Kul drittunge Skrevet 23. april 2008 Del Skrevet 23. april 2008 Laget en liten graf med materialisert sti. Dette kan man da visualisere som et sykkelhjul, hvor det "stråler ut" spiler og det langs spilene er noder som kan peke til hverandre. Er helt sikkert mye her som ikke er helt riktig, deriblandt håndtering av syklisitet, men det er en helt ok begynnelse for dem som vil utforske det videre. I korthet kan da en node ha flere parents. Med denne datastrukturen kan man enkelt finne alt av interesse under en parent, man kan finne korteste vei, og en del annet knask. drop table Graphs go create table Graphs ( id int identity (1, 1) primary key , parent_id int CONSTRAINT FK_Graphs_parent_id references Graphs (id) , path varchar (900) CONSTRAINT DF_Graphs_path DEFAULT (newid ()) , lvl tinyint CONSTRAINT DF_Graphs_lvl DEFAULT (0) ) go create trigger [trg_ai_Graphs] on [dbo].[Graphs] after insert as declare @n_rows int set @n_rows = @@rowcount if @n_rows = 0 return else begin try -- on insert, get shortest path from parent update Graphs set path = sub.this_path , lvl = sub.this_lvl from ( select inserted.id , coalesce (shortest_parent_paths.path, '') + cast (inserted.id as varchar (max)) + ',' as this_path , coalesce (shortest_parent_paths.lvl, 0) + 1 as this_lvl from inserted left outer join ( select * from ( select id, parent_id from inserted ) as sub outer apply ( select top 1 g.path, g.lvl from Graphs g where 0 = 0 and g.id = sub.parent_id order by g.lvl asc ) as dub ) as shortest_parent_paths on shortest_parent_paths.id = inserted.id ) as sub where 0 = 0 and Graphs.id = sub.id end try begin catch return end catch go create trigger [trg_u_Graphs] on [dbo].[Graphs] for update as declare @n_rows int set @n_rows = @@rowcount if @n_rows = 0 return else begin try -- on update (one parent_id has changed), get shortest path from parent -- on update, also update paths for all children if updated path is shorter select parents.* into #parents from ( select inserted.id , shortest_parent_paths.old_path , coalesce (shortest_parent_paths.path, '') + cast (inserted.id as varchar (max)) + ',' as this_path , shortest_parent_paths.old_lvl , coalesce (shortest_parent_paths.lvl, 0) + 1 as this_lvl from inserted inner join ( select * from ( select inserted.id , inserted.parent_id , deleted.parent_id as old_parent_id , deleted.path as old_path , deleted.lvl as old_lvl from inserted inner join deleted on deleted.id = inserted.id where 0 = 0 and deleted.parent_id <> inserted.parent_id ) as sub outer apply ( select top 1 g.path , g.lvl from Graphs g where 0 = 0 and g.id = sub.old_parent_id order by g.lvl asc ) as dub ) as shortest_parent_paths on shortest_parent_paths.id = inserted.id ) as parents select children.* into #children from #parents as parents inner join Graphs children on children.path like parents.old_path + '%' update Graphs set path = sub.new_path , lvl = sub.new_lvl from ( select c.id , stuff (c.path, 1, len (p.old_path), p.this_path) as new_path , (c.lvl - p.old_lvl) + p.this_lvl as new_lvl from #parents p inner join #children c on c.path like p.old_path + '%' ) as sub where 0 = 0 and Graphs.id = sub.id end try begin catch return end catch go insert into Graphs ( parent_id ) select null insert into Graphs ( parent_id ) select 1 insert into Graphs ( parent_id ) select 2 union all select 2 insert into Graphs ( parent_id ) select 3 union all select 3 insert into Graphs ( parent_id ) select 4 go select * from Graphs update Graphs set parent_id = case when parent_id = 2 then 1 else 2 end where 0 = 0 and id in (4,5) select * from Graphs En kjekk ting å bruke for å stykke opp den materialiserte stien, er en funksjon fra Erland Sommarskog. /****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[util_list2tbl] Script Date: 04/23/2008 19:08:43 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO /* AUTHOR: Erlend Sommarskog URL: http://www.sommarskog.se/arrays-in-sql.html#iter-list-of-integers */ create function [dbo].[util_list2tbl] (@list ntext) RETURNS @tbl TABLE (listpos int IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL, number int NOT NULL) AS BEGIN DECLARE @pos int, @textpos int, @chunklen smallint, @str nvarchar(4000), @tmpstr nvarchar(4000), @leftover nvarchar(4000) SET @textpos = 1 SET @leftover = '' WHILE @textpos <= datalength(@list) / 2 BEGIN SET @chunklen = 4000 - datalength(@leftover) / 2 SET @tmpstr = ltrim(@leftover + substring(@list, @textpos, @chunklen)) SET @textpos = @textpos + @chunklen SET @pos = charindex(',', @tmpstr) WHILE @pos > 0 BEGIN SET @str = substring(@tmpstr, 1, @pos - 1) INSERT @tbl (number) VALUES(convert(int, @str)) SET @tmpstr = ltrim(substring(@tmpstr, @pos + 1, len(@tmpstr))) SET @pos = charindex(',', @tmpstr) END SET @leftover = @tmpstr END IF ltrim(rtrim(@leftover)) <> '' INSERT @tbl (number) VALUES(convert (int, @leftover)) RETURN END Lenke til kommentar
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