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Jeg leter en humorside på nettet som hadde omtalelser av filmer o.l. Etter intens googling har jeg kommet fram til et sitat fra en blogg, uten referanse selvfølgelig. :(


"Jay: All the stars? Orlando Bloom, Viggo Mortenson... they were all online, just swapping secret pictures of themselves when you happened along.


John: That's right.


Jay: I'm almost afraid to ask the name of-


John: Some newsgroup named totallygay.lotr.slashpics, look, I'll take you there right now if you don't-


Jay: Agggghhno! Please don't. John, just tell me: do you know what the word "slashpics" means?


John: I was under the impression it meant pictures of swordfights.


Jay: Okay. Do you know what "totally gay slashpics" means?


John: I assumed that meant the swordfighting pictures weren't very good."

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