagt; dersom en avtale inngås vil de felle regjeringen. Netanyahu har dermed vært under stort press, ettersom han vet at mister han makten kan det bære i fengsel. Nå får vi se hva Ben Gvir gjør. Jeg tror ikke han får Smotrich med seg denne gangen.
Israels nasjonale sikkerhetsminister sier det er han selv sammen med finansminister Smotrich som det siste året har lykkes med å stanse våpenhvileavtalene fra å skje. Dekket i israelske medier i kveld: "In the last year, using our political power, we managed to prevent this deal from going ahead, time after time,” he stated." https://www.timesofisrael.com/ben-gvir-says-he-repeatedly-foiled-hostage-deals-urges-smotrich-to-help-him-stop-this-one/ – Ben-Gvir boasts of blocking Gaza hostage deal 'time and time again' "In the past year, through our political power, we succeeded in preventing this deal from moving forward, time and time again," he noted. https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-837448